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1、考研英語翻譯英語和漢語是兩種差異比較大的語言,英語重形合,漢語重意合。有人把英語句子比喻為“樹木叢生、干枝糾纏的樹林”,脈絡(luò)難析,主次難辨,而把漢語句子比喻為“枝干分明的竹林”,脈絡(luò)清晰,主次易辨。翻譯時,根據(jù)表達(dá)習(xí)慣,英語、漢語的句子結(jié)構(gòu)有時需要進(jìn)行相應(yīng)的轉(zhuǎn)換。英漢語復(fù)合句中主句和從句之間的時間順序和邏輯順序也不完全一致,因此,翻譯時,也時常需要根據(jù)表達(dá)習(xí)慣,對句序進(jìn)行相應(yīng)的調(diào)整??佳杏⒄Z(二)翻譯 大綱要求1、形式上,要求翻譯150詞左右的一個或幾個段落,較英語(一)翻譯五個劃線句子,連貫性強(qiáng),使得理解更容易,難度降低。2、體裁上,考查考生理解所給英語材料并將其譯成漢語的能力,內(nèi)容上較為生

2、活化,兩年體裁均為科普類文章。3、分值上,滿分為15分,根據(jù)文章相關(guān)部分的具體情況分配。4、句式上,相對于英語(一)翻譯部分,句子據(jù)較短,結(jié)構(gòu)不太復(fù)雜,比較容易理解。5、考查難點和側(cè)重點,相對于英語(一)翻譯部分考察要求,主要在于表達(dá)方面。英語表述邏輯和漢語有差別,在翻譯過程中進(jìn)行語言轉(zhuǎn)換時,需要借助翻譯技巧。常見的句子翻譯技巧很多,包括長句化短,語序的調(diào)整,被動語態(tài)以及各類從句的翻譯等。第一部分中外思維差異剖析語言、文化與翻譯的關(guān)系?1. 文化與語言密不可分, 語言是文化的一組成部分,是文化的載體和寫照。 2. 奈達(dá):對于真正成功的翻譯而言,熟悉兩種文化甚至比掌握兩種語言更重要,因為詞語只有

3、在其作用的文化背景中才有意義。第二部分基礎(chǔ)提高技巧訓(xùn)練熱手熱身熱腦1. China瓷器China ink墨,墨汁兒China plate摯友China rose月季peony牡丹Chinese copy贗品Chinese lantern燈籠Chinese puzzle燈謎crossing(外國字謎)2. dragon (evil or devil)惡魔Chinese dragon / Long, The Chinese totem龍(圖騰)3. Phoenix (rebirth, come back to life, revive)鳳凰(rare & auspicious)4. (au

4、spicious and lucky)peacock孔雀:外國-炫耀,中國-富貴As proud as a peacock5. Puppy小狗6. kitten 小貓7. owl(death or bad luck)貓頭鷹owlish = smart, wise, clever機(jī)智8. Petrel海燕(brave)seagull海鷗9. bat (fortunate, good luck) batman Spiderman蝙蝠10.Magpie 喜鵲 (happy & auspicious稀少的)12.first lady第一夫人13.golden rooster金雞獎14.filt

5、hy(淫穢的) books色情書刊15. (liquor spirits alcohol)烈酒 (中國45度以上) wine葡萄酒,果酒Brandy 白蘭地Vodka 伏特加Whisky 威士忌詞組(文化顏色詞):16. *in the red*in the black*in the pink*in the blues17. *a dark horse黑馬*dark eyes黑眼圈*black eyes被打青的18. *green-eyed嫉妒的眼睛*a green hand*yellow pages19. *a white lie*a white elephant* black tea紅茶*

6、brown sugar紅糖20. *be beaten black and blue*a black sheep害群之馬goat山羊*blacksmith鐵匠21. *blacklist*blue blood*bluestocking*brown bread句子1. The street of New York was brilliant with moving men.紐約的街道繁華似錦。2. It is no use doing what you like; you have got to like what you do.愛一行干一行不行,你得干一行愛一行。3. He spoke so

