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1、超級雜交水稻super-hybrid rice社會(huì)生活類詞匯終生職業(yè)job-for-life人工智能 artificial intelligenee鐵飯碗 a secure job生物技術(shù) biotechnology夕卜出打工人員 migrant workers克隆clon基層監(jiān)督 grass-root supervision基因工程gen etic engin eeri ng機(jī)器閱卷 machine scoring三維電影three-dime nsional movie家 政服務(wù) householdmanagement三峽工程the Three Gorges P rojectservice希

2、望工程Hope Pr oject假賬 false accounting民族精神n ati onal sp irit力口強(qiáng)輿論監(jiān)督 enhance the supervision求同存異seek com mon ground whileby the p ublic opinionshel ving differe nces擴(kuò)大中等收入者比重 raise the物質(zhì)文明和精神文明materialandprop orti onof themiddle-i ncomesp iritual civilizati ongroup小康社會(huì)a well-off society智力密集型企業(yè)in tellige

3、 nce-i nte nsive小康水平a well-off levelenterp rise與時(shí)俱進(jìn)kee p p ace with the times夕卜資企業(yè) overseas-funded enterprise綜合國力the overall n ati onal stre ngth下崗職工 laid-off worker共同愿望com mon desire素 質(zhì)教育 education for all-round無土栽培soilless cultivati ondevel opment;quality-orie nted生態(tài)農(nóng)業(yè)en vir onmen t-frie ndlyeduca

4、ti onagriculture應(yīng)試教育 exam-oriented education農(nóng)村剩余勞動(dòng)力 surplus rural labor社會(huì)治安情況 public security situation改革開放the reform and opening-up輿論導(dǎo)向 directi on of p ublic opinionp olicy一國兩制One Coun try, Two Systems人口出生率birth rate法制觀念aware ness of law全國人口普查 n ati on wide cen sus法制國家a country with an adequate人口激增

5、 population explosionlegal system預(yù)期壽命 life expectancy公務(wù)員 civil servant社會(huì)公益活動(dòng) public welfare activities西部大開發(fā) Development of the West提供各種便民服務(wù)providevariousRegi onsconvenient services可持續(xù)性發(fā)展 susta in able devel opment活動(dòng)中心 recreational center計(jì) 算機(jī)輔助教學(xué) computer-assisted道德標(biāo)準(zhǔn) ethical standardsin structi on尊老

6、愛幼 respect the old and cherish虛擬現(xiàn)實(shí) virtual realitythe young人口老齡化 aging of population網(wǎng)民 netizen電腦犯罪compu ter crime社會(huì)保險(xiǎn) social in sura nee電子商務(wù)e-commerce社會(huì)保障 social security網(wǎng)上購物on li ne sho pping大家庭 extended family學(xué)生減負(fù)reduce study load獨(dú)生子女 the only child in a family綜合治理comp rehe nsive treatme nt孝子孝女 du

7、tiful son /daughter下海 go into bus in ess媒人 matchmaker人才交流 tale nt excha nge配偶spouse智力弓I進(jìn) recruit talents信息革命 information revolution以人為本 people oriented信 息高 速公路in formati on退休金pensionsup erhighway填鴨 式教學(xué) crammingmethod of辦公自動(dòng)化 office automationteach ing統(tǒng)籌兼顧 make overall plans and take all研究生 postgradu

8、atefactors into con sideratio n應(yīng)屆畢業(yè)生 graduating student團(tuán)隊(duì)精神team spirit學(xué)前教育 preschool education青少年犯罪 juvenile delinquency城市化 urbanization教育投入 input in education基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施 infrastructure九年義務(wù)教 育 nine-year compulsory商業(yè)化 commercializationeducati on處罰 penalty高考 college entrance exam in atio n酒駕 drunk driving初等教

9、育 elementary education交通擁擠 traffic congestion高等教育 higher education水短缺 water shortage綜合性大學(xué) comprehensive university環(huán)境污染 environmental pollution文科院校 colleges of liberal arts過度工業(yè)化 over-industrialization理工科大學(xué)colleges of scieneeand過度擁擠overcrowdedengin eeri ng師范學(xué)院 normal college財(cái)富分配 wealth distribution課外活

10、動(dòng) extracurricular activities社會(huì)動(dòng)蕩 social in stability必修課required course城市建設(shè) urban construction選修課elective course犯罪率上升 a rising crime rate基礎(chǔ)課basic course能源和資源消耗drain of energy and專業(yè)課sp ecialized courseresources課程表school timetable快節(jié)奏生活 a rapid pace of life失業(yè) unemployment職業(yè)道德work ethics加強(qiáng)污染控制 strengthen

11、pollution精神文 明建設(shè) the constructionofcontrolsp iritual civilizati on普及環(huán)保知識pop ularize計(jì)劃生育基本國策the basic state policyen vir onmen tal p rotecti on kno wledgeof family planning全民健 身運(yùn)動(dòng) n ati on widefitn esscamp aig n科教興國 develop the country throughscie nee and educatio n網(wǎng)絡(luò)空間 cyberspace社區(qū)服務(wù) community servi

12、ce網(wǎng)絡(luò)犯罪cyber crime知識更新 up date one s kno wledge中等職 業(yè)學(xué)校 sec on dary vocati onal適齡兒童入學(xué)率en rollme ntrateforschoolchildre n of school age傳染病 infectious disease社會(huì)福禾U social welfare試點(diǎn)項(xiàng)目pilot project城市生活壓力 pressure of modernlife歷史類詞匯in the city廢物處理 waste disposal絲綢之路the Silk Road消費(fèi)方式 pattern of consumption泰

