石油出國人員必備英語 第 3 章 鉆進_第1頁
石油出國人員必備英語 第 3 章 鉆進_第2頁
石油出國人員必備英語 第 3 章 鉆進_第3頁
石油出國人員必備英語 第 3 章 鉆進_第4頁
石油出國人員必備英語 第 3 章 鉆進_第5頁
已閱讀5頁,還剩3頁未讀, 繼續(xù)免費閱讀




1、第三章 鉆 進一. 常用單詞及短語drill鉆進make hole鉆進bottoms up 遲到時間bit鉆頭drill collar鉆鋌drill pipe鉆桿drill out鉆水泥塞survey測斜deviation 井斜azimuth 方位MWD=measure while drilling 隨鉆測量LWD=logging while drilling 隨鉆測井MD=measure depth 測量井深TVD=true vertical depth 垂深pump slug(pill)壓水眼circulate循環(huán)trip起下鉆bit change 換鉆頭wiper trip短起下鉆、拉井

2、壁open擴眼ROP=rate of penetration 機械鉆速WOB=weight on bit鉆壓RPM=revolutions per minute轉(zhuǎn)速SPM=stroke per minute沖數(shù)hook weight 大鉤載荷run mud over shaker 振動篩跑泥漿drilling parameter鉆井參數(shù)1 m=3.281 feet1 in= 2.54 cm1 pound= 0.4536 kg1 psi=6.8948 kPa1 ft·lbf=0.1356 daN·m1 hp=0.746 kW二. 閱讀練習(xí) 1. 表層鉆進指令WELL: WIZ

3、EEN NORTH-2井號:維壬 北-2DRILLERS & CREWS 司鉆和班組 SURFACE HOLE 表層 375 mm TO 600 mKB· Mark in tour book size & number of dp, dc, hwdp, etc. That is on location. 在班報表中記錄井場鉆桿、鉆鋌、加重鉆桿等尺寸和數(shù)量等。· Hold prespud safety meeting & mark in tour book 召開開鉆前安全會并且記錄在班報表中。· Strap casing & floa

4、t shoe/collar asap. Let me have tally to determine surf. T.d. 盡快丈量套管、浮箍、浮鞋。給我測量數(shù)據(jù)以決定表層井深。· Follow mud reports spud with spud mud, mud up ( follow mud mans instructions ) 遵循泥漿設(shè)計用開鉆泥漿開鉆,配泥漿(遵循泥漿工程師的指令)。· Pump with both 115 spm wth 160 x305 mm liners. Note: pumps maximum spm to clean hole. 雙泵

5、115沖分鐘,缸套尺寸160mm X 305mm沖程。注意:循環(huán)清洗井眼時應(yīng)開到最大泵沖。· Drill with 2-30 tons wob & 60-180 rpm to maximize penetration rate ( use only 80 rpm and one pump until 2 dc below conductor shoe; then use 2 pumps always ) (drill out cement using 2 pumps) 以鉆壓230噸、60180轉(zhuǎn)分鐘來獲得最佳機械鉆速(在前2根鉆鋌出套管鞋前應(yīng)用80轉(zhuǎn)分鐘、單泵,然后一直用雙

6、泵)(鉆水泥塞用雙泵)。· Survey every 30 m. Keep below 2° 每30米測一次斜,保持井斜低于2度。· Anytime circulating work pipe regularly and slowly 任何時間循環(huán)時,應(yīng)保持有規(guī)律的緩慢的活動鉆具。· Follow trip procedures and fill out trip sheets completely and accurately. 按照起下鉆程序操作,準確完整填寫起下鉆灌漿記錄。· Mark flow check depths in tour

7、book. Keep hole full during flow checks. 在班記錄中記錄溢流檢查井深,溢流檢查時保持井眼灌滿泥漿。 · Trip at speed so as to not swab or surge hole. Be careful for mud rings & hole packoff. 起下鉆控制速度以便不拔活塞或壓力激動。小心井壁泥餅和井眼堵塞。· Rop maximum 30 m/hour to prevent hole packoff or flowline plug 為了不堵塞井眼和出水管,控制最高機械鉆速為30米小時。

8、83; Drill to 10 m before surf. t.d. / Be sure viscosity is up for rih casing 鉆到表層井深10米前,確保提高泥漿粘度以便下套管。· Circulate & work pipe for 1/2 hour to clean hole ( more if hole not cleaning ) 循環(huán)、活動鉆具半小時以便清洗井眼(如果井眼不干凈應(yīng)延長循環(huán)時間)。· Pooh for wiper trip ; strap out, check slm=tally before rih ,strap i

