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1、關(guān)于保護動物的英語作文關(guān)于保護動物的英語作文 8 篇關(guān)于保護動物的英語作文(一) :First should realize the importance of protecting endangered animals , to protect endangered animals and habitats , to promote the wildlife conservation and management of the laws and regulations首要應(yīng)當(dāng)認識保護瀕危動物的重要性,自覺保護瀕危動物及其棲息環(huán)境,主動向親友宣傳野生動物保護管理的法律法規(guī)。Second is

2、to use the source of the endangered animals and do not eat , no , not keeping the source of the endangered animals or products,especially in the wild birds , turtles snakes and class其次是拒絕利用野外來源的瀕危動物,做到不吃、不用、不養(yǎng)野外來源的瀕危動物或其產(chǎn)品,尤其是野生鳥類、蛇類和龜鱉類。Last to be destroyed resolutely expose animal resources of the

3、 offence , for manyendangered animal protection department or unit or fat ,with the support of the animal protection administration最終要堅決揭發(fā)破壞瀕危動物資源的不法行為, 進取為瀕危動物保護部門或單位獻計獻策或捐資捐款,支持瀕危動物保護管理工作。關(guān)于保護動物的英語作文(二) :在地球上,除了人類,還有什么呢?沒錯,還有動物??蓭啄晗聛?,動物的數(shù)量逐漸下降。人類有沒有把動物當(dāng)朋友看呢 ?On earth , except human beings , what e

4、lse? Yes , there are animal 。 But after several years , animal numbers decreased gradually 。 Humanbeings have no regard animal as a friend?動物和人類應(yīng)當(dāng)是好朋友,可為什么動物會和人類為敵呢?是因為人類沒有把動物發(fā)在眼里。比如奶牛。人類用奶牛生產(chǎn)奶牛,可等奶牛沒有奶的時候,人類就會把奶牛殘忍地殺死。奶牛沒奶時,不會將它放生嗎?奶牛也是一條活生生的生命啊! 近幾年的鼠疫、艾滋病、瘋牛病、禽流感,這些都是動物們奮起反擊的預(yù)兆呀! 難道人類還要打第三次世界大戰(zhàn)嗎?

5、我們的祖先就是高級動物呀! 如果人類再不制止這種濫殺動物的行為,是對我們的地區(qū)母親沉重的打擊呀 !Animal and human should be good friends , but why animal and human enemies? Is because people don;t send in the eyes of the animal。 Suchas the cow 。With cow dairy production such as humancow milk can nottime , humans will put the cow to brutally kill。

6、 Cow;s milk , will notbe released? The cow is also a vivid life ah! In recent years the plague , AIDS, mad cow disease , avian flu , these are a harbinger of animal who respond! The meeting has also had the third world war? Our ancestors is an animal! If human beings don;t stop this killing the anim

7、al behavior,is the mother of our area heavy blow ah!我們此刻不要再破壞動物的家園, 這樣動物們就能夠安心繁殖后代。 朋友們,還動物們一片蔚藍的天空,讓小鳥自由地飛翔 ; 給動物一片綠草地,讓牛羊歡快地奔跑 ; 還動物一片汪洋,讓動物無憂無慮地暢游海洋之中。也許,這樣能夠安撫動物們受傷的心靈。動物原本不壞,只是人類破壞它們的家園,這些只是它們 對人類的報復(fù)而已。Home we don;t damage animal now , so they can feel at ease to animal reproduction 。 Animal fr

8、iends , also have a piece of blue sky , let the bird fly freely; to the animal a piece of green grass, let the cattleand sheep running merrily; also a world of waters animal , allow the animal to be light of heart from care to swim in the ocean。 Perhaps , this cansoothe animal were wounded soul 。 An

9、imal originally bad , but human destruction of their homes, these are just their effects on humanrevenge 。朋友們,讓我們一齊保護動物吧Friendslet us work together to protect animal!關(guān)于保護動物的英語作文(三) :Protect AnimalsAnimals are our best friendsBut there are many bad things aboutthem。 So we should try our best to prote

