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1、新視野英語教程讀寫教程2答案【篇一:新視野2 讀寫教程答案(2)】xt>ex.1 understanding the text 1、because he is tired of listening to his father and he is not interested in grammar rules. 2、the civilization of greece and the glory of roman architecture are so marvelous and remarkable that they should be described at least in a

2、brief account; however, what the student could do was only one single utterance :“whoa! without any any specific comment. 3、because the schools fail to set high standards of language proficiency. they only teach a little grammar and less advanced vocabulary. and the younger teachers themselves have

3、little knowledge of the vital structures of language. 4、because teaching grammar is not an easy job and most of the students will easily get bored if its not properly dealt with. 5、he familiarized his son with different partsof speech in a sentence and discussed their specific grammatical functions

4、including how to use adverbs to describe verbs. 6、because the son had never heard about the various names and functions of words in an english sentence before. 7、the author uses “road mapand “carto describe grammar and vocabulary. here,“road mapis considered as grammar and “caras vocabulary. 8、since

5、 the subjunctive mood his son used is a fairly advanced grammar structure, the interjection“whoa!reflects the tremendous pride the father had toward his son; it also reflects the authors humor in using the word because it was once used by his student, though in two different situations and with two

6、different feelings. ex.3 words in use 1.condense2.exceed 3.deficit 4.exposure 5.asset 9.precisely 10.beneficial ex.4 word building -al/-ial: managerial/editorial/substance/survival/tradition/margin -cy: consistency/accuracy/efficient -y : recovery/ministry/assembly ex.5 word building 4.substance 5.m

7、anagerial 6.margin 7.assembly 8.ministry 9.survival 10.tradition 11.consistency 12.efficient ex.6 banked cloze 1-5: l c j a i 6-10: o n e h f ex.7 expressions in use 1.feel obliged to 2.be serious about 3.run into 4.distinguish between 5.thrust upon6.was allergic to7.get lost 8.be attracted to 9.mak

8、e sense10.looked upon as ex.8 structured writing some bookworms in my dormitory often spend hours reading their “bible, practical english grammar, and do a lot of exercises in that book , but i dont care about it at all. my assumption is since i have never learned chinese grammar, whats the sense of

9、 learning english grammar? in fact, english grammar has always been a big headache to me. english grammar is very complicated because, unlike chinese, there are many verb tenses. even stranger than verb tenses, english grammar also contains something very confusing. for example, i dont remember how

10、many times my middle school teacher tried to“imposethe differences between used to and be used to on us. sometimes he would go on with the explanation for 20minutes or so. he even summarized the differences by listing three or four points for us to memorize. however, they could never stay in my head

11、 . i dont remember how many times i got it wrong with the sentences containing used to or be used to on my exams . i was really confused with these two phrases,and i can never get them right. in brief, im allergic to learning english grammar. curiously, i just wonder if the native speakers of englis

12、h have a microcomputer in their brain to help them utter the two phrases promptly with just a click of their brain mouse! ex.9 e-c translation 人們普遍認為英語是一種世界語言,經(jīng)常被許多不以英語為第一語言的國家使用。與其他語言一樣,英語也發(fā)生了很大的變化。英語的歷史可以分為三個主要階段:古英語,中古英語和現(xiàn)代英語。英語起源于公元5世紀,當時三個日耳曼部落入侵英國,他們對【篇二:新視野大學英語讀寫教程2課后答案】tion a: vocabulary iii

13、. 1. charge 2. convention 3. efficient 4. obtain 5. competent 6. asessing 7. fulfill 8. conducting 9. consequently 10. significance iv. 1. behind 2. at 3. in 4.out 5. to 6. to 7.in 8.with 9.but 10. for v. 1. l 2. c 3.d 4. n 5. o 6.a 7. e 8.g 9.i 10. k word building vi. 12.depression vii. 1.advisable

14、 2.disirable 3.favorable 4. considerable 5. remarkable 6.preferable 7.drinkable 8.acceptable sentence structure viii. 1.much less can he write english articles 2.much less can he manage a big company 3.much less could he carry it upstairs 4.much less have i spoken to him 5.much less to read a lot ou

15、tside of it ix. 1.having meals at home can cost as little as two or three dollars, whereas eating out at a restaurant is always more expensive. 2.we thought she was rather proud,whereas in fact she was just very shy. 3.we have never done anything for them, whereas they have done so much for us. 4.na

16、talie prefers to stay for another week, whereas her husband prefers to leave immediately. 5.some praise him highly,whereas others put him down severely. translation x. 1.she wouldnt take a drink, much less could she stay for dinner. 2.he thought i was lying to him,whereas i was telling the truth. 3.

