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1、考研英語2 0 00-閱讀及翻 譯作者:日期:2 000 Passage 11. A histor y o f 1 ongandef f ortlesss u cc ess canbead read f ulhan dicap, but,if pro p e rlyhan dled, itmaybecomea d ri vi ngforce.When the Unite d St a tes entere d just such a glowing p e riod a ft er the e nd of theSec ond W or 1dW ar, i thadam a rke te ig

2、httimesla rger than anyc ompet i tor,g ivingit s in d ust ri e s unpa r a l1 e 1 ed econ o m ies o f sc a le . It s s cienti s ts were t h e wo rld's b e st, it s w o r k ers th e most ski 1 led . A meric a and Am ericans we r e prospe r ou s be yon d t he dream s of th e Europ e a n s a nd As i

3、 ans whose e con o mie s t he war had d e stroyed.一段長時間并且 不費力而成功的歷史可能成為一種 可怕的不利因素,但若處理得當(dāng),這種不 利因素也有可能轉(zhuǎn)化為一種積極的推動力。二戰(zhàn)結(jié)束后,美國恰好進(jìn)入了這樣的一個輝煌時期,當(dāng)時,它擁有比任何競爭者大8倍的市場,這使其工業(yè)經(jīng)濟(jì)具有 前所未有的規(guī)模經(jīng)濟(jì)。美國的科學(xué)家是世上最優(yōu)秀的,它的工人是最富于技術(shù)的。美國的國富民強(qiáng)是那些經(jīng)濟(jì)遭到戰(zhàn)爭破壞的 歐亞諸國做夢也無法達(dá)到的。I t was in e v i table th a t t his p r i ma c y shoul d have na r

4、rowe d as othe r co untries g rew r i cher. J ust as i nev itabl y, t he r etreat from pre dominanc e pr o v edpain ful . By the mid-1 98 0s Ame ricans hadf o und the m selves ata lossover t heir f a d ing industrial comp et i tiv en ess .S omehu g e Am ericanind ust ties, su c h a scon s umerele ct

5、r on ics,hads h runk o r van ishedin t h e fac e of f o reign c ompetit i o n.B y 1987 there wa s only one Am e rican tele v isi o n m aker left, Zenit h . (Now th ere is n one: Zenith was bought by South Ko r ea's LG Elect r onic s i n July.) Fo r eign ma d e car s and texti 1 es were s w e epi

6、ng int o the d om est i c market. A m eri c a z s mach i ne-tool industry was on t h e ropes . 2 For a while it loo k e d as t h ou g h the m a ki ng ofs emicon ductor s,whi ch America ha d i n v e nted and w hich satat t hehe a rto f thenewc omputer a g e, was going t o be the n e x t ca su a l t y

7、.隨著其他國家日益強(qiáng)盛,美國的這一優(yōu)勢地位逐漸下降是不可避免的。從優(yōu)勢地位上退出的痛苦也同樣是不可避免的。到了 80年代中期,面對其日益衰退的工業(yè)競爭力,美國人感到不 知所措。面對國外競爭,一些大型的美國工業(yè),如消費電子產(chǎn)業(yè),已經(jīng)萎縮或漸漸消失。至J1987 年,美國只剩下Zeni t h這一家電視生產(chǎn)商。(現(xiàn)在一家也沒有了 :Ze n ith于當(dāng)年7月被韓國 LG電器公司收購。)外國制造的汽車和 紡織品正在大舉進(jìn)入國內(nèi)市場。美國的機(jī)床工業(yè)也即將 滅亡。人們曾一度感覺下一個在海外品牌面前全軍覆沒的似乎該輪到美國的半導(dǎo)體制造業(yè)了,而在新計算機(jī)時代有著核心作用的半導(dǎo)體正是美國人發(fā)明的。All of

8、 this c a used a crisis of con f i den c e. Ame r icans stop p ed taking p rosper i ty for g r an t ed. They began to b e lieve th a t th e i r wa y o f do ing business was f ail i ng , and that t heir inco m e s would t heref o re shortl y begin to fall a s w el 1 . The m id-198 0 s b r ought o nee

9、(C.nwithincLiity,fteanothentOhecaus ©fAmerisindstjialc e. Thei isomemesesoitndf in dng sw e fl dd warning st abogrwing is© tion fr overseaH cw thingsvh shnged! In95t te, U ne dS fa es cdook tack) fiMeiearf 9lid gowth whJapa注 teens rug g ling Feymecansttr lUtethisgoleltosuC doVousc us as 石

