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1、A基礎(chǔ)理論B應用研究C調(diào)查報告D其他本科生畢業(yè)論文高中生英語自主學習能力的培養(yǎng)二級學院:外國語學院專業(yè):英語年級:2012級學號:2012154511作者姓名:郭創(chuàng)鑫指導教師:駱鳳娟完成日期:2015年10月20日文件裝訂順序1漢語封面2英語標題頁3成績扉頁4開題報告5論文目錄6-1 外文摘要6-2 中文摘要6-3論文正文6-4注釋6-5參考文獻6-6附錄6-7致謝辭7論文原創(chuàng)性聲明8指導教師評閱表9交叉評閱表10答辯記錄11格式審查表12空白紙一張13封底 Cultivation of Senior High School Students' Autonomy in English

2、LearningThesisSubmitted in Partial Fulfillment of the RequirementsFor the Degree of Bachelor of ArtsTo the School of Foreign Studies ofLingnan Normal UniversityByGUO ChuangxinSupervisor: Vice Professor Luo FengjuanOctober20, 2015本科生畢業(yè)論文開題報告論文題目 高中生英語自主學習能力的培養(yǎng)Cultivation of High School Students'

3、Autonomy in English Learning學生姓名郭創(chuàng)鑫二級學院外國語學院開題日期2015年7年5日學號2012154511專業(yè)英語指導教師駱鳳娟1本課題研究意義及國內(nèi)外發(fā)展狀況1.1 本課題研究意義根據(jù)中華人民共和國教育部制定的,英語課程新標準中把培養(yǎng)中學生自主學習英語的能力作為英語教學的主要目標,提供并創(chuàng)造條件的去培養(yǎng)學生學習的自主性。比起老師填鴨式教育和被動的學習,學生自主學習則更能提高英語學習的效益和效率。然而,目前絕大部分高中生沒有端正自主學習英語的態(tài)度,往往被動的吸收老師在課堂上所教授的知識,導致成績和效果都不如意,從而慢慢厭倦學習英語,直至放棄。本文通過高中生在自主

4、學習時所出現(xiàn)的一系列問題以及進行原因調(diào)查分析,并闡述了培養(yǎng)高中學生英語自主學習能力的必要性,分析了影響自主學習能力的要素,從而培養(yǎng)學生自主學習能力和提高學習效果等。1.2 本課題國內(nèi)外發(fā)展狀況根據(jù)高中生英語自主能力學習的培養(yǎng),國內(nèi)外有著不同的見解和方法。國外:Garder 和 Miller 在 外語自主學習 一書中詳細的研究了自主學習。研究指出 Henry Holec 將自主(autonomy)最早引入外語教學。他指出自主是對自己學習負責的一種能力。Dickinson 認為自主學習能力是指學習者在學習的過程中能夠?qū)ψ约鹤鞒龅乃袥Q定負責,并能 夠完成這些決定。Benson 指出自主學習是指學習

5、者的學習目標、 進步和評價是由學習者自己決定的。國外對自主學習的研究,為如何讓學生主動學習提供了方法和思路。自主學習的培養(yǎng)讓學生養(yǎng)成良好的學習習慣。 國內(nèi):楊婷婷分析了高中生英語自主學習能力的現(xiàn)狀指出, 指出獨立性是學生的核心品質(zhì), 每個學生都是一個獨立的個體,學習是學生自己應該做好的事。學生在學習活動的全過程中激發(fā)動機、自我計劃、自我學習指導和強化,在學習過程中能夠進行自我觀察、自我判斷、自我審視和自我調(diào)節(jié),在學習活動之后要對學習結(jié)果自我檢查、自我總結(jié)、自我評價。2 研究內(nèi)容2.1 高中生英語自主學習狀況分析2.2 高中生英語自主學習的存在困難2.3 高中生英語自主學習存在困難的解決方法及建

6、議3研究方法、手段和研究進度3.1研究方法 主要采用文獻分析法、問卷調(diào)查、訪談。3.2研究手段 本研究通過上網(wǎng)和查閱相關(guān)的文獻資料,以及問卷調(diào)查的方法。3.3研究進度(1) 開題報告在2015年07月10日前按照學院論文體例要求完成。(2) 初稿2015年10月20日前完成并交打印稿給指導教師提修改意見。(3) 第二稿2015年11月20日完成并交給指導教師提修改意見。(4) 第三稿2015年12月30日前完成并交給指導教師提修改意見。(5) 學院形式審查2015年12月30日。(6) 答辯稿2016年04月20日前交指導教師。(7) 答辯工作在2016年05月20日前完成。 學生(簽名):參