17、how do you account for the fact that you have been late every day this week? 4.the increase in their profits is due partly to their new market strategy. 5.such measures are likely to result in the improvement of work efficiency. 6.we have already poured a lot of time and energy into the project, so

18、we have to carry on. xi. 1.我認為他不會搶劫,更不用說暴力搶劫了.2.男工平均工資每小時10美元,而女工才每小時7美元. 3.自然界的平衡一旦遭到破壞,就會帶來很多不可預知的影響. 4.期終考試迫在眉睫,你最好多花點時間看書. 5.有趣的是,消費者發(fā)現(xiàn)越來越難以區(qū)分某些品牌的原產(chǎn)國.其局部原因來自于全球化帶來的影響,局部原因是由于產(chǎn)地的變化. 6.最近一次調(diào)查說明,婦女占總勞動力的40%. cloze xii. 1.c 2.b 3.b 4.a 5.d 6.b 7.c 8.d 9.a 10.c 11.d 12.c 13.c 14.b 15.a unit2 section

19、 a vocabulary iii. 1.promosing 2.amusing 3.lowered 4.persisted 5.rank 6.swear 7.unfair 8.presence 9.frowning 10. approximately iv. 1.on 2.upon 3.on 4.in 5.by 6.to 7.in 8.of 9.on 10.out v. 1.o 2.k 3.d 4.h 5.j 6.e 7.m 8.g 9.b 10.a word building vi. 1.observe - observer:one who observes a person or an

20、event 2.ski - skier: one who skis 3.visit - visitor:one who visits somebody or some place 4.learn - learner:one who learns something 5.report - reporter:one who reports on persons or events for a newspaper 6.drink - drinker:one who often drinks alcohol,esp. too much vii. 1.tropical 2.musical 3.occas

21、ional 4.environmental 5.global 6.dangerous 7.natural 8.central sentence structure viii. 1.they didnt lose heart despite of lots of frustration. 2.despite the heavy rain,the boys played football in the yard all afternoon. 3.i will try my best despite the slim chances of success. 4.despite a thorough

22、search for the escaped prisoner in the mountain,no sign of him was found. 5.despite their increased income,their life became poorer because of the rising prices. ix. 1.nor do i think it necessary to do so 2.nor would they go to my sisters 3.nor do we have her telephone number 4.nor would i like to g

23、o to work immediately 5.nor would i translationx. 1.despite the fact that she is the only child in her family, she is never babied by her parents. 2.mike didnt come to the party last night, nor did he call me to give an explanation. 3.the person sitting next to him did publish some novels, but he is

24、 by no means a great writer. 4.he has no interest in football and is indifferent to who wins to loses. 5.the manager needs an assistant that he can count on to take care of problems in his absence. 6.this is the first time that he has made a speech in the presence of so large an audience. xi. 1.盡管那項

25、方案一開始就證明是不切實際的,但是他們還是堅持要實施. 2.我無法說服他接受這項方案,也無法使他認識到這項方案的重要性. 3.你是怎么把那么多東西塞進這個小行李箱的? 4.別人對他怎么看,他全不在意. 5.我能否指出你犯了個小錯誤. 6.他母親讓他開車慢一點兒,但是他從不把她的話放在心上. cloze xii. 1.b 2.d 3.b 4.c 5.b 6.c 7.a 8.a 9.b 10.d 11.b 12.d 13.b 14.c 15.d unit3 section a vocabulary iii. 1.mutual 2.illusion 3.canceled4.overlooked 5.

