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1、商務(wù)英語 10秋第一學(xué)期編 著:信息教研室Contents 目錄Chapter 1 Making an Appointment 預(yù)約3Unit 1 Confirming 確定3Unit 2 Canceling 取消5Unit 3 Postponing 推遲7Unit 4 Advancing 提前9能力拓展 (1)11Chapter 2Meeting 會見12Unit 1 Greeting 問候12Unit 2 Self-introduction 自我介紹14Unit 3 Introducing Others 介紹他人17Unit 4 Introducing Companies 介紹公司20能力

2、拓展 (2)23Chapter 3 Reception 接待25Unit 1 At an Airport 在機(jī)場25Unit 2 In the car 在車上28Unit 3 At a hotel 在酒店31Unit 4 At a Restaurant 在餐館34能力拓展 (3).37Chapter 4 Entertaining 招待38Unit 1 Factory Tour參觀工廠.38Unit 2 City Tour游覽城市41Unit 3 Shopping 購物44Unit 4 Recreation 消遣.47Chapter 5 Seeing-off 送行.51Unit1 Booking

3、 Tickets 訂票.51Unit2 Checking-out 退房53Unit3 Gifting送禮56Unit4 Farewell 告別.47Chapter 6 Products 產(chǎn)品.63Unit1 Function 功能.63Unit2 Feature 特性66Unit 3 Design設(shè)計69Unit4 Brand 品牌.72Chapter 7 Services 服務(wù).76Unit1 Packing 包裝.76Unit2 Delivery 送貨79Unit 3 Warranty保質(zhì)81Unit4 Settling Complaints 投訴處理.84Chapter 1 Making

4、 an Appointment 預(yù)約Unit 1 Confirming 確定Part 1 Model Sentences常用句型1.We've got to meet.我們得見見面。2.When do you have a mind?什么時候呢?3.How about tomorrow?明天怎么樣?4.Tomorrow is OK.明天可以。5.See you then.到時候見。Part 2Possible Alternatives動感替換句型 1I want to meet you.我要見你。I need to see you.我得見見你。Let's meet somewh

5、ere.我們找個地方見見。句型 2When?What time?什么時候見面?When shall we meet?句型 33 p.m. tomorrow.Is it convenient for you?明天下午3點(diǎn)鐘方便嗎?How about next Monday?下星期一怎么樣?Is 10 a.m. this Friday all right?這個星期五上午10點(diǎn)鐘行嗎?句型 4Fine.No problem.沒問題。It's OK with me.句型 5See you in my office then.到時候在我辦公室見。I'll be expecting you

6、 at 3:30. 3點(diǎn)半見。I'll be there on time.我一定按時到。Part 3Dialogues 實(shí)用會話Dialogue 1A:We've got to meet and discuss the order.我們得見面商量訂單的事。B:I think so.When shall we meet?好的。什么時間見面呢?A:Is 10 a.m. tomorrow convenient for you?明天上午10點(diǎn)鐘方便么?B:No problem.沒問題。A:Good.Come to my office on time.好的,請準(zhǔn)時來我的辦公室。Dialo

7、gue 2A:What do you do tomorrow afternoon?明天下午你打算做什么?B:I'll be in the company all day tomorrow.明天一天我都在公司。A:I'd like to meet you to talk over our plan.我想見個面談一下我們的計劃。B:OK.I'm available from 3 to 4:30.可以,我3點(diǎn)至4點(diǎn)半有時間。A:Good.I'll be there at 3 o'clock.好,我3點(diǎn)到。B:OK.See you then.好的。到時候見。Pa

