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1、上海高考英語(yǔ)翻譯句型總結(jié)解析not until / Not until /It was not until that1. 直到會(huì)議快要結(jié)束時(shí)他才露面。 (show up)2. 直到二十世紀(jì)初人們才學(xué)會(huì)怎樣防止這種疾病的蔓延。 (prevent) 3. 直到那時(shí)他才意識(shí)到他的老師是非常善解人意的。 (considerate)4. 可惜他們直到事故發(fā)生之后才采取措施防止它。5. 直到上周末收到你的來(lái)信時(shí)我們才如釋負(fù)重。 (relieve)The more the more.1( 你的詞匯量越大,你就感到用英語(yǔ)寫(xiě)作越容易。 (feel it + adj. to do )2( 人們普遍認(rèn)為,用腦越多,

2、思維就越活躍。 ( it is generally believedthat )3( 問(wèn)題發(fā)現(xiàn)得越早,解決起來(lái)越容易。4( 問(wèn)題越難,我越有可能能夠解決他們。(likely)5( 我們學(xué)習(xí)得越多,將來(lái)就越能為我們國(guó)家工作的越好。6( 你練習(xí)講英語(yǔ)越多,就越對(duì)你有好處。(do sb good)7( 我們經(jīng)常討論的一個(gè)問(wèn)題是: 是否錢(qián)越多越幸福。8( 相對(duì)而言,孩子與父母交流越多,越不可能感到憂(yōu)郁。 (suffer from) Nomatter how / however + adj. / adv. + S + V 1.不管這個(gè)新體系有多復(fù)雜,我們還是要用它。 (complicated) 2( 無(wú)

3、論社會(huì)發(fā)展得多快,這個(gè)傳統(tǒng)應(yīng)該代代相傳。(pass on) 3( 無(wú)論他如何努力,他似乎永遠(yuǎn)學(xué)不好物理。4( 不管我們有多忙,下星期我們一定會(huì)舉行一次歡送會(huì)向那些退休工人們表示敬意。 (inhonor of)5(不管天有多晚,他從不把今天必須做的事拖到明天。 (put off) 6. 如果我們以一種強(qiáng)烈的意志工作,我們能夠克服任何的困難,無(wú)論這個(gè)困難有多大。 Adj./ adv. / n. / v. + as / though + S + V 1. 雖然他很聰明,但他不愿把全部時(shí)間用在學(xué)習(xí)上。(devote - to)2. 他很累,但他還是工作到深夜。(work late into )3. 雖

4、然他是個(gè)孩子,但對(duì)于這個(gè)世界他了解很多。4. 雖然我敬佩他作為一個(gè)作家,但我不喜歡他作為一個(gè)人。 (admire) Hardly/ scarcely / barely when no sooner than1. 我剛到家,電話(huà)鈴就響了。2. 他一到實(shí)驗(yàn)室,就開(kāi)始做實(shí)驗(yàn)。 (set out)3. 這男孩剛打開(kāi)電腦,他父親就回家了,叫他做功課。4. 他一到家就迫不及待地把好消息告訴他父母。(can ' t wait)1. Not until the meeting was almost over did he show up. th2. Notuntil the beginning of

5、the 20 century did people learn how to prevent the disease fromspreading.3. Not until then did he realize that his teacher was very considerate / thoughtful /1understanding.4. it s a pity that they didn t take any measures to prevent the accident until it happened.5. Not until we heard from you last

6、 week were we relieved.ll feel it to1. The larger vocabulary you have, the easier you write in English.2. It is generally / commonly believed that the more one uses his brain, the more active hismind will be.3. The earlier the problem is found, the more easily it can be solved.4. The more difficult

7、the problems are, the more likely I am to beable to solve them. 5. The more we learn, the better we ll be able towork for our country in the future.6. The more you practise speaking English, the more good it will doyou. 7. The topic we often discuss is whether the more money we have, the happier we

8、will be. 8. Relatively speaking, the more children communicate with their parents, the less likely theywill suffer from depression.1( No matter how complicated the new system is, we ll have to use it.2( However fast the society develops, this tradition should bepassed on from generation togeneration

9、.3( It seems that however hard he works, he can never learn physics well. 4( However busy we are, we will certainly give a farewell party in honor of those retiredworkers next week.5( However late it is, he never puts off what must be done today till tomorrow. 6( If you work with a strong will, we c

