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1、初中英語知識歸納總結(jié)大全第一課時名詞一、概述1、名詞的屬性:表示人或事物的名稱抽象概念的詞叫名詞。2、名詞分普通名詞和專有名詞。普通名詞是表示某一類人或事物,或某種物體或抽象概念的名稱。如:teacher, desks, plates, milk, box等,專有名詞表示某一特定的人、事物、地方團體、黨派、國家機關(guān)、語言、節(jié)日等專用的名稱。(運用)如:China, Chinese, Saturday, June, Green, Beijing, Olympic等。(專有名詞的第一個字母要大寫)二、可數(shù)名詞與不可數(shù)名詞1、可數(shù)名詞是指表示人或事物,可以用數(shù)來計量的名詞,有單復(fù)數(shù)之分。如:glas

2、s-glasses; book- books2、不可數(shù)名詞是指所表示的事物不能用數(shù)來計量。如:paper, rice, water , milk, tea等。3、有些名詞在特定情況下由不可數(shù)變?yōu)榭蓴?shù)名詞。Light travels faster than sound; (light:光線,不可數(shù))The lights are on.(light:燈,可數(shù))4、不可數(shù)名詞的量的表示不可數(shù)名詞一般無法用數(shù)來計算,前面不能用a或an或數(shù)詞來表示數(shù)量,它的量往往借助于容器來表示。如:a glass of milk - four glasses of milka piece of paper-

3、two pieces of papera bag of rice-three bags of rice三、可數(shù)名詞的復(fù)數(shù)形式(識記、運用)1、可數(shù)名詞在應(yīng)用時有單復(fù)數(shù)之分,單數(shù)變復(fù)數(shù)有規(guī)則變化和不規(guī)則變化兩種。規(guī)則變化情 況變化形式例詞一般情況加-sgirls; books;以s,x,ch,sh結(jié)尾的名詞加-esclasses; boxes; watches;brushes以輔音字母加y結(jié)尾的名詞變y為i, 加escity-cities; baby-babies以f或fe結(jié)尾的名詞變f,fe為v, 加esknife-knives; leaf-leaves以O(shè)結(jié)尾的名詞pot

4、atoes; tomatoes;photos; kilos; bamboos; radios2、少數(shù)名詞有不規(guī)則的變化形式policeman-policemen; man-men; woman-women;tooth-teeth; foot-feet; sheep-sheep; deer-deer;Japanese- Japanese; Chinese - Chinese; fish - fish四、名詞所有格(運用)名詞的所有格是表示所有關(guān)系的形式,它也有構(gòu)成上的變化。1、單數(shù)名詞變所有格,只需在詞尾加 s;2、復(fù)數(shù)名詞的詞尾已有s,只需加 即可;3、復(fù)數(shù)名詞的詞尾若沒有

5、s,則應(yīng)加 s ;4、如果表示某人或物為兩人所共有,則在第二個人后面加 s ;如:Da Mao and Xiao Maos room如果不是兩人共有,則在每個人后面都加 s;如:Li Leis and Toms mother5、名詞所有格結(jié)構(gòu)通常用于表示有生命的名詞,或表示時間、距離、地點等,而表示無生命名詞的所有關(guān)系則用“of”表示。如: the windows of house the picture of the familyof 結(jié)構(gòu)也能用于有生命名詞的所有格。a friend of my sisters a book of his第二課時冠詞(一)一、概述冠詞是一種虛詞,在

6、句子中不重讀,本身不能獨立使用。在漢語中沒有這個詞類。在學(xué)習(xí)冠詞時,要注意這種加在名詞前幫助說明名詞所指的人或事物的詞表示數(shù)量“一”時,與數(shù)詞的區(qū)別;其表示“數(shù)量”的意義沒有“one”強,這是學(xué)習(xí)中注意區(qū)別的。二、冠詞的定義冠詞是置于名詞之前,說明名詞所表示的人或事物的一種虛詞,它不能離開名詞而單獨存在。冠詞有兩種:一種是定冠詞(the Definite Article);the一種是不定冠詞(the Indefinite Article). a an三、不定冠詞的用法a用于輔音音素起首的單詞前,an用于元音音素起首的單詞前。1、當?shù)谝淮翁岬侥橙嘶蚰澄飼r,用a或an起介紹作用,如:What i