8、rt 4 Words and Expressions 詞匯注釋available adj. 有空的;可以得到的convenient adj. 方便的expect v. 期待meet v. 見面order n. 訂單補(bǔ)充詞匯Monday 星期一Tuesday 星期二Wednesday 星期三Thursday 星期四Friday 星期五Saturday 星期六Sunday 星期天morning 上午noon 中午evening 晚上Part 5FYI動感地帶預(yù)約的重要性在美國,無論去見什么人都要預(yù)約,會朋友、見客戶、見領(lǐng)導(dǎo)、見辦事員,甚至到診所、醫(yī)院看病,都要提前預(yù)約。,沒有預(yù)約?對不起,今天預(yù)約

9、已滿。下次請預(yù)約了再來。美國人的時間觀念很強(qiáng),號稱是時間的“奴隸”,每天都是按照自己的日程表運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn)的。所以不速之客是不受歡迎的。Unit 2 Canceling 取消Part 1 Model Sentences常用句型1.I'm sorry.I can't meet you對不起。我不能見你。2.Anything wrong?出什么事了?3.I have pressing business to attend to.我有緊急事情要處理。4.No problem.沒關(guān)系。5.Thank you for your understanding.謝謝你的理解。Part 2Possible

10、 Alternatives動感替換句型 1Sorry.I'm terribly sorry.I can't meet you.對不起。我不能見你。Excuse me.句型 2What happened?發(fā)生什么了?What's wrong?出什么事了?What's up?怎么了?句型 3I've got something urgent to do.我有緊急事情要處理。I have to be out for a business trip.我要出差。I have to attend another meeting.我得出席一個會議。句型 4It doe

11、sn't matter.沒關(guān)系。It's understandable.可以理解。Just go ahead with your business.你忙你的吧。句型 5We can make it later.Let's meeting sometime later.改天再碰頭。Let's change it to another time.Part 3Dialogues 實(shí)用會話Dialogue 1A:Sorry,I can't make the appointment.真抱歉,我不能見你了。B:What's up?出什么事了?A:Becaus

12、e I have pressing business to attend to.我有緊急事情要處理。B:That's all right.Just go ahead with your business.沒關(guān)系。你忙你的吧。A:Thank you for your understanding.Let's meeting sometime later.謝謝你的理解。改天再碰頭吧。Dialogue 2A:Shall we meet today?今天還見面嗎?B:Sorry,I can't meet you.抱歉,我來不了啦。A:What happened?出什么事了?B:I

13、 must be away for a couple of days.我得外出幾天?A:No problem.Let's see if we can find another time to meet.沒問題??茨芊窀奶煲娒?。Part 4 Words and Expressions 詞匯注釋appointment n. 預(yù)約attend v. 參加attend to 處理business trip 出差cancel v. 取消go ahead 繼續(xù)pressing adj. 緊急的urgentadj. 緊急的補(bǔ)充詞匯to make an appointment 預(yù)約to have an

14、 appointment with sb. 與某人有個約會to confirm an appointment 確定約會to keep an appointment 守約to change an appointment 改約會to cancel an appointment 取消約會to reschedule an appointment 重新安排約會to postpone/put off an appointment 推遲約會Part 5FYI動感地帶商務(wù)預(yù)約公司之間的商務(wù)交往大部分都可以通過電話、傳真等方式進(jìn)行,但有時也需要親自與客戶面談。這就需要進(jìn)行商務(wù)預(yù)約,以免唐突造訪給對方造成不便。預(yù)

15、約可以通過電話進(jìn)行,但正式場合則需要用書信將時間和地點(diǎn)確定下來。請求會面的信應(yīng)禮貌得體,信中應(yīng)包含下列內(nèi)容:1.請求會面并說明理由;2.建議確切的時間地點(diǎn)。如果你的時間比較充裕,可給出你可以接受的時間段供對方?jīng)Q定;3.請對方與你聯(lián)系確認(rèn)會面。Unit 3 Postponing 推遲Part 1 Model Sentences常用句型1.I've to postpone our meeting.我們的見面得推遲一點(diǎn)。2.What time would be good for you?你說幾點(diǎn)呢?3.Let's make it around six.推遲到6點(diǎn)吧4.What abo

