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1、Lesson 2Breakfast or lun ch?單詞講解關(guān)鍵句型課文講解練習(xí)復(fù)習(xí)補充內(nèi)容一. 單詞講解New words and expressi ons直到外面v.(鈴、電話等)響女古、姨、嬸、舅媽repeatv.重復(fù) 1. un til1)prep. 直到。時候till 直到(多用于口語)eg. I sometimes stay in bed un til l un chtime.The street is full of cars from morning till/to ni ght.滿了車輛。2)conj. 直到。時候(后面加句子)eg. I stayed in bed un

2、 til he woke me up.I didn t get up until he woke me up.有時候我一直躺倒吃午飯的時間。這條街上從早到晚的擠直到他把我叫醒我一直躺在床上。直到他把我叫醒我才起床。un til主句中動詞為延續(xù)性動詞時用un tilnotuntil 主句中動詞為非延續(xù)性動詞時用notuntileg. I will wait for you un til you come back.I won t leave until you come back.eg. We stayed until the rain stopped.我會一直等到你回來。直到你回來我是不會走的

3、。我們一直等到雨停為止。un tilprep.outsideadv.ring (rang rung ) auntn.We didn t start until the rain stopped. 2.outside n ./adj./adv./prep.1) n.eg. the outside of the house房子的外面2) adj.eg. an outside toilet戶外的廁所outside help外來的幫助3) adv.eg. It was dark outside.夕卜面很黑。Please wait outside.請在外面等候。Don t go outside beca

4、use it s too cold.不要出去因為太冷了。4) prep.eg. It s outside my bus in ess.這不關(guān)我的事。反義詞:in side n ./adj./adv./prep. 3. ring1) n.環(huán)狀物,(尤指)戒指a weddi ng ring 婚戒 a diam ond ring電占戒 a gold ringdark rings around her eyes黑眼圈rin g-road環(huán)狀公路ring fin ger無名指大拇指:thumb 食指:in dex fin ger; the first fin ger; poin ter中指:middle

5、 fin ger; thesec ond fin ger;無名指:ring fin ger;the third gin ger小拇指:little fin ger; pin kiehave a ring on the middle fin ger(en gaged 訂婚)have a ring on the third fin ger (married已婚)2)v.(鈴,電話等)響ring - rang - rungeg. The door bell rang just now.岡 U 剛門鈴響了。I rang the bell.我按響了門鈴。Will you an swer the phon

6、e whe n it rin gs?電話響的時候你去接電話好嗎?3)v. (=U.S. call) 打電話ring sb (up)給某人打電話=call sb (up) = phone sb = teleph one sbgive sb a phone calleg. I ll ring you later.我會晚點給你打電話。ring off: put dow n the receiver; hang off掛斷電話eg. He rang off before I could explain.我還沒解釋他就掛斷電話了。 4.au nt n. 姑,姨,嬸,舅母uncle 叔叔,舅舅,姨父,姑父

7、brother sister直到雨停了我們才出發(fā)。nephew 侄子,外甥niece 侄女,外甥女cousin 堂(表)兄弟姐妹eg. a country cousin(貶)鄉(xiāng)下人,鄉(xiāng)巴佬 5.repeat v.(say or write aga in, more tha n once) 重復(fù)說,或?qū)懩呈挛?,反?fù)重申eg. “I m having breakfast, ” I repeated.我重復(fù)說:我正在吃早飯呢。”eg. I repeated the question several times.這個問題我重復(fù)了好幾遍了。eg. Am I repeating myself?我以前說過這

8、件事情嗎?repetiti on n.重復(fù),反復(fù),重說,重寫learn by repetiti on通過反復(fù)學(xué)習(xí)二. 關(guān)鍵句型Key structures一般現(xiàn)在時和現(xiàn)在進行時的用法一般現(xiàn)在時1.動詞構(gòu)成: 謂語動詞使用動詞原形; 系動詞為am, is, are的形式。主語是第三人稱單數(shù)時,謂語動詞需有變化:1)直接加 “ s ”;gives takes asks2)以輔音字母加“ y”結(jié)尾的動詞,變“ y”為“ i ”,再加“ es”;carry- carries3)以“ o, s, x, ch, sh, ”結(jié)尾的動詞加“ es”。goes dresses watches brushes2.

