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1、現(xiàn)代大學(xué)英語聽力3答案【篇一:現(xiàn)代大學(xué)英語聽力 4全冊答案及原文】k 1:【答案】a.eventkenny g was born. he toured europe with his high school band. he made his first solo album. he won released his most successful album.he won the best artist award. he broke the world record for playing asingle note. year 1956 1971 1982 1993 1994 1997 b

2、 .1) f2) f3) t【原文】saxophonist kenny g is now the worlds most successful jazz musician. he was born in 1956 as kenny gorelick in seattle, usa, and he learned to play the saxophone at an early age. when he was just 15 years old, he toured europe with his high school band. after studying at washington

3、university he started his career as a musician. in 1982 he signed for arista records and made his first solo album kenny g.success came slowly at first, but during the 1990s kenny became well-known on the international scene. he released breathless, his most successful album so far in 1993, and in 1

4、994 won the best artist award at the 21st american music awards held in los angeles.as well as making records, he also found time to play in front of another famous saxophone player - us president bill clinton at the gala for the president concert in washington, and to break the world record for pla

5、ying a single note (45 minutes and 47 seconds!) at the j r music world store in new york in 1997.during the last 20 years, kenny g has played with superstars like aretha franklin, michael bolton and whitney houston, andhe has sold more than 36 million albums worldwide. and hehasnt sung a note!task 2

6、:【答案】1) c2) d3) c【原文】senn: everybody always has this misconception that femalepolicemen dont do the samething as men do, you know. ive erviewer: thats not true?senn: that is not true! ive worked my share of graveyardshifts, and, you know, splitshifts, and double-back and no days off, and.i

7、nterviewer: uh-huh.senn: .as much as the next guy. theres no distinction used iftheres a male or femaleofficer on duty. two men on duty ill refer to as two men,'cause in myfield theres no difference between the genders. were still thesame. okay, if therestwo men on dutyjust because ones a female

8、, she still gets inon the same type ofcall. if theres a bar disturbance downtown, then we go too.theres been manytimes where being the only officer on duty thats it! it ' s just me and whoeverelse is on duty in the county. they can come back me up if ineed assistance. and itdoes get a little hai

9、ry. you go in there, and you have thesegreat big, hugemonster-guys, and theyre just drunker than skunks, and cantsee three feet in frontof them. and when they see you, they see fifteen people, andyou know. but still,theres erviewer: thats where the uniform is important, i shouldimagine.sen

10、n: sometimes, you know. if somebody is going toor hasa bad day, and they areout to get a cop, you know, it doesnt matter if youre, youknow, boy, girl,infant or anything! when youve got that cop uniform on, theyllstill take it out erviewer: yeah.senn: but i think theres one advantage to bein

11、g a femalepolice officer. and that is the factthat most men still have a little respect, and they wont smackyou as easy as theywould one of the erviewer: uh-huh.senn: but ill tell you one thing i' ve leardedther deal withten drunk men that onedrunk woman any day of the week!interviewer:

12、well, why is that?senn: because women are so unpredictable. you cannot everpredict what a womansgoing to erviewer: hmm.senn: especially, if shes agitated, you erviewer: emotionally upset.senn: yeah. i saw a lady one time just get mad at the guy shewas withbecause he wouldnt buy her ano

13、ther drink - take off herhigh heel and layhis head wide open. yuch! oh, they can be so vicious, youknow.task 3:【答案】1) d2) b3) b4) b【原文】you are watching a film in which two men are having a fight.they hit one another hard. atthe start they only fight with their fists. but soon they begin hitting one

14、another over the heads with chairs. and so it goes on until one of the men crashes through a window and falls thirty feet to the ground below. he is dead !of course he isnt really dead. with any luck he isnt even hurt. why? because the men who fall out of high windows or jump from fast-moving trains

15、, who crash cars of even catch fire, are professionals. they do this for a living. these men arecalled stunt men | . that is to say, they performtricks II .there are two sides to their work. they actually do most of the things you see on the screen. for example, they fall from a high building. howev

16、er, they do not fall on to hard ground but on to empty cardboard boxes covered with a mattress. again, when they hit one another with chairs, the chairs are made of soft wood and when they crash through windows, the glass is made of sugar!but although their work depends on trick of this sort, it als

17、orequires a hig h degree of skill and training. often a stunt man' ssuccess depends on careful timing. for example, when he is blown up in a battle scene, he has to jump out of the way of the explosion just at the right moment.naturally stuntmen are well-paid for their work, but they lead danger

18、ous lives. they often get seriously injured, and sometimes killed. a norwegian stuntman, for example, skied over the edge of a cliff a thousand feet high. his parachute failed to open and he was killed.in spite of all the risks, this is no longer a profession for men only | . men no longer dress up

19、as women when actresses have to perform some dangerous action. for nowadays there are - stunt girls II ! too task 4:【答案】1) he started writing poetry when he was about 14 or 15.2) he has published four books.3) his first book came out when he was about 26. it wasn' teasy. he got a lot of his work

