已閱讀5頁,還剩9頁未讀, 繼續(xù)免費閱讀




1、商務談判中的英語技巧與外商進行商務談判時大多用英語進行,所以這個時候我們要注意避免跨國文化交流產生的歧義,交談時盡量用簡單、清楚、明確的英語,不說易引起對方反感的話語,如下列這些詞語中就帶有不信任色彩,可能會客戶不愿積極與我們合作。“to tell you the truth”,“ill be honest with you”,“i will do my best”“its none of my business but”。為了避免誤會,我們可用釋義法確保溝通順利進行。如,“we would accept price if you could modify your specification

2、s”我們還可以說:“if i understand you correctly, what you are really saying is that you agree to accept our price if we improve our product as you request”最后,為確保溝通順利的另一個方法是在談判結束前作一個小結,把到現在為止達成的協議重述一遍并要求對方予以認可。另外在商務談判還應注意下列問題:i “會聽”要盡量鼓勵對方多說,向對方說:“yes”,“please go on”,并提問題請對方回答,使對方多談他們的情況。ii 巧提問題用開放式的問題來了解進口商

3、的需求,使進口商自由暢談?!癱an you tell me more about your campany?”“what do you think of our proposal?”對外商的回答,把重點和關鍵問題記下來以備后用。進口商常常會問:“can not you do better than that?”iii 使用條件問句用更具試探性的條件問句進一步了解對方的具體情況,以修改我們的發(fā)盤。典型的條件問句有“whatif”,和“ifthen”這兩個句型。如:“what would you do if we agree to a two-year contract?”及“if we modi

4、f your specifications, would you consider a larger order?”(1)互作讓步。只有當對方接受我方條件時,我方的發(fā)盤才成立。(2)獲取信息。(3)尋求共同點。如果對方拒絕,可以另換其它條件,作出新的發(fā)盤。(4)代替“no”?!皐ould you be willing to meet the extra cost if we meet youradditional requirements?”如果對方不愿支付額外費用,就拒絕了自己的要求,不會因此而失去對方的合作。篇二:外貿實務講座-商務談判中的英語技巧及價格英語商務談判中的英語技巧i “會聽”

5、要盡量鼓勵對方多說,向對方說:“yes”,“please go on”,并提問題請對方回答,使對方多談他們的情況。ii 巧提問題用開放式的問題來了解進口商的需求,使進口商自由暢談?!癱an you tell me more about your campany?”“what do you think of our proposal?”對外商的回答,把重點和關鍵問題記下來以備后用。進口商常常會問:“can not you do better than that?”iii 使用條件問句用更具試探性的條件問句進一步了解對方的具體情況,以修改我們的發(fā)盤。典型的條件問句有“whatif”,和“ifthe

6、n”這兩個句型。如:“what would you do if we agree to a two-year contract?”及“if we modif your specifications, would you consider a larger order?” (1)互作讓步。只有當對方接受我方條件時,我方的發(fā)盤才成立。(2)獲取信息。(3)尋求共同點。如果對方拒絕,可以另換其它條件,作出新的發(fā)盤。(4)代替“no”?!皐ould you be willing to meet the extra cost if we meet youradditional requirements?

7、”如果對方不愿支付額外費用,就拒絕了自己的要求,不會因此而失去對方的合作。廣交會使用頻率最高的談判英語what about the price? 對價格有何看法?what do you think of the payment terms? 對支付條件有何看法?how do you feel like the quality of our products? 你覺得我們產品的質量怎么樣? what about having a look at sample first? 先看一看產品吧?what about placing a trial order? 何不先試訂貨?the quality o

8、f ours is as good as that of many other suppliers, while our prices are not high as theirs. by the way, which items are you interested in?我們的產品質量與其他生產商一樣的好,而我們的價格卻不象他們的那樣高。哎,你對哪個產品感興趣?you can rest assured. 你可以放心。we are always improving our design and patterns to confirm to the world market.我們一直在提高我們

9、產品的設計水平,以滿足世界市場的要求。this new product is to the taste of european market. 這種新產品歐洲很受歡迎。i think it will also find a good market in your market.我認為它會在你國市場上暢銷。fine quality as well as low price will help push the sales of your products.優(yōu)良的質量和較低的價格有助于推產品。while we appreciate your cooperation, we regret to sa