9、n if different 短起下時,邊起邊測量起出鉆具,下鉆以前檢查是否和鉆具表一致,如不同邊下鉆邊測量。· Rih & drill to surface t.d. 下鉆并鉆到表層井深。· Work pipe & circulate for 1/2 hour to clean hole ; be sure viscosity is still high for rih casing 循環(huán)、活動鉆具半小時以便清洗井眼,確保泥漿粘度仍然足夠高以便下套管· Pooh to run surface casing 起鉆下表層套管。CHECK &

10、MARK IN TOUR BOOK: 檢查并且記錄在班報表中l(wèi) All mud volumes (m3) lost to formation & depth (mkb) 所有漏失到地層中的泥漿量(方)及井深l All mud volume (m3) dumped 所有放掉的泥漿量(方)l PVT, mud tank volume (m3) PVT ,泥漿罐泥漿量l Mud checks & material added 泥漿測量記錄和加入的泥漿藥品l Shaker screen sizes 振動篩篩布尺寸l BHA item OD & ID / BHA weight /

11、 weight below jars 井下鉆具組合內(nèi)、外徑/重量/震擊器以下重量l Drag up / drag down 上提、下放阻力l Torque. 扭矩l Centrifuges OF& UF WT., litres/min, hrs ( if ran ) 離心機上水密度、排水密度,升分鐘、時間(如果運轉(zhuǎn))。l Depth (mkb) of any problem spots ( boulders, tight hole, mud rings etc) 任何復(fù)雜點的井深(臺階、遇阻井眼、泥餅等)u Use garbage bin for all garbage ; keep

12、lease & roads clean 所有垃圾應(yīng)放入垃圾箱,保持井場和公路清潔。u Know where mud product safety books are and use as needed 知道泥漿產(chǎn)品安全說明書在哪,如需要就使用。u Smoke only if necessary at edge of lease 需要時只能在井場邊上吸煙u Keep all vehicles at least 25 m from wellbore (unless they have emergency shutdown) 保持所有車輛離井眼25米遠(除非緊急停車)u Follow gov

13、ernment,contractor, & oil company safety policies and regulations 遵守政府、承包商、油公司的安全政策和制度。u If any accidents (no matter how small) report to toolpush and write in tour book 任何事故(無論其多么?。﹫蟾娼o隊長并記在班報表中。u Keep mud material neat; use up broken bags first 保持泥漿藥品的整潔;首先使用那些袋子破了的。u Used oil (from engines, et

14、c.) Stored in drums 用過的機油(柴油機的等)必須保存在桶中。u Use wash gun to clean floor & scrubbing - do not run water hoses that just fill up the sump 用水槍清洗或擦洗地面,不要用水管線,那樣只會灌滿污水坑。If any problems or questions anytime - call me 如果任何時間有任何問題-找我THANKS, ROY WIELER2. 油層井眼鉆進指令WELL: WIZEEN NORTH-2 DRILLERS & CREWSMAI

15、N HOLE 主井眼 251 mm TO APPROX 至大約. 2301 mKB- Drill out cement and to all dcs below csg shoe with rpm 80, wob 5-10 用80轉(zhuǎn)分鐘、鉆壓5到10打水泥塞,直到所有鉆鋌出套管鞋- Drill ahead w/ maximum wob 5 20 ton and maximum 140 rpm unless instructed different 在指令沒有變化以前,用5到20噸鉆壓、轉(zhuǎn)速最大用140鉆進。- Follow mud reports ( derrickmen check with

16、 mudman at start of each tour ) 遵循泥漿設(shè)計,井架工每班接班時問一下泥漿工程師。- Survey at 475 mkb, then every 150 meters.( keep deviation under 3 deg. ) Mark down all surveys in tour sheets. 475米處測斜,之后每150米一測(井斜控制在3度以下);在班報表中記錄下測斜數(shù)據(jù)。- Maintain mud tank volume - do not lose any mud to sump over shakers, or pumps leaking 保

17、持罐中泥漿量,振動篩上不能跑泥漿,也不允許泵漏泥漿。- Pump 110 spm using single pump, ( liners 160 x 302_ mm) (1.9 m3/min) 單泵時泵沖為110沖分(缸套尺寸160mm x 沖程302mm)(1.9方分)- Anytime circulating work pipe regularly and slowly . 任何時間循環(huán)時,應(yīng)有規(guī)律的緩慢的活動鉆具。- Follow trip procedures and fill out trip sheets completely and accurately. 按照起下鉆程序操作,準