16、ut the place?地點(diǎn)呢?5.Old place.老地方。Part 2Possible Alternatives動感替換句型 1Can we postpone our appointment?Shall we put off our meeting?我們推遲見面行嗎?Can we meet sometime later?句型 2When is right with you?When is proper for you?什么時候合適呢?When shall we meet?句型 3Half an hour later.推遲半小時吧。How about 4:30? 4點(diǎn)半怎么樣?Would

17、 2:30 suit you? 2點(diǎn)半可以嗎?句型 4How about the place?地點(diǎn)呢?Where shall we meet?哪里見面呢?Shall we meet at the same place?老地方嗎?句型 5The same place.地點(diǎn)不變。Old place.老地方。Let's meet in my office.辦公室碰頭。Part 3Dialogues 實(shí)用會話Dialogue 1A:Sorry,I've got to postpone our meeting.對不起,我們的見面得推遲一點(diǎn)。B:That's all right.W

18、hat time would be good for you?沒問題。你說幾點(diǎn)呢?A:Let's push it back to six.推遲到6點(diǎn)吧。B:OK,see you then.好的,到時候見。Dialogue 2A:Sorry. Can we put off the meeting to another day?抱歉,我們的會面改天好嗎?B:When is right with you?什么時候合適呢?A:How bout 4:30? 4點(diǎn)半怎么樣?B:Good.What about the place?好的。地點(diǎn)呢?A:The same place.地點(diǎn)不變。B:OK.B

19、e there or be square.可以。不見不散。Part 4 Words and Expressions 詞匯注釋around prep. 大約make v. 做到postpone v. 推遲push back 推遲put off 推遲補(bǔ)充詞匯according to schedule 按預(yù)定計劃ahead of schedule 比預(yù)定時間提前behind schedule 比預(yù)定時間退后check one's schedule 查日程表have a tight/full/heavy schedule 時間表排得很緊on schedule 按照預(yù)定時間,按時to sched

20、ule 美按照預(yù)定時間Part 5FYI動感地帶時間觀念人們關(guān)于時間的概念因文化差異而不同。在大多數(shù)文化中,守時是非常重要的。但是在拉美國家,人們對于時間及守時的觀念較為松散。在中東國家,人們也認(rèn)為讓他人等待是天經(jīng)地義的,因?yàn)殛P(guān)系比時間更為重要。在這些文化中,客戶比約定時間玩到半小時左右是很常見的,這對他們來說,已經(jīng)是守時了。當(dāng)然為了守信,你最好還是按時到約定地點(diǎn),如對方?jīng)]到,可以看看書或者研究一下手頭帶的計劃文案等。對方到達(dá)時應(yīng)表現(xiàn)得從容自若,而不是氣急敗壞。發(fā)火不僅于事無補(bǔ),而且也會損害你的形象。Unit 4 Advancing 提前Part 1 Model Sentences常用句型1.

21、Can we meet earlier?我們提前見面行嗎?2.What time?幾點(diǎn)呢?3.Two hours earlier.提前兩小時。4.It's a bit difficult for me.有點(diǎn)困難。5.How about an hour in advance?提前一小時呢?Part 2Possible Alternatives動感替換句型 1I need to advance our meeting.我得把見面時間提前。Can we meet an hour in advance?我們提前一小時見面行嗎Can we make it earlier a few days?我

22、們提前幾天見面行嗎?句型 2What time is convenient for you?What time suits you best?什么時間呢?When exactly?句型 3Let's say 3:30 3點(diǎn)半吧。How about 9? 9點(diǎn)怎么樣?1:30 this Tuesday.本周二1點(diǎn)半。句型 4Sorry but I can't make it.對不起,我趕不及。I'm afraid I can't go.恐怕我去不了。I'm occupied then.我那時正忙。句型 5How about an hour earlier?

