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1、alley 'Qli;'QLI nC 1.a narrow street between or behind buildings 市鎮(zhèn)中的小巷,胡同2.a path in a garden or park , esp.one borderd by trees or bushes花園,公園內(nèi)的小徑。 3.a long track along which balls are rolled in order to knock over bottle-shaped objects in bowling or skittles保齡球,九柱戲等的球道。 常用短語(yǔ) right up/down

2、 sb.s alley AmE very suitable for someone 美 正合某人的胃口, 非常適合某人;Ex: The job sounds right up your alley.這項(xiàng)工作聽(tīng)上去正合你的胃口。alley cat : n.C a cat that lives on the streets and does not belong to anyone 流浪貓;野貓blind alley: n.C 1. a small narrow street with no wayout at one end 死胡同,死巷子 2. an attempt to achieve so

3、mething which does not produce useful results.行不通的努力。 bowling alley: n. C a building where you go bowling 保齡球場(chǎng)典型試題 Davies' house is down a long narrow_. A.street B. road C.alley D.path試題詳解 答案C .alley小巷,胡同。句意:戴維斯的家在一條狹長(zhǎng)的胡同里。A.street大街,街道;B. road路,道路,公路;D.path人走出來(lái)的小徑,小道。bitterness n.C the state of

4、 being angry and upset 生氣,心煩,痛苦典型試題 She was full of hatred and _A.bitter B.miserable C.sadness D.bitterness試題詳解 答案D.痛苦,辛酸。句意:她滿腔仇恨和辛酸. A.bitter,心酸的,慘痛的,苦味的,是一個(gè)形容詞;B.miserable 同樣也是一個(gè)形容詞,詞性不對(duì),表悲慘的,不幸的,可憐的,意思;C.sadness僅僅只是傷心的意思,是一個(gè)名詞。構(gòu)詞法 bitterness: <bitter+-ness(將形容詞變?yōu)槌橄竺~的名詞詞尾)>詞形變換;bitter adj.

5、 有苦味的,苦的;指寒冷,風(fēng)等刺骨的;嚴(yán)寒的;辛酸的,慘痛的,難以接受的。Bitterness /bItEnIs/ the property of having a harsh unpleasant taste 苦味The state of being angry and upset 怨恨 仇恨 痛苦【Derivative】Bitter adj. 苦的, 令人痛苦的 . Bitterly adv. 苦苦的,悲痛地典型考題She had a lot of _after the breakup.A bitterness B sad C happiness D bitter試題分析 此題答案選A詳細(xì)

6、解答句意:她在分手之后充滿了怨恨。Civil WarA war between groups of people in the same Country 內(nèi)戰(zhàn)【common phrase】Civil marriage 不在教堂舉行的婚禮 Civil right 民權(quán) Civil law 民法Call it quitsu to agree to stop a contest ,quarrel ,etc. Because both sides seem equal(因勢(shì)均力敵)同意停止比賽(或爭(zhēng)吵等)u to decide to stop doing sth 決定停止【synonym】call i

7、t a day 【典型例題】At midnight, the student decided to _and closed his booksA call off B call onC call it quits D call up【試題分析】 此題測(cè)詞組意義,答案為C【詳細(xì)解答】 句意為 夜深了,這個(gè)學(xué)生決定學(xué)到這里然后合上書 。 call off 取消 call on 拜訪,求助 call up 喚起,提出Dirt road Noun. A rough road in the country that is made from hard earth 土路eg. The car cause

8、a cloud of dust as it went down the dirt roadDirt 1. unclean matter (eg. Dust ,soil ) esp when it is where it is not wanted 2 loose earth or soil 松土【common phrase】As cheap as dirt 低級(jí)的,賤如糞土 fling/throw dirt at sb 誹謗某人Treat sb like dirt 輕待某人【Derivative】Dirty adj.臟的5 down and out Noun. a person who has

9、 no home or money and live on the street 貧困潦倒的人,無(wú)家可歸的人; The writer is down and out, but he goes on writing.drip /drIp/Vi. u usually +adv./prep. to fall in small drops 滴下 : She was hot and sweat dripped into her eyes.u to produce drops of liquid 滴出,滴水 : The tap was drippingNoun. u the sound or action

10、 of small drops of liquid falling continuously滴落,滴水聲,滴答聲 : The silence was broken only by the steady drip, drip of water from the roof.u a small drop of liquid that falls from sth 水滴,滴液 : We put a bucket under the hole in the roof to catch the drips. 【common phrase】Drip (with) sth .含有,充滿,充溢【Synonym