18、確的、完全的填寫起下鉆灌漿記錄。 - Mark flow check depths in tour book. Keep hole full during flow checks while pooh or rih. 在班記錄中記錄溢流檢查井深,溢流檢查時保持井眼灌滿泥漿。- On strap out trip; check SLM vs tally before RIH; strap in if difference over 1.0 meter 起鉆丈量立柱,核實測量立柱長度和鉆具表,如果誤差超過1米則邊下邊測量。- Trip at speed so as to not swab or s

19、urge hole起下鉆控制速度以便不拔活塞或壓力激動。小心井壁泥餅和井眼堵塞。- Record in tour book any depth(mkb) of trouble spots (tight hole, lost circ, kicks & volumes) 在班報表中記下任何復(fù)雜點的井深(遇阻點、漏失、井涌和泥漿量)- Be sure macp sheet is posted at choke manifold and remote choke panel. Keep track of mud wt. Each tour - be sure manifold valves

20、lined up correctly. 保證最大允許關(guān)井套壓張貼在節(jié)流管匯和節(jié)流遠控臺上,每班記錄泥漿比重,確保節(jié)流管匯閘門排列正確。- Be sure dp pressure gauges are working accurately at all locations. Be sure gauges all correspond with each other. 確保各處的鉆桿壓力表都工作準確;確保所有儀表相互對應(yīng)。-Each tour check & mark in book: - reduced speed pump pressures 在班紀錄中每班測試并記錄低泵沖壓力。- B

21、OP function checks & times: close annular, P rams, (function blind rams every time out of hole)封井器功能測試和次數(shù):關(guān)閉萬能、半封(每次起完鉆時測試全封)- All mud volumes (m3) lost to formation & depth (mkb) 所有泥漿漏失井深和漏失量。- All mud volume (m3) dumped 所有放掉的泥漿量- Mud tank volume (m3) 泥漿罐中泥漿量- 3 mud checks 3次的泥漿測量結(jié)果- Shaker

22、 screen sizes & if new screen installed 篩布尺寸目數(shù)和是否換新篩布。- BHA item OD & ID / BHA weight / weight below jars if ran 井下鉆具組合內(nèi)、外徑/重量/如果下了震擊器,震擊器以下重量。- Drag up (overpull ) / drag down 上提、下放阻力- Torque 扭矩- Centrifuge checks: uf, of, litres/min., hrs ran 離心機的檢查:上水密度、排水密度、排量、運轉(zhuǎn)時間。- Desilter & desan

23、der checks: UF wt., OF wt., litres/min., hrs ran 除泥器和除砂器的檢查:上水密度、排水密度、排量、運轉(zhuǎn)時間。Weekly: - Hold & mark in book BOP drill and safety meeting 每周進行并記錄防噴演習(xí)、安全會 -Check all bop bolts for tightness, check choke & flare & degasser unions.檢查封井器螺絲松緊,檢查節(jié)流、放燃和除氣管線連接。- Function hcr / check motor kills/

24、check fire extinguishers 功能測試液動放噴閥/檢查馬達停車/檢查滅火器。- Use garbage pit for all garbage; keep lease & roads clean 所有垃圾應(yīng)放入垃圾箱,保持租地和公路清潔。- Smoke if necessary or any fires or welding at edge of lease 如果需要只能在租地邊吸煙、點火或焊接。- Keep all vehicles at least 25 m from rig / park at edge of lease 保持所有車輛離井至少25米遠、車輛停在

25、租地邊上。三. 擴展詞匯-鉆井日報表工作內(nèi)容摘錄Drill out cement to 29 mkb鉆水泥塞到29米Drill 12 1/4" hole to 46 mkb鉆12-1/4井眼到46米Pump Hi-Vis sweep泵入高粘清掃漿Survey 45 mkb 1/4 deg 45米處測斜 1/4度Wiper trip 10 stands ( hole in good condition) 拉井壁10柱(井下正常)Circulate hole clean , Pump 6m3 Hi-Vis &spot on bottom循環(huán)井底干凈,打6方高粘并滯留在井底Ream

26、 fr. 711 to 732 m, Pump 8m3 Hi-Vis sweep從711米到732米劃眼,打8方高粘Circulate hole clean , Pump 8m3 Hi-Vis &spot on bottom循環(huán)井底干凈,打8方高粘并滯留在井底Open 12 1/4" hole to 17 1/2" fr 38m to 136mkb從38米到136米將12-1/4“井眼擴眼到17-1/2 ”Circulate hole clean & pump pill循環(huán)干凈,壓水眼Ream tight hole fr 1223 to 1329m 1223