10、an overcome any difficulty, however great it is.1. Clever as he is, he is not willing to devote all his time to his study. 2. Tired as he was, he still worked late into the midnight.3. Child as he is, he knows a lot about the world.4. Much as I admire him as a writer,I don t like him as a man.1. I h

11、ad hardly reached home when the phone rang.2. No sooner had he got to the laboratory than he set out to do the experiment. 3. Hardly had the boy turned on the computer when his father came home and asked him to dohis lessons.4. He had hardly arrived home when he could not wait to tell his parents th

12、e good news.where / wherever1. 我已下定決心去最需要我的地方。2. 那些大學(xué)生在畢業(yè)之后會(huì)去無(wú)論他們被需要的地方。3. 眾所周知,藥品不應(yīng)該放在孩子們可以拿到的地方。 (accessible)24. 我會(huì)把這本書(shū)放在你放的地方,并在我放它的地方做個(gè)記號(hào)。 (make a mark)The first time = when for the first timeEvery time / each time = whenever The moment / the instant = as soonas 1. 史密斯先生第一次去杭州時(shí),就被西湖的美所打動(dòng)。(strike

13、) 2. 第一次坐飛機(jī)時(shí),飛機(jī)起降時(shí)感到不舒服是很正常的。(it is normal )3.每次他媽媽叫他幫助做家務(wù),他總是假裝在看書(shū)。4. 每次我看到這張照片,就讓我想起我的學(xué)校生活。 (remind)5. 每次在閱覽室看完雜志,請(qǐng)放回原處。 (where)6. 他高中一畢業(yè)就去了國(guó)外。7. 雖然好幾年沒(méi)碰到他了,但昨天我一看到他就認(rèn)出他了。This / It is / was the first / second time that1. 這是他第一次獨(dú)立解決這個(gè)問(wèn)題。2. 這是他們第一次贏得一場(chǎng)正式比賽,因此每個(gè)人都欣喜若狂。3. 這是我第三次沒(méi)有通過(guò)駕駛考試。It will (not)

14、be before (It won t be long before)It was (not) before 1. 不久我們就要從高中畢業(yè)了。2. 很長(zhǎng)一段時(shí)間之后他才會(huì)回來(lái)。3. 不久一架直升機(jī)就到達(dá)現(xiàn)場(chǎng)來(lái)營(yíng)救這次飛機(jī)失事的幸存者。 (on the scene)4. 很長(zhǎng)一段時(shí)間之后他才意識(shí)到了他的錯(cuò)。不久他就意識(shí)到了他的錯(cuò)。很快他就意識(shí)到了他的錯(cuò)。(it was before long that )5. 過(guò)了幾分鐘我才覺(jué)察到剛才發(fā)生的事。 (aware)6. 幾年后他們?cè)趪?guó)外結(jié)了婚。7. 20 年后他的研究成果才最終得到承認(rèn)。 (recognize) 8. 過(guò)了一段時(shí)間我的眼睛才適應(yīng)了黑暗

15、,能夠辨別出不同的動(dòng)物。 (make out)It is (has been) since 1. 自從我們上次互相見(jiàn)面,幾乎已經(jīng)五年了。2. 自從我們上次碰面,似乎是一個(gè)世紀(jì)了。3. 自她四歲以來(lái),她一直每天練習(xí)彈鋼琴。1. I ve made up my mind to go where I m needed most.2. Those college students will go wherever they are needed after graduation.3. As we all know, medicine should be kept where it is accessi

16、ble to children.4. I will put the book where you placed it and make a mark at the place where I put it.31. The first time Mr Smith went to Hangzhou, he was struck by the beauty of the West Lake. 2. When you take a plane for the first time, it is normal (for you) to feel uncomfortable whilethe plane

17、is taking off or landing.3. Each time his mother asks him to do some housework, he always pretends to be reading (abook).4. Every time I see the photo, it reminds me of the school life.5. Each time you finish reading the magazine in the reading room, please put it where it was. 6. He went abroad the

18、 moment he graduated from Senior High School.7. Although I haven t m et him for years, I recognized the moment I saw him.1. This is the first time that has solved the problem on his own.2. It is the first time that they had won a formal match, so everyone was wild with joy. 3. It is the third time t

19、hat I have failed to pass the driving test.1. It won t be long before we graduate from Senior High School.2. It will be a long time before he comes back.3. It wasn t long before a helicopter arrived on the scene to rescue the survivors of the planecrash.4. It was long before he realized his mistake.

