



1、1 由于我們將要參加在下個月114日在新加坡舉行的會議,如果你們能介紹一些有關(guān)會議的詳細(xì)情況,我們將十分感激。As we will take part in the meeting that will be hold from 1st to 14th next month in Singapore, we are grateful if you could supply detailed information on it.2 吃的太多并不會使人更健康,相反,吃的太多尤其是吃脂肪多的食物,會對人體的健康有害,因此,節(jié)食是可取的。Eating too much doesnt make peopl

2、e healthier,on the contrary, eating too much, eapecially fatty food will be harm to peoples health.3 像麥當(dāng)勞,肯德基這樣的快餐廳,目前在中國像雨后春筍般發(fā)展起來,中國的傳統(tǒng)快餐,像包子、餃子,能不能改進(jìn)一下與外國的產(chǎn)品競爭。Fast food restaurants, such as McDonalds , KFC are mushrooming in China. Can chinese traditional fast food like baozi jiaozi be imprved,

3、in order to compete with foreign products.4 像許多西方人那樣經(jīng)常不吃早餐,并不是聰明的做法,我們中國人說早餐要飽,午餐要好,晚餐要少。這從科學(xué)上來說無疑是正確的。It is not wise to go without breakfast like what Westerners do, we chinese say have a full breakfast, have a nice lunch, and have light dinner. It is no doubt scientifically right.5 手提電話機(jī)使人們打電話很方便,

4、但是大部分的手機(jī)質(zhì)量卻有待進(jìn)一步提高,因為今天的手機(jī)有許多地方還遠(yuǎn)不是盡善盡美的。Mobile phones are convenient for people to make calls,but most of the mobiles quality needs to be further improve, because todays mobile phone are still far from perfect in many aspects.6 今天電視在中國已經(jīng)非常普遍,除了一些偏僻的地方,不論在城市或鄉(xiāng)村,幾乎每家都有一臺電視機(jī)供其使用。Today TV sets is very

5、popular in China with the expection of some remote place. Every family wether in the urban or in the rural areas has a TV set to itself.7 汽車也正在進(jìn)入中國人的家庭,雖然一個普通的買車人可能買不起德國的奔馳車,但也完全有能力買一部日本的本田車,或者是上海的桑塔納。Cars are entrancing to chinese families,although average car-buyer cannot afford Benz. He can purch

6、ase Janpanese Honda or Shanghai-made sontana.8 在一個現(xiàn)代化城市里,要避免交通阻塞絕非易事,也許一個良好的地鐵系統(tǒng),是減輕交通阻塞的唯一有效辦法可是建設(shè)成本十分高。It is not easy to avoid traffic jams in the modernized city perhaps a good subway system is only effective way to reduce traffic jams, but their cost of construction is extremly high.9 就快速運輸來說,空運

7、明顯比鐵路運輸或水運具有優(yōu)勢;但就旅行來說,有人寧可坐火車或汽車,以便把當(dāng)?shù)氐囊恍┚吧吹母宄s far as transport, the plain have apparent advantage over the ship and the train; for travellers, someone prefer taking train and bus. So that they can clearly enjoy the local view.10 現(xiàn)在許多中國人在買自己的房子,在過去的幾年里房地產(chǎn)的價格曾經(jīng)一翻再翻,但人們?nèi)匀皇桥抨牭葯C(jī)會來買。A lot of chinese

8、 buy their own apartment now, the price of real esates has redoubled over the past years, but people still wait chance to buy.11在一個中國式的家里,廚房不過是一個煮東西的地方;但在許多西方式的家里,廚房不但是煮東西和吃飯的地方,還是一個家人或朋友聚會的地方。In a chinese house, kitchen is nothing more than cooking, but in many western house, it is not only where t

9、hey cook and eat, but also where the family all friends come together.12 我們需要一本有關(guān)房屋裝修的專門雜志,所以決定排出三個正面理由訂閱(你的家),該雜志每月一期,每期100頁。As we need a specialized housing decration magazine, we have decided to give three affirmative reasons for subscribing monthly 100page magazine “You House”.13 在一些西方國家,一邊吃早餐,一

10、邊談生意是不稀奇的。在中國,雖然經(jīng)常有商業(yè)宴會,但人們卻很少在餐桌上談生意.In western, it is not unusual thing to have a bussines talk over breakfast. In china, it is very common to have bussiness banquet, people rarely discuss dealing bussiness during the meal.14 每年都有大批的外國旅游者來中國觀光,中國有許多著名的旅游點,比如長城就是一個有重大歷史意義的建筑物,桂林就是一個以不平凡的風(fēng)景而聞名的地方A l

11、arge number of tourists visit to china, where have many famous spots. For example, The Great Wall is of historical significance structure; Guilin is a place known for uncommon.15 中國有著許多具有西方特色的五星級賓館,但是有些外國旅游者寧可要中國式的賓館,說他們不遠(yuǎn)千里而來,不是為了要體驗他們自己國內(nèi)每天都常見的東西。China have a large number of five-star hotels that

