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1、word附錄130個常見詞的特殊含義1.address常用含義n.地址,住址特別記憶1vt.(在信封或包裹等上)寫上收信人的姓名、地址;寫信給eg.This is a letter addressed to the wrong house.這是一封寫錯了地址的信??祭?安徽高考)Catherine bought a postcard of the place she was visiting,addressed it to herself and then posted it at the nearby post office.2vt.& n發(fā)言,(正式)演講,演說eg.The cha

2、irman will address (at) the meeting.主席將在會上發(fā)表講話。He is a man of a pleasing address.他是一位談吐流利的人。2.beat常用含義vt.打,打敗;vi.& n(心)跳動特別記憶n(音樂)節(jié)拍,主節(jié)奏eg.They expected the audience to join in and dance to the beat of the music.他們希望觀眾參與進去,和他們一起隨著音樂的節(jié)拍起舞??祭?湖南高考)Johnny struggled to keep up with Lisettes smooth s

3、teps,but he was always one beat behind her.3.board常用含義n.板,木板;布告牌;v.上船(火車、飛機、公共汽車等)特別記憶1n.委員會;董事會eg.The board are unhappy about the falling sales.董事會對銷售額下降感到不滿。考例(上海高考).school boards often put PE. on the chopping block,.(重慶高考)He is chairman of the Board of Churchill Downs.2v.膳宿eg.She always has one o

4、r two students boarding with her.她家總有一兩名寄宿學生??祭?上海高考)After a happy childhood hunting with her father,she was sent to boarding school in the city.4.coat常用含義n.外套;上衣特別記憶vt.為某物涂抹,給涂上一層;用覆蓋eg.Pills are sometimes coated with sugar.藥丸有時會裹上糖衣。考例(上海高考)We observe large colonies of Indian smooth­coated ot

5、ters (above) looking around.5.course常用含義n.進展,進程;課程;講座;行動方向;方針;(船或飛機的)航向,航線特別記憶1n.跑道;比賽場地eg.She was overtaken on the last stretch of the course.她在最后的直線跑道上被超過了。考例(重慶高考)Besides,all sorts of chemicals and huge amounts of energy are used to keep its courses (球場) in good condition.2n.一道菜eg.What would you

6、like for the main course您點什么主菜呢?考例(陜西高考).it is custom to have salad before the main course at dinner,not after.6.cover常用含義n.蓋子;v.覆蓋特別記憶1vt.占(一片面積)eg.The town covers ten square miles.這鎮(zhèn)子占地十平方英里。2vt.行走(一段路程)eg.How many miles have we covered so far到現(xiàn)在,我們走了多少英里了?考例(江西高考)Motor­cars cover a hundred m

7、iles in little more than an hour,.3vt.足以支付,夠付eg.Can your parents cover your tuition fees你父母支付得起你的學費嗎?考例(福建高考)To cover the cost of hiring a bus,each student will have to pay $10 each time.4vt.包含,涉及eg.What does auto insurance cover汽車保險有哪些工程?考例(福建高考)Price covers international airfares,departure taxes,.

8、5vt.電視報道eg.The CCTV will cover all the major games.中央電視臺將報道所有重要賽事。6n.(書刊)封面,封皮eg.Her face is on many covers of magazines.很多雜志的封面都有她的頭像。7.deal常用含義n.大量,很多;vi.處理,解決特別記憶n交易eg.Having been cheated in a business deal,he was reduced to nothing.因為在一樁交易中受騙,他變得一無所有??祭?浙江高考)Maybe you can make a deal with them.8

9、.develop常用含義v.開展,興旺;(使)成長;開發(fā),研發(fā)特別記憶1vt.說明,詳細闡述eg.I will develop my theme more fully later.等會兒我再更詳細地說明我的主題??祭?重慶高考)The author develops the passage mainly by presenting a cause and analyzing its effects.2vt.患(病)eg.Last year he developed a skin disease.去年,他得了皮膚病。考例(重慶高考).and he developed a cough to for