11、Discrimination】Drop: to fall or allow sth to fall by accident (意外的)落下,掉下,使落下【Derivative】Dripping n. /adj. (烤肉時(shí)滴下的)油/濕淋淋的Drip-dry adj. (指衣服)很快滴干的,滴干免熨的Drip-feed verb 喂飼 分作小量點(diǎn)滴給予【典型例題】The trees were _ with fruit.A dripping B dropping C drifting D drooping解析:由句意可知樹(shù)上掛滿了水果。B 項(xiàng)意為滴落 C項(xiàng)為漂流 D 項(xiàng)為下垂,低垂。故答案選A.d

12、ruggist /'drVgIst/1. a person whose job is to prepare and sell medicines,and who works in a shop 藥劑師,藥商【Derivative】drug n. 毒品,藥 vt. 使麻醉 druggie n. 吸毒者 drugstore n. 藥房【Synonym】Chemist Pharmacist 藥劑師,藥商farmhousef:mhausn the main house on a farm ,where the farmer lives 農(nóng)場(chǎng)住宅,農(nóng)舍例句:Seen from a distanc

13、e, the farmhouse looked deserted.以下是由 farm 構(gòu)成的合成詞:farmhand 農(nóng)場(chǎng)工人 farmhouse 農(nóng)舍 farmland 農(nóng)田 farmstead 農(nóng)莊farmyard 農(nóng)家場(chǎng)院典型考題The family has lived on a _for two years.A farmhouse B farmyard C farm D farmland試題詳解 此題考查詞意及搭配,答案為 句意:這家人在農(nóng)場(chǎng)居住了兩年。farmhouse農(nóng)舍 farmyard 農(nóng)家庭院 farmland 農(nóng)田 on a farm 在農(nóng)場(chǎng) ,固定搭配。general &

14、#39;denrl adj.(1) affecting all or most people ,places or things全體的,普遍的 . The general opinion is that the conference was a success. (2) usually before noun normal, usual 正常的,常規(guī)的 There is one exception to this general principle.(3)not detailed; described the main things only 大概的,概括的,大致的 I check the b

15、ookings to get a general idea of what activities to plan.n. a high rank in the army or air force 將軍 a four-star general 四星上將常用短語(yǔ) In general 通常地,大體上 as a general rule 一般說(shuō)來(lái) general knowledge 常識(shí)派生詞 generalize v 概括,歸納 generalist n 全才,通才 generalized adj 籠統(tǒng)的,全面的 generalship n 管理才能,將軍職權(quán) outgeneral v 以謀略取勝

16、generality n 概述,概論 ,大部分復(fù)合詞 general-purpose 多用途的 general staff 參謀部,(全體)幕僚 general strike 總罷工反義詞 specific special unusual 易混淆詞Common : (1) happening often 常見(jiàn)的 (2)shared by or belonging to two or more people 共同的 Ordinary :usually before nounnot unusual or different in any way ,nothing special 平凡的 gener

17、al :側(cè)重普遍的,總的,常規(guī)的典型考題 He was something of a humorist ,and rather deficent in _education ; but acute , patient , and upright .A common B ordinaryC usual D general試題詳解 答案 D. 句意:他帶幾分幽默感,可也缺少教養(yǎng);但是他靈敏,有耐心,為人正直。 General 在此的意思為:not limited to a particular subject, use or activity 非專門的,普通的 general education

18、普通教育 取此意的如:a general hospital 綜合醫(yī)院glimpse glimpsn. 1a look at sb or sth for a very short time, when you do not see the person or thing completely 一瞥,一看 he caught a glimpse of her in the crowd.固定搭配 glimpse at sb or sth glimpse of sb or sth常用短語(yǔ) catch a glimpse of 瞥見(jiàn)2 a short experience of sth that hel

19、ps you to understand it 短暫的感受(體會(huì),領(lǐng)會(huì)) The programme gives us a rare glimpse of a great artist at work .固定搭配 glimpse into of sthvT to see sb or sth for a moment ,but not very clearly 瞥見(jiàn)易混淆詞 gaze glare glance glimpse staregaze : to look steadily at sb or sth for a long time 凝視,注視 和 stare 意思相近glare :to

20、look at sb or sth in an angry way 怒目而視glance : to give a quick short look瞥見(jiàn)glance 和 glimpse:兩者均表示“一瞥”、“瞥見(jiàn)”, 意思相近,但有細(xì)微區(qū)別:glance(= quick look)多指有意識(shí)的瞥見(jiàn),且強(qiáng)調(diào)瞥見(jiàn)的動(dòng)作,而glimpse(=short look)則多指無(wú)意識(shí)的瞥見(jiàn),且強(qiáng)調(diào)瞥見(jiàn)的結(jié)果。比較:He took a glance atthe newspaper headlines.(他瀏覽了報(bào)上的標(biāo)題),I caught a glimpse of her inthe crowd.(我在人群中