26、proceeded 6.resolve 7.prejudice iv. 1.having nothing to do with 2.taking care of 3.met with 4.on the surface 5.work out 6.incompatible with 7.ups and downs8.learned of 9.indication of 10.all along v. word building vi. vii. 1.relationship2.citizenship 3.leadership4.membership 5.boyhood 6.livelihood 7

27、.brotherhood8.authorship9.adulthood 10.neighborhood 11.wisdom 12.ownership sentence structure viii. 1.it is never too bad for us to do something about the situation.2.one is never too old to learn. 3.it is never too late for you to put a stop to this madness. 4.it is never too late for you to mend y

28、our ways. 5.his income was never too small to support his family. ix. 1.my best friend,anna,was here last night. 2.the company manager,mr. madison,gathered his staff and announced the decision. 3.you should have seen an ophthalmologist, an eye doctor. 4.he sent for the accountant,the most experience

29、d person in accounting. 5.leave it to me, said david,the man on night duty. translation x. 1.you are never too experienced to learn new techniques. 2.there remains one problem,namely,who should be sent to head the research there. 3.their relationship did meet with some difficulty at the beginning be

30、cause of cultural differences. 4.though he has had ups and downs,i believed all along that he would succeed someday. 5.i have some reservations about the truth of your claim. 6.she isnt particularly tall,but her slim figure gives an illusion of height. xi. 1.應盡早告知年輕人:必須認真對待法律. 2.他現(xiàn)在面臨一個重要決定,這個決定可能會影

31、響他的整個前程. 3.即使在情況最糟糕的時候,你也必須保持鎮(zhèn)靜和信心. 4.人際關(guān)系的成功與否與雙方相處是否融洽以及交流是否順暢有很大關(guān)系. 5.他受到襲擊,身受重傷,隨后不治而亡. 6.他的舉止至少在外表上像個正常人。 cloze xii. 1.a2.c3.b 4.b5.c 6.b 7.c 8.d9.c10.d 11.b 12.a 13.d 14.c 15.d unit4 section a: vocabulary iii. 1.forbid2.identical3.objectino4.warmth5.volunteers 6.overseas iv. 1.without fail2.vo

32、lunteer for 3.as long as4.right away5.more than6.am thankful.for7.wrote back8.forbidden from 9.vanished into10.was free to v. 1.o 2.j 3.g 4.h 5.l 6.a 7.e 8.b 9.c 10.nword building vi. vii. 1.noisy 2.wealthy 3.sunny 4.lucky 5.tasty 6.healthy 7.angry 8.icy sentence structure viii. 1.it is necessary fo

33、r the manager to finish the whole task before leaving for a holiday. 2.it is a shame to take so much money for doing so little. 3.it is our responsibility to help people around us who are in trouble. 4.it is a surprise for us all to realize he has been cheating us. 5.it is pleasant fro the mother to

34、 see her daughter growing into a young lady. ix. 1.as long as she got her fathers agreement 2.as long as you set a goal for yourself 3.as long as she covers all the expenses herself 4.as long as she does her job well 5.as long as you never lose heart translation x. 1.it is a great pleasure to meet f

35、riends from afar. 2.it doesnt matter whether the cat is black or white as long as it catches mice. 3.you must let me have the money back without fail by ten oclock tomorrow morning. 5.everyone knows that he is special:he is free to come and go as he pleases. 6.watching the unhappy look on her face,i

36、 felt as though she wishes to say something to me. xi. 1.現(xiàn)如今,僅僅受過中等教育的人要想找份好工作越來越難了。 2.留得青山在,不怕沒柴燒. 3.如果你對所購物品不滿意,我們將很樂意退款. 4.我們對這塊偉大的美麗的土地心懷感謝之情,多年來它迎接了眾多的人來這里的海灘游覽. 5.讓老師吃驚的是,沒人自愿當班長. 6.那條狗忠心耿耿地繼續(xù)在火車站等待主人,直到兩年后死去. cloze xii. unit 5 section a: vocabulary【篇三:新視野大學英語讀寫教程第二冊課文翻譯】教育,孩子忽悠老子叫欺騙,互相忽悠叫代溝。

37、男人 這花花世界,我要用什么顏色來吸引你。 新視野大學英語讀寫教程第二冊課文翻譯.txt“戀是個很強悍的字。它的上半部取自“變態(tài)的“變,下半部取自“變態(tài)的“態(tài)。新視野大學英語讀寫教程第二冊課文翻譯 第一章 unit 1 section a 時間觀念強的美國人 美國人認為沒有人能停止不前。 如果你不求進取,你就會落伍。 這種態(tài)度造就了一個投身于研究、實驗和探索的民族。 時間是美國人注意節(jié)約的兩個要素之一,另一要素是勞力。 人們一直說:“只有時間才能支配我們。 人們似乎把時間當作一個差不多是實實在在的東西來對待。 我們安排時間、節(jié)約時間、浪費時間、擠搶時間、消磨時間、縮減時間、對時間的利用作出解釋