7、考文獻1Benn, S.I. Freedom, “Autonomy and the Concept of the Person”In Aristotelian Society Proceedings, new series, pp.109-130,19762Diekinson,L .Self-Instruction in Language LearningM.London: Cambridge University press,19873Nunan, D. Closing the gap between learning and instructionJ.TESOL Quarterly, 19

8、95(2)4Omaggio, A. 1978."Successful language learners:What do we know about them?" ERIC/CLL News Bulletin, May, 2-3, pp:41-425Wenden, A.learner Strategies for Leaner Autonomy.London: Prentice Hall International, 1991.6Zimmerman, B.J. Self-regulation Involves more than cognition: A social co

9、gnitive perspectiveJ. Educational Psychologist, 1995(30),47范捷平,研究大學的外語自主學習與創(chuàng)造性人才培養(yǎng)J,外語與外語教學第6期,2005。8華維芬,自主學習中心-一種新型的語言學習環(huán)境,外語界第5期,2001。9龐維國.論學生的自主學習.華東師范大學學報,2001,(6): 78-83.10彭金定.大學英語教學中的“學習者自主”問題研究.外語界,2002, (3): 15-1911邵瑞珍.教育心理學M.上海:上海教育出版社,198812鄭金洲.新課程課堂教學探索系列:自主學習.福州:福建教學出版社,2005.指導教師意見 指導教師(

10、簽名): 2015年7月10日 二級學院意見 二級學院(蓋章) 2015年7月10日說明:開題報告應在教師指導下由學生獨立撰寫。在畢業(yè)論文(設(shè)計)開始二周內(nèi)完成,交指導教師審閱,并接受二級學院和學校檢查。2012154511郭創(chuàng)鑫:高中生英語自主學習能力的培養(yǎng)ContentsAbstract.1摘要.11. Introduction21.1 Background information of the research22. Literature Review22.1 Autonomy22.1.1 What is learner autonomy22.1.2 Theoretical basis

11、of autonomous learning32.1.3 The characteristics of autonomous learners32.2 Factors of influencing autonomy learning42.2.1 Interal factors of influencing autonomy learning42.2.2 Exteral factors of influencing autonomy learning53.The result and analyses of the questionaires63.1 Students' Percepti

12、ons of Their Teacher's Responsibilities or Roles63.2 Students' Perceptions of Their Own Responsibilities73.3 Students' Views of Their Motivation83.4 Students' Application of Learning Strategies94.Suggestions114.1 Developing students' awareness of autonomy learning114.2 Teacher

13、9;s New Roles114.3 Group-work-based Instruction114.4 Encouraging Self-evaluation125. Conclusion12References13Appendix13Acknowledgments16Cultivation of Senior High School Students' Autonomy in English LearningGUO Chuangxin (Supervisor: Vice Professor LUO Fengjuan)School of Foreign Studies, Lingna

14、n Normal University, Zhanjiang 524048, PRCAbstract: Give a man a fish and he eats for a day. Teach him how to fish and he eats for a lifetime.This is an ancient Chinese proverb, which mean helping learners learn how to learn is very important. Autonomous learning ability is a foreign language learni

15、ng strategy, has drawn more and more attention for high school teachers and educators. Based on New English Curriculum Standard in China, English teaching in Senior Middle School is emphasizing on cultivating of students' autonomous learning ability. New English Curriculum Standard requires teac

16、hers to change the traditional teaching approaches, improve their learning strategy and develop their autonomous learning ability. By means of a review of the relevant documents, analyse the factors of influencing autonomy learning, questionnaires and analyse of an investigation on the senior studen

17、ts. The result shows that through some experiment training, students' autonomous ability can be greatly improved. Also will facilitating their English study and improving their English level.Key words: autonomous learning, cultivating , new English curriculum standard高中生英語自主學習能力的培養(yǎng)作者:郭創(chuàng)鑫(指導教師:駱鳳


19、進而提高學習成績。關(guān)鍵詞:自主學習;培養(yǎng);英語新課程標準;162012154511郭創(chuàng)鑫:高中生英語自主學習能力的培養(yǎng)1. Introduction1.1 Background information of the researchFrom the social environment, the society is a learning society, lifelong learning is very important to develop students' ability to study. From the perspective of new English curri