20、It was not long before he realized his mistake.It was before long that he realized his mistake.5. It was several minutes before I was aware of what had happened just now. 6. It was several years before they got married abroad.7. It was twenty years before the result of his research was eventually re

21、cognized. 8. It was some time before my eyes became used to the dark and could make out differentanimals.1. It is almost five years since we saw each other last time.2. It seems a century since we last met.3. She has been practicing playing the piano every day since she was four.Never, Never before,

22、 Seldom, Little1( 我從來(lái)沒(méi)有意識(shí)到他有多幽默。 (Never)2( 我們從來(lái)沒(méi)有比現(xiàn)在更為自己是中國(guó)人感到自豪。(Never)3( 上海市民的環(huán)保意識(shí)從來(lái)沒(méi)有像今天這么強(qiáng)。(Never before)4( 我很少見(jiàn)到像亨利這樣考慮周到的人。 (Seldom)5( 盡管他已經(jīng) 18 歲了,但他很少意識(shí)到與別人交流的重要性。 (Seldom)6( 他幾乎不知道所發(fā)生的事。 (Little) 4Only + 狀語(yǔ), 倒裝1(只有在那時(shí),Tom才承認(rèn)他錯(cuò)了。2( 只有在這家商店,我們才能買(mǎi)到如此好的家具。3( 只有當(dāng)戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)在1949 年結(jié)束后,他才開(kāi)始了新的生活。4( 只有不斷學(xué)習(xí)新事

23、物,我們才能與時(shí)共進(jìn)。5( 只有通過(guò)科學(xué)的鍛煉才能使人延年益壽。So + adj / adv , 部分倒裝 that Cl.Such + n , 部分倒裝 that Cl.1( 他的房間太小了,連個(gè)床都放不下。2( 他們對(duì)哲學(xué)了解很少,以至于其中大多數(shù)人根本不能理解講座。 (beyond sb) 3( 時(shí)間是如此珍貴,我們不能浪費(fèi)它。4(他全神貫注于閱讀以致于沒(méi)有注意到我們進(jìn)來(lái)。(be absorbed in)5( 在口試中,面對(duì)兩位老師,他緊張得一句話(huà)也說(shuō)不出來(lái)。 (face)6(有噪音我聽(tīng)不清。(make oneself) 祈使句/名詞,or / and 1. 繼續(xù)努力 ( 再努力一下)

24、, 你將來(lái)總有一天會(huì)成功的。 (sure)2. 多吃水果,你就不用擔(dān)心缺少維生素。 (lack)3. 聽(tīng)從你醫(yī)生的意見(jiàn),否則你的咳嗽會(huì)更糟糕。 (follow)The reason (why )+ 旬子 / for (doing ) sth was / is that Cl.1( 他從未想到他被拒絕的原因是不會(huì)電腦。(turn down)2( 他們成功的原因在于他們能從錯(cuò)誤中學(xué)到東西。3( 他身體差的原因是他不太注意飲食和休息。4( 他沒(méi)有參加昨晚的聚會(huì)是因?yàn)闆](méi)有人告訴他。1. Never have I realized how humourous he is. 2. Never have w

25、e been more proud of being Chinese than (we are) now.3. Never before have the citizens of Shanghai had such a strong sense of environmentalprotection.4. Seldom have I seen such a considerate person like Henry. 5. Seldom does he realize the importance of communicating with others though he is already

26、18 years old.1. Only then did Tom admit that he was wrong. 2. Only in this shop can we buy such good furniture. 3. Only when / after the war was over in 1949, was he able to begin a new life.54. Only by learning the new constantly can we keep up with the times.5. Only by taking exercise in a scienti

27、fic way can human beings live a long life.1( So small is his room that a bed can t be put in.2( So little did they know about philosophy that the lecture was completely beyond most ofthem.t afford to waste it.3( So precious is time that we can4( So absorbed was he in reading that he didn t notice th

28、at we came in.5( So nervous did he feel in the oral test that he couldn t say aword facing the two teachers.6( Such a noise was there that I couldn t make myself heard.1( Keep working hard (Make another effort / Another effort), and you are sure to succeedsomeday in the future.2( Eat more fruit, and

29、 you don t have to worry about lack ofvitamins. 3( Follow your doctor s advice, or your cough will get worse.1. It never occurred to him that the reason why he was turned down was that he couldn t usethe computer.2. The reason for their success is that they can learn from their mistakes.3. the reaso

