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1、高考英語單詞拼寫練習(xí)(高三部分)1. Tom was w_ to learn from her, for she set an good example to everyone here. w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m2. All this increased my d_ to try in every way to fight against that war.3. Dont walk around on the beach without a sunhat. Otherwise youll get s_4. After高考資源網(wǎng) I had graduated from coll

2、ege, I continued to d_ myself to research.5. We found the students very d_ at losing the race.6. How many new students have been a_ to our school this year?7. It is said that at that time people living in mountainous areas didnt have enough light i_ products.8. We all a _ him for his bravery in that

3、 battle.9. They found it to be an a_ land where the soil was red, bears climbed trees, birds ran but did not fly.10. The scientists are on an e_ to the South Pole for the purpose of watching the great event. 11. We had a party to c_ mothers silver wedding.12. ts our duty to d_ our country when dange

4、r is approaching.13. An i_ refers to an organization set up to do a particular type of work, especially research on teaching.14. If something is e_, it seems as if you will never reach the end of it.15. A d_ is a terrible accident such as an earthquake or an air crash.16. It was not a surprise that

5、our football team d_ some major teams in Asia.17. We young students have a great t_ for knowledge.18. The question is b_ my power. Would you please help me?19. Your friendship is most p_ to me. Ill treasure it forever.20. The UN should pay special attention to the fact that many Africans are s_ day

6、after day.21. The soldiers b_ their enemies when they took the small town by surprise last night.22. Food is easily lost in s_; For instance, food stores are frequently eaten by mice.23. She poured water all over my painting and r_ it.24. Thanks to a_ development, farmers in China become richer.25.

7、After liberation , what is needed most in china is a change in land o_.26. Last Saturday we took a_ of the fine weather to go on a hike.27. Our physics teacher is a h_ _man who always makes us laugh happily.28. He didnt make any c_ on the affair.29. The scenery was beautiful beyond d_30. The result

8、of the experiment was s_.31. Please take an _u_ with you in case it rains.32. No journey life is s_, so you have to prepare for any difficulty.33. Governments of different countries are working together to improve the e_ _in the world. w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m34. He was d_ to hear they were not coming.35

9、. To our great d_ _the day turned out fine.36. They got into a heated a_ _about whether to go by sea or by air.37. His only dream is to acquire great w_38. The world leaders are meeting next week, trying to s_a solution to the problem. 39. After his cancer was found, he took a_ attitudes towards it.

10、40. He answered the a_ _in the paper and got the job.41. The disease s_ quickly across the country and thousands of people died.42. After an earthquake the buildings fell to p_.43. He felt a_ that he had lied.44. His visit to England promoted the u_ between the people of the two countries.45. Their

11、job is to c_ _all kinds of information and send it to people who need it.46. His funny expression made us b_ into laughter.47. Can you take c_ of the class when the teacher is out ?48. F_is the mother of success.49. Ive got m_ of things to see to this morning.50. After the students put up a Christma

12、s tree in the center, the classroom t_ on a holiday appearance.51. F_, people are beginning to realize how serious the whole situation is. w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m52. He just g_ at those cheap goods in the shop and did not show much interest in them.53. He was not prepared for this kind of situation, but

13、 he soon c_ himself down.54. Tom p_ to be sleeping when Jenny came in.55. The child was lost in the forest, where he was at the m_ of wild beasts.56. They had enough money to live in c_ in their old age.57. A person with a spirit of a_ and creation is more likely to succeed.58. At present r_ between

14、 countries are so strained that a war may break out.59. The old woman r_ looking after because she was ill bed.60. Last year his daughter was admitted to the English D_ of ZhejiangUniversity.61. In the past many young Americans drove d_ to show off their new cars.62. He was walking along the road wh

15、en s_ there was a cry for help.63. As a matter of fact, its really a t_ case, which is difficult to be dealt with.64. This change of state is a p_ change and not a chemical one.65. Guan Yu and his army won one v_ after another in battle until finally he became too proud. 66. In competitions, which d

16、o you think is more important, medals or f_?67. In a_ fact, we have never heard from him since he left.68. There was a new clerk standing behind the r_ desk.69. Severe p_ will be given to whoever cheated on the exam.70. Hearing the news that they arrived safely, father s_ with relief.71. Ones n_ bod

17、y temperature is 37ºc.72. She must return the money with 10% interest within a year a_ to the agreement.73. You can have my mobile phone for a few days on c_ that you will return it by Saturday.74. He is a l_ man. That is to say, he is knowledgeable.75. We all d_ happiness and health.76. The fi