10、y that we can?t reduce our price any further.雖然我們感謝貴方的合作,但是很抱慊,我們不能再減價了。reliability is our strong point. 可靠性正是我們產品的優(yōu)點。we are satisfied with the quality of your samples, so the business depends entirely on your price. 我們對樣品的質量很滿意,因此交易的成敗就取決于你們的價格了。to a certain extent,our price depends on how large yo

11、ur order is.在某種程度上,我們的價格就得看你們的定單有多大。this product is now in great demand and we have on hand many enquiries from other countries.這種產品現在需求量很大,我們手頭上來自其他國家的很多詢盤。thank you for your inquiry. would you tell us what quantity you require so that we can work out the offer? 謝謝你詢價。為了便于我方提出報價,能否請你談談你方需求數量?here a

12、re our fob price. all the prices in the lists are subject to our final confirmation.這是我們的fob價格單。單上所有價格以我方最后確認為準。in general, our prices are given on a fob basis. 通常我們的報價都是fob價。價格英語(一)business is closed at this price. 交易就按此價敲定。your price inacceptable (unacceptable). 你方價格可以(不可以)接受。your price is feasibl

13、e (infeasible).你方價格是可行(不可行)的。your price is workable.你們出價可行。your price is realistic (unrealistic).你方價格合乎實際(不現實)。your price is reasonable (unreasonable).你方價格合理(不合理)。your price is practicable (impracticable).你方價格是行得通的(行不通)。your price is attractive (not attractive).你方價格有吸引力(無吸引力)。your price is inducing

14、(not inducing).你方價格有吸引力(無吸引力)。your price is convincing (not convincing).你方價格有吸引力(無吸引力)。你方價格有競爭力(無競爭力)。此貨的定價有(無)競爭力。words and phrasesprice 價格,定價,開價priced 已標價的,有定價的pricing 定價,標價priced catalogue 定價目錄pricing cost 定價成本price card 價格目錄pricing method 定價方法price list 定價政策,價格目錄,價格單pricing policy 定價政策price form

15、at 價格目錄,價格表price tag 價格標簽,標價條price current (p.c.) 市價表(二)price is turning high(low).價格上漲(下跌)。price is high(low).價格高(低)。price is rising (falling).價格上升(下降)。price is up (down).價格上漲(下跌)。price is looking up.price has skyrocketed.價格猛漲,price has shot up.價格飛漲。price has risen perpendicularly.價格直線上升。price has

16、risen in a spiral.價格螺旋上升。price has hiked.價格急劇抬高。your price is on the high side.你方價格偏高。price has advanced.價格已上漲。the goods are priced too high.貨物定價太高。your price is rather stiff.你方價格相當高。price is leveling off.價格趨平。your price is prohibitive.你方價格高得令人望而卻步。the japanese yen is strengthening.日圓堅挺。the u.s. dol

17、lar is weakening.美圓疲軟。your price is much higher than the price from u.k. france and germany.你方價格比英、法、德的都高。since the prices of the raw materials have been raised, im afraid that we have to adjust the prices of our products accordingly.由于原材料價格上漲,我們不得不對產品的價格做相應的調整。your price is $500/mt, twice of the ot

18、her countries.你們每公噸500美圓的價格是其他國家的兩倍。is it possible for you to raise (lift) the price by 5%?你們能否把價格提高5%?words and phrasesceiling price 最高價,頂價maximum price 最高價minimum price 最低價average price 平均價格base price 底價rockbottom price 最低價bedrock price 最低價(三)price is hovering between $5 and $8.價格徘徊于5至8美圓之間。we reg

19、ret we have to maintain our original price.很遺憾我們不得不保持原價。price is easy.價格疲軟。price is easy off.價格趨于疲軟。price has declined.price has dipped (sagged).價格已下降。it simply cant stand such a big cut.再也經不住大幅度削價了。price has tobogganed.價格突然下降。price has plummeted.價格暴跌。price has downslided.價格劇降。this new product is mo

20、derately priced.新產品的定價適度。articles of everyday use are economically priced.日用品價格低廉。everyone knows, the price of crude oil has greatly decreased.人人皆知,目前原油價格大幅度下跌。weve already cut the price very fine.我們已將價格減至最低限度了。the french price of stainless steel plates are about $1200 per mt, while the german price