27、米到1329米劃眼遇阻段Continue running in to 1518 m繼續(xù)下鉆到1518米Ream tight & undergauge hole from 1518 to 1686 1518-1686米遇阻段和欠尺寸井段劃眼Pull out of hole to core 起鉆取芯Make up 40' core barrel & Run in hole to 771 mkb 組合40英尺取心筒并下鉆到771米Wash & ream fr. 771 to 798 mkb, Circulate & drop ball 從771到798米沖洗并

28、劃眼,循環(huán)并投球Cut Core # 1 fr. 798 to 808.55 mkb 割1#巖心,從798 到 808.55 米Recover 2.6m core, Lay down & load out core bbl.收獲2.6米巖芯,甩取心筒四. 補充材料-甲方要求整改的指令Sudan Project Joint Operation Committee蘇丹項目合作委員會Repairs While Drilling & Requisites for Modifications鉆進時修理和整改要求1. Repair Electrical Elevator 修理電梯2. Ac

29、cumulator and Manifold guages, Stripping guage installed on BOP Panel in Doghouse 儲能器和節(jié)流管匯儀表,連接鉆臺偏房內(nèi)封井器控制臺面板氣壓表。3. Geolograph fully Functional 地質(zhì)錄井儀功能完整。4. 2” valve above 4” standpipe valve on rig floor 鉆臺4寸立管閘門上面的2”閘門。5. Mudcan cable and clamps ( need new Mudcan ) 防噴盒的繩子和卡子(需要新防噴盒)。6. Need centrifu

30、ge working 需要離心機能工作7. Safety Clamps on 4” high pressure standpipe on ground 地面4”高壓管線上的安全卡子。8. Need pressure relife valves on air tanks in substructure 底座中氣瓶上需要安全閥。9. Move Flow Sensor 把流量傳感器移走10. 1” eye welded in substructure for BOP stabilizers 底座上焊1”封井器固定點11. Repair Trolley Track in substructure fo

31、r BOP nipple up, also order 2 piece of 20 ton chain hoists for nipple up BOP 修理底座下用于安裝封井器滾輪車軌道,并購買兩個20噸倒鏈用于封井器的安裝。12. Install equalizers in Mud tank components. 在泥漿罐分隔間安裝泥漿量平衡管13. Mud tank gates 泥漿罐擋板14. Need 2 more 6 x 8 inches mission pumps 75 HP (refer to contract). 需要另2個75馬力6x8寸Mission 泵(參見合同)15

32、. Need eye wash station in Mixing Shack. 在混合室中需要洗眼站16. Need to move mixing hopper or install hopper outside. 需要把混合漏斗移出來或在外面安裝一個新混合漏斗。17. Need New Poorboy Degasser W/ wearplate installed. *需要有耐磨板的新油水分離器18. Either get centrifuge working or remove F/ mud tank and adjust Dayrate Accordingly. 或使離心機工作或把其從

33、罐上移走并相應(yīng)調(diào)整日費。19. Conduct 3rd party API sch 8 or Dynaplet Hook. * 進行第三方API sch檢驗或Dynaplet大鉤20. Before spudding next well conduct Wet Magnetic Particle inspection on Brake Bands, Linkage also inspect bridle lines as well as LB400 swivel Quill, Kelly Spinner Sub. * 在下口井打?qū)Ч芮?,?yīng)對剎帶、剎帶連接、起架大繩、LB400水龍頭提環(huán)、方鉆桿

34、旋扣器接頭進行磁性微粒濕性探傷。21. All personal will start wearing hard hats, steel toed Boots around rig area no matter what his position is. 不管是什么崗位,所有人在井場周圍必須戴安全帽、穿鋼頭工鞋。22. All Crews will Hold BOPs Drills Maximum 1 per week or more often if crews are obviously weak at performing Drills and record if necessary.

35、Great Wall Upper Management will be involved in observing Drills and training of Rig Crews. This will be ongoing process. 所有人員將每周進行1次防噴演習(xí),如人員在演習(xí)中明顯弱項,增加演習(xí)次數(shù),如果必要給以記錄。長城的高層項目部將視察演習(xí)并對井隊培訓(xùn)。這些措施就要實行。23. Need pick up elevators, Stabbing board in derrick. * 需要單根吊卡、井架的(套管)扶正臺。24. Accumulator Installed in Generator Room. * 儲能器安裝在發(fā)電機房中。25. SIDPP gauge installed Manifold 250 kPa Increments. *安裝在節(jié)流管匯上的關(guān)井立壓表,刻度為250千帕。26. 2”standpipe, Circulating Hose Installed in Derrick for Casing. *安裝到井架的2”立管


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