7、s this? It is a bus.Who is she?She is a doctor.2、表示泛指一類人或物A snake is a cold-blood animal.A plane is a machine that can fly.3、表示某一類人或事物的任何一個。如:She is a teacher;That is an apple.There is an elephant in the zoo.4、可用于某些詞組,是該詞組不可缺少的組成部分。如:a long timea littlea fewat a timehave a trytake a chance5、表示“

8、每一個”的意思。如:three times a dayfour yuan a dozen6、可用于抽象名詞之前,使抽象名詞具體化。如:I am quite at a loss;The little child is a joy to his parents.7、用于物質(zhì)名詞之前,使物質(zhì)名詞普通化。如:He drew out a tin of pineapple.They made a fire to get warm.注意:1、不定冠詞an用在以元音(不是字母,而是發(fā)音)起首的名詞或其他以元音起首的詞之前,不定冠詞a用在以輔音起首的名詞或其他以輔音起首的詞之前。2、u和h有時在單詞中發(fā)元音,有

9、時卻讀作輔音或不發(fā)音。如:I have been waiting for an hour.He is an honest young fellow.A hammer is a useful fool.3、英語中有些字母,如f h l m n s x。由于它前頭第一個音是元音,所以在單獨使用或作縮略詞的第一個字母時,應(yīng)使用“an”,如:There is an “n” in the word “no”.An MP means a member of parliament.第三課時冠詞(二)一、定冠詞的用法定冠詞the 有this, that, these, those等意思,用于單數(shù)或復(fù)

10、數(shù)名詞前。主要用來特指,使一個或幾個事物區(qū)別于所有其他同名的事物。1、指前文已經(jīng)提到過的人或事物。如:I wrote an article. The article was about physics.2、指說話人都知道的人或事物。如:Please close the door before you leave.Lets go to the classroom.3、名詞有定語修飾時,須用定冠詞the,表示特指意義。如:The book on the desk is his.The teacher who talked with you is her mother.4、用于世界上獨一無二的事物前

11、。如:the sunthe moonthe earththe skythe world5、用在序數(shù)詞前面表示順序。如:I live on the fourth floor.My mother is always the first one to come and the last one to leave.6、與其他詞連用,構(gòu)成固定詞組。如:on the leftin the northin the front of7、在表示樂器名稱的名詞之前用定冠詞。如:the pianothe violin8、用在形容詞或副詞的最高級前面。如:This was the most interesting v

12、oyage we had ever had.He is the tallest of us.9、用在形容詞前面,表示復(fù)數(shù)意義的某一類人或事物。如:the richthe poorthe youngthe livingthe newthe rightthe truethe beautiful10、在表示江河、山脈、海灣、海峽、沙漠等專用名詞之前加定冠詞。如:the Changjiang Riverthe Nilethe Alpsthe Himalayas11、用在年代、朝代、時代名詞前。如:the Qin Dynastythe Ming Dynastyin the 50sthe spring p

13、eriod12、和表示姓氏名詞的復(fù)數(shù)形式連用,表示某姓氏一家人或夫婦二人。如:the Listhe Martins二、不用冠詞的情況1、除一些特殊情況外,專用名詞以及抽象名詞和物質(zhì)名詞前不加冠詞。如:Man is mortal.Miss Smith came in power at last.2、當名詞前已有this, that, my, his, any, every, some, no, those, these等詞修飾時或有所有格修飾時,不必加冠詞。如:She is my sister.This article you had written is very wonderful.3、在交

14、通工具、學(xué)科名稱等名詞前不加冠詞。如:by planeby boatChinesePhysics4、在節(jié)日、假日、星期、月份、季節(jié)等名詞前不加冠詞。如:National DayMay DayAutumnJanuary5、在一日三餐、體育類等名詞前不加冠詞。如:He prefers milk and egg for breakfast.He preferred to play football and Id rather play tennis.6、在唯一的職務(wù)、頭銜的名詞前不加冠詞。如:He is elected manager of our company.People elected hi