21、 is still lower. 法國的不銹鋼板價格為每公噸1200美圓,德國的還要低。were ready to reduce the price by 5%.我們準備減價百分之五。to have this business concluded, you need to lower your price at least by 3%.為達成這筆交易,你方應至少減價3%。business is possible if you can lower the price to hk$2150.你方若能減價到2150港幣,可能成交。the utmost (best) we can do is to r

22、educe the price by 2%.我們最多能減價百分之二。we cannot take anything off the price.我們不能再減價了。weve already cut down our prices to cost level.我們已經將價格降到成本費的水平了。there is no room for any reduction in price.價格毫無再減的余地了。our rock-bottom price is $500/mt, and cannot be further lowered.我們的最低價是500美圓一公噸,不能再低了。words and phra

23、seshover 徘徊于.,盤旋于original price 原價moderately 適當地,合適地;適度economically 經濟地,便宜地stainless steel 不銹鋼utmost 極限,竭盡所能cost level 成本費用的水平rock-bottom 最低的(三)price is hovering between $5 and $8.價格徘徊于5至8美圓之間。we regret we have to maintain our original price.很遺憾我們不得不保持原價。price is easy.價格疲軟。price is easy off.price ha

24、s declined.價格已跌落。price has dipped (sagged).價格已下降。it simply cant stand such a big cut.再也經不住大幅度削價了。price has tobogganed.價格突然下降。price has plummeted.價格暴跌。price has downslided.價格劇降。this new product is moderately priced.新產品的定價適度。articles of everyday use are economically priced.日用品價格低廉。everyone knows, the

25、price of crude oil has greatly decreased.人人皆知,目前原油價格大幅度下跌。weve already cut the price very fine.我們已將價格減至最低限度了。the french price of stainless steel plates are about $1200 per mt, while the german price is still lower. 法國的不銹鋼板價格為每公噸1200美圓,德國的還要低。were ready to reduce the price by 5%.我們準備減價百分之五。to have th

26、is business concluded, you need to lower your price at least by 3%.為達成這筆交易,你方應至少減價3%。business is possible if you can lower the price to hk$2150.你方若能減價到2150港幣,可能成交。the utmost (best) we can do is to reduce the price by 2%.我們最多能減價百分之二。we cannot take anything off the price.我們不能再減價了。weve already cut down

27、 our prices to cost level.我們已經將價格降到成本費的水平了。there is no room for any reduction in price.價格毫無再減的余地了。our rock-bottom price is $500/mt, and cannot be further lowered.我們的最低價是500美圓一公噸,不能再低了。words and phraseshover 徘徊于.,盤旋于original price 原價moderately 適當地,合適地;適度economically 經濟地,便宜地stainless steel 不銹鋼utmost 極

28、限,竭盡所能cost level 成本費用的水平rock-bottom 最低的(五)i can give you a definite answer on the price terms.我可以就價格條件答復你方。you wish to have a discussion of the price terms of washers.您是想談談洗衣機的價格條件吧。yes, all of the price terms are acceptable.篇三:商務談判中英語技巧i “會聽”要盡量鼓勵對方多說,向對方說:“yes”,“please go on”,并提問題請對方回答,使對方多談他們的情況。

29、ii 巧提問題用開放式的問題來了解進口商的需求,使進口商自由暢談。“can you tell me more about your campany?”“what do you think of our proposal?”對外商的回答,把重點和關鍵問題記下來以備后用。進口商常常會問:“can not you do better than that?”iii 使用條件問句用更具試探性的條件問句進一步了解對方的具體情況,以修改我們的發(fā)盤。 典型的條件問句有“what?if”,和“if?then”這兩個句型。如:“what would you do if we agree to a two-year

30、 contract?” 及“if we modif your specifications, would you consider a larger order?”(1)互作讓步。只有當對方接受我方條件時,我方的發(fā)盤才成立。(2)獲取信息。(3)尋求共同點。如果對方拒絕,可以另換其它條件,作出新的發(fā)盤。(4)代替“no”?!皐ould you be willing to meet the extra cost if we meet youradditional requirements?”如果對方不愿支付額外費用,就拒絕了自己的要求,不會因此而失去對方的合作。篇四:經典商務談判英語談判英語必備

31、30句1、would anyone like something to drink before we begin? 在我們正式開始前,大家喝點什么吧?2、we are ready. 我們準備好了。3、i know i can count on you. 我知道我可以相信你。4、tust me. 請相信我。5、we are here to solve problems. 我們是來解決問題的。7、ihope this meeting is productive. 我希望這是一次富有成效的會談。8、i need more information. 我需要更多的信息。9、not in the lon