23、提前一個小時呢?Is 8:30 convenient for you? 8點(diǎn)半方便嗎?Is 2:30 OK for you? 2點(diǎn)半行嗎?Part 3Dialogues 實(shí)用會話Dialogue 1A:Can we meet earlier?我們能提前點(diǎn)見面嗎?B:OK.What time?可以,什么時間?A:Two hours earlier.提前兩小時吧。B:I'm occupied then.How about an hour in advance?我那時正忙。提前一個小時怎么樣?A:No problem.See you at 9.沒問題。那9點(diǎn)見吧。Dialogue 2A:So

24、rry,I need to advance our meeting.抱歉,我得把見面時間提前點(diǎn)。B:That's all right.What time suits you best?可以。幾點(diǎn)合適呢?A:How about 1:30 this Tuesday?本周二1點(diǎn)半怎么樣?B:Sorry but I can't make it.Is 2:30 OK for you?對不起,我趕不及。2點(diǎn)半行嗎?A:OK.See you then.好的。到時候見。Part 4 Words and Expressions 詞匯注釋advance v. 提前difficult adj. 困難

25、的exactly adv. 準(zhǔn)確地in advance 提前occupied adj. 忙,沒空Part 5FYI動感地帶不拘禮節(jié)美國人的不拘禮節(jié)世界文明。即使在商務(wù)場合,美國人也通常喜歡彼此稱呼名字而不是頭銜加姓。他們和人打招呼時,會面帶微笑,直視對方,同時主動伸出手去和對方握手。除非是在非正式的場合,美國人一般很少穿西裝,打領(lǐng)帶,即使在辦公室也是如此。簡單舒適最為重要。很多人在打電話時,不是正襟危坐,而是身體放松向后靠著椅背,甚至有些人還會把腳伸到桌子上。能力拓展 (1)Lunch appointmentA: Mr. Green, I'm calling to see if it&

26、#39;s possible for you to have lunch tomorrow with Ms. Wang and me.B: That'll be fine.A: I'd like to discuss the matter we spoke about the other day.B: Would 12:00 sharp at Dino's be okay?A: How about a bit earlier?B: I'm sorry, but I have another appointment at 11:00.A: So you'l

27、l be busy until noon?B: No, it's just that the appointment is at the lobby of the International Hotel, so I won't get back to my office until 11:45.A: Well, International Hotel is on the way to my office, so why don't we meet at our office a little before noon?B: Certainly.A: Good. Well

28、see you then.Dinner invitationA: Shall we make a time for a talk?B: You are a man of action, Mr. Johnson. But you have just made a recovery from influenza and should still have a good rest. We can talk our business later. I'd like to invite you to a dinner party at the restaurant of the Jiujiang

29、 Hotel. I hope you will come.A: It's very kind of you. Thank you for your invitation. When will the dinner begin?B: Tomorrow evening, at 6 o'clock. This is your invitation card. Mr. Johnson.A: Thank you. I'll be delighted to come on time. But when shall we fix a time for a talk?B: We can

30、 fix a time at the dinner.A: Good. I will be all right at that time.B: I must be going home now. Let us say goodbye.A: Thank you for your kindness. Goodbye and see you tomorrow evening.B: See you tomorrow evening.Chapter 2 Meeting 會見Unit 1 Greeting 問候Part 1 Model Sentences常用句型1.How are you doing?你好嗎

31、?2.I'm doing great.我很好。3.How's your business?生意好嗎?4.Couldn't be better.非常好。5.Glad to hear that.很高興聽到這個消息。Part 2Possible Alternatives動感替換句型 1How have you been? 你好嗎?How's everything? 你好嗎?What's up? 你在忙些什么?句型 2Pretty good. 很好。So far so good. 到目前為止還不錯。Nothing special. 沒什么特別的。句型 3How&