30、n for his poor health was that he didn t pay enoughattention to his diet and rest.4. the reason why she didn t attend the party last night was that nobody had told her about it.It ' s (high / about) time that / (for sb) to do sth1( 該你上床睡覺(jué)的時(shí)候了。 2. 該你下決心的時(shí)候了。3( 你該好好反省一下自己的所作所為。 (reflect)By the tim

31、e 1( 到他回來(lái)為止,我將做完我的回家作業(yè)了。2( 到我回到家時(shí),雨已經(jīng)停了。What moved / touched / struck sb was + N. / that What delighted sb(most) was What surprised / amazed sb was What interested / worried / troubled / disappointed sb was1. 讓我們感動(dòng)的是很多人為事故中的受害者伸出了援助之手。2. 令我們大家感動(dòng)的是這位科學(xué)家雖身在異鄉(xiāng)仍心系祖國(guó)。3. 使我最高興的是她的禮物正好就是我正想著要買(mǎi)的東西。4. 令父母擔(dān)心的

32、是,她已決定不吃早飯。5. 當(dāng)時(shí)最鼓勵(lì)我的是老師和朋友的評(píng)價(jià)。6. 目前讓我頭痛的是我背不出所有這些英文單詞。7.1. It is time for you to go to bed. / it is time that you went to bed. 2. It is high time that you made up your mind.3. It is high time that you reflected on what you have done.1. By the time he comes back, I will have finished my homework. 2.

33、By the time I came back, the rain had stopped.1( What moved / touched / struck us was that many people lent/ gave a (helping) hand to thevictims in the accident.2( What has moved all of us is that the scientist always thinks ofhis motherland while he isabroad/ while he lives overseas.3( What delight

34、ed me most was that her present was just what I was thinking of buyingmyself.4( What worries her parents is that she has decided to skipbreakfast. 5( What encouraged me most at that time was the comments of the teachers and friends. 6( What troubles me at the moment is that I can hardly learn all th

35、ese English words by heart.被動(dòng)語(yǔ)態(tài)句子1( 應(yīng)該特別強(qiáng)調(diào)環(huán)保的重要性。 (emphasis)2( 孩子長(zhǎng)大后,要鼓勵(lì)他們做力能所及的家務(wù)和學(xué)會(huì)如何照顧自己。(whatever)3( 必須采取積極的 / 有效的措施來(lái)防止更多的人受到愛(ài)滋病的威脅。(threaten)4( 必須立刻采取行動(dòng)防止森林大火蔓延。5( 應(yīng)該非常注意培養(yǎng)學(xué)生的學(xué)習(xí)習(xí)慣。 (cultivate)6( 這些老年人在醫(yī)院受到了很好的照顧。7( 應(yīng)該鼓勵(lì)中學(xué)生參加社區(qū)服務(wù)。8( 應(yīng)該利用每一分鐘來(lái)練習(xí)我們的英語(yǔ)。 (use)It is / was (in)convenient (for sb) to d

36、o sthIf it is convenient to sb,1. 你從這兒到火車(chē)站很方便。2. 你明天開(kāi)始工作方便嗎 ,3. 既然你的腿目前上著石膏,你四處走動(dòng)肯定很不方便。 (in plaster)4. 這位科學(xué)家現(xiàn)在不方便對(duì)這項(xiàng)發(fā)明發(fā)表評(píng)論。5. 據(jù)我所知,在那個(gè)社區(qū)里購(gòu)物很方便。6. 如果你方便的話(huà),請(qǐng)幫我把包裹從郵局取回來(lái)。 (fetch)Whenever / When it comes to (doing) sth1. 說(shuō)到教育,大部分人認(rèn)為是一個(gè)終生學(xué)習(xí)。 (lifetime) 72. Tom 說(shuō)他看過(guò)這部電影,但要說(shuō)到細(xì)節(jié),他卻一無(wú)所知。3. 無(wú)論什么時(shí)候涉及到學(xué)數(shù)學(xué),她就變得

