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1、Unit1Passage a4. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.applaudmirrorentailstriveconsequentlysupposedlydevalueflexibilityobligationfulfill窗體頂端1. Taxes are a(n) _ which may fall on everybody.2. We _ the authority's decision not to close

2、the hospital.3. The doctor's instructions must be  _ exactly; the sick man's life depends on it.4. Do these opinion polls really  _ what people are thinking?5. I prefer to think of memorization as a stepping-stone to_ in use of words and phrases.6. In her o

3、ffice memos she tended to_ the work done by her staff.7. The history of railroad transport has partly been a history of_ for greater efficiency and profit.8. He took on the new post without having the faintest idea of what it_ .9. He is_ one of the greatest experts in that field.

4、10. Absolute secrecy is essential._ , the fewer who are aware of the project the better. 窗體底端    Answer:   1. obligation2. applauded3. fulfilled4. mirror5. flexibility 6. devalue7. striving8. entailed9. supposedly10. Consequently 5. Complete the following

5、 sentences with words or expressions from the passage. Change the form where necessary.窗體頂端1 This period is usually_ the postwar period.2 It would be a setback_ if we were denied the use of their software.3 We make people mentally old by retiring them, and we may even_ make them physi

6、cally old.4 I know that the public_ aren't interested in this issue.5 My sister was always_ to me_ a model child. 窗體底端    Answer:   1. referred to as2. at best3. by the same token4. at large5. held up . as7. Translate the following sentences

7、 into English.窗體頂端1. 隨著職務(wù)的提升,他擔負的責任也更大了。(take on) Answer: With his promotion, he has taken on greater responsibilities.2. 他感到?jīng)]有必要再一次對約翰承擔這樣的責任了。(make a commitment) Answer: He felt he did not have to make such a commitment to John any more.3. 閑暇時瑪麗喜歡外出購物,與她相反,露茜卻喜歡待在家里看書。(as opposed to)

8、0;Answer: Mary likes to go shopping in her spare time, as opposed to Lucy, who prefers to stay at home reading.4. 說得好聽一些,可以說他有抱負,用最糟糕的話來說,他是一個沒有良心 (conscience) 且沒有資格的權(quán)力追求者。(at best, at worst) Answer: At best he 's ambitious, and at worst a power-seeker without conscience or qualifications.5

9、. 我們已盡全力想說服他,但是卻毫無進展。(strive, make no headway) Answer: We have striven to the full to convince him, but we have made no headway.窗體底端8. Read and compare the English sentences, paying attention to the italicized parts and translate the Chinese sentences by simulating the structure of the English

10、sentences.1.  It seems that the only time fathers merit attention is when they are criticized for not helping enough with the housework . or when they die .看起來似乎父親唯一值得人們提及的是因為他們做家務(wù)太少而受到指責的時候(我懷疑這一說法的可靠性,因為“家務(wù)”的定義中很少包括打掃屋頂?shù)挠晁疁?,給汽車換機油或其他一些典型的由男人們做的事),或者是在他們?nèi)ナ赖臅r候2. One exception to&

11、#160;the “unnecessary father” syndrome is the glowing media attention that athome dadshave received. 這種“無需父親”綜合征的一個例外是家庭全職父親所受到的媒體的贊揚。3. By the same token, sole wage earners have less flexibility when it comes to leaving unsatisfying careers because of the loss of income such a job ch

12、ange entails.同樣,家庭唯一的工資收入者在想辭去不太滿意的工作時,其靈活程度也要小一些,因為這種工作變換會使他們失去收入。4. Today, there is widespread agreement among researchers that the absence of fathers form households causes serious problems for children, for society at large.目前,研究者們普遍認為家庭中沒有父親會對小孩 繼而也對整個社會 帶來嚴重的問題。5. As a soci

13、ety, we need to realize that fathers are just as important to children as mothers are  not only for financial support, but for emotional support, education and discipline as well.作為一個社會,我們需要認識到,對于孩子來說,父親是與母親同等重要的,不僅僅在經(jīng)濟支持上,而且在感情依靠、教育和紀律訓(xùn)導(dǎo)方面都是如此。Passage b3. Fill in the blanks

14、 with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.sackexpansivenessspheresustainsourcluedefinedepressiondivisionequality窗體頂端1. Some people do, and some people do not, believe in_ of opportunity.2. He bravely_ a great loss from the death of his father.3. Police have still found n

15、o_ as to the whereabouts of the missing woman.4. In designing a bridge, one must allow for_ in hot weather.5. One of the workmen was_ for his always being drunk.6. When boundaries between countries are not clearly_ , there is usually trouble.7. Gardening is outside the_ of m