32、g run. 從長遠來說并不是這樣。這句話很實用,也可顯示你的“高瞻遠矚”。10、let me explain to you why . 讓我給你一個解釋一下原因。很好的轉折,又可磨煉自己的耐心。11、thats the basic problem. 這是最基本的問題。13、it depends on what you want. 那要視貴方的需要而定。沒那么正規(guī)的場合下說:那要看你到底想要什么。15、are you negotiable? 你還有商量的余地嗎?16、im sure there is some room for negotiation. 我肯定還有商量的余地。17、we hav

33、e another plan. 我們還有一個計劃。準備多么充分!勝利一定會屬于這樣的人!18、lets negotiate the price. 讓我們來討論一下價格吧。19、we could add it to the agenda. 我們可以把它也列入議程。20、thanks for reminding us. 謝謝你的提醒。21、our position on the issue is very simple. 我們的意見很簡單。22、we can not be sure what you want unless you tell us. 希望你能告訴我們,要不然我們無法確定你想要的是什

34、么。23、we have done a lot. 我們已經取得了不少的進展。24、we can work out the details next time. 我們可以下次再來解決細節(jié)問題。25、i suggest that we take a break. 建議休息一下。26、lets dismiss and return in an hour. 咱們休會,一個鐘頭后再回來。27、we need a break. 我們需要暫停一下。28、may i suggest that we continue tomorrow. 我建議明天再繼續(xù),好嗎?少提這種建議,中國人一定要學會如何在談判桌“熬得住

35、“,很多時候不是“技術戰(zhàn)”而是“神經戰(zhàn)”。29、we can postpone our meeting until tomorrow. 我們可以把會議延遲到明天。30、that will eat up a lot of time. 那會耗費很多時間。商務英語email高手 如何詢盤1. 文體介紹在對外貿易中,詢盤,也叫詢價(inquiry或enquiry)是買方或買方對于所要購買或出售的商品向另一方作出的詢問。詢盤是交易的起點,可以分為:普通詢盤(a general inquiry):索取普通資料,諸如:目錄(a catalogue)、價目表或報價單詢盤一般多為買方向賣方發(fā)出,買方通過詢盤信,

36、簡明扼要的向賣方了解一般的商品信息。利用e-mail 寫詢盤信,無須寫的過分客氣,只需具體、簡潔、措詞得體。有的詢盤信開門見山,直截了當說明訂購打算,希望對方給予一定優(yōu)惠條件;有的詢盤信則以征詢信息的方式,不許下訂貨諾言,以避免結果未訂購可能形成的日后交易中的障礙。2。實用范例subject: enquirydear sir,we are interested in buying large quantities of steel screws in all sizes.we would be obliged if you would give us a quotation per kilog

37、ram c&f liverpool, england. it would also be appreciated if you could forward samples and your price-list to us.we look forward to hearing from you by return e-mail.sincerely,xxx主題:詢盤親愛的先生:本公司有意大量購買各型號鋼螺釘,欲知每公斤運抵英國利物浦的成本價運費價格。如蒙惠賜上述報價單,不勝感激。如能惠寄樣本和價格表,亦必感激不盡。本公司素來從其他公司購買此類貨物,聞悉貴公司貨物質優(yōu)價廉,故欲與貴公司建立

38、合作關系。盼復。你真誠的xxx3.典型句型(1) could you give us some idea about your price?請介紹貴方的價格好嗎?(2) do you offer fob or cif?你們報船上交貨價還是到岸價?(3) how long does your offer remain valid/firm/open?你們的報價多長時間有效?(4)will you let us know what your terms of payment are?能否告知貴方付款條件?(5)please make us an offer within this month si

39、nce we have made an inquiry for your products.我們已對你們的產品進行詢價,請在本月內給予報盤。(6)please send us your best offer by internet stating payment terms and time of shipment.請用互聯網向我們報最優(yōu)價,說明支付條件和裝運期。(7)full information as to prices, quality, quantity available and other relative particulars would be appreciated.請詳告

40、價格、質量、可供數量及其它有關情況。商務英語合同寫作用得上的21個句子there is an arbitration clause in the contract. (or insurance clause, inspection clause, shipping clause.) 這是合同中的一項仲裁條款。(或:保險條款,檢驗條款,裝運條款等)we sincerely hope that both quality and quantity are in conformity with the contract stipulations. 我們真誠希望質量、數量都與合同規(guī)定相吻合。the co

