



1、牛津譯林版9A英語(yǔ)期中復(fù)習(xí)專題練習(xí) 漢譯英1. 她英語(yǔ)講得很好 ,與外國(guó)人交流從不費(fèi)勁。2. 無(wú)論什么時(shí)候需要他,他都會(huì)盡他所能做好每件事。3. 上高中時(shí),我參加了全國(guó)英語(yǔ)競(jìng)賽的選拔。4. 因?yàn)樘鞜?,很多我的同齡女孩別無(wú)選擇只得把頭發(fā)剪了。5. 后來(lái)由于戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)的爆發(fā),他們被迫投靠朋友生存下去。6. 出生在虎年的人寧可接受挑戰(zhàn)也不愿輕易放棄。7. 他所需要的是足夠的時(shí)間,以繼續(xù)他的學(xué)習(xí)。8. 和我同齡的學(xué)生們常常懷疑花這么多時(shí)間做家庭作業(yè)是否值得。9. 這部一個(gè)小時(shí)的紀(jì)錄片近距離地觀察老虎的生活。10.譚盾在中西方音樂(lè)之間已經(jīng)成功地搭建了橋梁。11. 人生就像是一場(chǎng)賽跑。你要么領(lǐng)先要么落后。12.

2、 我真的不知道你為什么經(jīng)常熬夜到這么晚。13. 穿紅色也更容易采取行動(dòng)。14. 他寧愿把憂慮埋在心里而不愿與他人分擔(dān)。15. 使我們感到驚奇的是,這位新作家的書(shū)值得一讀。16.我爸爸和媽媽周末都不上班。17.我無(wú)法想象沒(méi)有顏色世界將會(huì)是什么樣子。18.我直到做完作業(yè)才會(huì)上床睡覺(jué)。19.他自從很小的時(shí)候就對(duì)繪畫(huà)很癡迷。20. 讓我驚訝的是,他已決定死后捐獻(xiàn)遺體供醫(yī)學(xué)研究。21.我想知道怎樣才能取得作業(yè)和愛(ài)好之間的平衡。22. 這本書(shū)很值得看。23. 我們別無(wú)選擇只好告訴他真相。24. 令我驚訝的是,他已經(jīng)決定死后捐獻(xiàn)遺體供醫(yī)學(xué)研究。25. 這個(gè)故事告訴我們只要永不放棄,什么事可以做到。26. 對(duì)

3、于我們來(lái)說(shuō),失之毫厘差之千里。27.我別無(wú)選擇只能熬夜完成如此多的家庭作業(yè)。28.你能給我一些建議關(guān)于如何達(dá)到學(xué)業(yè)與業(yè)余愛(ài)好之間的平衡嗎?29.結(jié)果,他成功到達(dá)了山頂。30.由于壞天氣,他被迫改變了他的主意。第2頁(yè)31 讓我們驚訝的是,他已經(jīng)五十多歲了。32. 他不擅長(zhǎng)唱歌,他在這兒只是濫竽充數(shù)。33. 對(duì)我們來(lái)說(shuō)失之毫厘,謬以千里。我們承擔(dān)不起任何錯(cuò)誤34. 這張照片使我想起了我的老師。35. 我每天有很多作業(yè),我別無(wú)選擇只能去做。36. 穿紅色可以使人們更容易采取行動(dòng)。37. 那個(gè)孤獨(dú)的小男孩沒(méi)有辦法,只好去找老師幫忙。38. 不論他的性格還是年齡都不適合做藝術(shù)家。39. 令我吃驚的是,他

4、已經(jīng)決定死后把身體捐做醫(yī)學(xué)研究。40. 和我同齡的學(xué)生們常常懷疑花這么多時(shí)間做家庭作業(yè)是否值得。41. 老師建議父母?jìng)冊(cè)谕骐娔X游戲上要對(duì)孩子們更加嚴(yán)格要求。42. 自從第一屆中國(guó)達(dá)人秀獲得成功以來(lái),越來(lái)越多的人參加了它的選拔。43. 由于身體的原因他被迫戒煙。44. 你知道他加入足球俱樂(lè)部多久了嗎?45. 在考試中,這個(gè)男孩非常耐心,反復(fù)思考。46. 穿紅色更容 易采取行動(dòng)。47. Jim 常常懷疑花這么多時(shí)間做作業(yè)是否值得。48. 那個(gè)小男孩除了躲藏起來(lái),別無(wú)選擇。49讓我們驚訝的是,他已經(jīng)五十多歲了。50.人生就是想一場(chǎng)賽跑。你要么領(lǐng)先,要么落后。參考答案1. She speaks En