32、#39;s your work? 工作怎么樣?How is the progress? 工作進(jìn)展如何?How's your last deal? 上次那筆生意怎么樣?句型 4Couldn't be better. 非常好。Just as usual. 老樣子。It's completed. 那筆生意做成了。句型 5That's great. 好極了。It'll be better. 生意會好起來的。Congratulations! 祝賀你!Part 3Dialogues 實(shí)用會話Dialogue 1A: Hello, Mary! Long time no

33、 see. 你好,瑪麗。好久不見!B: Oh, Mike! How are you doing? 哦,麥克。你還好嗎?A: I'm fine, thanks! And you? 很好,謝謝!你呢?B: So far so good. How's your business? 到目前為止還不錯。生意還好嗎?A: Couldn't be better. 很好。B: I'm glad to hear that. 很高興聽到這個消息。Dialogue 2A: How's your work, David? 大衛(wèi),工作怎么樣?B: Just as usual. H

34、ow about you? How's your last deal? 老樣子。你呢?上次那筆生意怎么樣了?A: It's concluded. 那筆生意做成了。B: Congratulations! 祝賀你!Part 4 Words and Expressions 詞匯注釋as usual 老樣子business n. 生意complete v. 完成conclude v. 完成congratulation n. 祝賀deal n. 生意progress n. 進(jìn)展special adj. 特別的Part 5FYI動感地帶寒暄禁忌在與客戶初期接觸時,基于雙方不同的文化背景,寒

35、暄交談時應(yīng)注意選擇大中型的話題,如天氣、運(yùn)動、時事、休閑愛好等。應(yīng)避免談?wù)撁舾械恼卧掝}、宗教信仰或具有負(fù)面影響的歷史事件。不詢問對方履歷、工資收入、家庭財產(chǎn)、衣飾價格等隱私性問題,不詢問女士的年齡、婚否等情況。對方不愿回答的問題不要追問,對方反感的問題應(yīng)表示歉意,或立即轉(zhuǎn)移話題。 與客戶寒暄時,一定要注意交流技巧。一位長期移居遠(yuǎn)東的美國人給了我們一條適用于各種情況的建議:“回答問題時,要好像是在回答一位富有、年邁的姑媽問你希望她的遺囑里給你留多少遺產(chǎn)一樣?!睋Q句話說,就是在交談時要保持禮貌、優(yōu)雅和老練。Unit 2 Self-introduction 自我介紹Part 1 Model Sen

36、tences常用句型1.May I have your name?請問你怎么稱呼?2.I'm David Smith.我叫大衛(wèi)·史密斯。3.I work in Microsoft.我在微軟工作。4.I'm a sales manager.我是銷售經(jīng)理。5.Here is my business card.這是我的名片。Part 2Possible Alternatives動感替換句型 1What's your name? 你叫什么名字?Tell me your name, please. 請告訴我你的名字?How can I call you? 怎么稱呼你呢?

37、句型 2I'm Robert White. 我叫羅伯特·懷特。My name is Robert White. 我叫羅伯特·懷特。Just call me Robert. 叫我羅伯特吧。句型 3I'm in IT industry. 我從事電腦工作。I work for IBM. 我在IBM公司工作。I'm doing R&D. 我從事產(chǎn)品研發(fā)。句型 4I'm a software engineer. 我是軟件工程師。I'm in HR department. 我在人事部。I'm an assistant manage

38、r. 我是副經(jīng)理。句型 5Here is my name card. 這是我的名片。Could you give me a card? 能給我一張名片嗎?Can I have your business card? 能給我你的名片嗎?Part 3Dialogues 實(shí)用會話Dialogue 1A: Good morning. I'm Mary Smith. May I have your name? 早上好。我是瑪麗·史密斯,你叫什么名字?B: I'm David Smith. You can call me David. 我叫大衛(wèi)·史密斯。你可以叫我大衛(wèi)。

39、A: What do you do? 你是做什么的?B: I'm in computers. Here is my business card. 我從事電腦工作。這是我的名片。A: Thank you. Here is mine. 謝謝,這是我的。Dialogue 2A: How can I call you? 怎么稱呼你呢?B: Just call me Mary. 叫我瑪麗吧。A: Who do you work for? 你為誰工作?B: I once worked for Microsoft. But now I'm working for IBM. I'm a