12、have western feature. But some forign tourists would rather a chinese style hotel, they dont travel thousands of mails not for experience what they have in their own countries.16 人們相信,生物化學(xué)和信息技術(shù)將會在新世紀(jì)里帶領(lǐng)農(nóng)業(yè)發(fā)展,就像化學(xué)和機(jī)器在上個世紀(jì)帶領(lǐng)農(nóng)業(yè)發(fā)展一樣。It is believed that chemistry and information technology will lead the g

13、rowth of agriculture in the new century, just as chemistry and machinery did in the last century.17 有人曾經(jīng)錯誤地認(rèn)為農(nóng)業(yè)不需要太多的高科技,而事實上,農(nóng)業(yè)的機(jī)械化和現(xiàn)代化,對于一個國家的經(jīng)濟(jì)是有著關(guān)鍵性的重大意義。Some people have incorrectly considered that agriculture do not need too much hi-tech, in fact agriculture mechanization and modernization are

14、 of crucial inportance to a nations economy.18 在現(xiàn)代的農(nóng)業(yè)里,甚至飛機(jī)和直升機(jī)也用來播種,運輸或作其他用途。無線電和電視則用來播送天氣預(yù)報和其他農(nóng)民們所關(guān)系的信息。In modern agriculture, even airplanes and helicopters are used for seading, transporting and other purposes, radio and television dis pense weather forecosts and oter information that is of conc

15、ern to farmers.19 目前,不難見到中國的農(nóng)民們用計算機(jī)來通過互聯(lián)網(wǎng)收集信息,并運用最新的機(jī)械和專業(yè)知識來進(jìn)行農(nóng)業(yè)運作。At present, it is not common that chinese farmer use employ computers to gather information through internet and conduct their agriculture, by means of up-to-date machinery and expertise.20 參觀者們對本縣的灌溉的系統(tǒng)印象深刻,說是非常好,也對一年多以前才建立起來的農(nóng)業(yè)研究中心

16、有深刻的印象The tourists were very impressed by this countrys irrigation system, which called superb, and also by the agriculture research center built only more than a year ago.21 國家不但依靠農(nóng)業(yè)提供糧食,也依靠農(nóng)業(yè)來提供工業(yè)原料,由于各國的農(nóng)業(yè)產(chǎn)量和品種不同,農(nóng)業(yè)貿(mào)易就成為一個國際上始終受到關(guān)切的問題Nations rely on agriculture not only for food, but also for raw

17、 material for industry. As agricultural output and varieties vary in different countries, trade in agriculture becomes a constant international concern.22 冬小麥?zhǔn)侨A北平原最重要的糧食作物,通常是和大麥一起,在秋初收成,夏季作物如高粱、大豆之后播種的。Winter wheat is the most important food crop of the North china plain and is normally sown along

18、with barley in early fall after the harvesting of summer crops such as gaoliang and soybeans23 在中國,以液體狀態(tài)消費的牛奶通常是由大城市附近的牛奶場生產(chǎn)的,生產(chǎn)的多余牛奶則用來創(chuàng)造各種乳制品。In china, milk for consumping in liquid form is generalyproduced by dairy farms in the vicinity of large cities, while excess milk from these farm is manufa

19、ctured into various dairy products.24 在發(fā)現(xiàn)了大慶和勝利的油田后,中國不但在石油供應(yīng)方向成為自給自足,而且令人驚奇地變成為一個主要的石油生產(chǎn)園和出口國。After the discovery of daqing and shengli oilfields, china not only because self-sufficient in oil but also astonishingly emerged as a major oil producer and exporter.25 中國的煤儲藏量僅次于俄羅斯。從1949年即將解放那年以來,煤產(chǎn)量有著激

20、動人心的增長,這高度地反映出中國自從解放以來對工業(yè)的發(fā)展是作出了巨大的努力。Chinas coal reserves are only next to Russia. There has been a dramatic increase in output since 1949, the year of liberation, which well reflects chinas great efforts put into industrial development since that time.26自從二十世紀(jì)中葉以來,對石油需求量的增加,導(dǎo)致了在海上鉆井取油,今天,海上鉆井正在許多離

21、開海岸很遠(yuǎn)的地方進(jìn)行.Since the middle of the 20th century,the increased demand for oil, led to drilling off shore for oil. At present, drilling is being carried out far away shore.27 自從長春的第一汽車廠生產(chǎn)出第一部解放牌汽車以來,中國的汽車工業(yè)一直發(fā)展得十分迅速?,F(xiàn)在,中國已成為世界上第四大汽車生產(chǎn)國,有些廠家甚至大膽向海外發(fā)展。Since the first automotive works at changchun turned

22、 out its first liberation truck, Chinas atomotive industry has been developing rapidly. Now, china has becom the worlds 4th biggest automobile producing country, even some factories developbording28 工業(yè)產(chǎn)品隨時都在改進(jìn)新一代的產(chǎn)品很容易淘汰現(xiàn)有產(chǎn)品,有時 變化速度之快,即使最樂觀的市場研究也不能估計到Industrial products are improving all the time, newer generation products easily make exsiting ones obsolete. Sometimes, the changes happen at such a fast speed that even the most optimistic market studies could not predict.29 這家設(shè)在珠海的企業(yè)在珠江三角洲地區(qū)擁有三座工廠,其總公司與中山大學(xué)珠海校區(qū)


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