10、dealud dollar oruthiegf t etusiesscyde. Sf-do ibthsyi Idedtoblinplr曲"' "一絲一3 it sstrutue tasgonena die匚 魂/Crd畫 國iardCavci,na dlK enedy SCl of GovnentHfvarAm iran ind diet tas 1 arnto丁dCava nau 學(xué)e cti ed enpfrai mes ne p oud to be an se-howoit b uinessa® mpro酬 【en Moofthea的nst ite,

11、 atri ik Dd ndwilicmSa 3 livesratpe ole wilT( e o fib ussran aemennasoraysoooe r-ianMeji caj productL/%in ashijg),nD) is nes Sc產(chǎn)一 石'ag ddei age o fan usr 隨 id B . riod2000 P as s age 2a seiances1 rvivSon isBeingma has Iwaysbeen erousThre 乘 about 10 5maesTornfor everTOCfe nfesb uthis rat odrop to

12、 neartalancat theagef matrity a rd 新 o i70-yealdo , therarstwc asnanywcmena men Buttnegret universal malm(rtal y is begchngedlo 曲oybabiesrvivelmost 石 well 或rlsdo Th s meathat;orthe fi t rtimejherw i ljben exess of b oyn thec uu da ly 弱rswhe they a re Cin for a mae Nbr amponffandterchancr natu r aser

13、 dion h出 b史njemved Fi f tvasago,the chanc&acbaKpaticularlynay bb m wdghLAk ilo gamtooligho rfoo. feav yn 簞ntimost rta in de OhToda y naksalmo no dffr en也 Sncem ch oft he variaon isedtognes, oie m ea方nt fev cutinhasgone做男人總是充滿危險,出生時男女比例大約是10 5:10 0,但到了成熟期,這一比例幾乎持平,而在70歲的老人中女性是男性的兩倍,但是男性死亡率普遍偏高這種情

14、況正在改變,現(xiàn)在 男嬰存活率幾乎同女嬰一樣高。 這就意味著男孩到了尋找伴侶的關(guān)鍵年齡將首次出現(xiàn)男孩過剩現(xiàn)象。更重要的是,又一次自然選擇的機(jī)會不復(fù)存在了。5 0年前,嬰兒(尤其是男嬰)存活的機(jī)會取決于體重,過輕或過重幾乎意味著必死無疑。今日體重幾乎不起什么作用,因為大部分差異是由基因引起的,又一個進(jìn)化的因素消失了。There is ano t he r waytoco m m i t e vol u tionary suicide : stayalive , buth a ve fewer children .F ew p e o ple are as fert i le as in t hep

15、a st. Excep t in some rel i g ious c ommunities, v e ry fewwomen has 1 5 chi ldren. N owadays t h e number of b i rths , l i ke the ag e of death, h a s become averag e . Most of us h ave roughly t h e s a me n umber of offspring.2- Aga in,d i f ferenc es b e tw e en pe o ple and theo ppo r t unity

16、fo rna tu r a l se1 e c ti on totake a d vantag eof it have d i min ish ed .India s hows what ish appening. The cou ntry offerswealth fora fewin thegr e at cities an d p overty for th e re mainin gtr i balpeo ples .3-The grandme d iocrity of today - eve r yone being th e same ins ur v iv a la nd num

17、berof offs pring -means th a t natural s election has lost80% of i ts po we r i n u pper-middle-cl ass India compa red to the tr i be s.進(jìn)化自殺還有另一種方法:存活,但少生孩子?,F(xiàn)在沒有幾個人像過去那樣具有旺盛的生 育力。除了在一些宗教社區(qū)之外,沒有幾名婦女有1 5個孩子。當(dāng)今嬰兒出生的數(shù)量同死亡年齡 一樣已趨于平均化,我們多數(shù)人的 子女?dāng)?shù)量大致相同。人與人之間的差異和利用差異進(jìn)行自然選 擇的機(jī)會再一次減少。印度可以說明正在發(fā)生的一切。這個國家給大城市里的少數(shù)

18、人提供財富,而給其余的各部落民族以貧困。今天這種極其顯著的平均化一一每個人的生存機(jī)會和子女?dāng)?shù)量都 相同一一意味著與部落相比較,自然選擇在印度中、上層已經(jīng)失去了 80%的效力。For u s, th i s mea n s tha t evoluti o n i s over; the biolog ical U t o p ia has a r r i ved. S t range 1 y, it hasi nv o l v ed li t tle p hysi c a 1 ch a n g e.No o t her spe c iesfil 1 s somanyplacesinnature.