20、culum standard reform, new English curriculum standard reform is a response to the current social development and transformation. The aim is to cultivate students' effective learning strategies. It is helpful for students to form their own learning. Therefore, the cultivation of high school stud

21、ents' English learning ability not only meets the requirements of the times, but also lays the foundation for students' lifelong learning.Learning autonomy, originally defined by Holec as the ability to take charge of learning',has become the hot topic in the last twenty years. To take o

22、f one's learning is to be responsible for all the decisions concerned with all aspects of learning. It means that learners can identify the learning objectives, select learning methods, manage the learning process, adjust the learning procedure, and evaluate the learning results. Therefore, how

23、to help high school students to form the good learning habit, cultivate their autonomous learning ability, and achieve the autonomous learning objectives has become the urgent task for researchers, teachers and educational authorities.The main purpose of the paper is to enable learners and teachers

24、to be fully aware of learners' responsibility for learning autonomously and the importance of LA, and to explore the possible ways to help learners develop learner autonomy in English learning.2. Literature ReviewThis part will introduce what is learner autonomy, then it move to explain the theo

25、retical basis of autonomous learning and also analyze the characteristics of autonomous learners. Finally, the author described the factors of influencing autonomy learning, including internal and external factors.2.1 AutonomyAutonomy has become more and more widely discussed issue in the field of l

26、anguage learning in the two decades. Many statistics have been made and because the approach of autonomous English learning "arises the need to cater for language teaching in situations where a traditional classroom-based approach is not feasible" (Tudor 1993:23) it is quite different from

27、 the traditional way. 2.1.1 What is learner autonomyAt present, the domestic and foreign educational circles have not a unified definition of autonomous learning, according to "principles and Strategies of learning and teaching" (Pang Guowei,2003) a book, the domestic and foreign research,

28、 there are many related terms, such as self regulated learning, active learning, self-education self-instruction, self planned learning, autonomous learning, self-directed learning, self-managed learning, self monitored learning etc. From above the related terms, we may defined as a kind of "ab

29、ility", a "situation" and "an approach to learning" respectively. In the author's view, learner autonomy in middle school in a Chinese context is understood as both ability and an action to take the responsibility for all the decisions concerning all aspects of one's

30、 learning.2.1.2 Theoretical basis of autonomous learningThe essence and significance of teaching is to teach students how to learn. The new English curriculum standard reform emphasizes to change the students' passive, dependent, accepting learning, to promote independent learning. Autonomous le

31、arning is one of the ways to adapt the development of the times. In China and abroad, there are a lot of research results about autonomous learning and have achieved a mature experience.People Humanism learning theory representative C. R. Rogers that learning is the full development of individual po

32、tential. The essence of study is to study the meaning. This kind of learning, not only refers to the learning of the memory, but refers to a kind of self adjustment, which requires the learners to choose their own learning materials in a large range. The humanism education theory based think (quoted

33、 in Shen Xiangqin translation, 2001), the educator facing students who have independent personality. Each student has the potential to study independently; the education should take the student's development as this and outstanding student's main position. Students are the center of teaching

34、, the teacher is the student guide, facilitator, helper. Learning content should in accordance with the needs of learners, using the students as the center of the teaching method, learners are responsible for their own learning. Educators should provide all kinds of learning resources, to create a h

35、armonious, two-way exchange of learning environment, through the development of students' potential, so that students learn and control, and ultimately to improve their personality, become an open, flexible and adapt to the world. The short-term goal of the theory of humanism education is to cul

36、tivate the students' ability of autonomous learning, to mobilize the initiative of students, and to promote students' exploration and development.2.1.3 The characteristics of autonomous learnersTo identify the characteristics of an autonomous learner is important. Gardner and Miller (1996:vi

37、i) defines autonomous language learners as those who “initiate the planning and implementation of their own learning program.” This definition goes some way towards clarifying the characteristics of autonomous language learners. However,as Nunan (1997:93) points out “it may well be that the fully au

38、tonomous learner is an ideal, rather than a reality.” Benn (1976, cited in Candy, 1991:102) links the autonomous learner to one “whose life has a consistency that derives from a coherent set of beliefs, values, and principles, and who engages in a still一continuing process of criticism and re- evalua