10、ce me and my family out,.3vt.沖洗(膠卷等)eg.These films have to be developed soon.這些膠卷得快點沖洗??祭?浙江高考)She developed pictures in dark labs.9.draw常用含義v.畫,描繪,描畫;拉,拖,牽引;吸引,招引;使感興趣;提取(錢),領(lǐng)取,支?。煌茢喑?,獲取,得出特別記憶1n.平局,和局,不分勝負eg.The game ended in a draw.比賽以平局告終。2n.有吸引力的人(或事物)eg.The new singer is a big draw.那位新歌手目前很受歡送

11、。10.drive常用含義v.駕駛,開車;驅(qū)趕,趕走;驅(qū)使,迫使;推動特別記憶1vt.開車送人eg.Could you drive me home?你能開車送我回家嗎?2n.驅(qū)車旅行;駕車路程eg.Its a three­hour drive to Beijing.駕車去北京有三小時的路程??祭?全國高考).,but just a drive away from the sea.11.enter常用含義v.進入,進來特別記憶1v.報名參加,為報名參加(考試、比賽等)eg.Anyone who enters for the competition has to pay $400.報名參

12、加比賽的人要交400美元??祭?福建高考)Youll have to register first if you want to enter the Europe­wide student competition.2vt.輸入(姓名、號碼、細節(jié)等)eg.Please enter your name and occupation in the boxes.請將姓名和職業(yè)填入(表格的)方框內(nèi)??祭?上海高考)Online dictionaries allow you to enter a search word to see.12.fair常用含義adj.公正的;合理的;恰當?shù)奶貏e記憶1

13、adj.淺色的;白皙的eg.He met a girl with fair hair and skin today.今天他碰到一位皮膚白皙的金發(fā)女郎??祭?福建高考).people with fair skin and freckles(雀斑),for exampleare more likely to use sunscreen.2n.集市;商品交易會;展銷會eg.A book fair is to be held next month.下個月將舉辦一次書展??祭?遼寧高考)Excuse me,Marcia,a reporter from Vanity Fair has been phoni

14、ng all day.13.fine常用含義adj.晴朗的;美好的;精巧的;精美的特別記憶1n.& v罰款,罰金eg.She was fined $50 for speeding.她因超速被罰款50美元。考例(福建高考).many foreign drivers have been fined by British police.2adj.纖細的,很細的eg.Ive just bought a fine mapping pen.我剛買了一支很細的繪圖筆??祭?安徽高考)Fine­line pens may compensate for bad handwriting,.14.

15、general常用含義adj.概括性的;大體的;普遍的;全體的;總的特別記憶adj.總管的,首席的(用于官職前)eg.The General Secretary of the Party calls on us to study hard for the country.黨的總書記號召我們?yōu)閲液煤脤W習。15.go常用含義v.去,走;(事情)進行,進展;linking verb變成,變?yōu)?,變?尤指朝壞的方面)特別記憶1be on the go十分活潑;非常忙碌eg.Ive been on the go all day.我一整天忙得馬不停蹄。2n.(做某事的)嘗試,一番努力eg.Let me

16、have a go.讓我試一下吧!16.head常用含義n.頭;頭像;頭腦;領(lǐng)導人;負責人特別記憶v朝(某方向)行進eg.He headed for the company.他朝公司走去。17.hit常用含義v.擊,打;擊中,命中;(自然災(zāi)害、疾病等)襲擊,使遭受特別記憶1v.(突然)想到或找到(與on,upon等連用)eg.She was scared he might hit on the truth.她非常害怕他或許會發(fā)現(xiàn)事情的真相??祭?湖北高考)The impressive inventor,Thomas Edison,used this state to hit upon many

