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1、精選優(yōu)質(zhì)文檔-傾情為你奉上小學(xué)三年級英語語法(一)情態(tài)動詞cancan 在英語中有一個(gè)特殊的名字,叫做情態(tài)動詞,表示“能夠”, “會”, “能力”后面要跟著表示動作的動詞。沒有時(shí)態(tài)和人稱的變化。表示不能做什么的時(shí)候,后面加上 not為 can not,或者縮寫為cant。問別人“能嗎?”要把can 放在句子前面,首字母要大寫,句尾別忘加上問號。例句:I can swing .I can draw.She can jump.He can play . We can touch .They can run.I cant sing.You cant see.She cant dance.He can

2、t hear a car.We cant hear an aeroplane.Can you hear a dog?Can he hear a bus?Can Lucy write?Can you do it? 將下面各組詞組成句子1._(an,aeroplane,hear,Lucy,can )2. _ (not,he ,dance,can )3._? (you,can ,see,what )4._(can ,see ,not ,we ,you)5._. (I ,can ,help ,you )6._? (I,can ,do,what)7._? (you ,can ,hear me)8._?

3、(you ,can ,dance) 答案:1. Lucy can hear an aeroplane. 2. He can not /cant dance. 3. What can you see? 4. We can not /cant see you 5. I can help you. 6. What can I do?7. Can you hear me? 8. Can you dance?(二)人稱代詞所屬格.  人稱代詞表 人稱主格be動詞及其否定形式所有格,形容性物主代詞have/has及其否定形式助動詞及其否定形式賓格 單數(shù)第一人稱我Iam/am

4、notmyhave/haventdo/dontme第二人稱你youare/arentyourhave/haventdo/dontyou第三人稱他heis/isnthishas/hasntdoes/doesnthim她sheis/isntherhas/hasntdoes/doesnther它itis/isntitshas/hasntdoes/doesntit人名人名is/isnt人名shas/hasntdoes/doesnt人名 復(fù)數(shù)第一人稱我們weare/arentourhave/haventdo/dontus第二人稱你們youare/arentyourhave/haventdo/d

5、ontyou第三人稱他們,她們,它們theyare/arenttheirhave/haventdo/dontthem注意:主格作主語,其中she指帶代國家,it可指代天氣時(shí)間等。賓格作賓語,介詞賓語,表語 。動詞后面用人稱賓格形容詞性物主代詞作定語。名詞性物主代詞作主語,賓語,介詞賓語,表語 書信yours表示 - 的,這樣的詞我們也學(xué)習(xí)很多了,你能想出來嗎?記住這個(gè)小口訣就很容易了:我的 my ,你的your,他的 his、她的her. /它的是its; 我們的 our; 你們的是 your他們(它們,她們)的是their/這些人稱代詞形式稱為人稱代詞所屬格,也叫形容詞性物主代詞。通常用在名

6、詞前面表示所屬關(guān)系。另外,表示某人的還可以用名詞或人名+ s 來表示。如: my kite;your book;his pen;her coat;its tail;our class;their teachers;my brothers;book;the cats ears;Marys mother一.寫出下列人稱代詞的所屬格形式I_you_he_She_it_we_You_they_二.用合適的人稱代詞填空(1) This is Ben. This is _bicycle.(2) I am Kitty. _ bag is blue(3) Shes Alice. Thats _ umbrell

7、a.(4) You are Mr Li. _ car is black.(5) Is this _ hat? Yes, its my hat.(6) Thats my mother. Thats _ coat.(7) Wheres _ scarf? Here you are.(8) Hes Mr Wang. _ gloves are new.三.翻譯下列詞組1. 你的名字 _2.我們班_3. 他的小弟弟_4.我祖母_5. 它的尾巴 _ 6.我的鞋_7. 她的圍巾_8.我的襯衫_9. 他們的老師_10.瑪麗的雨傘_四.用下列單詞組句1._ (my , is,name , Tom)2._ (is,