15、m president of that country last year.7、在報紙標題、圖像說明、文章題目、標志、廣告前不加冠詞。如:Workers MindNotes on the Study of Hong Lou Meng8、在一些固定詞組中不加冠詞。如:at homeby mistakelearn by heartat firstat lastat onceby seaday and night第四課時代詞(一)一、概述代詞是用來代替名詞或名詞短語的詞。代詞的分類:人稱代詞:表示“我”、“我們”、“你”“你們”、“他、她、它”、“他們”的詞叫人稱代詞;物主代詞:表示所有關(guān)系的代詞,

16、分為形容詞性物主代詞和名詞性物主代詞;反身代詞:表示動作反射到執(zhí)行者本身或用來加強語氣的代詞;指示代詞:表示能替代名詞或替代形容詞的詞;不定代詞:表示不指明替代任何特定名詞的代詞。疑問代詞:表示替代人或物且含有疑問語氣的代詞。二、人稱代詞第一人稱第二人稱第三人稱單數(shù)復(fù)數(shù)單數(shù)復(fù)數(shù)單數(shù)復(fù)數(shù)主格Iweyouyouhe, she, itthey賓格meusyouyouhim, her,itthem人稱代詞在句中可作主語、賓語、表語。1、主格在句中作主語,賓格在句中作賓語。She gave these books to you and me;You must look after them;2

17、、當并列代詞作主語時,I放在最后。順序為你,他,我You, he and I are going to spend the winter holidays in Beijing.三、物主代詞物主代詞包括形容詞性物主代詞和名詞性物主代詞兩種,有人稱和數(shù)不清變化形式。第一人稱第二人稱第三人稱單數(shù)復(fù)數(shù)單數(shù)復(fù)數(shù)單數(shù)復(fù)數(shù)形容詞性myouryouryourhis, her, itstheir名詞性mineoursyoursyourshis, hers,itstheirs形容詞性物主代詞只能作定語修飾名詞,如:my watch; your books ; their names;名詞性物主代詞在句中可單獨作

18、用,可作主語、賓語和表語,后面不跟名詞,英語中說:“我的一位朋友”,要用“a friend of mine”。有些結(jié)構(gòu)中常用the 替代物主代詞He had a cold in the head.(the意思是his)My mother took me by the arm.(the意思是her)四、反身代詞單數(shù)myselfyourselfhimself; herself; itself復(fù)數(shù)ourselvesyourselvesthemselves反身代詞在句中可以加強語氣,用作賓語和同位語。He himself has finished it .(作同位語)He has

19、taught himself Russian for 5 years .(作賓語)I did it mysldf.(加強語氣)某些固定結(jié)構(gòu):by oneself; fo oneself; among themselvesThey made the machine all by themselves.He cooked a meal for himself.第五課時代詞(二)一、指示代詞指示代詞有:this; that; these; thosethis, these 表示“這”、“這些”,是“近指”。that, those表示“那”、“那些”,是“遠指”。注意:在電話用語里面,用th

20、is代替自己,that代替對方。如:whos that? This is Tom speaking二、不定代詞英語中有以下不定代詞:all, each, every, both, either, neither, one, none, little(a little), few(a few), many, much, other, another, some, any, no還有由some, any , no every構(gòu)成的代詞。1)both, allboth 是指“兩者都”,而all則是指“三者或三者以上都”,如:Both of us are right.All of you a

21、re good at playing basketball.但all 還可以組成固定短語 all day, all this, all the time等2) either, neithereither 是指“兩者之中任何一個“屬于部分否定,而neither則是“兩者之中一個也不“屬全部否定Either of the books will do.Neither of the answers is right.而either還可出現(xiàn)在否定句子里,可與neither進行句型轉(zhuǎn)換。如:Tom hasnt been to America, Jim hasnt,

22、either= Neither Tom nor Jim has been to America.而neither (nor) 也可用于表示“也不”,構(gòu)成“neither (nor) +助動詞+主語”的句式。Kate isnt a worker, neither is Meimei.3) little, a little, few, a fewlittle, a little修飾不可數(shù)名詞; few , a few修飾可數(shù)名詞;little, few表示否定,“幾乎沒有”a little, a few表示肯定,相當于some, any.There is a little mi