37、很緊張。4. 當(dāng)涉及到?jīng)Q定生活目的的時(shí)候,甚至最明智的哲學(xué)家也只是在猜測(cè)。It is/ was likely that Sb/ sth be likely to do 1. 會(huì)議可能下星期舉行。2. 據(jù)說(shuō)吸煙可能引起心臟病和其他的疾病。3. 更有可能喜歡流行歌曲的是年輕人而不是老年人。(rather than)4. 她打開(kāi)電視機(jī),但沒(méi)有發(fā)現(xiàn)任何可能使她感興趣的。5. 有可能這個(gè)新建的語(yǔ)音室不久將向全體師生開(kāi)放。(be open to)It is /was (im)possible that / it is (im)possible forsb to do sth1. 從早到晚在空調(diào)房間里工作或

38、生活可能會(huì)使人生病。2. 要想讓他們徹底了解當(dāng)?shù)匚幕遣豢赡艿摹?( Special emphasis should be laid/ put/ place on the importance of protecting theenvironment.( The importance of protecting the environment should belaid specialemphasis on. )2( When children grow up, they should be encouraged to do whatever housework they can doand

39、learn how to look after themselves.3( Positive/ Effective measures must be taken to prevent more people from being threatenedwith AIDS.4( Immediate action must be taken to prevent the forest fire from spreading. 5( Much attention should be paid to cultivating students study habits.6( The old people

40、are taken good care of in the hospital.7. Middle school students should be encouraged to take part in community service. 8. Every minute should be made use of to practise our English.1( It is convenient for you to go to the railway station from here.2( Will it be convenient for you to start work tom

41、orrow?3( Since your leg is in plaster at present, it must be inconvenientfor you to move around. 4( It is not convenient for the scientist tomake comments on this invention now. 5( As far as I know, it is very convenient to do shopping in that community. 6( If it is convenient to you, please fetch t

42、he parcel for me from the post office.1. When it comes to education, the majority of people believe that education is a lifetime study. 2. Tom said he had seen the film, but when it came to the details, he knew nothing. 3. She becomes nervous whenever it comes to learning maths.4. When it comes to d

43、etermining the purpose of life, even the wisest philosophers are justguessing.1. The meeting is likely to be held next week. / it is likely that the meeting will be held next 2. It is said that smoking is likely to cause heart diseases and other diseases. 3. Young people rather than old people are m

44、ore likely to prefer pop songs. 4. She turned on the TV, but found nothing that was likely to interest her. 5. It is likely that the newly-built language lab will soon be open to all the teachers and1( It is possible that working or living in an air-conditioned room from morning till night willcause

45、 people to get ill.2( It is impossible for them to have a thorough knowledge of the local culture.It is hard to imagine / believe / foresee 1. 當(dāng)別的孩子在玩耍的時(shí)候,很難想象一個(gè)學(xué)生能集中思想在課本上。(remain)(cherish)2. 很難想象這位電影明星在電影界一直活躍了長(zhǎng)達(dá)半個(gè)世紀(jì)之久。3. 很難預(yù)計(jì)她是否下周能康復(fù)。4. 我們很難預(yù)見(jiàn)將來(lái),所以眼下我們要做的就是珍惜現(xiàn)在所有的。5. 難以相信他一輩子除了工作沒(méi)有任何業(yè)余愛(ài)好。It is no

46、 /not any good /use doing1. 牛奶打潑,哭也沒(méi)用。2. 世界上沒(méi)有后悔藥,你應(yīng)該知道重要的是你要全力避免再犯同樣的錯(cuò)誤。3. 光學(xué)不練是沒(méi)用的,“熟能生巧”這句話(huà)很有道理。4. 和他們爭(zhēng)論沒(méi)有什么好處。5. 像那樣談?wù)撌菦](méi)什么好處的,我們必須制定一個(gè)計(jì)劃,然后加以實(shí)施。There is no need (for sb) to do sth1. 閱讀時(shí),你不必碰到每個(gè)新單詞就查字典。2. 你沒(méi)有不要對(duì)自己太苛刻。 (be hard on)3. 既然你們已經(jīng)達(dá)成協(xié)議,就沒(méi)有必要求助于律師。4. 沒(méi)有必要把我看作是你的老師,我們可以相互學(xué)習(xí)。There is no doub

47、t that 1( 毫無(wú)疑問(wèn),每個(gè)人都有選擇自己生活方式的權(quán)利。2( 毫無(wú)疑問(wèn),政府將采取措施防止這種疾病的蔓延。3( 毫無(wú)疑問(wèn),教育應(yīng)將重點(diǎn)放在學(xué)生的個(gè)性發(fā)展上,而不是分?jǐn)?shù)上。(personality)4( 毫無(wú)疑問(wèn),她能達(dá)到目標(biāo),因?yàn)樗龍?jiān)信: 有志者,事竟成。There is no/ little possibility that. / of doing91. 一個(gè)小時(shí)之內(nèi)完成這份試卷是不可能的。2. 不久的將來(lái)人們有可能找到石油的替代品嗎 ,(substitute)3. 那些過(guò)多地注意榮譽(yù)和金錢(qián)的科學(xué)家不可能獲得諾貝爾獎(jiǎng)。There is no / not much / any poin