7、well that everybody was convinced of his innocence. 形合: 意合:他說的那么好聽,誰都相信他是無辜的。(詞性變化)4. When the news from the countryside reached the city, it caused immediately uproar喧鬧,騷動 among the gentry鄉(xiāng)紳. 形合: 意合:鄉(xiāng)里的消息傳到城里后,鄉(xiāng)紳們立即騷動起來。第三部分 翻譯策略翻譯策略一詞性變由于漢英兩種語言不屬于同一語族,因此二者在表達(dá)方式和結(jié)構(gòu)特征上相去甚遠(yuǎn),“對號入座式的翻譯”勢必到處碰壁,因此翻譯理論及翻譯

8、技巧( Translation Theory& Skil1)的學(xué)習(xí)就顯得十分重要。漢語句子的特點是動詞使用較多,因此在漢語句子中,“連動式”結(jié)構(gòu)(動詞連用的格式)和“兼語式”結(jié)構(gòu)(兩個主謂結(jié)構(gòu)的格式)這些“多動句”結(jié)構(gòu)較為常見。例如:1. 我?guī)н@些外國游客去那座古廟看看。I will show these tourists around the ancient temple. 2晚上我請你出去吃飯。I will invite you out to dinner tonight. Get a bite獵食例1是“連動式”結(jié)構(gòu),句中有三個動詞:帶、去、看看。例2是“兼語式”結(jié)構(gòu),其中“你”

9、是“請”的賓語,而同時又是“出去吃飯”的主語。漢語中“兼語式”結(jié)構(gòu)相當(dāng)于英語中的“謂語動詞+復(fù)合賓語”結(jié)構(gòu)。而這兩句在譯成英語時,譯文中僅需一個動詞即可。1 .在英譯漢中英語動詞的轉(zhuǎn)譯現(xiàn)象十分常見。一般來說,英語中的動詞、名詞、形容詞、介詞、副詞等詞類的詞依據(jù)情況可轉(zhuǎn)譯為漢語中的動詞。(一)英語名詞轉(zhuǎn)譯為漢語動詞Keep this dictionary on your desk for your easy reference把字典放你桌上以便于你查閱2, People allover the world have aspirations for peace and development全世界

10、的人們都渴望和平與發(fā)展。3 The growing awareness by many smokers of the harmful effect of smoking has prompted their consideration of giving up smoking as soon as possible.很多吸煙者逐漸意識到了吸煙的害處,這促使他們考慮盡早戒煙。4 All peaceloving people in the world demand the prohibition of the development of nuclear weapons全世界愛好和平的人們都要求禁

11、止發(fā)展核武器。牛刀小試1 Rockets have found application for the exploration of the universe. 2. In China, there is a lot of emphasis on politeness. 在中國,人們非常注重禮節(jié)。3.A careful study of the original text will give you a better translation.3. The sight and sound of our jet planes filled me with special longing.(向往)看

12、著我們的噴氣式飛機(jī),聽到它隆隆的聲音,我的心中充滿了向往。 He is a good singer.5. Those small factories are also lavish consumer and waster of raw materials.6. You must be tired. Why dont you take a rest?.The car braked sharply, coming to rest on the edge of the cliff.另外,英語中的名詞也可轉(zhuǎn)譯為漢語中有些表示被動意義的動作。如:His dismissal (開除)was a great

13、 surprise to US al1開除他這件事使我們很驚訝。Ironically, before his trial, he had never met Davis,the counsel for his defense具有諷刺意味的是,在他宣判之前,他都沒有見到他的辯護(hù)律師戴維斯。(二)、英語形容詞轉(zhuǎn)譯為漢語動詞1 I am interested in Maths2Im afraid of no difficulty.3I have to be cautious4The interim(臨時的) Iraqi government has been fully aware of diffi

14、culties in the upcoming general election伊拉克臨時政府充分意識到了在即將到來的大選中的種種困難。5 We must be sure that the scale with which we are comparing our subjects provides a “valid(有效的)” or “fair” comparison牛刀小試1.I am anxious about his health.2.Scientists are confident that all matter(物質(zhì)) is indestructible(不滅的,堅不可摧的).所有


16、把有些形容詞轉(zhuǎn)換成名詞來翻譯)1. He was eloquent(雄辯的) and elegant(風(fēng)度)but soft(coward).他有口才,有風(fēng)度,但性格軟弱。2. His whole family were religious(信徒).他們?nèi)叶际球\的信徒。(三)、英語介詞轉(zhuǎn)譯成漢語動詞英語中的介詞在語法上劃歸為“虛詞”,也稱作“功能詞”(function word)的范疇。它本身沒有完整的詞匯意義,不能單獨(dú)充當(dāng)句子成分。但在語用實踐中,由于一些介詞具有方向性和動態(tài)感,它們往往可以用來表示動作行為的進(jìn)展?fàn)顟B(tài)或所及程度等情況,事實上起到了動詞的作用。因此在英譯漢時,有些英語中的介