19、But in thepa s t100,000 years- even thep ast100y ears-our1 i v es havebeentransform ed but our bod i es ha v e not. We di d not evolve , because mac h ines ands o cie t y did itfo rus.4.D a rwinhada ph r ase to descr ibe t h o s e i g nor ant of ev olution: they"1 ook at an organi c being asasa

20、vage1 o ok sa ta shi p ,asa t something whollybey ond his compr eh e n sion ." No do ubtwew ill remember a20thc e ntu ry wayo f lifeb eyo n dcomprehensi onforits u g 1 ines s.Buthow everamazedourdescendant s mayb eat howfar f ro mU t opiawewe r e,they wil1 look just like u s .對我們來說,這意味著進(jìn)化已經(jīng)結(jié)束;生

21、物學(xué)上的烏托邦已經(jīng)降臨。奇怪的是,這一過程幾乎 絲毫沒有牽涉到身體上的變化,沒有其他物種充斥著自然中如此多的空間。但在過去的10萬年今一甚至過去的100年中,我們的生活發(fā)生了 變化,但我們的身體卻沒變。我們沒有進(jìn)化。因 為機(jī)器和社會替我們辦了這一切。達(dá)爾文有一句話描述那些對進(jìn)化一無所知的人,他們“看有機(jī)的生命如同野人看船,好像看某種完全不能理解的東西”。毫無疑問,我們將記住20世紀(jì)的生活方式,盡管對其丑陋之處不得其解,但是,不管我們的子孫后代對我們離烏托邦的理想境界還差多遠(yuǎn)感到有多么驚訝,他們的樣子會同我們差不了多少。20 0 0 Pas sage 31 Wh e n a new move m

22、 e nt in art attains a c ertainfashion, it isad v isable t o find out what its ad v oca t es a reaimi ngat ,for, how everfar f etc h ed and unrea son able th e i r pr i n c ip1 es may seemtoday, it ispo s sible that inyear s tocomethe ymaybe regardeda s no rmal.2.Wi t h regard toF u turis tpoetry, h

23、owev er, t hecase is r a t he r difficu1t , fo r whatever Fu t u ri s tpoetrym aybe even ad mi tti n g thatthe theory on whic h it i sbasedmay ber ight it can hard ly be classedas Literat u re .當(dāng)一場新的藝術(shù)運動形成某種時尚時,理應(yīng)弄清其倡導(dǎo)者的目標(biāo)所在,因為無論他們的 準(zhǔn)則在今天看來是多么 牽強(qiáng)附會、不可思議,將來都有可能被視為正常的。然而,就未來派詩歌而言,情況卻相當(dāng)不同,因為無論未來派詩歌為何物一

24、一即使承認(rèn)其理論根據(jù)可能正確,也很難稱之為文學(xué)。T h is, in bri e f, is what the Futurist s ays: f o r a c e ntury, past c o ndit ions of lif e have been c o n d i tionall y s p e e d ing up, t i ll now we l i ve in a world o f n o ise and viol e n c e and s pe e d . Consequently, our feeling s,thou ghtsand em otionshaveu n

25、der gonea cor respond ingc h a nge.T h is sp eedi ng upo f life, say sthe Futurist,requires anewform o f e x pression. W e mu s t s p eed up our liter a ture to o , i f we want to in t erpretmo dernst r e s s. 3. Wemustpour outa1argestream of es senti a1words ,u n h a m pered byst o ps,or qualifying

26、 adje c t i v es, or finite v erbs . Inste a d of d escribi ng sounds we must mak e up words t h at imitat e t hem; w e mus t use many si z es of typ e and d if f e r e nt col o r ed in k s on the sam e page, and s h or ten or lengthenwords a twil 1 .簡而言之,未來派詩人宣稱:一個世紀(jì)以來,過去的生活一直在有條件地急劇變化;現(xiàn)在,我們生活在一個充斥

27、著喧囂、暴力和快節(jié)奏的世界之中。因此,我們的感情、思想和情緒都經(jīng)歷 了相應(yīng)的變化。未來派詩人聲稱,這種加速的生活節(jié)奏需要一種新的表達(dá)形式。如果我們想詮釋現(xiàn)代生活的壓力,就必須加快文學(xué)發(fā)展的步伐。我們必須大量使用基本詞匯,擺脫句號,修飾性形容詞及限定動詞的羈絆。我們不應(yīng)描繪聲音,我們必須造出模仿聲音的詞語;我們必須在同一 張紙上使用不同型號和不同顏色的墨水,任意縮短或加長詞語。Certainly their desc r iptio ns o f b a t tle s are confu s e d. 4. Bu t it isa li tt 1 eups et t i ngto rea d