20、 rejected at first.4) the british, or at least the english, are embarrassed by it.they ' re embarrassed by people who reveal personal feel ings, emotions, thoughts and wishes.【原文】when thomas edison was born in the small town of milan, ohio, in 1847, america was just beginning its great industria

21、l development. in his lifetime of eighty-four years, edison shared in the excitement of america ' s growth into a modern nation. the time in which he lived was an age of invention, filled with human and scientific adventures, and edison became the hero of that age.as a boy, edison was not a good

22、 student. his parents took him out of school and his mother taught him at home, where his great curiosity and desire to experiment often got him into trouble. when he was six, he set fire to his father' s barn tosee what would happen. | the barn burned down.when he was ten, edison built his own

23、chemistry laboratory. he sold sandwiches and newspapers on the trains in order to earn money to buy supplies for his laboratory. his parents became accustomed, more or less, to his experiments and the explosions which sometimes shook the house.edison ' s work as a sales boy with the railroad int

24、roduced himto the telegraph and, with afriend, he built his own telegraph set.six years later, in 1869, edison arrived in new york city, poor and in debt. he went to work with a telegraph company. it was there that he became interested in the uses of electricity. task 5:【答案】1815, 1914, 35million i.a

25、. villages , seaportb. danger , long ocean voyagec. a new land , a new languaged. finding a place to live ii.a better life , opportunity , freedom iii.a. england, germany, russia, hungaryb. roman catholic, jewishc. customs , languagesiv.a. americanized , disappeared.b. havent disappeared , customs ,

26、 identities v.a. were cheated , prejudice , mistreatedb. hardest , least-paid , dirtiest , most overcrowdedd. rejected , old-fashioned , ashamed overcome【原文】thousands of people came to american cities before blacks and puerto ricans did. between 1815 and 1914, more than 35 million europeans crossed

27、the ocean to find new homes in the united states.most of these immigrants were ordinary people. few were famous when they arrived. few became famous afterward. most had lived in small villages. few had ever been far outside them. most of them faced the same kinds of problems getting to america: the

28、hardship of going from their villages to a seaport, the unpleasantnesseven danger of the long oceanvoyage, the strangeness of a new land, and of a new language, the problem of finding a place to live, of finding work in a new, strange country.every immigrant had his own reasons for coming to america

29、. but nearly all shared one reason: they hoped for a better life. they considered america a special place, a land of opportunity, a land of freedom.immigrants came from many different countries: england, germany, denmark, finland, russia, italy, hungary and many others.they came with many different

30、religions: roman catholic, jewish, quaker, greek orthodox. they brought many different customs and many languages.some people have called the united states a melting pot. after immigrants were here awhile in the melting pot they became americanized. differences were melted down. they gradually disap

31、peared.some people say no. america isnt a melting pot. its more like a salad bowl. important differences between groups of people havent disappeared. many groups have kept their own ways,their customs, their identities, and this has given america great strength.melting pot? salad bowl? perhaps there

32、s some troth to both ideas.in any case, life in america was hard for most immigrants especially at first. often they were cheated. often they met with prejudice. they were often laughed at, even mistreated, by people who themselves had been immigrants.most of them soon found that the streets of amer

33、ica werent paved with gold. they usually got the hardest jobs, and those that paid the least, the dirtiest places to live in, the most overcrowded tenements.they came to be citizens of a new country; but often they felt like people without a country. they had given up their own, but they didnt under

34、stand their new one. they didnt really feel a part of it. and the people of the new one didnt always welcome them.they came for the sake of their children, but in america their children often rejected them. to the children, their parents seemed old-fashioned. they didnt learn the new language quickl

35、y. some didnt learn it at all. their parents customs made children ashamed.gradually, however, problems were overcome. for most immigrants, life in america was better. it certainly was better for their children and for their grandchildren.task 6:a.the life story of thomas edisonohio , 1847 , industr

36、ial development, 1931, a modern nation i.a. curiosity , desireb. 1857 , station master 's sonc. 1863ii.a. new york city , electricity , report the pricesb. new jersey , invented , producedc. organized industrial researchd. 1877e. 1879iii.a. b. motion-picture machinec. photographyd. streetcars ,

37、electric trainsiv.b. turn off all powerc. the progress of manb.【篇二:現(xiàn)代大學(xué)英語聽力答案【第一冊unit 11】. because the weather is fine and he needs some exercise.2 . because the razor blades are on sale. you buy one and get one for free.3 .$2.83 .b: paperback books ; buying a lipstick ; by the newspaper stand ; min

38、d; surface appearance task2 things anna wants to buy department locationa skirt, a top to go with itseparates over there, on the right(a pair of) tennis shorts leisurewearon the first floorcostume jewelryaccessorieson the second floortask3d; c; d; ctask41. he was allowed to keep only enough money to

39、 buy his lunch in the office.2. he won ten thousand pounds on the lottery.3. she was delighted at first.4. then she became angry and demanded to know how her husband could afford the lottery ticket.task51. because the vegetables were fresher and the store had various things shecouldn ' t get els

40、ewhere.2. very well.3. the two teenage boys were both wearing long,old-fashioned overcoats andthey looked rather ridiculous in them because the coats were too big.4. she saw one of the boys pick up a tin of food and drop it into the inside pocketof his overcoat and later another boy did the same.5.