17、詞可以轉(zhuǎn)譯為漢語動詞,這樣可使譯文緊湊、地道.1. Can you sing the song in English2.The machine is out of repair這機(jī)器年久失修了。牛刀小試1 Without friction, we couldnt move沒有了摩擦,我們寸步難行。2The girl in red skirt is Mary3Red cross is commonly used for hospitals or related Agencies.翻譯策略二換序譯法指在翻譯過程中對語序進(jìn)行的轉(zhuǎn)換調(diào)整。語序是指句子成分的排列次序。漢語是分析型的語言,語序比較固定;而

18、英語則是分析、綜合參半的語言,語序既有固定的一面,又有靈活的一面。英語和漢語在基本語序上大同小異。相同的是主語、謂語和賓語的位置,不同的是狀語和定語的位置。所以,在英譯漢時,必須考慮到中文讀者的思維習(xí)慣,適當(dāng)?shù)貙⒆g文的語序進(jìn)行轉(zhuǎn)換調(diào)整。1定語的換序漢語中定語通常放在名詞之前。即使幾個定語連用或很長的詞組作定語,也都要放在名詞之前。而在英語中,單詞作定語時一般放在名詞之前,特殊情況下才放在名詞之后;但詞組或從句作定語時則要放在名詞之后。例1 He is the distinguished American scientist例 Shanghai is one of the largest ind

19、ustrial bases in our country例 Thousands of beautiful red roses that blossom almost at the same time make the park the great resort of people in spring 翻譯時,定語應(yīng)盡量與中心詞靠近。例 :1)I paid a visit to Sifang District of Qingdao,which had changed a great deal since I left2)I paid a visit to Sifang District of Q

20、ingdaoThis district had changed a great deal since I left2狀語的換序在漢語中,狀語習(xí)慣放在主語之后、謂語之前。但有時為了強(qiáng)調(diào),也可以將狀語置于主語之前。英語中狀語的位置則富于變化。若是一個單詞構(gòu)成的狀語就可以根據(jù)句子的需要放在句首、動詞之前、助動詞與動詞之間,或者放在句末。較長的狀語則往往放在句首或句末,幾乎不放在句中。例如:例 China is especially rich in natural resources例 The Maglev train(magnetic levitated train)moves amazingly

21、fast例 They gladly accepted the invitation(按原句順序)例 Everything went smoothly(按原句順序)定狀,狀在前例 The productive(多產(chǎn)的,作家多產(chǎn)) methods are now being most widely used in the aircraft industry(換序)Reproductive繁殖(不能形容女人)復(fù)制。這種生產(chǎn)的方法目前在航空制造業(yè)中廣泛使用具體而言,需要進(jìn)行狀語調(diào)整的情形有以下5種:()在英語中, 通常將副詞譯在行為動詞之前,但如有系動詞或情態(tài)動詞,則需要調(diào)整順序,將副詞譯在這些詞之后

22、。而譯成漢語表示頻度及不確定時間概念的副詞,如:常常、總是、從不、已經(jīng)、很少、偶爾、有時等作狀語,通常在主要動詞之前。例 I usually go to work by bike例 He is always punctual()英語中一般不在句首連續(xù)使用不同的介詞詞組。因而可以將其中一個放在句末 .例 china must open to the outside world, if she wants to shake off poverty and backwardness and pursue development中國要謀求發(fā)展、擺脫貧困和落后,就必須對外開放。()某些英語的倒裝句,翻譯

23、成漢語恢復(fù)語序。例 Never has the weather been so fine天氣從來都沒有這樣好過。()英語的倒裝語序可譯成漢語表示事物的存在、出現(xiàn)或消失的無主句。例In our motherland hidden underground there is a wealth of mineral resources在祖國的地下蘊(yùn)藏著豐富的礦產(chǎn)資源。()狀語與主語的換序。按照西方人的思維模式和英語表達(dá)法,英語可以用地點、時間作主語,這是英語中較為常見的現(xiàn)象。這種用法不僅強(qiáng)調(diào)了地點、時間的觀念,而且使句子簡潔、生動。通常以時間、地點等名詞作主語的句子,常用see,witness,fin