16、y activities.8. She said that the hat made me look silly, but perhaps that was_ grapes.9. The newspapers are full of such_ news nowadays as crime, natural disasters, and rising prices.10. The_ of the world into developed and underdeveloped nations is a gross simplification. 窗體底端&

17、#160;   Answer:   1. equality2. sustained3. clue4. expansiveness5. sacked                   6. defined7. sphere8. sour9. depressing10. division 4. Complete the following sente

18、nces with words or expressions from the passage. Change the form where necessary.窗體頂端1. Too much social life got_ of her studies.2. Ann did what she could to keep the marriage from_ .3. Police_ murder but are still holding several people for questioning.4. If you go on burning yoursel

19、f out_ , you ' ll injure your health.5. As a result of his grandfather ' s influence, John_ art while at school. 窗體底端    Answer:   1. in the way2. falling apart3. have ruled out4. at this rate5. took up6. Translate the following paragraphs into Ch

20、inese.窗體頂端Mounting evidence suggests that men and women think differently, and this seems to hold true in the unfortunate case of prejudice. New research by evolutionary psychologists at Michigan State University suggests that prejudice in men tends to be linked to aggression, while prejudice in wom

21、en tends to be linked to fear. These researchers propose a “male warrior hypothesis” in order to explain how our history of group conflict may have shaped male and female psychologies in distinct ways.Essentially, men are more likely to start wars and to defend their own group, sometimes in very ris

22、ky and self-sacrificial ways. Attacking other groups represents an opportunity to offset these costs by gaining access to mates, territory, resources and increased status. Women, meanwhile, live under the threat of sexual coercion by foreign aggressors, and are apt to display a“tend-and-befriend res

23、ponse”toward members of their own group, while maintaining a fear of strangers in order to protect themselves and their offspring. Answer: 越來越多的證據(jù)顯示男人和女人的想法不同,這似乎適用于偏見這種令人遺憾的情況。密歇根州立大學(xué)進化心理學(xué)家新的研究顯示,男人的偏見傾向于與侵略行為有關(guān),而女人的偏見則傾向于與恐懼有關(guān)。這些研究者提出了一種“男人皆武士的假設(shè)”,以便解釋群體沖突的歷史是如何以獨特的方式塑造男人和女人的心理世界的。本質(zhì)上,男人

24、更有可能發(fā)動戰(zhàn)爭,以保衛(wèi)他們的群體,有時他們會以一種非常冒險的和自我犧牲的方式來這樣做。攻擊其他群體意味著有機會補償這些損失,并且可以有機會得到配偶、領(lǐng)土、資源和地位的提升。與此同時,女人生活在外來侵略者性脅迫的威脅下,對自己的同伙往往容易表現(xiàn)出 “照顧和結(jié)友”的反應(yīng),而保持一種對陌生人的恐懼以保護她們自己和后代。窗體底端Unit2Passage a4. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.substitutearrangementresembletraceultimate

25、eternallycommitconstantlymutualattach窗體頂端1. Countless fossil discoveries allow us to_ evolution of todays organism from earlier forms.2. All legislation, all government, all society is formed upon the principle of_concession, politeness and courtesy.3. Several euro-zone governments object to th

26、e_ , which they said put them at disadvantage.4. It could take decades before people finally accept that everything they believed to be_ true was merely a temporary set of measures that worked for a limited period of time.5. Researchers have found that artificial_ for the natural swee

27、teners actually increase Ones appetite and make him eat more. 6. Indeed, many college students do not select their _ career path immediately after they graduate.7. We can not_ too much importance to self-discipline in ones success.8. An electronic dictionary has an edge over a pr

28、inted one all its information can be refreshed_ .9. Advertising adds to societal definition of beauty and makes many of us aspire to_models that grace the cover of magazines. 10. In most of the Western world, suicide is not a crime, but helping another_ it is. 窗體底端Answer:  &

29、#160; 1. trace 2. mutual 3. arrangement 4. eternally 5. substitutes 6. ultimate 7. attach 8. constantly 9. resemble 10. commit 5. Complete the following sentences with words or expressions from the passage. Change the form where necessary.窗體頂端1. It permits us_the sense of the worth of our perso

30、ns and turn our energies to higher and nobler ends.2. The number of schools and districts that were newly identified as(您未填寫此題)improvement is unprecedented.3. “(您未填寫此題), this is what New York has been waiting for,” Wu said. “Here there is a huge Asian population groups, which (Lin Shuhao) is somethi