23、lk in the glass.There are few students in the classroom, theyre in the reading-room.4) every, eachevery, each都是強調(diào)每一個,every 作定語修飾名詞。如:The bus comes every five minutes.Each of them may come at a different time.5) some , any6) 由some, any, no, every組成的不定代詞something, someone, somebody, somewher

24、e, anything, anyone, anybody, anywhere, nothing, none, nobody, nowhere, everything,everyone, everybody, everywhere.三、疑問代詞疑問代詞用來構(gòu)成疑問句,一共有五個:who, whom, whose, what, which.第六課時數(shù)詞一、基數(shù)詞基數(shù)詞表示數(shù)量onetwothreefourfivesixseveneightnineteneleventwelvethirteenfourteenfifteensixteenseventeeneighteennineteentwentyt

25、hirtyfortyfiftysixtyseventyeightyninetytwenty-onethirty-eightfifty-threea hundreda thousanda milliona billion注意:表示具體數(shù)目的hundren, thousand, million等均不用復(fù)數(shù),百位數(shù)和十位數(shù)之間通常加連詞and;十位數(shù)與個位數(shù)之間要加連字符。二、序數(shù)詞firstsecondthirdfourthfifthsixthseventheighthninthtentheleventhtwelfththirteenthfourteenthfifteenthsixteenthse

26、venteentheighteenthnineteenthtwentieththirtiethfortiethfiftiethsixtiethseventietheightiethninetiethhundredthtwenty-firstninety-nintya hundred and fifty-third序數(shù)詞的縮寫形式:由阿拉伯數(shù)字后加上序數(shù)詞的最后兩個字母。first-1stsecond - 2nd tenth - 10th三、時間和年月日表示法1、時間均用基數(shù)詞表示:1)順讀法,先說“點鐘”,再說“分鐘”,如:2:15 two fifteen 6:20 six twen

27、ty2)逆讀法30分鐘以內(nèi):“分鐘數(shù)+ past+鐘點數(shù)”,如:3:20 - twenty past three 2:10 - ten past two半小時用half,15分鐘用a quarter :2:15 - a quarter past two 3:30 - half past three30分鐘以外要用:“分鐘數(shù)+ to +下一個鐘點”,如:4:35 - twenty-five to five 2:55 - five to three2)年月日表示法年份讀法;月日讀法;年月日一起讀法。四、分數(shù)的表示法當分數(shù)中表示分子的數(shù)只含個位數(shù)時一般采用“分子(用基數(shù)

28、詞)+分母(用序數(shù)詞)”表示。(分子大于1時,分母序數(shù)詞用復(fù)數(shù))如:one-third; two-thirds;three twenty-seconds五、數(shù)詞與名詞的搭配1)數(shù)詞與名詞連用時,它們的次序是“名詞+基數(shù)詞”Lesson 15; Room 1506 或者用“the + 序數(shù)詞 + 名詞”The Fifteenth Lesson the third floor2)數(shù)詞與小時的搭配two hours and a half three hourshalf an hour第七課時形容詞一、概述形容詞修飾名詞,說明人或事物或特征。在句中可作定語、表語、賓語補足語。The

29、 beautiful girl is Toms sister.(充當定語)Three isnothing serious,is there?(充當定語,修飾不定代詞的形容詞及短語要放在不定代詞之后)The shoes in the shop were not very expensive.(作表語)The old arelooked after well.(有些形容詞和定冠詞the連用時,表示一類人或物,其謂語動詞用復(fù)數(shù)形式)二、形容詞比較級及最高級的形式1、絕大部分雙音節(jié)形容詞和單音節(jié)形容詞的比較等級變化是規(guī)則變化。情 況變 化 形 式舉 例一般情況在詞尾直接加-er ; -estsmall

30、 - smaller - smallest以e結(jié)尾的詞在詞尾加r ; - st ;large - larger - largest以輔音字母+y結(jié)尾變y為i,加- er; -esthappy- happier- happiest以一個元音字母加一個輔音字母結(jié)尾,而且是重讀閉音節(jié)將該輔音字母雙寫,再加-er ; -estfat fatter fattestthin thinner thinnestbig bigger biggesthot hotter - hottest2、部分雙音節(jié)和多音節(jié)形容詞比較級和最高級變化形式在多音節(jié)形容詞前加more或mostbeautiful more beaut