39、tion” while Rousseau(1911,cite in Candy,1991:102) regards the autonomous learner as someone “who is obedient to a law he prescribes to himself.” Therefore, within the context of education, though, there seems to be the following main attributes to characterizing autonomous learners according to Omag

40、gio." Autonomous learners have insights into their learning styles and strategies; autonomous learners can take an active approach to the learning task at hand;they are willing to take risks, ie. they are willing to communicate in the target language at all costs; they are good guessers; they a

41、ttend to form as well as content, that is, they place importance on accuracy as well as appropriate; they develop the target language into a separate reference and are willing to revise and reject hypotheses and rules that do not apply; they have a tolerant and outgoing approach to the target langua

42、ge.”(Omaggio, 1978:41-42)It's noteworthy that the points briefly touched upon above are not sufficient conditions for the development of learner autonomy necessary but and many more factors such as learner needs, motivation and attitudes, learning strategies and language awareness have to be tak

43、en into consideration. However, total autonomy is an ideal rarely reached, which is pointed out by a number of writers as Little (1996),Hunan (1997),and Gardner &Miller (1996). It is of consequence to note that autonomy is a process, not a product. One does not become autonomous; one only works

44、towards autonomy. So autonomy is “l(fā)earned at least partly through education experience and interventions” (Candy, 1991:115) but prior to sifting through the literature and discussing learning strategies, motivation, and attitudes enjoyed by learners, it would be pertinent to cast learner autonomy in

45、 relation to some important underpinning theories on learning and autonomous learning.2.2 Factors of influencing autonomy learningPsychologists believe that learning whether it is cognitive, emotional or motivation skills, not only by the process of self decision, it is also subject to environmental

46、, collective, social, family and other factors, so the impact of independent learning can be divided into internal factors and external factors.2.2.1 Internal factors of influencing autonomy learningAccording to Pang Weiguo (2004), the study of autonomous learning is influenced by many factors. At p

47、resent, the researchers are concerned about the effects of self-efficacy, attribution, goal setting, cognitive strategies, meta cognitive strategies, conscience level and gender factors in autonomous learning.Shao Ruizhen (1988) said: motivation is a very effective factor in the study of autonomous

48、learning, it is necessary to effectively carry out long-term meaningful learning, motivation is absolutely necessary. The motivation of learning motivation is the intrinsic factor of forming students' learning motivation. The intrinsic motivation of autonomous learning mainly includes learning n

49、eeds, self efficacy, value consciousness, learning interest, and the characteristics of students in these motivational components will directly affect their learning motivation level. In the author's view, interest, self-efficacy, attribution orientation, etc. These factors and the will quality

50、are the main factors that influence foreign language learning.Autonomous learning must be controlled by the conscience, which is to be able to "stick to learn". In the process of learning, students will inevitably encounter such as the difficulty of learning and interference, such as the d

51、ifficulty of understanding the problem, physical and mental fatigue, emotional and external factors such as interference, at this time will require students to use their will to control their own, so that learning to adhere to the line. According to the will theory of autonomous learning, the learni

52、ng motivation can not replace the role of will control in the process of autonomous learning. Generally speaking, students have some learning motivation at the beginning of the study, but with the increase of learning and learning difficulties, the promotion of learning motivation will gradually wea

53、ken, and the strength of learning can be controlled by the will. In other words, learning motivation has a stronger effect on the autonomous learning, and will control the autonomous learning with a stronger function (Peng Jinding, 2002)2.2.2 External factors of influencing autonomy learningThe exte

54、rnal factors that affect the students' independent learning are all the factors except the individual themselves, which can be divided into three categories: school education, family factors and social culture factors. This paper mainly discusses the influence factors of school education on stud

55、ents' foreign language learning.As we all know, the most important factor for students in school education is the teacher, and the teacher's educational ideas and teaching methods are very important to the students' autonomous learning ability. Therefore, teachers should renew their idea

56、s according to the new curriculum standard. Zimmerman (1995) divided the factors into two categories-social environment and physical environment. In the social environment, Provide a model for imitation and the peer, teacher and family members have an important influence on the autonomous learning.

57、In the physical environment, the information resources can be used as well as the learning place has certain influence on the autonomous learning. If the relationship between teachers and students is very harmonious, then students will be converted from the trust of teachers for autonomous learning, teachers' encouragement and expectations, it will enhance the students' learning autonomy;


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