5、glishso well that she has no difficultycom muni cat ingforeig ners2. He will do his best to do everyth ing well whe never he is n eeded3. While atte nding senior high, I tried out for Nati onal En glish Con test.4. Ma ny girls of my age had no choice but to have their hair cut because of the hotweat

6、her.5. Because the war broke out later, they were forced to depend on their friends.6. People born in the Year of Tiger would rather take on challe nges tha n give up easily.People born in the Year of Tiger prefer taking on challenges to giving up easily.with第3頁(yè)7. All he n eeds is eno ugh time to ca

7、rry on with /go on with /continue his study.8. Students of my age often doubt if/whether it is worth spending so much time doing homework.9. This on e-hour docume ntary takes a close look at the life of the tigers.10. Tan Dun has succeeded in buildi ng a bridge betwee n Chin ese and Wester n musicto

8、gether.Tan Dun has built a bridge between Chinese and Western music together successfully.(betwee n the East and West)11. Life is like a race.You either take the lead or fall beh ind.12. I really don t know why you often stay up so late.13. Wearing red can also make it easier to take action.14. He w

9、ould rather keep worries to himself than share them with others.He prefers keep ing worries to himself to shari ng them with others.He prefers to keep worries to himself rather tha n share them with others.15. To our surprise,the new writer s book is worth reading.These photos will show you what our

10、 un iversity was / looked like 30 years ago.16. Neither of my parents/Neither my father nor my mother goes to work at/on theweeke nd.17. I can t imagine what the country will/would be like without colours.18.1 won t/didn t go to bed until I finish/finished (doing) my homework.19. He has bee n crazy

11、about paintin g/draw ing since he was very young.20. To my surprise ,he has decided to don ate his body for medical research afterhis death.21. I want to know how to achieve a bala nee betwee n the homework and hobbies22. This book is well worth readi ng.23.1 have/had no choice but to tell him the t

12、ruth.24.To my surprise,he has decided to don ate his body for medical research after hisdeath.25.This story tells us that we can do anything if we never give up.第4頁(yè)26.To us , a miss is as good as a mile.27.Ihave /had no choice but to stay up (late) to complete/finish so much homework.28.Can you give

13、 mesome advice on /about how to achieve a balance between schoolwork andhobbies?Can you give me some suggestions on/about/for how to achieve a balance between schoolwork andhobbies?29.As a result, he succeeded in arriving at/ getting to/reaching the top of the mountain.As a result, he was successful

14、 in arriving at/ getting to/reaching the top of the mountain.As a result, he arrived at/ got to/ reached the top of the mountain successfully.30.Because of the bad weather, he was forced to change his mind /idea.31To our surprise, he has been in his fifties.32.Hes not good at singing and hes here ju

15、st to makeup the number.33.To us, a miss is as good as a mile. We can t afford to make any mistakes.34.This photo reminded/reminds me of my teacher.35.I have a lot of homework every day, and I have no choice but to do it36. Wearing red can make it easier for people to take action(s)./Wearing red can

16、 make people takeaction(s) more easily.37. The lonely boy had no choice but to ask his teacher for help.38. Neither his personality/personalities/character(s)/characteristic(s) nor his age is suitable for beingan artist.39. To my surprise, he has decided to donate his body for medical research after

17、 his death.40. The students of my age often doubt whether it is worth spending so much time on homework.41.The teacher advises parents to be stricter with their children in playing computer games.42.More and more people have tried out for it since the first China becamesuccessful.43.He was forced to give up smoking because of his poor health.44.Do you know how long he has been in/ how long he has been a memberof the Football Club?45. The boy was patient enough to think twice in the exam.46 Wearing red can


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