10、ct animals。First , let us knowthe status of the animal 。 Now, animals are facing very great danger 。 For example , there are many kinds of animals will die out 。 And there are many people eat precious and wild animals 。 They are nasty 。 As students , we should stop this behavior and protect animals

11、。Then , let us know we should howto protect animals 。 Weshould protect they habitat 。 If you see other people mindlessly trample animal homes , nicely remind them of the damage they;re causing 。 We can not also eat some wild animals 。 We should ask other people to protect them , too 。 Let we protect

12、 animals together!關(guān)于保護動物的英語作文(四) :because theFor example ,Many wild animals are facing the danger of extinction environment that they are living in has changed greatly with the developmet of cities , the using of insecticide and serious pollution , their living areas have bee narrowcr and narrower 。

13、 Manyof the wild animals , now are confronted with food crisis 。 At the same timemanis killingoff species just for getting their fur , skin , horns , teeth and meat 。In order to protect our resources of ecology, people should realizethat the loss of any species is at least the loss of source of know

14、ledgeand a source of natural beauty 。 There fore , measures of the following should be taken:pollution standards are made to keepdown poisons; killing offcertain rare species is prohibited; national parks should be set up aswild life , reserves 。Only if we human beings take some drastic measures can

15、 wild animalsbe preserved 。許多野生動物正面臨絕種的危險,因為它們生活的環(huán)境發(fā)生了極大的變化。譬 如,隨著城市的發(fā)展,殺蟲劑的使用和嚴(yán)重的污染,野生動物的生活區(qū)域變得越來越狹小。許多野生動物目前正面臨著食物方面的危機。同時,為了獲取野生動物的毛、皮、角、牙齒和肉,人類正在屠殺野生動物。為了保護生態(tài)資源,人們應(yīng)當(dāng)意識到任何物種的缺失,至少意味著知識資源和自然美的缺失。所以,應(yīng)采取以下措施:制訂污染標(biāo)準(zhǔn)以降低有毒物質(zhì) ; 嚴(yán)禁殺害某些稀有物種 ; 應(yīng)建立國家公園作為野生動植物保護區(qū)。我們僅有采取一些有力措施,才能保護野生動物。關(guān)于保護動物的英語作文(五) :As time

16、 goes by , more and more wild animals bee endangered and some have already died out 。One of the major reasons is that the habitats of many wild animalsare polluted or destroyed 。 At the sametime , the food someanimals mainly feed on is being scarce , leading to starvation 。 Besides , a great many wi

17、ld animals are hunted for food or money each year 。All in all , human beings are fully responsible for the presentincluding passingsituation 。 In order to live harmoniously with animals , everyone of us should raise awareness of wildlife protection and the government is expected to take active measu

18、res to protect animalslaws and establishing nature reserves關(guān)于保護動物的英語作文(六) :Many animals are in danger of dying out 。 As is shown in the chart , we can see the number of animal species decreases faster and faster and this trend will continue。 From 1980 to 2010 , at least 1 million animalspecies have

19、disappeared 。 Worse still , more and more wild animals are in great danger 。 It is not a piece of sensational news; it is a fact,a harsh reality 。 Unfortunately , we may not see these animals in the near future 。很多動物頻臨滅絕的危險。圖表顯示,我們能夠看到動物物種數(shù)量下降的速度越來越快,并且這種趨勢將會持續(xù)下去。從1980 年到 2010年,至少有100萬動物物種已經(jīng)消失。更糟糕的是

20、,越來越多的野生動物處于巨大的危險中。這不 是一則聳人聽聞的新聞,這是一個事實,一個殘酷的事實。不幸的是,將來我們可能看不到這些動物了。From the second picture , we can find somereasons 。 Whyis the number of animal species declining year by year?Apparently animals have bee victims of fashion industry 。 Animal skin has been used to makefashionable clothes and these c

21、lothes sell at a high price 。 So somegreedy people beginto kill animals in a large quantityThis irresponsible behavior not onlybreaks the balance of nature but also endangers the living environmentof human beings 。從第二幅圖我們能夠找到一些原因。 為什么動物物種的數(shù)量一年年的減少呢 ?顯然,動物成為了時尚工業(yè)的受害者。動物的皮被用來做時髦的衣服,并且這些衣服都是高價出售。所以,一些貪