28、i n theexplan ator ynotes t hatacertainline describe s afightbetwee naT ur k ishandaBulga rianofficer on a bri d geoffwhichth eybo t h fa1 linto th e river- andthen to fin d tha t thel i ne consists ofthe n ois e o f thei r fal1i ng andthe weight s of th e o f f i cers: " P l u ff! Pluf f! A hu

29、ndred and ei g hty f i ve ki log rams."他們對戰(zhàn)斗的描述確實讓人很難理解。但是讀到一句描寫戰(zhàn)斗的詩行的注解時,則令人有 點生厭,注解中說該詩描寫了一名土耳其軍官和一名保加利亞軍官在一座橋上發(fā)生了搏斗,結(jié)果雙雙從橋上掉進(jìn)河中一一結(jié)果,詩把他們兩人落水的聲音和體重寫在了一起:“撲通!撲通!185公斤JT his, though it fulf i 11s the law s and require me nts of Futurist p o e try, can ha r dly b e classed as L ite r ature. 5. A

30、ll the s ame , no t h inking m an ca n refuse to accept th e ir f irst p r opo s ition : th a t a great c hang ein ou r e m o tio n a1 lif ecal 1 s for achange o fexpression. Thewhol eque s tion i s rea 1 l y this : have we esse n tiall ychang e d?盡管這符合未來派詩歌的 規(guī)則和要求,卻很難被歸入文學(xué)之列。實際上 ,沒有一個善于思考 的人會拒絕接受他們

31、的第一個 觀點:即情感生活的巨大變化要求表達(dá)方式也隨之變化。實際問題是:我們發(fā)生了根本的變化嗎?2000 P a ssage 41 Aimlessne s s h as ha r dl y be e n t y pic a l of t hepost war Ja p a nwhose p roductivity and s oci al har m ony are th e envy of t h e U n i ted S t a te s and E ur o p e . But i nc r ea s ingly t he Jap anese are seein g a d e cl

32、i ne of th e t r a d i t ional wor k - mo r al values. Ten years ag o young people w ere hardwo r king an d saw their jobs as t he i r primar y reason fo r bei n g, but now Japan has largely f ulfilled its e c o n omic needs , an d young pe o ple d on't knoww here th e y shou 1 d go next.戰(zhàn)后日本的生產(chǎn)

33、率和社會的 和諧為美國和歐洲所稱羨,因此 漫無目標(biāo)很難說是戰(zhàn)后日本的 特色。但是,日本人正在經(jīng)歷傳統(tǒng)工作道德價值觀的日益衰退。10年前,日本人工作勤奮,將工作視為他們存在的主要理由,但現(xiàn)在日本大體上已經(jīng)滿足了其經(jīng)濟(jì)需求,年輕人卻不知道他們下 一步的目標(biāo)在哪里。2 The c om i ng of ag e of the pos t w ar ba b y boom and a n entry of w o men in t o the male- do min ated jobmarket have li m ited t h e opportuni t ies o f teenager s

34、who are a 1 ready q uestion ing th e heavy p ersonal sacrifice s i n volved in climbing Japan's rigid s o c ial lad d er to good sch o o ls a n d jo b s. In a recent survey , it was f o und that only 24. 5 per cent o f J apanese students were full y s atisfied with s c h o ol life, c o mpa red w

35、i t h 6 7. 2 p ercent of st udents i n the United St a t e s. In ad d ition , f a r mo r eJapan e s e wor k ers expressed dissa t i s f act i on with their j ob s than did t heir coun t er parts in t he 10 oth e r cou n t ries surv e y ed .s,私pa ese _ banic al am iig. overeativity and s eSfoeXThoseo

36、cra c P arty'sducatiom m讓teFrstratia一 mid theryqmarconserval 用ders a return poehreep sis omoai educafiOnE year , M its) eoya miwhoswh educat 血化 rmrasedeyebro w whehisarg idihalib a Jr refornnstrocl Uc eyth 6Ame jican ocupatontholies ftr WoTWar hadveak a d the1 Japaneorality oespect r parentWHe c

37、ten,traisleby roagnrs for itm phrisQnth bai c s, Epi esedcauo ten sfo strss t d 隘 ngandec anic al am iig overeativity and s 困foexphose thhastsdo n dt. sow up jntestsc res, -personaObyi, go irae or Kim nityarecometely)iord,sayTcsnik履用 chi imaofthe rulin LibeDH ocracParty'sucatiom mitteenstratiam

38、insFth k d f thincleadsscto dp 汨 不 runlw." .Lta yearJlpan expeced225incdents o6svHenc iratu idg 9 a s 冉 s ontea ch s Amid th eyurtaiconserval 田ders a e s kiBut th y e山 hife-s tylesJa pn, uestfow heer you civ ocandr 乙硒 fully 76cp t檢wh©cornu nrgendur' dlen±hycommus(t . crowded ncod