9、功能:1)表達習(xí)慣性,規(guī)律性的動作eg. I n ever get up early on Sun days.星期天我從來都不早起。I sometimes stay in bed un til lu nchtime.有時候我一直躺倒吃午飯的時間。2)表達現(xiàn)在的事實狀態(tài)或動作eg. We all like football.我們都喜歡足球。Birds fly.鳥會飛。This picture is of great value.這幅畫具有極大的價值。3)表達客觀真理,格言警句或事實eg. The earth moves round the sun.地球繞著太陽轉(zhuǎn)。The sun rises in

10、 the east and sets in the west.太陽東升西落。Two and two makes four.二加二等于四。See ing is believi ng.眼見為實。3.經(jīng)常搭配的副詞:ofte nsometimes usually alwaysevery year seldom occasi on ally freque ntly副詞的位置:通常放在實義動詞之前,助動詞之后。eg. He doesn t always come by train.他不總是坐火車來。Do you ever read in bed? 你在床上躺著看過書嗎?I never like jazz

11、. 我從來都不喜歡爵士樂。He rarely gets up before 10 o clock. 在 10 點之前他很少起床。We frequently have lunch at this restaurant. 我們總在這家餐館吃飯?,F(xiàn)在進行時1.構(gòu)成: am / is /are + doing 2 功能:1 ) 表示現(xiàn)在,目前正在做某事,正在進行的動作。eg. It is raining.正在下雨。I am still having breakfast.我正在吃早飯。What are you doing? 你干嗎呢?We are enjoying our lunch.我們正在享用午餐。

12、2) 表示現(xiàn)階段正在進行的動作。eg. We are studying English this summer.今年夏天我們在學(xué)英語。He is taking physics this semester.這一學(xué)期他正在學(xué)物理。3.可用進行時態(tài)來表示即將開始的動作go come leave arrive land meet die start return join eg. I am coming to see you.我就來看你了。The bus is coming. 公共汽車就要來了。The plane is leaving for Shanghai.飛機就要飛往上海了。The old ma

13、n is very ill and he is dying.這個老人病的非常嚴重,他現(xiàn)在就快要死了。4.有些副詞用在進行時中間,表示說話人帶有感情色彩,如贊賞,厭惡等。always forever continually constantlyeg. He is always lying.他總是在說謊。You are constantly complaining.你總是在抱怨。The girl is always thinking of others.這個女孩總是考慮別人。The naughty boy is continually making noises.這個淘氣的孩子總是在制造噪音。5.

14、下列表示狀態(tài),感覺,情緒,精神活動的動詞不用于進行時態(tài)。用一般現(xiàn)在時。Believe doubt see hear know understand belong to think consider feel look seem show mindhave sound tasterequire possess care like hate love detest desire6.現(xiàn)在進行時通常搭配以下副詞now at present at this time these days-Exercise A1.I amlooking out of my window. I can see some c

15、hildren in the street. The children_(play) football. They always _ (play) football in the street. Nowa little boy _ (kick) the ball. Anther boy _(run) after him but hecannot catch him.are play ingplay is kick ing is running2.I carried my bags into the hall.“What you_ (do)?”my Ian dlady asked.I _(lea

16、ve), Mrs. Lyn ch,”I an swered.“Why you_ (leave)?”she asked.“You have been here only a week.“A week is too long, Mrs. Lyn ch,”I said.“There are too many rules in thishouse. My friends n ever_ (come) to visit me. Dinner is always at seve noclock, so I frequently_(go) to bed hungry. You don t like nois

17、e, soI rarely_ (listen) to the radio. The heating doesnt work, so I always_(feel) cold. This is a terrible place for a man like me. Goodbye, Mrs.Lynch.”Lan dlady女房東are you doing am leaving are you leaving come go listen feelExercise B1.My friendsn ever come to visit me.2.I frequently go to bed hungr

18、y.3.I rarely listen to the radio.4.I always feel cold.5.I n ever get up early on Sun days.6.I sometimes stay in bed until lunchtime.1.She an swers my letters. (rarely)She rarely an swers my letters.2.We work after six oclock. (never)We never work after six oclock.3.The shops close on Saturday aftern

19、oons. (always)The shops always close on Saturday after noons.4.Do you go to work by car? (always)Do you always go to work by car?5.Our teacher collects our exercise books. (freque ntly)Our teacher freque ntly collects our exercise books.6.We spe nd our holidays abroad. (sometimes)We sometimes spe nd

20、 holidays abroad.7.I buy CDs. (often)I often buy CDs.8.Do you buy CDs? (ever)Do you ever buy CDs?三. 課文講解TextIt was Sunday. I never get up early on Sundays. I sometimes stay in bed untillunchtime. Last Sunday I got up very late. I looked out of the window. It was dark outside. “What aday!” I thought.

21、 “It s raining again. ” Just then, the telephone rang. It was my aunt Lucy. “ I vejust arrived by train, ” she said. “I m comingi”to see you. ”“ But I m still having breakfast,” I said.我從沒出過國。clock in mornings. 我從不在早上 10 前起床。early adj. / adv.an early morning 一大早sometimes 有時候 some times some time一段時間

22、 sometimeeg. I will be somebody sometime in the future.4. Last Sunday I got up very late.get up 起床 go to bed睡覺 fall asleep/go to sleeplate adj. /adv. 晚eg. I m sorry for being late. 對不起我遲到了。 adj. I got up very late. 我起床起得很晚。 adv.stay up late 熬夜,醒著,不去睡 lately: recently 最近eg. Have you been abroad latel