22、婪的人就開始很多屠殺動物。這種不負職責(zé)的行為不僅僅打破了自然的平衡,并且使人類居住環(huán)境陷入危險。As far as I am concerned , something must be done to stop this illegal action 。 Webelieve no buying , no killing 。 First , we must makeconcerning laws to protect these animals in danger。 Second, we must take somemeasures to protect animals effectively

23、。 Animals are our friends and part of our environment 。 Third , we should raise people;s awareness to protect animals and our environment 。 In this way, we can build a harmonious society and ensure a sustainable development 。在我看來,我們必須要做些什么來阻止這種違法行為。我相信沒有買,就沒有殺。首先,我們必須制定有關(guān)法律來保護這些處于危險中的動物。其次,我們必須采取一些措

24、施有效的保護動物。 動物是人類的朋友, 也是我們環(huán)境的一部分。再次,我們應(yīng)當(dāng)提高人們保護動物和環(huán)境的意識。這樣一來,我們就能夠建立一個和諧的社會,確保其可持續(xù)發(fā)展。關(guān)于保護動物的英語作文(七) :Animals are natural resources that people have wasted all through our history 。 Animals have been killed for their fur and feathers , for food , for sport , and simply because they were in the way 。 Tho

25、usands of kinds of animals have disappeared from the earth forever 。 Hundreds more are on the danger list today 。 About 170 kinds in the United States alone are considered in danger 。Why should people care? Because we need animals , and because once they are gone, there will never be any more。 Anima

26、ls are more than just beautiful or interesting 。 They are more than just a source of food 。 Every animal has its place in the balance of nature。 Destroying one kind ofanimal can create manyproblems 。 For example, when farmers killed large numbers of hawks , the farmers; stores of corn and grain were

27、 destroyed by rats and mice 。 Why? Because hawks eat rats and mice , with no hawks to keep down their numbers , the rats and mice multiplied quickly 。Quite a fewLuckily , some people are working to help save the animals 。 Somegroups raise money to let people know about the problem 。 And they try to

28、get the governments to pass laws protecting animals in dangercountries have passed lawsThese laws forbid the killing of any animal or plant on the danger list 。 Slowly , the number of someanimals in danger is growing 。動物是人經(jīng)過我們的歷史就浪費了所有的自然資源。 動物被殺害他們的皮毛和羽毛,食品,體育,并且僅僅是因為他們在路上。成千上萬種動物已經(jīng)從地球上永遠消失。數(shù)以百計的今日

29、是瀕危動物名單。約 170 種單獨美國被認為是危險的。為什么人們關(guān)心?因為我們需要動物,因為它們一旦消失,就永遠不會了。動物不僅僅僅是漂亮或趣味。他們多的食物只是一個來源。每種動物都有其自然的平衡到位。毀滅某種動物會導(dǎo)致許多問題。例如,當(dāng)農(nóng)民殺死為數(shù)眾多的鷹,玉米和谷物的農(nóng)民店是由大鼠和小鼠的破壞。為什么呢 ?因為鷹吃鼠類,沒有鷹控制它們的數(shù)量,鼠類乘快。幸運的是,有些人正在努力幫忙拯救這些動物。有些團體籌集資金,讓人們了解這個問題。他們試圖讓政府經(jīng)過保護瀕危動物的法律。不少國家已經(jīng)經(jīng)過了法律。這些法律禁止的危險名單上的任何動物或植物的殺戮。慢慢地,一些瀕危動物的數(shù)量正在增加。關(guān)于保護動物的英

30、語作文(八) :Childrenyou grabbed the small tadpoles rightyou must know thattadpole grew up to bee small frog , the frog can eat insects , so the frog is our human;s good friends 。 We should protect it , not hurt it 。 But some hotels are also sold the frog meat? Once , dad and his friends took me to dinner 。 A waiter said: you see , this is we store the launch of new spe


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