8、 miss , Gao, , our,friend)3._ (is what ,your number ,telephone)4._? (mother , your ,a teacher , is)5._? (whos , cap , it , is)答案:一. I(my) you (your)he(his)she(her)it(its)We (our)you (your)they (their)三. 1.your name2.our class3. his little brother4.my grandmother5.its tail6.my shoes7.her scarf8.my sh

9、irt9.their teacher10. Marys umbrella 四. 1.My name is Tom.2.Miss Gao is our friend3.Whats your telephone number?4.Is your mother a teacher?5.Whos cap is it?(三)介詞、連詞和感嘆詞1.介詞:介詞是一種虛詞,不能單獨(dú)使用,必須在介詞后面加上個(gè)名詞或代詞使用,作句子成份。介詞后面的名詞(或相當(dāng)于名詞的其它詞)叫做介詞的賓語。介詞和介詞賓語合稱為介詞短語。介詞短語在句中可作壯語、定語或表語。介詞如: in 在里面on在上面under在下面等。 in

10、 the classroomin the treein the hall on the roadon the deskon the floor under the tableunder the bedunder the chair2.連詞:連詞是用來連接詞與詞、短語與短語、句子與句子等的詞叫連詞。連詞是一種虛詞,在句子中不能單獨(dú)作句子成分。連詞分兩類:一類叫等立連詞,另一類叫從屬連詞。(1). 等立連詞是用來連接同等的詞、詞組和分句的。等立連詞有許多 我們現(xiàn)在只學(xué)到了and和but,其他的以后學(xué)到再介紹。 如:A and B ; blue and white ;an apple and a b

11、anana;a car and a bus;Lucy and Ben ; Ben and Kitty ; This is a lorry and thats a drill. I like dolls and you like robots.(2). 從屬連詞是用來引起從句的、從屬連詞又分為1) 引起名詞性從句的連接詞,如:if ,that 等。2)引起壯語從句的連接詞,如:when , after ,befare等。以后會逐漸學(xué)到再介紹。3.感嘆詞: 表示說話人的某種感情(驚訝,高興,痛苦等)的詞叫感嘆詞。感嘆詞后常用感嘆號。常用的感嘆詞有:oh(表示驚奇或痛苦),ah(表示驚奇或滿意),h

12、ello(常被用來打招呼相當(dāng)于漢語的“喂!”),well(表示驚訝,無奈)如:Hello.Are you Mary?練習(xí):翻譯下列詞組1.在桌子上面 2.在樹下面 3.在椅子上面 4.在盒子里面5.在黑板上 6.在書里7.在臉上 8.在公共汽車上9.一只貓和一只狗. 10.又小又胖答案:1. on the desk2. under the tree3. on the desk4. in the box 5. on the blackboard6. in the book7. on the face8. on the bus 9. a cat and a dog 10. small and fa

13、t(四) 單數(shù)句和復(fù)數(shù)句: 口訣: 單數(shù)句子變,變化規(guī)則要記住。      名詞代詞要變化,am, is要變are。      this, that變成啥,these, those來替它。      he, she, it要變啥,全部變they不用怕。      I要變we莫落下,名詞后面把s/es加。      名前冠詞去掉它,其余成分原樣加。具

14、體注意下面的六要素: 1單數(shù)主格人稱代詞要變成相應(yīng)的復(fù)數(shù)主格人稱代詞,即Iwe; youyou; she, he, itthey。 如: She is a girl.They are girls. 2 am, is要變?yōu)閍re。 如: I'm a student. We are students. 3不定冠詞a, an要去掉。如: He is a boy. They are boys. 4普通單數(shù)名詞要變?yōu)閺?fù)數(shù)形式。如: It is a cat. They are cats. 5指示代詞this, that要變?yōu)閠hese, those。如: This is a book.These