23、y?你最近出過國嗎?“ What are you doing? ”she asked.“Im having breakfast,” I repeated.“ Dear me, ” she said.“ Do you always get up so late? It s one o clock!1. It was Sunday. 過去式那是個星期天。星期天我從來不早起。2. I never get up early on Sundays.never 從未, 未曾, 永不 eg. I havenever been abroad. eg. Wouldyou do that?Never.eg. I

24、never get up before 10 oeg.Neverfear.Neve別害怕。永不放棄。eg. The early bird catches the worm.eg. I got up early this morning.3. I sometimes stay in bed until lunchtime.stay in bed躺在床上stay at home呆在家里早起的鳥能捉到蟲。 捷足先登。 今天早晨我起得很早。有時候我一直躺到吃午飯的時間。幾次,幾倍將來或過去的某個時候總有一天我將是個大人物。睡著了I bought a new car lately.最近我買了輛新車。La

25、tely 通常放在現(xiàn)在完成時和一般過去時中。5. I looked out of the window.look out of 向。外看look out of the window 向窗外看look out of the door 向門外看look into1 向。里看look into the box向盒子里面看2 調(diào)查,分析eg. The police are looking into the case.警察正在調(diào)查這個案件。look out!小心,當心eg. Look out! The car nearly knocked you over.當心!這個車差點撞到你。6. It was d

26、ark outside.“ What a day! ” I thought.What a day! 感嘆句 What a terrible day!What a wonderful day!天氣多好??!What a lovely day!What a beautiful day!7. “It s raining again.” Just then, the telephone rang. It was my aunt Lucy.just then: at that moment就在那一刻It 虛主語,無法確定是男性還是女性的時候用 it 來代替。8. “ I ve just arrived b

27、y train,” she said.by train 坐火車 by bus by plane/by air by ship/by sea/by water by caron footeg. I came here on foot. (I walked here.)我走路來的。eg. We got into the mountain on horseback.我們騎馬上山。take a train 乘坐火車 take a bus/take a car take a plane take a ship 表示交通方式的時候用 by 直接加交通工具,不加冠詞 強調(diào)動作本身,用 take 加冠詞,在加

28、工具本身。eg. In order to go to school on time, I took a taxi.為了準時上學(xué)去,我打了一輛車。9. “ I m coming to see you. ” 我就來看你了。 用進行時表示將來時。10.“But Im still having breakfast,” I said.have breakfast have lunch have supper have dinner“ What are you doing?“ I m having breakfast.11.“ Dear me. ” She said.she asked.” I repea

29、ted.“ Do you always get up so late? ItDear me! 天哪! Oh my god! Good heavens! Goodness me!It 做虛主語It was Sunday.It was my aunt Lucy.It was dark outside.It s one o clock!It 做虛主語可以表達It s one o clock. ( 時間 )It s cold in winter. (氣候 )It s only me. ( 人 )It s a long way from here. ( 距離 ) It s very dirty here

30、. ( 環(huán)境 ) Special Difficulties感嘆句What + a/an + adj. + n. +主+謂!eg. What a terrible day (it is)! 天氣是多么糟糕! How + adj. + a/an +n. +主 +謂!eg. How terrible a day (it is)!eg. This is a wonderful garden! What a wonderful garden this is! Howwonderful a garden this is!eg. This is a surprise!這是一個驚喜!What a surpri

31、se this is!沒有形容詞和副詞不可能用 how 來引導(dǎo)eg. He is causing a lot of trouble! 他正在導(dǎo)致許多麻煩! What a lot oftrouble he is causing!eg. They are wonderful actors!他們是極棒的演員!What wonderful actors they are!復(fù)數(shù)名詞,通常情況用 what 來引導(dǎo)。 eg. She is a hard-workingwoman! What a hard-working woman she is! How hard-working awoman she is

32、!eg. It is a tall building! 這是一棟高樓have a meal吃一頓飯s one o clock!英文中表達感嘆句可以用What 引導(dǎo),也可以用 How 引導(dǎo)。what 修飾的中心詞是名詞,how 修飾的中心詞是形容詞副詞本身,這是一部很糟糕的電影。你是個聰明的孩子!她是個漂亮的女孩子!他是個奇怪的家伙!她是個可愛的女孩!這是一部有趣的戲!他是個粗魯?shù)募一?!她是個有趣的女孩!那是一些恐怖的衣服難看的衣服。What horrible dresses those are!四練習(xí)Exercises1. He does n t get up early on Sun day

33、s.He gets up_ .A late B lately C slowly D hardly 晚的 最近 慢幾乎不 A2. Just the n, the telepho ne rang.It rang_ .A at once B immediately C aga in D at that mome ntA 和 B 立刻,馬上再一次就在那個適合D3. Breakfast is the first_of the day.A food B dinner C lunch D meal晚餐,正餐一頓飯 DWhat a tall building it is! How talla buildi ng it is!eg. It s a terrible film!What a terrible film it is!How terrible a film it is!eg. You are a clever boy! What aclever boy it is!How clever a boy it is!eg. She is a pretty girl! What apretty girl she is! How pretty a girlshe is!eg. He is a strange guy! What astra nge guy he is! How


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