13、山 Mount Tai遭受重大損失suffer heavy losses蘇州園林 Suzhou Garde ns惡性循環(huán)vicious cycle西湖 West Lake資源配置 resource allocation圭寸建的feudal城市規(guī)戈U urban planning朝代 dynasty房地產(chǎn) real estate春秋時(shí)期 the Spring and Autumn污染環(huán)境 pollute the environmentPeriod溫室效應(yīng) greenhouse effect戰(zhàn)國時(shí)期 the Warring States Period長城 the Great Wall皇帝 empe

14、ror宏觀調(diào)控 macroeconomic regulatory大臣 minister社 會(huì)主義 新農(nóng)村 new socialist少數(shù)民族 minority nationalitycoun tryside西域 the Western Regions節(jié)能 energy conservation學(xué)者 scholar詩人poet政治家statesman遠(yuǎn)程教育 distanee education社會(huì)地位social status最低生 活保障 basic cost of living遠(yuǎn)古時(shí)代ancient timesallowa nces近代 modern times殘酷的競爭 cut-thro

15、at comp etition原始資料 original data社會(huì)主義市場經(jīng)濟(jì) socialist market古代文明 ancient civilizationeconomy在位期間 during the reign of.禾n諧社會(huì) harmonious society朝廷 the imp erial court經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)家 econo mist土地私有制 private ownership of land資本主義經(jīng)濟(jì)capitalist economy國有企業(yè) state-owned enterprise擴(kuò)大領(lǐng)土 extend the domain農(nóng)村經(jīng)濟(jì)rural economy奪取政

16、權(quán) seize the power自由經(jīng)濟(jì)liberal economy戰(zhàn)后的postwar保護(hù)主義p rotectio nism永久的佃戶 permanent tenant私營成分p rivate sector大使 ambassador公共成分p ublic sector行政區(qū)域 an administrative district經(jīng)濟(jì)波動(dòng)econo mic fluctuatio n經(jīng)濟(jì)類詞匯經(jīng)濟(jì)衰退 economic stability通貨膨脹in flation經(jīng)濟(jì)穩(wěn)定 economic stability公務(wù)員 civil servant經(jīng)濟(jì)復(fù)蘇 economic recovery收入

17、分配 in come distributi on增長率 rate of growth倉J新 innovation經(jīng)濟(jì)趨勢 economic trend禾息 interest生活標(biāo)準(zhǔn) standard of living投資 investment購買力 buying power勞動(dòng)需求labor dema nd欠發(fā)達(dá)的 underdeveloped市場需求market dema nd資金分配 the allocation of funds市場結(jié)構(gòu)market structure收益 benefit最低工資mi nimum wage預(yù)算budget資本 capital必需品 necessities

18、需求變化 cha nge in dema nd總成本total cost供給變化 change in supply總支出 total expenditure商品 commodity總產(chǎn)量 total product消費(fèi)者consumer福利標(biāo)準(zhǔn) welfare standard分配 distribution奔小康 strive for a relatively經(jīng)濟(jì)成本 economic costcomfortable life交換 exchange不正之風(fēng) unhealthy tendency企業(yè)家 entrepreneur產(chǎn)業(yè)結(jié)構(gòu)升級 upgrading of an企業(yè)家精神 entrepr

19、eneurshipin dustrial structure過度供給 excess supply; oversupply超前消費(fèi) overconsuming; excessive社會(huì)收益 social ben efits人力資本 human capitaltech no logyconsump ti on家庭 household波動(dòng) fluctuation科技興貿(mào) vitalize trade by scienee and外經(jīng)貿(mào)戰(zhàn)略 the foreign trade and固定投入 fixed inputecono mic strategy文化類詞匯出口加工區(qū) export processi

20、ng zone瓷器po rcela in; chi na地區(qū)差異 regional dis parity刺繡embroidery擴(kuò)大內(nèi)需 expand domestic dema nd國畫Chin ese painting對外招商 attract foreign investment剪紙paper cutt ing反對鋪張浪費(fèi) oppo se/combat京劇Peking Operaextravaga nee and waste拜年paying a New Year call個(gè)體戶 self-empioyed鞭炮firecrackerhouseholds/people元宵sweet dump

21、li ngs made of金融機(jī)構(gòu) financial institutiongluti nous rice flour經(jīng)濟(jì)技術(shù)開發(fā)區(qū) an econo mic and元宵節(jié) Lan ter n Festivaltech no logical devel opment zone中秋節(jié) Mid-Autumn Festival經(jīng)濟(jì)特區(qū) a special economic zone佛教 Buddhism經(jīng)濟(jì)起飛 an economic take-off道觀 Taoist Temple經(jīng)濟(jì)興旺 an economic boom儒教 Confucian招聘會(huì) a labor fair; a job fair儒家文化Con fucia n culture售后服務(wù) after-sale service文化事業(yè)cultural un dertak ing私人企業(yè) private enterprise文化交流cultural excha nge夕卜資 overseas investment華夏祖先the Chi nese an cestor競爭性市場 competitive market同宗同源be of the same orig in經(jīng)濟(jì)利潤 economic pro


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