38、;我們還要因付出時間而收取費用。 時間是一種珍貴的資源,許多人都深感人生的短暫。 時光一去不復返。 我們應當讓每一分鐘都過得有意義。 外國人對美國的第一印象很可能是:每個人都匆匆忙忙常常處于壓力之下。 城里人看上去總是在匆匆地趕往他們要去的地方,在商店里他們焦躁不安地指望店員能馬上來為他們效勞,或者為了趕快買完東西,用肘來推搡他人。 白天吃飯時人們也都匆匆忙忙,這局部地反映出這個國家的生活節(jié)奏。人們認為工作時間是珍貴的。 在公共用餐場所,人們都等著別人盡快吃完,以便他們也能及時用餐, 你還會發(fā)現(xiàn)司機開車很魯莽,人們推搡著在你身邊過去。 你會思念微笑、簡短的交談以及與陌生人的隨意閑聊。 不要覺得

39、這是針對你個人的, 這是因為人們都非常珍惜時間,而且也不喜歡他人“浪費時間到不恰當?shù)牡夭健?許多剛到美國的人會思念諸如商務拜訪等場合開始時的應酬。 他們也會思念那種一邊喝茶或喝咖啡一邊進行的禮節(jié)性交流,這也許是他們自己國家的一種習俗。 他們也許還會思念在飯店或咖啡館里談生意時的那種輕松悠閑的交談。 一般說來,美國人是不會在如此輕松的環(huán)境里通過長時間的閑聊來評價他們的客人的,更不用說會在增進相互間信任的過程中帶他們出去吃飯,或帶他們?nèi)ゴ蚋郀柗蚯颉?既然我們通常是通過工作而不是社交來評估和了解他人,我們就開門見山地談正事。 因此,時間老是在我們心中滴滴答答地響著。 因此,我們千方百計地節(jié)約時間。我

40、們創(chuàng)造了一系列節(jié)省勞力的裝置; 我們通過發(fā) 、打 或發(fā)電子郵件與他人迅速地進行交流,而不是通過直接接觸。雖然面對面接觸令人愉快,但卻要花更多的時間,尤其是在馬路上交通擁擠的時候。 因此,我們把大多數(shù)個人拜訪安排在下班以后的時間里或周末的社交聚會上。 就我們而言,電子交流的缺乏人情味與我們手頭上事情的重要性之間很少有或完全沒有關(guān)系。 在有些國家,如果沒有目光接觸,就做不成大生意,這需要面對面的交談。 在美國,最后協(xié)議通常也需要本人簽字。 然而現(xiàn)在人們越來越多地在電視屏幕上見面,開遠程會議不僅能解決本國的問題,而且還能通過衛(wèi)星解決國際問題。 美國無疑是一個 王國。 幾乎每個人都在用 做生意、與朋友

41、聊天、安排或取消社交約會、表達謝意、購物和獲得各種信息。 不但能免去走路之勞,而且還能節(jié)約大量時間。 其局部原因在于這樣一個事實:美國的 效勞是一流的,而郵政效勞的效率那么差一些。 有些初來美國的人來自文化背景不同的其他國家,在他們的國家,人們認為工作太快是一種失禮。 在他們看來,如果不花一定時間來處理某件事的話,那么這件事就好似是無足輕重的,不值得給予適當?shù)闹匾暋?因此,人們覺得用的時間長會增加所做事情的重要性。 但在美國,能迅速而又成功地解決問題或完成工作那么被視為是有水平、有能力的標志。 通常情況下,工作越重要,投入的資金、精力和注意力就越多,其目的是“使工作開展起來。 unite 1s