31、iful most beautifuluseful more useful most useful3、不規(guī)則形容詞比較級和最高級形式:good, well better best bad, ill worse worstmany, much more most little less leastfar farther, further farthest, furthest三、形容詞的比較等級的用法1、當A=B時,則用as(副)as(介,連),中間用形容詞或副詞的原級。表示甲與乙在某方面一樣He is as tall as I (me)2、AB,則用not as(so)as&

32、#160;表示甲與乙在某方面不一樣。He is not so tall as I = He is shorter than I =Im taller than heThe boy isnt as careful as that one= This boy isnt as careful than that one3、比較級+than 形式This lesson is more difficult than that oneShe is fatter than Kate4、the+最高級+(in of)短語Miss Zhou is one of the most popular in

33、our classHe is the oldest of the threeof 常與名詞復(fù)數(shù)或表示數(shù)量的詞連用。表示“在之中”這一。in常與表示范圍或場所的名詞連用“在范圍之中”四、形容詞比較級特殊用法1)more and more比較級連用表示“越來越”In spring the weather gets warmer and warmer.He is getting busier and busier.2)The more the more越就越The larger the bus is , the more people it can carry.The farther aw

34、ay an object is from us, the smaller it looks.3)比較級形式表達最高級:比較級+than any other+名詞單數(shù);比較級+than the other+名詞復(fù)數(shù)He is clever than any other boy- He is the clevest of all the boys- He is clever than the other boys4、修飾比較級的副詞有much, even , quite , a little, a lot等表示“得多”“甚至”,表示程度。第八課時副詞一、概述副詞是用來修飾動詞、形容詞或其他副詞的詞

35、,表示動作的特征、狀態(tài)的特征或某種性質(zhì)的程度。二、副詞的分類時間副詞、地點副詞、方式副詞、疑問副詞及程度副詞。1、時間副詞:時間副詞表達的內(nèi)涵包括回答“什么時候”或“經(jīng)常與否”A: how, then, yesterday, last time, today, just now, later on, so far, ago;B: always, often, usually, sometimes, never, hardly, ever;C: already, yet, late, early, soon, at once, at last, finally, at first, since;

36、2、地點副詞:表示地點或位置關(guān)系的副詞。A: here, there, home, anywhere, everywhere;B: above, below, down, up, out, in, across, back, over, round, away, near;注:B類中表示位置的副詞有時也可作介詞。如:come in, please- They live in the next room.3、方式副詞:badly, carefully ,politely, sadly, suddenly, happily. well, fast, high, hard.4、 程度副詞:常見的有:

37、 much, a little, a bit, very, even, so, too, enough, quite, rather, completely, terribly, nearly, hardly, not at all。這些副詞多用來修飾形容詞、副詞或動詞以加強語氣。5、 疑問副詞:是用來引導(dǎo)一個特殊問句,有時用來引導(dǎo)時間狀語從句或賓語從句。疑問副詞有:how, when, where, why, who6、部分副詞的用法:1)too, either, also都是表示“也”。too和either都用于句末,too用于肯定句中,either用于否定句及一般疑問句中,also放在句

38、子中,BE動詞前,實義動詞后。2)so, neither都可以用在倒裝句的開頭。so接在肯定句后表示“也一樣”,句式:so+助動詞+主語;neither接在一個否定句后面表示“也不,沒.”句式:neither+助動詞+主語I have read the book, so has he.Jim didnt win the game, neither did Tom.3)already, yetalready 和yet通常用于現(xiàn)在完成時中,already用于肯定句,yet用于否定句和疑問句中。He has already finished his homework.Jim hasnt c

