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1、本科畢業(yè)生實習報告學 號: 學生姓名: 實習單位: 太原市實驗中學 屆 別: 2009屆 二級學院、系: 外語 專 業(yè): 英語 實習帶隊教師姓名及職稱: 實習單位指導教師姓名及職稱: 太原師范學院教務處太原師范學院本科畢業(yè)生教育實習任務書起止時間2009.3.30 2009.5.4周 數(shù)6實習地點太原市實驗中學實習目的:1. 通過教育、教學實踐,使實習生受到深刻的專業(yè)思想教育,認識人民教師所應擔負的光榮而重大的工作任務,進一步樹立獻身教育事業(yè)的思想。2. 使實習生鞏固和運用所學的基礎理論、基本知識和基本技能,獲得中等教育教學的感性認識,進一步理解教育規(guī)律、培養(yǎng)從事教育和教學的獨立工作能力。3.

2、 通過教育調查,引導學生學習和研究中等教育科學,探索規(guī)律,為培養(yǎng)適應教育體制改革需要的新型教師進行初步訓練。4. 全面檢查我院的辦學思想和培養(yǎng)規(guī)格,及時獲得反饋信息,不斷改進教學工作,提高我院教學質量。實習要求:1. 愛崗敬業(yè),熱愛自己的學生。2. 嚴格遵守學校規(guī)章制度及實習紀律,不遲到、不早退,又事應向帶隊教師請假。3. 嚴謹認真把握好教學過程各環(huán)節(jié),認真聽課、備課、講課、批改作業(yè),每人授課時數(shù)不得少于四課時。4. 謙虛好學,配合實習點教師做好班主任工作、組織班級活動等輔助工作。5. 每周與指導教師座談一次,交流體會,取長補短。6. 每人一份個人總結,每倆人一份調查報告,每小組一份總結報告。

3、調查報告選題要有針對性和現(xiàn)實意義。實習主要內容及進度安排:進度安排:本次實習從2009年3月30日開始,共計6周。3月30日-4月6日:校內實習,召開實習動員大會,明確實習任務和實習內容,為正式實習做好準備工作。4月7日-4月10日:進行實習,在實習學校聽課。4月13日-4月17日:進行實習,在實習學校聽課。4月20日-4月24日:實習生講課。4月27日-4月30日:實習老師評定,征求鑒定意見。實習生整理教案、聽課筆記、調查報告、實習報告、實習學校鑒定、課件等材料。主要內容:教學工作實習、班主任工作實習、教育實習總結報告、教育調查及論文或報告。帶隊教師(簽字): 年 月 日 太原師范學院本科畢

4、業(yè)生教育實習教案2009年04月20日 (星期 一 ) 第 3節(jié) 實習班級212實習科目英語教學內容Reading教學目的At the end of the class, students should be able toget the main idea of the passage.重點、難點Comprehension of the text現(xiàn)代化教學手段PowerPoint教學過程Step 1. Warming up1. Look at the picture on page 1 and answer the following questions:What do you think

5、it is?What do you think it should be made of?2. Look at the pictures on PPT, and try to illustrate them with your own imagination. Step 2. Pre-readingLook at the title of the passage on page 2, and tick the topics you think it should mention or you will talk about if you are asked to write a passage

6、 in the title.教學過程Step 3. Fast Reading1. Look through the passage and correct your topic ticking.2. Answer the following questions: a. What is the topic of the passage? b. How many parts can this passage be divided into? c. What is the main idea of each part?Step 4 Detailed Reading1. Read the passag

7、e carefully and a. guess the meaning of the new words and underline those you cannot guess b. answer the following questions:What are certain in the future from the authors point of view? Answer the questions in activity 6 on page 4.教學過程Step 5. Post Reading1. Listen to the tape of the passage.2. Dis

8、cuss the questions in activity 7 on page 4 in pairs.Step 6. Homework Do activity 3.4.5. on page 3.課后自我評價From this class the students got the main idea of the passage, and improved their reading skills. But it is still difficult for them to think out the description in the text.太原師范學院本科畢業(yè)生教育實習教案2009年

9、04月23日(星期四) 第二節(jié) 實習班級212實習科目英語教學內容Function 教學目的At the end of the class, students should get familiar with the expressions talking about the future.重點、難點Different ways of talking about the future現(xiàn)代化教學手段Tape recorder教學過程Step 1. Home Checking Step 2. Language Function1. Look at the extract of our text o

10、n page 4 and answer the questions below.2. Do activity 2 on page 4 and think about how many ways we can use to talk about the future. Can you tell the differences of those ways? Think about the right column in activity 2.教學過程Step 3. Listening1. Just now we got known those expressions of talking abou

11、t the future. Now lets listen to an architect to see how does he describe the house in the future. While listening, finish the multiple choices of Activity 2 on page 52. Listen to it again and answer the questions in Activity 4 on page 6.Step 4. Speaking1. Discuss in groups.Imagine our life in the f

12、uture. Think about how peoples lifestyle will be and how they spend their time.2. Describe it to the rest of the class.教學過程 Step 5. Homework Listen to the text twice, and pay attention to those expressions talking about the future.課后自我評價From this class, students get known the expression of talking a