24、d等動詞作謂語。英譯漢時,需將后面的主語還原。例As is known to a11, 2003 saw the successful launching of China's first manned space flight眾所周知,中國在2003年第一次成功地發(fā)射了載人飛船。Shuttle載人飛船翻譯策略三轉(zhuǎn)態(tài)譯法指在翻譯時對主動語態(tài)和被動語態(tài)進(jìn)行轉(zhuǎn)換。主動語態(tài)和被動語態(tài)在漢英兩種語言中的使用情況是很不相同的:英語大量使用被動語態(tài),而漢語則很少使用,即便使用,也不像英語那樣有固定或比較統(tǒng)一的構(gòu)成形式:如漢語的被動不是只用一個"被"字表示。這是英漢兩種語言不可忽

25、略的一大差別。英語被動語態(tài)用于:1. 強(qiáng)調(diào)動作的承受者;2. 不必或無從說出主動者;3. 便于連貫上下文。因此在英漢互譯中,要經(jīng)常變換語態(tài),以使譯文符合習(xí)慣用法,顯得地道而自然。 1)社會生活例 The light was turned off燈滅了。例 This matter should be kept secret.這事兒必須保密。例3Smoking is forbidden in public places例4 The experiment is being carried on實驗正在進(jìn)行中。例5It can be safely said that the meeting will

26、be held on schedule可以有把握地說(據(jù)可靠消息),會議將如期舉行。例6 He is engaged in environmental protection perseveringly·他堅持不懈地從事于環(huán)境保護(hù)工作。小試牛刀1. She is cut out for a teacher她天生適合當(dāng)老師2. A new comet was discovered a couple of years ago幾年前人類發(fā)現(xiàn)了一顆新的彗星。3.The books are written especially for children.4.Itsgenerallyconside

27、redimpolitetoaskonesage,salary,marriage etc.5. The professor came to our school and warmly welcomed by the teachers and students.,2).固定用法(作文通用)It is said/ stated that據(jù)說It is announced/claimed that據(jù)稱,據(jù)報道,據(jù)宣布It is decided that已經(jīng)決定It is believed that人們相信,有人相信It is hoped人們希望It is noted人們注意到It is reporte

28、d that據(jù)報道It is pointed out that人們指出It is supposed that據(jù)推測It is turned out that結(jié)果證明是It is generally agreed that普遍認(rèn)為It is generally considered/regarded that人們認(rèn)為It is understood that可以理解為It will be said that人們會說It will be seen from this that由此可見It was told that有人曾經(jīng)說3).含“把”、“使” 或“由”的 句子The famous hotel

29、had been practically(徹底地) destroyed by the big fire.一個知名旅館在一場大火中徹底毀滅了 4漢語無主句英語一般須有主語,是主語顯著型語言,而漢語則頻頻出現(xiàn)無主句。因此,可將有些英語被動句譯成漢語無主句。The problem must be immediately solved.小試牛刀1. You should look back before you take another step.三思而后行。2. You should learn as more as you live. (live and learn)活到學(xué)到老。Tips:3. B

30、eating and scolding is love, it is strange without them.4. Running and jumping is helpful for digestion.Tips:5. It is extremely important to master English in society today.6. It is your best choice to take the tonic(補(bǔ)品) on an empty stomach.Tips:7. There is plentiful meat in the kitchen , strong hor

31、ses in the stable, but the people look hungry, and many starve to death in the field.(多些文采)朱門酒肉臭,路有凍死骨。8. Tips:英語特例1. Right side up.此端向上2. For external use only.嚴(yán)禁內(nèi)服3. Hands off.3. No parking!4. Handle with care.5. no entry6Slow, school7.mind the gap8.stay close9.welcome boardTips:帶有命令的祈使句或標(biāo)示為無主句!翻譯