15、are books. 6 man, woman作定語修飾可數(shù)名詞時(shí),要在 "數(shù)"上與被修飾名詞保持一致。但其他名詞修飾名詞表示 "性質(zhì)"時(shí),不作變化。如: He is a man doctor.They are men doctors. This is an apple tree.They are apple trees.單復(fù)數(shù)相互轉(zhuǎn)換,每空一詞(含縮寫)。1. The woman is a nurse.(改為復(fù)數(shù)句)The _ _ _. 2. There are some old cars.(改為單數(shù)句)There _ _ old _. 3. He h

16、as a new book.(改為復(fù)數(shù)句)_ _ new _. 4. Are these your chicks ?(改為單數(shù)句)_ _ your _?5. Is there a sheep in the playground?(改為復(fù)數(shù)句)_ there _ _ in the playground?(五)一般疑問句及特殊疑問句句子基本是:簡單陳述句,由簡單陳述句轉(zhuǎn)變成肯定句,否定句,疑問句。疑問句是用來提出問題。英語中有四種疑問句: 一般疑問句、特殊疑問句、選擇疑問句和反意疑問句。我們現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)接觸到了前兩種疑問句。后兩種疑問句以后我們還會學(xué)到.一.一般疑問句:英語中要用 yes和no 來回答

17、的疑問句叫一般疑問句。如:1)Is it hot ?Yes, it is .No, it isnt. be動詞引導(dǎo)2)Is it a car ?Yes, it is .No, it isnt . be動詞引導(dǎo)3)Is this your ruler ?Yes, it is .No, it isnt . be動詞引導(dǎo)4)Do you like bananas ? 含實(shí)義動詞Yes, I like bananas. No, I dont like bananas.5)Can Ming hear a drill ? 含情態(tài)動詞Yes , Ming can hear a drill.No,Ming c

18、ant hear a drill.陳述句(肯定句,否定句,一般疑問句)的轉(zhuǎn)變規(guī)律:1肯定句: 2否定句: 3. 一般疑問句及肯否定回答1) 主語+be動詞+. 1) 主語+be動詞+not+. 1)be動詞+主語+?Yes, 主語+be動詞./ No, 主語+be動詞+not.I am a teacher. I am not a teacher. Are you a teacher? -Yes, I am./ No, I am not.My mother is thin. My mother is not /isnt thin. Is your mother thin? -Yes, she i

19、s./ No, she isnt.They are insects. They are not/arent insects. Are they insects?-Yes. they are./ No, they arent.2) 主語+情態(tài)動詞can+ 2) 主語+情態(tài)動詞can+ not+. 2)情態(tài)動詞can+主語+?Yes, 主語+情態(tài)動詞can/No,主語+情態(tài)動詞can+ not He can jump. He can not/cant jump. Can he jump? -Yes,he can./ No, he cant.3) 主語+動詞+. 3) 主語+助動詞do/d

20、oes+not 3) 助動詞do/does+主語+. 動詞原形 +.動詞原形? Yes, 主語+助動詞do/does. No, 主語+助動詞do/does+not.  He likes to eat apples.     He doesnt like to eat apples. Does he like to eat apples? Yes,he does./ No,he doesnt.  We like to eat apples. We dont like to eat apples. Do you like to

21、eat apples?Yes,we do. /No,we dont.         二. 祈使句:表示請求、命令、建議或勸告等的句子叫祈使句,主語you常省略。1、肯定形式:一般以動詞原形開頭。 Open the door, please. 2、否定形式:在句首謂語動詞前加Don't。 Don't be late for class. 三 特殊疑問句(又叫wh-question)用特殊疑問詞來提出問題的疑問句叫作特殊疑問句。特殊疑問詞一般要放在句首。常用的疑問詞有what who ,which how 等這些詞都以wh 開頭(包括how)所以也叫作wh-question。特殊疑問句要求回答具體內(nèi)容。不能用yes或no回答。結(jié)構(gòu):疑問詞+一般疑問句?;卮鸩荒苡脃es / no(或相當(dāng)于yes / no)回答的問句。答句的句式同肯定句句式:如:What can you see ?I ca


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