21、瞥見(jiàn)了她)。典型考題 There were many people present and he appeared only for a few seconds,so I only caught a _ of him.A glance B glimpseC look D sight試題詳解 答案B 句意:這么多人在場(chǎng),并且他只出現(xiàn)了一下,所以我只是瞥了他一眼。catch a glimpse of 是固定詞組 通常的搭配形式是: catch/ get a glimpse of (瞥見(jiàn)) glance:通常搭配的動(dòng)詞是take/ have/ cast a glance at. look:have/

22、 take a look at. fool around ( about )1 to say or do stupid or silly things, often in order to make people laugh 說(shuō)蠢話,干傻事 (常為逗樂(lè))If you fool around with matches, you will end up getting burned.2 to waste time instead of doing sth that you should be doing 閑耍,虛度光陰The workers always fool around when the

23、supervisor steps out.3 to have a sexual relationship with sb who is not your partner 和某人亂搞男女關(guān)系She has been fooling around with a married man .get hold of1get hold of sb sth: to have or take sb or sth in your hands 抓住,拿著He got hold of her wrists so she couldnt get away.2get hold of sb :to contact or

24、find sb 和某人聯(lián)系,找到某人Where have you been ? I have been trying to get hold of you all day .3get hold of sth :(1) to find sth that you want or need 找到所需要的東西It is almost impossible to get hold of tickets for the final.(2)to learn or understand sth 學(xué)會(huì),理解get word : to get news or message,to get to know or b

25、ecome aware of 獲知,得知典型考題I just get _ that your appointment with our manager will have to be put off.A get across B get around C get word D get by試題詳解 考查詞意 答案為C 句意:我剛剛得知你和我們經(jīng)理的約定將會(huì)被推遲。 get across被理解,把···講清楚 get around 各處走動(dòng) 傳播 get by 維持生計(jì),勉強(qiáng)應(yīng)付harness 'h:nis n.c (1).a set of leather

26、straps and metal pieces that is put around a horses head and body so that the horse can be controlled and fastened to a carriage etc. 馬具,挽具(2).a set of straps for fastening something to a persons body or to keep them from moving off or falling(防止墜落或摔倒的)背帶,保護(hù)帶常用短語(yǔ)in harness(BrE.) doing your normal wo

27、rk, esp. after a rest or a holiday in harness with sb. (BrE.) working closely with sb. in order to achieve sth.headquarters 'hed,kw:tzn. (pl. headquarters) the central office or place where the people work who control a large organization, such as the police or army or a private company 大本營(yíng),總部,總

28、公司,總辦事處3. Irish 'airi adj. & n. of Ireland, the people or language of Ireland愛(ài)爾蘭的,愛(ài)爾蘭語(yǔ),愛(ài)爾蘭人4intimate 'intimit adj. close and familiar, innermost, private and personal 親近的,adv. intimatelyantonymy,distant, cool, remote, unfamiliarsynonymy,familiar, close, confidential【典型考題】All the off -sho

29、re oil explorers were in high spirits as they read _letters from their families。A sentimental B affectionate C intimate D sensitive 試題分析 此題測(cè)詞的意義,答案為 C詳細(xì)解答sentimental 的意思是“多愁善感的”,affectionate 是“有感情的”的意思,intimate 表示“親密的”,sensitive 是“敏感的”的意思.【同義辨析】intimate,語(yǔ)氣強(qiáng)烈,思想感情融洽,彼此知心,因而關(guān)系親密e.g. Only the couples m

30、ost intimate friends were invited. close,語(yǔ)氣較強(qiáng),指興趣愛(ài)好相同,因而關(guān)系密切,感情很好e.g. The two girls have been close friends all through school.confidential,指彼此間可以推心置腹,相互依賴e.g. Dont be too confidential with strangers.familiar,指由于長(zhǎng)時(shí)間交往而彼此熟悉的像自家人一樣e.g. The letter was written in a familiar manner. 5grand grænd mar

31、shal 'm:l phr. n. a man charged with the arrangement and regulation of a parade主要負(fù)責(zé)人,總指揮6. hush h up phr. n. to be silent or calm 使安靜常用短語(yǔ)hush something up,不讓張揚(yáng)synonymy(同義詞), keep quiet, cover up e.g. They hush the scandal up.7 .liven 'laivn up phr. v. to become or to make sb./sth. more inter