31、ng that weve been waiting to happen, ultimately this is what we expect.”4. For several decades to come, China will still_coal, the only fossil fuel in abundance.5. Their divorce(您未填寫此題)mutual distrust and constant quarrels.6. The forms of architecture in history were not only(您未填寫此題)the structures,

32、materials and styles, but also upon the financial capacity. 窗體底端    Answer:   1. to take for granted2. in need of3. In the end4. be dependent on5. grew out of6. based upon7.Translate the following sentences into English.窗體頂端1. 憲法規(guī)定公民享有言論自由。(provide for) Answer

33、: The Constitution provides for citizens freedom of speech.2. 我們在如何養(yǎng)育孩子的問題上有截然不同的看法,因此常發(fā)生爭吵。(grow out of; bring up) Answer: Our constant quarrels grew out of the diverse ideas on how to bring up children.3. 我們早在會閱讀之前就已經(jīng)掌握了一些詞匯。(long before) Answer: We have learned some words long before we

34、 can read.4. 很多中國家長認為孩子越早上學(xué)越好。(the more . the more) Answer: Many Chinese parents think that the earlier children go to school, the better.5. 新稅法不是要懲罰富人,而是要給窮人以公平和機會。(rather) Answer: The new tax law is not to punish the rich. Rather it is to bring justice and opportunity to the poor.窗體底端8.

35、Read and compare the English sentences, paying attention to the italicized parts and translate the Chinese sentences by simulating the structure of the English sentences.1. The feeling is that the home alone can provide anything resembling a satisfactory arrangement for the old and the you

36、ng.人們的感覺是只有家庭才能給老人與幼童提供使他們會產(chǎn)生滿足感的一切。2. But for the young, it is to be taken for granted that not much need be said, since there is natural paternal affection.對子女來說,享有父母的呵護毋庸多說,因為這是一種本能的父輩的情感。3. After all, there is nothing more beautiful in this world than a healthy wise

37、 man, with “ruddy cheeks and white hair,” talking in a soothing voice about life as one knows it.終究,世上再也沒有什么能比一個健康而智慧的老者更完美的了。他有著“紅潤的面龐,雪白的頭發(fā)”,用和藹的聲音,談?wù)撝松拦省?. Many Americans must have seen Chinese pictures of the God of Longevity, with his high forehead, his ruddy face, his whi

38、te beard and how he smiles!美國人大概也看到過中國人所畫的老壽星,他那高突的前額、紅潤的面龐、雪白的長須,還有他笑容可掬的神態(tài)!5. I have no doubt that the fact the old men of America still insist on being so busy and active can be directly traced to individualism carried to foolish extent.我絲毫不懷疑,美國的老人依舊要堅持說他們又忙碌又活躍這一事實,可以歸為個人主義被推崇到了愚蠢的地步。

39、Passage b3. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary. tutorembarrasspotentialappropriateaffectionyieldhencepresentationromanticrecommendation窗體頂端1. I was really_ when I knocked over the cup of tea on my teachers desk.2. The literacy council will begin

40、a training program for volunteers who will go to_the farmers in the remote areas.3. The western part of China has enormous_ for economic development, but a lot of investment is also needed.4. Weather in Britain defies forecast and_ is an object of interest and speculation to everyone.5. Th

41、e sports writers all predicted the American basketball team would not_ the first place to Russian. 6. She has a great _ for the nursery of children and the children all like her very much.7. To dress neatly and attractively in an outfit is_ to the job.8. Professor David aske

42、d one of the students to give a_ on American thriller movies.9. She thinks her boyfriend is_ because he sends her a rose every morning. 10. The chairman made a_ on the firms investment abroad to the board of directors. 窗體底端    Answer:   1. embar

43、rassed 2. tutor 3. potential 4. hence 5. yield                6. affection 7. appropriate 8. presentation 9. romantic 10. recommendation 4. Complete the following sentences with words or expressions from the passage

44、. Change the form where necessary.窗體頂端1. Criminals are very diverse_ gender, race and age. Some are indeed white men in their 40s, but others are black men in their teens, white women in their fifties, and so on.2. I longed to have the opportunity of_ the panel discussion to state my view.