39、ition, b it ahe)ld eake thediormft is bnii ig toell 廠Ja aneseior e iat ewn dstilkell bdowtha ofite Inite State has ncre>e by mo than 50ten tansuic i s dave increed by near-quartrmy havmore dotith J an的 li torokouro,' i's ie迨r a quesfowmeerwu jobandyor ffeb讓 oinyhowuchv ocanddr ecjiQ ic gr

40、oh ha.aone. oentalif r "t f J span's19 nUnoni t £ is livein cit _eseity 由d tee或end fail jhave be abablednfaor fi ckted, t og era tn hoiuhofe. UrbJapanesve 1 o 工ztr雙els。andJomw rk)andJgrou pnd 自m ly values .I nthe。st decadtfeie bdowth a ofi te的大家庭已經(jīng)成為過去,而取而代之的是單門獨戶的兩代之家。城市里的日本人長期 忍受著漫長

41、的上下班來回路程和擁擠不堪的居住條件,隨著舊的群體家庭道德觀的削弱,令人不舒服的結(jié)果 開始顯現(xiàn)出來。在過去1 0年中,日本的離婚率,盡管仍遠(yuǎn)在美國之下,已經(jīng)上升了50%,而自殺事件則上升了近1/4 o2 0 0 0 Passag e 51. If ambit i on i s to be w e ll regarded , t he r ewards o f ambition 一 we a 1th, dist i n c tio n , c o n t rol ov e r on e's destin y - must be d e e med wo r t h y oft he s

42、acrifice s made on ambitio n / s behalf. 2. If t he tradit io n o f am b itio n is t o ha v e vi t ali t y, i t must be widely share d ; a nd i t especia 1 l y must be highly regarded b y peo p le who are the mse 1 v es admired, thee d u c a ted not leas t among them. I n a n odd wa y, how e ver,it

43、ist he ed u c a ted whohavecl aimed to h a ve g i veup on ambi t ion a s an id e a 1 . Wh a t is odd i s t h at t he y h ave pe r haps m o s t b e nef i ted from am b iti on i f not a 1 way s the i r own the n t h at of th e ir parents and gr a n d p arents. 3. Th ere is a heavy note of hypo c risy

44、in this, a c a se of cl o s i ng the barn door after the horses have esca ped - wit h the educ a ted t hem selves ri d ing on t hem.個人的雄心如果能被正確看待的話,那么它的回報一一財富、聲譽(yù)、對命運的掌握一一則應(yīng)該被認(rèn)為值得為之付出 犧牲。如果雄心的傳統(tǒng)具有 生命力,那么它就應(yīng)該受到廣泛的推崇,尤其應(yīng)該受到那些自身得到他人羨慕的人們的高度重視,當(dāng)然那些接受過良好教育的人也應(yīng)包括在內(nèi)。然而,恰恰是那些受過良好教育的人卻不可思議地聲稱他們已經(jīng)放棄了雄心壯志這一理想。

45、奇怪的是他們已經(jīng)從雄心壯志中獲益頗多了一一如果不是他們自己的雄心,那么就是他們父母的和祖父母的。這其中有著濃厚的 虛偽色彩,恰如馬跑后再關(guān)上馬廄的門那樣,而受過良好教育的人 自己正騎在那些馬背上。4. Cer t ainly p e ople d o n o t s eem less i n ter e s te d in su c ce s s and its s i gns n ow than f o rm erly. S u mm e r ho m es, E u ro p ean t rav e l, B MWs 一 T he locations, p1 acenames andnam

46、e br and s mayc hange, bu t suchit e m sd o not seem1ess in demandtoda ythan adecade o r two years ago .5. Whathas ha ppe ne disthat pe o p le c an n o tcon fess ful1yt o their dreams,a seasilyand ope nl y as on ce they coul d ,les tthey b e th o ughtp u shi ng, acquis iti ve and vulgar. 6 Instead ,

47、 we ar etreated t o finehy po c ritica l spectacles, w hich now m o reth an ever seem in am p le supply: t h e c r iti c of Ameri c an m a te r ia 1 i s m wi t h a Sou t h a mpt o n su m mer home ;thep ub 1 ishe r ofr ad ical b ooks wh ot a kes h i s mealsi n three-starre sta u rants; thejournalista dv ocating part ici patorydemoc r acy in all phas e s of life,whoseown children a ree n ro1 ledin p r ivate s c h o o ls. Fo r s uch peo pl eand many more p erha p snotso exceptional , t


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