32、esting or exciting(使)更有興趣,更令人興奮e.g. Lets put some music on to liven things up.8 .livery 'livri stable phr. n. a place where people can pay to keep their horses or can hire a horse (租馬或代客飼養(yǎng)馬的)馬房e.g. Father is on a white horse hired from a livery stable.memoir  memw:   n.(memoirs) p

33、l. an account written by sb, especially sb famous, about their life and experiences(尤指名人的)回憶錄;自傳e.g : The retired actress is writing her memoirs.C (formal) a written account of sb's life, a place, or an event, written by sb who knows it well 傳說(shuō);地方志;大事記miraculously mrækjlsl pletely un

34、expected and usually resulting from extreme luck. 奇跡般地;不可思議地;違反自然規(guī)律地;令人驚奇地e.g: They miraculously survived the plane crash.【詞型變換】miraculous(adj.)奇跡般的;神奇的;令人驚嘆的miracle (n.)奇跡;令人驚奇的人或事momentary  mmnteri: adj.lasting for a very short time 短促的;片刻的e.g: I caught a momentary glimpse of them.【常用短語(yǔ)】a mom

35、entary lapse of concentration 片刻的走神momentary confusion 一時(shí)糊涂【詞型變換】moment (n.) 片刻,瞬間,時(shí)刻;機(jī)會(huì),時(shí)機(jī)naked  neikid adj.not wearing any clothes 裸體的;裸露的;不穿衣服的e.g:The prisoners were stripped naked.usually before noun without the usual covering 無(wú)遮蓋的;裸露的e.g:Mice are born naked .only before noun (of emotions,

36、attitudes, etc.) expressed strongly and not hidden 直白的;露骨的;毫不掩飾的not usually before noun unable to protect yourself from being harmed, criticized, etc. 缺乏保護(hù);無(wú)力自衛(wèi)e.g:He still felt naked and drained after his ordeal.【常用短語(yǔ)】 naked shoulders 裸肩 half naked 半裸 a naked flame 明火a naked bulb / light 無(wú)罩燈泡/燈 a n

37、aked sword 出鞘之劍 the naked truth 明擺著的事實(shí)【典型考題】 On cloudy nights, it is impossible to see the stars with the _ eyes.A. sharp B. uncovered C. naked D. keen【試題分析】 本題答案為C。naked 尺深的,肉眼的;Sharp 尖銳的,敏銳的;uncovered 裸露的,暴露的;keen 熱情的,渴望的。【近義詞辨析】naked,nude,和bare都含“沒(méi)有衣物或必需的遮蔽物的”、“赤裸的”的意思。naked指“沒(méi)有必需物遮蓋的”、“全裸或身體某部分裸

38、的”,語(yǔ)氣較強(qiáng);nude比naked更正式,只用于人,指“一絲不掛的”、“全裸的”;bare指“(指物)沒(méi)遮蔽物的”、“(指人)部分裸體的”。如as naked as I was born 赤條條;一絲不掛;赤身裸體?!驹~型變換】 nakedly (adv.)裸體地,露出地orderly  :dliadj.arranged or organized in a neat, careful and logical way 整潔的,有秩序的,有條理的e.g:vegetables are planted in orderly rows.behaving well; peaceful 表現(xiàn)良好

39、的;守秩序的e.g:The elections were conducted in a peaceful and orderly fashion.n. Ca person who works in a hospital, usually doing jobs that do not need any special training (醫(yī)院的)護(hù)理員a soldier who does jobs that do not need any special training 勤務(wù)兵【常用短語(yǔ)】a calm and orderly life 一個(gè)平靜和有秩序的生活 an orderly demons

40、tration 一個(gè)有秩序的示威【典型考題】The girls rooms are all in _ condition. In contrast, the boys are in disorder.A. orderly B. clean C. smooth D. sequential【試題分析】本題答案為A。orderly 整齊的;clean 干凈的; smooth 平坦的,光滑的;sequential 序列的【詞型變換】orderliness (n.)【u】整齊狀態(tài)【近義詞辨析】orderly,methodical和systematic都含“有秩序的”、“有順序的”的意思。Orderly指

41、不亂,有一定秩序和規(guī)則的;methodical 指很有規(guī)律的,按部就班的;systematic指有系統(tǒng)的。parade  preidnoun.C a public celebration of a special day or event, usually with bands in the streets and decorated vehicles 游行C, U a formal occasion when soldiers march or stand in lines so that they can be examined by their officers or othe

42、r important people 檢閱;閱兵e.g:They stood as straight as soldiers on paradeC a series of things or people 一系列(人或事)e.g:Each generation passes through a similar parade of events.C, usually sing. (often disapproving) an obvious display of sth, particularly in order to impress other people 夸示;炫耀C (especial