45、3. Its hard to_ work after such a long vacation.4. You must_ your argument_facts if you hope to win the debate.5. No one is willing to help John because he never_ others advice. 窗體底端    Answer:   1. in terms of 2. participating in 3. get down to 4. b

46、ase . on 5. acts on 1. In the West, the old people effect themselves and prefer to live alone in some hotel with a restaurant on the ground floor, out of consideration for their children and an entirely unselfish desire not to interfere in their home life. But the old people have the right to i

47、nterfere, and if interference is unpleasant, it is nevertheless natural, for all life, particularly the domestic life, is a lesson in restraint. If one cant tolerate ones own parents in the sunset of their life who have done so much for him, whom else can one tolerate in the home? And how can the pe

48、rsonal service and devotion and adoration (崇拜) of loving children ever be replaced by the best hotel waiters?   Answer:在西方,老人將自己隱于子女的生活之外,他們寧愿住在有烹飪室的旅館。出于大公無私的愿望,老人不愿拖累子女,不愿去干涉子女的家庭生活。其實他們有干涉的權(quán)利,這種干涉即使會使子女不快,但確屬十分自然。因為一切生活,尤其是家庭生活,本是一門學(xué)習克制的課程。父母曾為我們付出極大的辛勞,如果我們在他們晚年時尚不能容忍他們,那我們在家庭中還能容

49、忍誰呢?骨肉的情愛侍奉,豈是旅館侍從,哪怕是最佳侍從,所能替代的?Unit3Passage a4. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.窗體頂端diminishrevivequalifyaccusefraudulenttacticinfringelegalexcerptecho1. She refused to answer questions that_ on her private affairs.2. This is a view_ by many

50、 on the copyright protection.3. The following description of Pearl Harbor is_ from a history book.4. These people seem to think that reading a few books on business management would_ them as experts.5. It is perfectly_ to import these goods under European law.6. The actors trip home h

51、as_ his memory of his childhood.7. She practically_ me of starting the fire!8. Salesmen employ all sorts of clever_ to try and persuade you.9. The strength of the army was greatly_ by outbreaks of disease.10. She got the job as a science teacher by_ means; she pretended she

52、had studied physics at university. 窗體底端    Answer:  1. infringed   2. echoed   3. excerpted   4. qualify   5. legal                  6. revi

53、ved   7. accused   8. tactics   9. diminished   10. fraudulent5. Complete the following sentences with words or expressions from the passage. Change the form where necessary.窗體頂端1. Police are _the case of two missing children.2. Her assistant was _th

54、eft and fraud by the police.3. The city government continued to  the issue of public transportation.(您未填寫此題)4. Last month the old professor  a seminar for theoretical physicists at the university.(您未填寫此題)5. His doctor advised him to _of alcohol and cigarettes. 窗體底端 

55、;   Answer:   1. looking into    2. accused of   3. grapple with   4. presided over   5. steer clear7. Translate the following sentences into English.窗體頂端1. 你應(yīng)該及時掐掉凋謝的花朵。(pluck off) Answer: You should pluck off the dead fl owers i

56、n time.2. 我認為你所說的實在算不上一個答案。(qualify as) Answer: I dont think what you said really qualifi es as an answer.3. 我們的喊聲在寂靜的大街上回蕩。(echo) Answer: Our shouts echoed through the silent streets.4. 毫無疑問,他的成績提高了,他又重新燃起了對學(xué)習的興趣。(revive) Answer: There is no doubt that his grades have improved and hi

57、s interest in learning has revived.5. 史密斯夫婦已經(jīng)向離婚法院正式申請離婚。(file for) Answer: The Smiths have fi led for divorce in the divorce court.窗體底端8. Read and compare the English sentences, paying attention to the italicized parts and translate the Chinese sentences by simulating the structure of the Engl

58、ish sentences.1. When Brian Hill, a 20-year-old blogger from North Carolina, posted on his Web site last December a photograph of an airport security officer conducting a pat-down, a legal battle was the last thing he imagined.丹佛布萊恩希爾,一位北卡羅來納州20歲的博主,去年12月在他自己的博客上發(fā)布了一張機場保安人員搜身的照片,沒想到由此引來了一場

59、法律戰(zhàn)。 2. To allow others who have not shared in that Investment to reap the benefit ultimately hurts our ability tocontinue to fund that investment at the same level.“允許那些沒有參與投資的人謀取利益,最終會傷害了我們按照同樣的水平進行投資的能力.”3. Mark Hinueber, general counsel for Stephens Media, owner of The R

60、eview-Journal, echoed Ms Glines concerns,saying that cutting and pasting articles “steals the potential audience for our editorial material and traffic to our Web sites.”評論期刊的投資人兼斯蒂芬斯媒體的法律總顧問馬克西紐貝爾贊同格蘭斯的觀點,說剪貼文章就是“竊取我們所編輯材料的潛在讀者和網(wǎng)絡(luò)流量?!?. Other critics of the suits contend that reposting


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