41、because he was checking through his list at the cash till.6. they had both buttoned their coats and fastened them with their belts,but mr.patel didn ' t seem suspicious at all.task61. no doesn ' t like the style (stripe s)2. yes3. no not a famous brand/never heard of the company that made it

42、4. no no bigger size5. yes6. no no notebooks with more pagestask7a: hugo abbssenior consultantdiscuss plans and suggest alternativesanne springerapplications programmerdesign softwarebill andrewssenior engineer supply and install equipmentb: 1.only for word-processing.2.to do accounting.3.1 t s flex

43、ible.it can be adapted to the needs of the company with some small modifications.a: t;t;f;f;fb: big and small customers; five days a week from 9:00 am to 5:30pm; suppliers of software; special training courses ; free demonstrationstask9gt ; £ 11,869 ; handle ; slide back ; engine noise ; open ;

44、 leg room ; wing mirrors ; small scratches ; badly finished paintwork ; the silver plastic strip ; quite a lot of irritating faults in an expensive cartask101. it ' s described as “buy now,pay later .2. selling their products and services.3. for centuries.4. one type is issued directly by a stor

45、e to a customer;the other kindis issued by a credit company.5. the store credit card can be used to make purchases only at aparticular store,whereas credit cards from credit companies can beused to buy things almost anywhere.6. because most credit companies are connected to large banks.7. once a mon

46、th.8. a)the customer can buy what he wants when he wants it.there is noneed to save up money in advance.b) having a credit card protects the owner.the ow ner doesn ' t have to worry aboutlosing the card.c) credit cards can be used when something unexpectedhappens.this is importantwhen you don t

47、have any cash with you.9.customers tend to overspend.taskllunproductive ; stopped ; mass markets ; cheap ; sell goods ;inform ; household goods ; read ; hardly possible ; witty ;revenue ; small ads ; community task12 略【篇三:現(xiàn)代大學(xué)英語聽力1原文及答案】k 1【答案】a.1) susan hudson and intercultural communication2) the

48、class will meet in the room they are in now and ontuesday and thursday from 3:15 to4:50.3) they can purchase the textbook at the bookstore the day after tomorrow.4) the office hours are from 1:00 to 2:00 on wednesdays. b.1) the first half, the research lab, thursday, 405, the last two months2) outli

49、ne, performance, quizzes, project, participation【原文】okay, okay, let 's begin. hello, everyone. my name 's susan hudson and i 'll be your teacherfor this class, intercultural communication.uh, to begin with, please take a look at the syllabus 教學(xué)大名岡in front of you. as you allshould know by

50、 now, this class meets on tuesdays from 3:15to 4:50. we will be meeting in thisroom for the first half of the course, but we will be using theresearch lab every other week onthursday in room 405 during the last two months of the class.uh, this is the text for the class, beyond language.unfortunately

51、, the books haven t come inyet, but i was told that you should be able to purchase購置them at the bookstore the day aftertomorrow. again, as you see on your course outline, gradingis determined by your performanceon a midterm and final test, periodic 周期的、 定期的quizzes 問答比賽 ,uh, a researchproject, and cl

52、assroom participation 參力口、參與my office hours are from 1:00 to 2:00 on wednesdays, and youcan set up an appointment tomeet with me at other times as well.task 2【答案】a.1) according to the syllabus, the book he is looking for is in the library, but he couldn' t find it.2) that means the student canno

53、t find the book on the shelvesin its usual place. she/he needs togo to a special room called the reserve room.3) the professor wants everyone in the class to read thechapter. if one student removes the bookfrom the library, it is likely that none of the other students willhave the opportunity to rea

54、d it. so,your professor has insured that all students have theopportunity to read it by placing it on reserve.b.1 f, 2 t, 3 f【原文】librarian: can i help you?student: yes. i am a bit confused. my sociology class issupposed to read a chapter (章、回) ina book called sociology and the modern age. according

55、to thesyllabus, the book is inthe library, but i haven't been able to find it.librarian: do you have your syllabus with you? may i see it?student: yes, uh.i put it in the front of my sociology notebook.yes, here it is.librarian: let me see. oh yes. your professor has placed thisbook on reserve.

56、that means youcannot find it on the shelves in its usual place. you need to goto a special room calledthe reserve room. it s down the hall and to the right.student: i ' m sorry i-still don ' t understand what you mean by on reserve.librarian: you see, your professor wants everyone in the cla

57、ssto read the chapter. if one studentremoves the book from the library, it is likely that none of theother students will havethe opportunity to read it. so, your professor has insured thatall students have theopportunity to read it by placing it on reserve.student: so, will i be able to find this book?librarian: yes, when a book is on reserve, a student can go tothe reserve room and ask the reservelibrarian for the book. the student can have the book for a fewhours, and he or shemust read it in the library during that ti


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