40、 sales manager. 我過去在微軟公司工作,但現(xiàn)在在IBM公司。我是銷售經(jīng)理。Part 4 Words and Expressions 詞匯注釋assistant manager 副經(jīng)理business card 名片engineer n. 工程師HR (Human Resources) 人力資源IT (Information Technology) 信息科技name card 名片R&D (Research and Development) 研究開發(fā)sales manager 銷售經(jīng)理software n. 軟件補(bǔ)充詞匯account executive 財會經(jīng)理adver

41、tising director 廣告主任board manager 分公司經(jīng)理CEO (Chief Executive Officer) 首席執(zhí)行官CFO (Chief Financial Officer) 財務(wù)總監(jiān)chairman n. 董事長consultant n. 顧問director n. 總監(jiān)finance director 財務(wù)總長general manager 總經(jīng)理human resources manager 人事經(jīng)理president n. 總裁production manager 生產(chǎn)經(jīng)理project manager 項目經(jīng)理purchasing manager 采購

42、經(jīng)理supervisor n. 主管vice-president n. 副總裁Part 5FYI動感地帶交換名片 在正式一點(diǎn)的社交場合,特別是在商務(wù)活動中,交換名片是件很重要的事。通常你可以自己先掏出名片,說“Here is my card.”(這是我的名片。激將法。)“Could I have your business Card?”(能不能給我你的名片呢?索取法。)如果是非正式場合,要不要名片就不是那么重要的了,這是可以試著跟對方交換電話號碼、E-mail等。Unit 3 Introducing Others 介紹他人Part 1 Model Sentences常用句型1.Do you k

43、now Peter?你認(rèn)識彼得嗎?2.I'd like to know him.我想認(rèn)識他。3.I'll introduce him to you.我把他介紹給你。4.Peter, this is David.彼得,這是大衛(wèi)。5.I've heard a lot about you.久聞大名。Part 2Possible Alternatives動感替換句型 1Do you want to know Peter? 你想認(rèn)識彼得嗎?Have you met Peter? 你認(rèn)識彼得嗎?Do you know each other? 你們認(rèn)識嗎?句型 2I want to

44、know him. 我想認(rèn)識他。I'd like to make the acquaintance of him. 我想認(rèn)識一下他。Could you introduce me to him? 把我介紹給他行嗎?句型 3Let me introduce him to you. 我把他介紹給你。Come to meet David. 來見一下大衛(wèi)吧。I want you to meet David. 來認(rèn)識一下大衛(wèi)吧。句型 4This is David. 這是大衛(wèi)。He is my friend. 他是我朋友。He is a manager. 他是經(jīng)理。句型 5David often m

45、entions you. 大衛(wèi)常提起你。I heard you a lot. 久聞大名。I've been looking forward to meeting you. 我一直盼望著能認(rèn)識你。Part 3Dialogues 實(shí)用會話Dialogue 1A: HI, Mary. Do you know Peter? 嗨,瑪麗。你認(rèn)識彼得嗎?B: Not yet. Can you introduce me to him? 不認(rèn)識。能給我介紹一下嗎?A: No problem. Peter, this is Mary, my friend. Mary, this is Peter, my

46、boss. 沒問題。彼得,這是我朋友瑪麗?,旣?,這是彼得,我的老板。C: Hi, Mary. Nice to meet you. 你好,瑪麗。很高興見到你。B: Hi, Peter. Jack often mentions you. He says you are a kind person. 你好,彼得。杰克常提起你,說你是個好人。Dialogue 2A: Is that the manager over there? 那邊那位是經(jīng)理吧?B: Yes, that's Tom, our human resources manager. 是的。他叫湯姆,我們的人事經(jīng)理。A: I have