32、策略四正反譯法正反譯法指英譯漢時肯定與否定表達(dá)方式間的轉(zhuǎn)換。漢語和英語中的否定都可分為完全否定、部分否定和雙重否定三種。對不同的否定形式應(yīng)采取不同的譯法,使原文和譯文意義相符、功能相似。英語中表示否定可用兩種辦法,一是借助詞匯,即含有否定意義的副詞、動詞、名詞及形容詞等;二是借助結(jié)構(gòu)和表達(dá)方式,常用比較結(jié)構(gòu)、迂回說法和感嘆的方式來表達(dá)。正譯與反譯常常具有同義的效果,但反譯往往更符合漢語的思維方式和表達(dá)習(xí)慣。因此比較地道。如:(1) In the United States, everyone can buy a gun. (正譯)In the United States, guns are a

33、vailable to everyone. (反譯)在美國人人都能買到槍(2) He still could not understand me. (正譯) Still he failed to understand me. (反譯)他任然沒有弄懂我的意思(5) She can hardly be rated as a bright student. (正譯) She is anything but a bright student. (反譯)無論如何,他都算不上一位聰明的學(xué)生(6) Please withhold the document for the time being. 請暫時扣下這

34、份文件。(正譯) 請暫時不要發(fā)這份文件。(反譯)牛刀小試(部分否定)watch out!1. None that glitters is gold.發(fā)光的不一定都是金子。2. All these metals are not good conductors.不是所有這些金屬都是良好的導(dǎo)體。3. All heavy smokers are not long-lived.煙鬼都活不長。/煙鬼并非都長壽4. This book is not instructive and interesting.這書頗有教育意義,但缺乏趣味性。5. He did not explain it correctly a

35、nd clearly.正確但不清楚特殊情況1. He doesnt lend his books to nobody。他的書概不外借。2. No bread, no butter, no cheese, no nothing.,一無所有第四部分提高加強(qiáng)訓(xùn)練導(dǎo)入示范1. a leader of the new school contends school是學(xué)派2. elegant system中, elegant是完善的3. And home appliances will become so smart that.中, smart是智能難點提醒1.:詞義選擇和詞義引申如:1. Ill see

36、her home tonight今晚我送她回家2. India is the home of elephants.故鄉(xiāng)3. Hes at home with the classics.他精通古典文學(xué)4. New homes are for sale.(cut throat price跳樓價)新屋待售5. Shes at home where she is.她在哪里都很隨性6. Maternity home costs in America have gone up sharply.婦產(chǎn)醫(yī)院7. Much is produced here for home market.國內(nèi)市場8. He lo

37、oks on London as his home.故土一)一詞多義在翻譯時,詞義的選擇應(yīng)從以下幾個方面著手。(一)根據(jù)詞性確定詞義如:forecast有“預(yù)報,預(yù)測”的意思,用作動詞和用作名詞時意思相同;increase作動詞時,表示“增加,增長,增進(jìn)”的意思,用作名詞時主要還是表達(dá)這些意思。如:book這個單詞,在作名詞時,意思是“書,書籍”;用作動詞卻常表示 “預(yù)訂,預(yù)約”的意思。又如:while作連詞時,有 “當(dāng).的時候,而,雖然” 等意思;作名詞時,卻指“片刻,一會兒”;作動詞,又有“消磨”的意思。遇到這種情況,如果不弄清楚詞性,常常就會將詞義搞錯,進(jìn)而影響原文的正確理解和準(zhǔn)確翻譯。

38、因此在翻譯中,我們可以根據(jù)語法關(guān)系來辨別關(guān)鍵詞的詞性,以便能準(zhǔn)確的判斷詞義。牛刀小試1)light:1.This light is too poor to read by.(名詞)光線(deem)2.Aluminum is a light metal.(形容詞)輕金屬3.Will you light the fire for me?(動詞)2)round:1.The Earth is not completely round.(形容詞)2.Let's go into the hall and have a look round.(副詞)3.They are dancing in a r

39、ound(名詞)4.He worked round the day.(介詞)5.The boy's eyes rounded with excitement.(動詞)(二)根據(jù)上下文確定詞義我們以動詞move為例,如果上下文不一樣,move的意思顯然也是不一樣,必須依據(jù)上下文才能做到準(zhǔn)確通順的翻譯。1. That car was really moving.那車跑的真快2. Share prices moved ahead today.股票價格今日走高3. The story of their sufferings moved us deeply.打動4. Work on the ne

40、w building is moving quickly.進(jìn)展5. The government's opinions on this matter haven't moved.改變6. I move that we support the introduction of this new technological process.提議7. She moves in the highest circles of society.生活在8. Unless the employers move quickly, there will be strike.采取措施(三)根據(jù)漢語習(xí)慣