17、 of his new ideas.2n.轟動一時的人或事,很受歡送的人(或事物)eg.The song became a hit at once.這首歌曲立刻風行一時。18.industry常用含義n.工業(yè);生產(chǎn)制造;行業(yè)特別記憶n勤勞,勤奮eg.I was impressed by his industry.他的勤奮給我留下了深刻的印象。19.interest常用含義n.興趣,趣味;v.使感興趣;使關(guān)注特別記憶1n.利益;好處(通常用復數(shù))eg.She is acting entirely in the public interests.她所做的完全是為了公眾的利益??祭?四川高考)A g

18、reat person is always putting othersinterests above his own.2n.利息 eg.Interest rates have risen by 1%.利息上升了百分之一??祭?福建高考)Pay for goods and services and enjoy up to 56 days interest­free credit.20.iron常用含義n.鐵特別記憶1n.熨斗;v.熨燙eg.Mum,where is the electric iron?I want to iron my skirt.媽媽,電熨斗在哪?我想熨一下裙子。考

19、例(湖北高考)When you are finished with the electric iron,dont forget to turn it off.2adj.鐵的;堅強的eg.We all call him an iron man.我們都稱他為“鐵人??祭?廣東高考).a man who is fond of showing off his iron will.21.just常用含義adv.剛剛;恰好;只不過,僅僅特別記憶1adj.公正的;正義的;正當?shù)模还降?;適宜的,恰當?shù)膃g.I believe his decision is just.我認為他的決定是公正的??祭?浙江高考)

20、.to encourage people to speak out against anything they consider to be unjust.2adv.(引起注意、表示允許等)請,就eg.Just listen to what Im saying,will you你就聽我說,好嗎?考例(全國高考)Just be patient.You cant expect the world to change so soon.22.last常用含義adj.& adv.最后的(地);最終的(地)特別記憶1v.持續(xù),繼續(xù),延續(xù)eg.The future lasts a long time

21、.來日方長。考例 (天津高考)Those fun trips had a lasting impact.2adj.最不可能的;最不適當?shù)?;最不愿意干的eg.He is the last person I want to see.他是我最不想見的人??祭?湖南高考)From that moment on,“the very last thing I ever thought about doing was taking a typing course, she recalls.23.match常用含義n.比賽,競賽;v.般配;使成對;與相配特別記憶1n.火柴eg.The little match

22、 girl struck another against the wall.賣火柴的小女孩在墻上又擦了根火柴??祭?江西高考)Light the paper by dropping a burning match into the bottle.2n.敵手,旗鼓相當?shù)娜薳g.As a tennis player,he has not yet met his match.作為一名網(wǎng)球選手,他從未遇到過勁敵??祭?湖北高考)But even in his cornered panic, he was no match for the two athletic men.24.mean常用含義v.意思

23、是,表示的意思;意味著;打算,意欲,有的意思;n.方法,方式,途徑特別記憶adj.吝嗇的,小氣的eg.He is too mean to make a donation.他很小氣,不會捐款的。考例(福建高考)He wasnt being mean;he just couldnt afford them.25.nurse常用含義n.護士特別記憶1n.保姆;(舊時雇主家中的)女保育員eg.She once worked as a wet nurse.她曾經(jīng)當過奶媽??祭?陜西高考).Filipinos worked abroad as servants,nurses,sailors and in

24、other difficult but low paid jobs.2v.看護,照料(病人或傷者)eg.She works in a hospital nursing cancer patients.她在一家醫(yī)院工作,護理癌癥病人??祭?重慶高考)For two days he was nursed by his mother.3v.喂奶,哺育eg.She was nursing her baby then.當時她正在喂孩子吃奶。26.plain常用含義n.平原特別記憶1adj.樸素的;簡單的;不尚修飾的eg.The policeman in plain clothes is from the North China Plain.那個便衣警察來自華北平原。2adj.清楚的;明顯的;淺白的eg.He made it plain that we should leave.他明確表示要我們離開。3adv.顯然;完全地;簡直eg.He is plain silly.他是十分愚蠢的??祭?山東高考).there is just plain silence during gathering.27.press常用含義v.(被)壓,推,擠,施加壓力;催促,逼迫,敦促特別記憶n新聞界;記者;新聞工作者(the press)eg


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