39、ome back yet.7、副詞的比較等級副詞和形容詞一樣,也有比較級和最高級,其變化形式與形容詞的比較比較級和最高級一樣。第九課時介詞一、知識概述介詞是一種虛詞,一般在句子中不重讀,也不能單獨充當句子成分,但與它的介詞賓語一起構(gòu)成介詞短語,就可以在句子中作狀語、定語和表語。介詞又稱前置詞,一般位于名詞或代詞的前面,表示該詞與句子其他成分的關(guān)系。在學(xué)習(xí)介詞時,最重要的是掌握介詞的用法,動介詞組的搭配,時間介詞、方位介詞、方向介詞、位置介詞、成語介詞以及動向介詞和靜向介詞的比較和區(qū)別。二、介詞的定義及句法功能介詞是一種虛詞,在句中不單獨作任何句子成分,只表示其后的名詞或相當于名詞的詞語與其他句

40、子成分的關(guān)系。介詞后的名詞,或相當于名詞的其他詞組、短語或從句,稱為介詞賓語。介詞和介詞賓語一起構(gòu)成介詞短語。介詞短語在句中主要用作定語、狀語、表語和賓語補足語。The boy over thereis my brother.(作定語)A friend in needis a friend indeed.(作定語)I shall meet you at the entrance of Qianmen Hotel.(作地點狀語)To their surprise, they saw not locusts, but seagulls.(作原因狀語)Ill be

41、60;in the officeevery afternoon.(作表語)He isnt at home(作表語)The farmer made the king out of the water.(作賓語補足語)I found everything in good order(作賓語補足語)三、介詞與其他詞類的固定搭配。介詞和動詞、形容詞、名詞等常構(gòu)成固定搭配。也就是說,在這些詞的后面,常常要求用一定的介詞。1、形容詞與介詞的固定搭配有些形容詞后面要求用固定的介詞,這類介詞常見的有:about, at, for, from, in, of, to, with(1

42、) 形容詞+aboutcareful abouthopeful aboutsure aboutHe is careless about his clothes(2)形容詞 +atgood atsurprised atangry at(3)形容詞 + forfamous forready forsorry forIm terrible sorry for telling him the truth.(4)形容詞 + fromdifferent fromsafe fromHe was absent from class this morningMy

43、 sister is different from me in many ways.(5)形容詞+ ininterested insuccessful inHe is interested in making model ships.2、名詞與介詞的固定搭配(1) 名詞 + forHe made up an excuse for being late.Did you find the cause for your failure?(2) 名詞 +inHe has some difficulty in translating the bookShe has

44、 made great progress in English.(3) 名詞 +ofShe found another way of solving the problemHe forms a bad habit of getting up late(4) 名詞 +onThere have been several attacks on foreigners recently.Have pity on me!(5) 名詞 +withI wanted to have a talk with youHe is always getting into trouble w

45、ith the police第十課時連詞一、知識概述連詞是一種虛詞,不能在句子中單獨作句子成分,也沒有句子重音,在句子中只起連接詞與詞、短語與短語、句子與句子以及從句的作用。連詞分為并列連詞和從屬連詞兩種。并列連詞是連接彼此并列關(guān)系的詞。從屬連詞是用來引導(dǎo)從句的詞。二、并列連詞并列連詞用來連接具有并列關(guān)系的詞、短語或句子。并列連詞按其作用可分為表示轉(zhuǎn)折、因果、選擇和聯(lián)合關(guān)系等四大類。表示聯(lián)合關(guān)系的連詞,常見的有:and, not onlybut also, as well as, bothand, neithernor.Written English is more or less the s

46、ame in both Britain and American.They were very surprised and I knew that I had done the right thing.Work hard and youll pass the exam=If you work hard, youll pass the exam.While I was in the university, I learned both English and Japanese.Both European and Asian speak RussiaYou cant speak both Amer

47、ican English and British English at the same time.Neither Tom nor you are a driver.Neither I nor he has seen the play.Neither of us is a teacherYou dont like it, Neither do I .She is beautiful as well as clever.He is a great writer as well as a famous doctor.三、從屬連詞從屬連詞是用來連接各種從句的詞1、連接主語從句、表語從句與賓語從句的連

48、詞只有三個,即that, if, whether。如:Ask her if she will come with me.The reason is that she never wasted her time.I dont know whether he had passed the exam.2、引導(dǎo)狀語從句的從屬連詞(1) 連接時間狀語從句的從屬連詞有:since, until, after, before, when, while, as soon as, whenever.Ill tell you as soon as I know.(2)連接地點狀語從句的從屬連詞有: wh