43、ly BrE) (often in names) a street with a row of small shops 有一排商店的街道verb.V usually +adv./prep. to walk somewhere in a formal group of people, in order to celebrate or protest about sth 游行;游行示威/慶祝e.g:The victorious team will parade through the city tomorrow morning.V +adv./prep. to walk around in a w

44、ay that makes other people notice you 招搖過(guò)市;大搖大擺e.g:People were parading up and down showing off their finest clothes.VN +adv./prep. to show sb/sth in public so that people can see them/it 展覽;展示e.g:The prisoners were paraded in front of the crowd.+adv./prep. to come together, or to bring soldiers tog

45、ether, in order to march in front of other people (使)列隊(duì)行進(jìn);接受檢閱e.g:The colonel paraded his men before the Queento pretend to be, or to make sb/sth seem to be, good or important when they are not (使)冒充;偽裝;打扮成【常用短語(yǔ)】the Lord Mayor's parade 主市長(zhǎng)游行 a military parade 軍事檢閱a shopping parade 購(gòu)物街 【通常用法】make

46、 a parade of wealth, knowledge, etc. 炫耀財(cái)富,學(xué)識(shí)等Parade (sb/sth) as sth 把某人(某物)打扮成【典型考題】The small boys loved watching the soldiers on _.A. procession B. paradeC. march D. stroll【試題分析】本題答案為B。parade 列隊(duì)行進(jìn),與on 搭配。【近義詞辨析】pageant(n.)盛會(huì);慶典;游行;虛飾;露天表演。pond /POnd/noun. a small area of still water, especially one

47、 that is artificial.池塘詞形變換:ponder verb. ponderous adj. ponderously adv. ponderousness U Synonym:lake , pool , puddle lake noun. large area of water surrounded by land larger than pond.pool nounCa small area of still water ,especially one that has formed naturally.puddle noun. a small amount of still

48、 water other liquid ,especially rain that has collected in one place on the ground.Presbyterian /;prezbI'tIErIEn/noun. a member of branch of the Christian Protestant that is the national church of Scotland and one of the largest churches in the US. It is governed by ELDERS who are all equal in r

49、ank.長(zhǎng)老派成員(英格蘭國(guó)教及美國(guó)最大教會(huì)之一)詞形變換:Presbyterian adj. Presbyterianism noun. Presbystery noun.railrod /'reILREud/noun .track for train.鐵路,鐵道railroader noun.(AmE)=railwayman noun.(BrE)ridiculous /RI'dIkJULEs/adj. very silly or unreasonable, deserving ridicule.愚蠢的,荒謬的,可愛(ài)的,滑稽的。詞形變換:ridicule noun/verb

50、ridiculously adv. ridiculousness USynonyms:absurd , foolish , sillyAbsurd means completely ridiculous ;not logical or sensible.foolish adj. a.(of actions or behaviors)not showing good sense or judgment. b.(not usually before noun)made to feel or look silly and embarrassed.silly adj. a showing a lack

51、 of thought ,understanding or judgment . b. stupid or embarrassing ,especially in a way that is more typical of a child than an adult.典型考題Its _that historians should have no access to official documents for such a long time.A. terrific B .ridiculous C .deplorable D. stubborn試題詳解 此題測(cè)試詞的意思,答案為B試題分析It

52、is ridiculous that 句型中,that從句的謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞用should+動(dòng)詞原形表虛擬。terrific為了不起的,deplorable為可悲的(行為),stubborn(人的性格)固執(zhí)的。所以答案為B。5.Scotsman /'skOtsmEn/noun .native of Scotland.蘇格蘭人(男人)詞形變換:Scotch adj. Scottish adj/noun Differences between Scotch ,Scottish and Scots Scotland : the adjective Scottish is used of the pe

53、ople and things of Scotland, Scots only its people ,its law and language, Scotch is mainly used of certain products such as Whisky and brith .shed /Sed/noun. one -story building used for storing things ,sheltering animals, vehicles .etc. or as a workshop.棚,小屋verb a. lose sth by its falling off ;let

54、sth fall or came off脫落,蛻 b .allow(sth) to pour out 流出,流下 c .spread or send sth out 散發(fā)Synonyms;hut , shack , shelter ,storehousehut noun. a small simply-made building.shack noun. a small building ,usually made of wood or metal, that has not been built well.shelter noun. place where one can safe from bad weather, danger, etc.storehouse noun. a building where things are stored.典型考題During the ten years war, many people _blood for their country.


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