48、t (in) doing1. 進(jìn)一步討論這個(gè)事沒(méi)什么意義。2. 向他們埋怨沒(méi)有什么意義,他們根本不會(huì)理睬。(take any notice)3. 你認(rèn)為和她為雞毛蒜皮的小事?tīng)?zhēng)論不休有意義嗎,There is no denying that 1. 不可否認(rèn),他們的生活質(zhì)量每況愈下。2. 不可否認(rèn),電腦使我們的生活更方便,但也存在有一些問(wèn)題。 (there exist)1. It s hard to imagine that a student can focus on his textbook while other children are playing.2. It s hard to im

49、agine that the film star could remain active in the film circle for as long as halfa century.3. It s hard to foresee whether sh e will recover next week.4. It s hard for us to foresee the future, so what we should do at present is to cherish what wehave now.5. It s hard to believe that he hasn t any

50、 hobby except his job all his life.1(It is no use crying over the spilt milk. 4(It is no good arguing with them.2( It is no use crying over the spilt milk and you should knowwhat s important is to try yourbest to avoid making the same mistakes once again.3(It is no use learning without practice. The

51、 saying“Practicemakes perfect ” is very true.5(It is no good talking like that. We must make a plan and carry it out.1( There is no need for you to look up for every new word you come across/ meet with / runinto while (you are) reading / in reading.2 .There is no need for you to be so hard on yourse

52、lf.3 . Now that you have reached / arrived at an agreement, there is no need to turn to the lawyer. 4. There is no need to look on me as your teacher and we can learn from each other.1. There is no doubt that everybody has a right to choose his own way of living/ life. 2. There is no doubt that the

53、government will take measures to prevent this disease from spreading.3 .There is no doubt that education should put / lay emphasis on the development of students personality instead of marks/ scores.4 .There is no doubt that she can accomplish her ambition, because she firmly believes/ holds a firm

54、belief that where there is a will, there is a way.101. There is no possibility that the examination paper can be finished within one and a halfhours.2. Is there any possibility of people s finding a substitute foroil in the near future?3. There is little possibility that the scientists who pay too m

55、uch attention to honour and moneywill be awarded the Noble Prize.4. There is no point in discussing the issue further. 2( There is not much point in complaining to them; they never take any notice.5. Do you think there is any point arguing with her over such small matters? 1. There is no denying tha

56、t the quality of their life has gone form bad to worse.2. there is no denying that computers make our life more convenient, but there exist someproblems.There happened/s to beThere seemed/s to be1( 今天下午碰巧有一個(gè)會(huì)議。2( 那只用報(bào)紙包起來(lái)的瓶子里碰巧有治壓痛的藥。3( 所幸爆炸發(fā)生時(shí)屋里恰好沒(méi)人。4( 似乎沒(méi)有理由推遲這個(gè)講座。似乎沒(méi)有多大他會(huì)來(lái)的希望。 5(6( 對(duì)提出的建議似乎沒(méi)有反對(duì)意見(jiàn)

57、。It (so) happened/s thatIt seemed/s that2. 昨天在晚會(huì)上我碰巧碰到了你上次提到的那位著名的科學(xué)家。3. 如此碰巧史密斯先生沒(méi)有參加晚會(huì)因?yàn)槟翘焖哪赣H病的很重。4. 這家商店似乎屬于我叔叔工作的那家公司。5. 上海的超市似乎正沿用西方國(guó)家“越大越好”的模式。6. 看來(lái)這一次部長(zhǎng)不能對(duì)記者提出的問(wèn)題避而不答了。It matters much / a lotIt ma tters little = it doesn t matter1( 對(duì)一名求職者而言,能否給面試官留下良好的第一印象至關(guān)重要。2( 去做值得做的事情至關(guān)重要。3( 如果你遲到,沒(méi)多大關(guān)系。4( 誰(shuí)提出這個(gè)建議無(wú)關(guān)緊要,只要這個(gè)建議使我們得益處。What (reall


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