18、nal exam is coming. Please make full _p_ for it .77. Thank you for o_ to help, but I can manage it myself.78. Some people cried when they were refused e_ into the USA.79. When they o_,they were killed.80. He tried to r_with his students .81. Cheese doesnt d_ easily. so dont eat too much.82. Id like

19、to have the photo e_,please.83. Has the amount of rain_a_ the growth of crops?84. The child is e_ .He keeps on jumping and running all the time.85. It is w_ to visit the place. w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m86. He lives alone because he wants to be i_ from his parents.87. He s_ a mouthful of bread.88. I have l

20、ots of h_ ,such as reading ,singing and painting.89. Butterflies,bees,flies,and ants are i_.90. His a_ came from France centuries ago.91. Do you believe in the _e_ of God?92. He received a lot of _e_ from his teacher and worked hard.93. Shakespear _c_ many famous characters.94. The countrys economy

21、is dependent on _t_.95. Christopher Columbus was one of the great e_96. Ill look into the matter as soon as possible. Just have a little p_.97. What he has in mind is beyond i_.98. On hearing the funny story, we burst into l_.99. It was said that last night a p_ painting in the palace was stolen.100

22、. Annie grew up in a childrens home and an i_ for the blind.101. Im sorry I have no g_ for music.102. I wonder if I could use your tape r_ for a while.103. Immediate a_ must be taken to stop the fire spreading.104. If necessary, please send me an e_.105. Mary is p_ in art of cooking; her meals are b

23、eginning quite good.106.The penguin(企鵝) is a f_ bird 107. I cant r_ what he does to what he says.108. A_ from the price, the hat doesnt suit me.109. This company is more concerned with q_ than with quantity.110. She jogs every day to improve her f_.111. Gandhi was a d_ fighter for human rights.112.

24、Women want to be treated fairly. They are still struggling for true e_ with men.113. Gandi returned to India in 1915 and was h_ as a hero.114. It is the duty of everyone to d_ an unfair law.115. He decided to give away everything he p_ and become a monk(僧侶.116. He forgot to leave the a_ machine on y

25、esterday, so he didnt know who had called him.117. The campers s_ for a good place to set up the tent.118. It makes very good sense to keep sheep or goats in h_ areas.119. The local g_ has been considering further tax cuts.120. She is so clever a woman. As I look back upon those years, I am struck b

26、y her w_.121. He is familiar with oxford and the s_ area.122. Honeybees tell how far away the feeding place is through w_ dances.123. We sat in a s_ round the fire.124. No one could have f_ that things would turn out this way.125. Right now they had a h_ debate.126. Dolphins use sound to c_ with eac

27、h other.127. The path grew s_ as we climbed higher.128. The soldiers at the front were greatly i_ .by Chairman Mao who came to see them.129. After graduation, he handed an a_ letter to a big company.130. He is a very c_ person and thinks highly of himself.131. Her mother lived in a n_ town. So it wa

28、s convenient for she to see her. w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m132. The two events are c_ connected.133. Seeing her mother, Mary made a b_ for her.134. They succeeded escaping from the b_ house.135. He was the sort of person you could d_ on.136. Fines are m_ to a huge company like that.137. Children are c_ abo

29、ut everything round them.138. The key p_ is that you shouldnt have to wait so long to see a doctor.139. I hate m_ exam papers. Because it takes me a lot of time.140. A f_ rain began to fall on our heads before it poured down.141. Bees fly a m_ distance of 3.2 km between their hive and a feeding plac

30、e.142. Keep me i_ of what happens.143. It was she who won a s_ to the university.144. I went further back into the cave and stopped s_.145. They trooped behind the first dancer, c_ its movements.w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m參考答案:1. willing 2. determination 3. sunburnt 4. devote 5. disappointed 6. admitted 7.

31、industrial 8. admired 9. astonishing 10. expedition 11. celebrate 12. defend 13. institute 14. endless 16. defeated 17. thirst 18. beyond 19. precious 20. starving 21. butchered 22. storage 23.ruined 24. agricultural 25.disadvantage 26.advantage 27.humorous ments 29.description 30.satisfactory 31.um

32、brella 32.smooth 33.environment 34.disappointed 35.delight 36.arguments 37.wealth 38.seek 39.active 40.advertisement 41.spread 42.pieces 43.ashamed 44.understanding 45.collect 46.burst 47.charge 48.Failure 49.massed 50.took 51.Fortunately 52. glanced 53. calmed 54. pretended 55.mercy fort57.adventure 58.relations 59.required 60.


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