41、搭配確定詞義如:a deep well深井;a deep voice低沉的嗓音;a deep red深紅色;Deep in study專心學(xué)習(xí);a deep mystery; a deep thinker知識淵博的思想家;deep outrage強(qiáng)烈的憤慨牛刀小試動詞work在翻譯時如果上下文不同,漢語習(xí)慣搭配也不一樣,翻譯時應(yīng)該選擇不同的詞義來表達(dá)。I think your suggestion will work.The new treatment works like magic.My watch doesnt work.The sea works high.波濤起伏洶涌She work

42、ed her way to the front.擠The root of the pine tree worked down between the stones.扎The new regulation is working well運(yùn)行,執(zhí)行一詞多義加強(qiáng)1.ball2.bear熊市3.bore鉆孔4.bow5.content滿足6.contract壓縮7.desert拋棄,放棄8.even公平的9.fair市場,書攤,人才招聘會,集市,白皙的10. Fine罰金11. Firm牢固的12. Invalid體弱多病的13. Lead鉛14. Live現(xiàn)場alive不能形容人,要形容人=surv

43、ive15. Mine地雷(landmine)tap water自來水16. Minute微小的,細(xì)小的17. Race種族18. Rear撫養(yǎng)19. Sound健全的20. Stable穩(wěn)固的21. Tense時態(tài),拉緊22. tip23. Well井24. Wind蜿蜒25. Yard院子,碼二)詞義的引申(一)通過抽象化加以引申例如:They have their smiles and tears.喜怒哀樂We insist that international trade should not be a one-way street.雙贏的,互利的,有來無往I have no head

44、 for mathematics.沒有天賦,不是那塊料(二)通過具體化加以引申例如;The car in front of me stopped, and I missed the green.交通燈Perhaps the only trouble with copper is that it is not hard enough for some uses.缺點熟詞僻義加強(qiáng)(學(xué)生說 常義)school=學(xué)校,學(xué)院 n.學(xué)派article= n. 文章,物品,冠詞n. 條款world= n.世界,世人,世間n.領(lǐng)域pool= n.水塘,游泳池;(液體等的)一灘,一片 n. edge=常義:n.

45、 邊緣,邊,刀口; 僻義:n. row=常義:n.(一)排,(一)行 ;僻義:v. nurse=常義:n.保姆,護(hù)士; 僻義:vt.看護(hù),護(hù)理composition=常義:n. 作品,寫作,創(chuàng)作 ;僻義:n. world=常義:n.世界,世人,世間 ;僻義:n. bar=常義:n. 酒吧間;條,桿,柵欄 ;僻義:vt.閂上,阻礙 attend=常義:v.出席;專心,致力于 ;僻義:vt. file=常義:n.檔案,文件夾;縱列 僻義:v. succeed=常義:vi.成功 僻義:v. change=常義:n/v. 改變,變化 僻義:n. plant=常義:n.植物 vt.栽種,放置 僻義:n.

46、工廠military plant軍工廠 bridge=常義:n.橋,橋梁 僻義:n. post=常義:n.郵政,崗位,哨所,職位 僻義: vt. master=常義:n.(男)主人,能手 掌握;征服 僻義:adj. sort=常義:n.種類,類別 僻義:vt. mark=常義:n.記號 標(biāo)明 僻義:n. safe=常義:adj.安全的,謹(jǐn)慎的 僻義:n. revolution=常義:n.革命 僻義:n. iron=常義:n.鐵,烙鐵 僻義:vt.諷刺 shoulder=常義:n.肩,肩膀 僻義:vt. branch=常義:n. 樹枝,支流,分叉 僻義:n. plane=常義:n.飛機(jī) 僻義:

47、adj. stage=常義:n.舞臺,戲劇 僻義:n.wind=常義:windn.風(fēng);氣息,呼吸 僻義: waindv. sunny=常義:adj.陽光充足的 僻義:adj.難點提醒2 詞組的熟悉度加強(qiáng)1. shut off切斷,關(guān)掉2. be born with與生俱來3. head into陷入危機(jī)4. in the fashion of以什么方式5. by all means無論如何6. in a sort of sense從某種意義上說7. move forward向前發(fā)展8. give rise to sth導(dǎo)致9. look into 洞察,察覺peephole貓眼,peep at