42、ection b 文化沖擊 你認為在異國留學是一件聽上去非常令人興奮的事情嗎? 你會像許多離家去另一個國家學習的年輕人一樣感覺很有趣嗎? 這當然是一種嶄新的經(jīng)歷,它會給你帶來時機,讓你發(fā)現(xiàn)許多迷人的東西,獲得一種自由感。 然而,盡管有這些好處,你也會遇到挑戰(zhàn)。 因為你的觀點可能會與存在于不同國家的不同信念、準那么、價值觀念和傳統(tǒng)發(fā)生沖突。你也許會感到很難去適應一種新的文化以及該文化中你不熟悉的那些局部。 這就是“文化沖擊。 人們經(jīng)歷文化沖擊的過程至少包括四個主要階段。 第一階段叫做“蜜月期。 在這一階段,你會感到生活在一個不同國度里很興奮,而且每一樣東西看上去都妙不可言。 你什么都喜歡,而且好

43、似每個人都對你很好。 另外,新的文化中的生活樂趣好似是無窮無盡的。 然而,文化沖擊的第二階段終究會出現(xiàn), 這就是“敵對期。 你開始注意到并不是每樣東西都像你原先認為的那樣好。 你會對新的文化里的許多東西感到厭倦。 此外,人們也不再把你當作一個客人來對待了。 所有最初看上去非常美好的東西現(xiàn)在變得讓人討厭了,而且每一樣東西都使你感到苦惱和厭倦。 通常,在你適應一種新文化的這一階段中,你會想出一些防衛(wèi)性的方法來幫助你應付難關(guān),保護自己免受文化沖擊的影響。 其中一種方法叫做“壓抑法。 當你假裝所有的東西都可以接受,沒有什么東西令你感到煩惱的時候,你就是在運用壓抑法。 另一種防衛(wèi)性方法稱做“倒退法。 當

44、你的行為舉止開始顯得比你實際年齡要小的時候,你就是在運用這種方法。這時,你的行為舉止像一個小孩。 你把什么都忘掉了,而且有時你會變得粗心大意,不負責任。 第三種防衛(wèi)性方法叫做“孤立法。 你寧可一個人呆在家里,不想和任何人交流。 你想把自己封閉起來以防止文化沖擊的影響,至少你是這樣認為的。 孤立法也許是人們用來對付文化沖擊的最糟糕的方法之一,因為你把那些能真正幫助你的東西和你隔離開來了。 最后一種防衛(wèi)性方法叫做“排斥法。 這一方法讓你覺得自己不需要任何人幫助。 你覺得你可以單獨把事情處理好,所以你就不想求助于人。 你在敵意階段使用的這些方法并不能解決問題。 如果你僅僅是偶爾運用一下其中一個應付方

45、法來幫助你生存下去,這也無妨。 但是你必須謹慎。 這些方法可能會真的使你受到傷害,因為它們會阻礙你對新的文化作出必要的調(diào)整。 在克服了自己的敵對情緒后,你就會開始認識到文化沖擊的短暫性。 然后你就會步入被稱為“恢復期的第三階段。 在這個階段,你開始變得積極起來,而且你會努力去理解所有你不理解的東西。 整個形勢開始變得對你有利了,你會從前面兩個階段出現(xiàn)的病癥中恢復過來。而且你開始使自己適應新的準那么、新的價值觀念,乃至這個新的國家的各種信念和傳統(tǒng)。 你開始明白,雖然這種新的文化的特點和你自己國家的文化特點有所不同,但其中也必定有值得你學習和欣賞的東西。 文化沖擊的最后一個階段被稱為“適應期。 在這個階段,你真正到達了感覺良好的境界,因為你已經(jīng)學到了很多東西,已經(jīng)能理解這種新的文化了。 最初使你感到不舒服或陌生的東西,現(xiàn)在已成了你能理解的東西。 這種理解會減輕你的許多壓力。 現(xiàn)在你感到自在了,你已經(jīng)適應了新的文化。 文化沖擊是生活在異國他鄉(xiāng)的人無法防止的東西。 當你在經(jīng)歷文化沖擊的這四個階段時,它似乎并不是一件有益的事。 然而,當你完全適應了某一種新的文化時,你會更加充分地喜愛這種文化的。 你學會了如何和他人交流,而且還了解了不同文化背景下人們的大量生活情況。 此外,了解其他各種文化,以及懂得當你身處其中時如何去適應所受到的沖擊,可以幫助你更好地了解


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