41、ntract states that the supplier will be charged a penalty if there is a delay in delivery. 合同規(guī)定如果供貨商延誤交貨期,將被罰款。once the contract is approved by the chinese government, it is legally binding upon both parties. 合同一經中國政府批準,對雙方就有了法律約束力。we always carry out the terms of our contract to the letter and stan

42、d by what we say. 我們堅持重合同,守信用。you have no grounds for backing out of the contract. 你們沒有正當理由背棄合同。in case one party fails to carry out the contract, the other party is entitled to cancel the contract. 如果一方不執(zhí)行合同,另一方有權撤消該合同。are you worrying about the non-execution of the contract and non-payment on our

43、part? 你是否擔心我們不履行合同或者拒不付款?you cannot cancel the contract without first securing our agreement. 如果沒有事先征得我們同意,你們不能取消合同。we signed a contract for medicines. 我們簽訂了一份藥品合同。i know we (the seller) should draw up a contract and the buyer has to sign it. 我們知道我們(賣方)應該擬出一份合同,買方必須簽署合同。we both want to sign a contra

44、ct, and we have to make some concessions to do it. 我們都想簽合同,因此雙方都要做些讓步。our current contract is about to expire, and well need to discuss a new one. 我們現有合同快要期滿了,需要再談一個新合同。we ought to clear up problems arising from the old contract. 我們應該清理一下老合同中出現的問題。do you always make out a contract for every deal? 每筆

45、交易都需要訂一份合同嗎? these are two originals of the contract we prepared. 這是我們準備好的兩份合同正本。 we enclose our sales contract no.45 in duplicate. 附上我們第45號銷售合同一式兩份。 may i refer you to the contract stipulation about packing (or shipping.)? 請您看看合同中有關包裝(裝運)的規(guī)定。與合同寫作有關的18個精彩句子well have the contract ready for signature

46、. 我們應準備好合同待簽字。we signed a contract for medicines. 我們簽訂了一份藥品合同。mr. zhang sings the contract on behalf of the china national silk import & export corporation. 張先生代表中國絲綢進出口總公司在合同上簽了字。it was because of you that we landed the contract. 因為有了你,我們才簽了那份合同。 we offered a much lower price, so they got the c

47、ontract. 由于我們報價低,他們和我們簽了合同。are we anywhere near a contract yet? 我們可以(接近于)簽合同了嗎?we sign a contract when we are acting as principals.(principals refers to the seller and the buyer) 當我們作為貨主時都要簽訂合同。(這里的“貨主”指合同中的賣方和買方)i know we (the seller) should draw up a contract and the buyer has to sign it. 我們知道我們(賣

48、方)應該擬出一份合同,買方必須簽署合同。we should simultaneously sign two contracts, one sales contract for beef and mutton, and the other contract of equal value for the purchase of cotton. 我們同時簽兩個合同,一是牛羊肉的銷售(出口)合同,另一個是等額的棉花購買(進口)合同。we both want to sign a contract, and we have to make some concessions to do it. 我們都想簽合

49、同,因此雙方都要做些讓步。we are here to discuss a new contract with you. 我們來這里和您談談訂一份新合同的問題。 our current contract is about to expire, and well need to discuss a new one. 我們現有合同快要期滿了,需要再談一個新合同。we can repeat the contract on the same terms. 我們可以按同樣條件再訂一個合同。a few problems with supply under the old contract must be

50、quickly resolved. 老合同中的一些供貨問題必須盡快解決。we ought to clear up problems arising from the old contract. 我們應該清理一下老合同中出現的問題。do you always make out a contract for every deal? 每筆交易都需要訂一份合同嗎?as per the contract, the construction of factory is now under way. 根據合同規(guī)定,工廠的建設正在進行中。words and phrasescontract 合同,訂立合同con

51、tractor 訂約人,承包人contractual 合同的,契約的to make a contract 簽訂合同to place a contract 訂合同to enter into a contract 訂合同to sign a contract 簽合同to draw up a contract 擬訂合同to draft a contract 起草合同to get a contract 得到合同to land a contract 得到(擁有)合同to countersign a contract 會簽合同to repeat a contract 重復合同an executory contract 尚待執(zhí)行的合同a nice fat contract 一個很有利的合同originals of th


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