48、偷窺10. believe in信仰注意:(歷年??荚~組總結(jié)請看附件)!難點提醒3 句法的熟練度加強(qiáng)Second to none.(二戰(zhàn)后美國軍艦旗語)老子天下第一None.(英國小炮艇旗語)唯我獨(dú)尊The proof of gold is fire,the proof of woman, gold; the proof of man, a woman.火可以檢驗真金,真金可以檢驗女人,女人可以檢驗?zāi)腥私?jīng)典英美劇名翻譯<<pretty woman>>風(fēng)月俏佳人<<ordinary man>><<sand and blood>&g

49、t;碧血黃沙<<blue bloods>>警察世家<<true blood>>真愛如血<<baby daddy>>少年奶爸<<Gossip girl>>緋聞女孩<<The mentalist>>超感神探<<a gifted man>>天賦有情醫(yī)<<two and a half man>>好漢兩個半<< supernatural >>邪惡力量<<vampire diaries>> 吸

50、血鬼日記<<dogs in the city>>狗在都市第五部分 翻譯準(zhǔn)則和黃金定律提問1:英語句子復(fù)雜還是漢語句子復(fù)雜?提問2:英語句子什么成分最復(fù)雜?(上下文聯(lián)系法:提問2其實提示了提問1)翻譯句子順序準(zhǔn)則1:在只有主謂賓的情況下,英語和漢語順序一致。Eg.我喝水 = I drink water(不能說:我水喝)He drives the car.This is a book and that is a dog.又有人反對:除了英語,全世界不都一樣嗎?NO, Japs is different!翻譯句子準(zhǔn)則2 定語和狀語成分多,從最遠(yuǎn)處翻譯。1Science is

51、the body of knowledge about nature that represents the collective efforts,insights,findingsand wisdom of the human race.科學(xué)是個代表著人類種族的集體努力,洞察力,發(fā)現(xiàn)和智慧的關(guān)于自然的知識體系。2. by comparison, an earthquake of similar intensity that shook American in 1988 claimed 25,000 victims. 相比之下,在1988年,一場震動了美國的相似強(qiáng)度的地震奪走了25,000個受

52、害者的生命。翻譯句子準(zhǔn)則3 直譯不行,只能意譯。1. My mother said to my father:“father, our children are sitting on the river bank.”2. He is teaching his grandmother how to suck eggs.推薦寫作句式:,like teaching his grandmother how to suck eggs.班門弄斧3. As luck would have it, no one was hurt when theboilers exploded.翻譯句子準(zhǔn)則4:少用被動句Th

53、is is ignored by historians.這件事情為歷史學(xué)家們所忽視。寧用為不用被牛刀小試1. He was praised by his teacher.他老師表揚(yáng)了他。2. Problems should be resolved in good time.問題應(yīng)該及時加以解決3. The schoolboy was knocked down by a minibus when crossing the street.一輛小型公交車在干嘛了的時候撞到了一個學(xué)童定語從句的翻譯加強(qiáng)一、 前置法:把定語從句翻譯到所修飾的先行詞前面,可以用“的”來連接。1. He who has ne

54、ver tasted what is bitter does not know what is sweet.沒有吃過苦的人不知道什么是甜2. Space and oceans are the new world which scientists are trying to explore.3.His laughter, which was infectious, broke the silence.二、后置法: 把定語從句翻譯在所修飾的先行詞后面,翻譯為并列分句。(一)重復(fù)先行詞。1.I told the story to John, who told it to his brother.我把

55、這故事告訴了約翰,約翰又告訴了他弟弟。2.We wish to express our satisfaction at this to the Special Committee, whose activities deserve to be encouraged.3.You, whose predecessors scored initial success in astronomical research, have acquired a greater accomplishment in this respect.Although he lacks experience, he has

56、enterprise and creativity, which are decisive in achieving success in the area.(二)省略先行詞。1. Its him received the letter that announced the death of your uncle.2. They worked out a new method by which production has now been rapidly increased.三、融合法:把定語從句和它所修飾的先行詞結(jié)合在一起翻譯。1.There is a man downstairs who wants to see you.In our factory, there are many people who are much interested inthe new invention. 牛刀小試3. We used a plane of which almost every


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