13、bout the future, and practice their speaking and listening skills. 太原師范學院本科畢業(yè)生教育實習教案2009年04月27日(星期一) 第三節(jié) 實習班級212實習科目英語教學內容Grammar 教學目的At the end of the class , students should master the rules of the future continuous tense.重點、難點Telling the differences of those forms of future tense現(xiàn)代化教學手段PowerPoint

14、教學過程Step 1. Lead-in 1. In this module, we talk about the future. Weve learned some expressions of the future tense before. Can you remember what are they? You can refer to Activity 2 on page 4 as a clue do be doing be going to do2. Look at sentence E in this exercise.I wont be here in twenty years.2

15、0年后我不會在這兒。教學過程If I want to say “20 年后我會住在這兒”, how should I say? I will be living here in 20 years.Step 2. Grammar Rules1.Look at the first three sentences in Activity 1 on page 6.Conclude the sentence pattern used in them. Will be doing2.lets try to make some sentences:明天晚上我會在瑪麗家看電影。下個星期珍妮會在巴黎度假。I w

16、ill be watching movie at Marys tomorrow night.Jane will be spending her holidays in paris next week.From these sentences we can conclude that the future continuous tense describe a continuous action that will take place in future.教學過程Step 3 Practice1. Do exercise 1 on page 6. 2. Try to correct the f

17、alse ones and remember the right ones.3. Listen to the tape and do Activity 2.Step 4. Future tense revision1. Turn to page 67 and do Activity 1.2. After put those sentences in order we find that these sentences are all expressing the future tense.3. Do activity 2 on page 67 in pairs.Step 5 Homework

18、Do activity 3. 4. on page 67.課后自我評價From this class, students got known the grammar rule of future continuous tense, and did a lot of practices. From these process they can apply the grammar rules to their expression.太原師范學院本科畢業(yè)生教育實習教案2009年04月30日(星期四)第二節(jié) 實習班級212實習科目英語教學內容Writing教學目的At the end of the c

19、lass, students should be able to describe what they will be doing in ten years.重點、難點Writing skills of describing the future.現(xiàn)代化教學手段PowerPoint教學過程Step 1 Checking the answer to their homework Step 2 Reading to be prepared.1. Look through what four students predict for their future on page 8, and answe

20、r the first 4 questions in activity 1.2. Read those predictions carefully and finish activity 2.Pay attention to those verbs used to describe the future and sentences used to express ones ideas.教學過程Step 3. WritingWrite about what youll be doing in ten years in 100 words within 30 minutes.Step 4 Home

21、workDo activity 9 on page 69.課后自我評價From this class, students learned to write about life in the future, and express their ideas by using the useful words and sentence patterns in their writing. 太原師范學院本科畢業(yè)生教育調查報告目前中學生使用英語詞典的情況調查項目:目前中學生使用英語詞典的情況調查意義:通過調查統(tǒng)計初、高中學生使用英語詞典的數(shù)量和類型,根據(jù)每個學生使用英語詞典的情況,以及在這種情況下出現(xiàn)


23、紙制英漢型英語詞典。初中生與高中生相比較,初中生使用英語詞典學習的比例比較小。無論是高中生還是初中生,使用英語詞典學習的人數(shù)所占比例均不超過三分之一,甚至更低。調查結論: 使用英語詞典與否與英語成績好壞的關系:經調查分析中學生的英語成績,初中生不使用任何英語詞典和使用英語詞典而導致的成績差距不太大,只要認真聽講,勤練習,勤問,勤讀,勤記,一般就能取得好的英語成績。因為英語詞典培養(yǎng)的是一個英語學習者的自我解決問題的能力,所以對于年齡稍大,老師對學生要求稍松的高中生來說,又沒有英語詞典就顯得尤為重要了。英語是一門在入門后后天自我發(fā)展、自學系數(shù)都很高的科目,有一本好的英語詞典就如同有一位良師,對高中


25、上的困乏,所以他們往往使用最原始的方法學習,并且對有限的資源利用的相當充分。面對現(xiàn)在種種英語快速提高機構、英語補習班,我們不得不想一想:我們是不不使該返璞歸真了?所以我建議英語學習者最好使用紙制英語詞典. 調查員: 太原師范學院本科畢業(yè)生教育實習總結實習是大學教育最后一個極為重要的實踐性教學環(huán)節(jié)。通過實習,使我們在社會實踐中接觸與本專業(yè)相關的實際工作,增強感認識,培養(yǎng)和鍛煉我們綜合運用所學的基礎理論、基本技能和專業(yè)知識,去獨立分析和解決實際問題的能力,把理論和實踐結合起來,提高實踐動手能力,為我們畢業(yè)后走上工作崗位打下一定的基礎;同時可以檢驗教學效果,為進一步提高教育教學質量,培養(yǎng)合格人才積累經驗,并為自己能順利與社會環(huán)境接軌做準備。為了盡快地進入角色,在第一周的時間里,我很積極地去聽課,不僅聽自己的指導老師的課,還去聽其他老師的課,了解教學進度,了解學生的知識水平。在實習的期間,我聽了幾位老師的課,也去聽了幾個實習老師的課,收獲良多。老師們上課時生動活潑,教學內容詳略得當,側重點分明,這些從課堂上學生的反應就可以窺見一二。而這正是我們所缺乏的,也是


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