49、ere, whereverSit wherever you like.I found my books where I had left them.(3) 連接讓步狀語從句的從屬連詞有:although, though, even if, however.Although she was tired, she kept on working.(4) 連接原因狀語從句的從屬連詞有:as, because, since, now that,He was absent because he was ill.(5)連接目的狀語從句的從屬連詞有:that, so that, in o

50、rder that.He raised his voice so that we could hear him.(6) 連接條件狀語從句的從屬連詞有:if, unless, once, in case.Youll miss the train unless you hurry up.(7) 連接結(jié)果狀語從句的從屬連詞有:sothat, suchthat.He came so late that he missed the class.(8) 連接比較狀語從句的從屬連詞有:asas, not soas, less(more)than, the theThis is

51、more than Ican accept.(9) 連接方式狀語從句的從屬連詞有:as, as ifIt looks as if it was going to rain.第十一課時動詞(一)一、知識概述在英語中,每個句子必須有一個動詞來擔(dān)當謂語。說明主語“是什么”或“做什么”,動詞是表示動作或狀態(tài)的詞。動詞和名詞、代詞一樣,有人稱和數(shù)的變化。謂語動詞的人稱和數(shù)一般要與主語的人稱和數(shù)保持一致。學(xué)好了英語動詞相當于學(xué)好了一半的英語語法,可見英語動詞的重要性。在初中英語中,動詞的分類、動詞的時態(tài)和語態(tài)以及動詞的各種形式之間的聯(lián)系,非謂語動詞的構(gòu)成、用法等等貫穿整個初中課本,包括

52、英語句型都離不開動詞時態(tài)或語態(tài),因此在學(xué)習(xí)時特別要注意英語中時態(tài)的運用和語態(tài)之間的區(qū)別。二、動詞的分類及作用按照動詞的詞義和在句中的作用,英語動詞可分為行為動詞(又叫實義動詞)、連系動詞、助動詞和情態(tài)動詞。1、行為動詞表示動作或狀態(tài),能獨立作謂語。如:She took pictures of treesHe is typing letters.行為動詞又分為及物動詞和不及物動詞。(1)及物動詞及物動詞后面必須跟賓語,意思才完整。I enjoyed the film very muchI gave the child another piece of cake.常見的能帶兩個賓語的動詞有:bri

53、ng, build, buy, cook, cut, draw, find, get, hand, leave, lend, make, offer, pass, pay, read, return, sell, show, teach, tell, write, etc.(2)不及物動詞本身詞義完整,后面不要求跟賓語。如:Horses run fast.They work in a factory.She curled up in bed and began her book.2、連系動詞(1)本身有詞義,不能在句子中單獨作謂語,必須和表語一起構(gòu)成謂語。常見的連系動詞有:be, look,

54、get, feel, sound, turn, smell, taste, become.My father is an engineer.My brother has become a doctor.It seems that he was a millionaire.I dont feel very well today.(2)表示感覺知覺的動詞可以是連系動詞,如feel, touch, sound, smell.I can smell the sea.The customs officer looked carefully at their suitcases.I feel a pain

55、 in the arm.She looked worried about it.3、動詞與介詞的固定搭配動詞與介詞的搭配主要指下列兩種形式:(1)動詞+賓語+介詞The song always remindsme ofmy school days.Parents usually expecta lot oftheir children.I often takeher forher sister.He hideeverything fromme.The headmaster praisedthe boy&#

56、160;forhis courage.They suppliedpeople withenough food and drink.They presentedus witha lot of flowers.The man was charged withmueder.(2)動詞+反身代詞+介詞dress oneself in;prepare oneself forgive oneself topride oneself onHe giveshimself topop music.She always dresses herself inwhite.第十二課時動詞(二)一、動詞的形式大多數(shù)動詞有四種基本形式:1、現(xiàn)在式;2、過去式;3、過去分詞;4、現(xiàn)在分詞;現(xiàn)在式是字典中所給的形式,也可稱為動詞原形。按照動詞各種形式的構(gòu)成方法,動詞可分為規(guī)則動詞和不規(guī)則動


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