47、n't met him yet. 我還沒認(rèn)識他呢。B: I'll introduce him to you. Mary, this is Tom. Tom, this is Mary, sales manager of IBM. 我把他介紹給你?,旣悺_@是湯姆。湯姆,這是瑪麗,IBM公司的銷售經(jīng)理。C: Hi, Mary. I've heard a lot about you. Nice to meet you. 你好,瑪麗。久聞大名。很高興認(rèn)識你。B: Nice to meet you. 很高興認(rèn)識你。A: I hope you'll enjoy your s

48、tay here. 希望你此行愉快。Part 4 Words and Expressions 詞匯注釋acquaintance n. 相識,熟人introduce v. 介紹make the acquaintance of 結(jié)識mention v. 提到look forward to 盼望補(bǔ)充詞匯accountant n. 會計administrative assistant 行政助理advisor n. 顧問assistant n. 助理business partner 生意伙伴colleague n. 同事CPA (Certified Public Accountant) 注冊會計師int

49、ernal auditor 內(nèi)部審計員personnel assistant 人事助理receptionist n. 接待員secretary n. 秘書superior n. 上司subordinate n. 下屬team leader 組長teller n. 出納typist n. 打字員Part 5FYI動感地帶介紹禮儀在給雙方做介紹時,應(yīng)遵循以下原則:1.在社交場合,介紹順序由性別決定,女性為尊,應(yīng)先將男士介紹給女士。如:“Mrs. Lee, may I introduce James Smith?”先提女士名字,男士的名字最后說。2.在商務(wù)場合,決定介紹順序的是地位,而非性別。應(yīng)先將

50、職位較低者介紹給職位較高者。當(dāng)然要先稱呼地位叫尊敬者的名字:“Mr. President, this is Robert Johnson.”地位最高者,不管是男是女,是年輕還是年長,名字都要先被提到。那么,怎么來決定雙方地位的高低呢?通常職位高的人和職位低的人中,職位高者為尊;自己的老板和客戶之間,客戶為尊;國家官員和普通公民之間,官員為尊;同一職位的人中,自己不熟的一方為尊;年長者和年幼者之間,年長者為尊;同事和客戶之間,客戶為尊。 掌握了這些原則,你就能得體地介紹他人認(rèn)識,還能讓雙方都感覺舒適自在。Unit 4 Introducing Companies 介紹公司Part 1 Model

51、Sentences常用句型1.It's an American company.這是家美國公司。2.The company is established in 2001.公司創(chuàng)立于2001年。3.We deal in cars.我們銷售汽車。4.It has five subsidiaries.它有5個子公司。5.The head office is in Los Angeles.總部設(shè)在洛杉磯。Part 2Possible Alternatives動感替換句型 1It's s Sino-American joint venture. 這是家中美合資企業(yè)。It's a

52、private enterprise. 這是家私營公司。It's a transnational company. 這是家跨國公司。句型 2The company dates back to 2000. 公司創(chuàng)立于2000年。It is founded in 1998. 它創(chuàng)立于1998年。It has a long history. 他歷史悠久。句型 3We are in the line of foreign trade. 我們公司是搞外貿(mào)的。We are mainly engaged in the sale of electronic products. 我們主要經(jīng)銷電子產(chǎn)品。O

53、ur company is one of the leading car dealers in China. 我公司是中國主要的汽車銷售商之一。句型 4We have about 800 employees. 我們有大約800名員工。Our products are both for domestic and foreign markets. 我們的產(chǎn)品可供應(yīng)國內(nèi)外市場。Our company has an annualturnover of $ 3 billion. 我公司年營業(yè)額達(dá)到了30億美元。句型 5It consists of four departments. 公司包括4個部門。We have ten branch offices. 我們有10家分公司。It is headquartered in Los Angeles. 總部設(shè)在洛杉磯。Part 3Dialogues 實(shí)用會話Dialogue 1A: Do you


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