Unit 2 Section B導學案_第1頁
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1、Unit 2I think that mooncakes are delicious! Section B(1a1d) . 單詞填寫單詞填寫1. haunted(adj. ) _2. ghost(n. ) _3. spider(n. ) _4. 花招花招; 把戲把戲(n. ) _5. 款待款待; 招待招待(v. &n. ) _答案答案: 1. 有鬼魂出沒的有鬼魂出沒的; 鬧鬼的鬧鬼的2. 鬼鬼; 鬼魂鬼魂3. 蜘蛛蜘蛛4. trick5. treat. 短語匹配短語匹配1. look scary A. 捉弄某人捉弄某人; 開某人玩笑開某人玩笑2. light candles B. 打扮打扮;

2、穿上盛裝穿上盛裝3. dress up C. 點燃蠟燭點燃蠟燭4. play a trick on sb. D. 看起來很恐怖看起來很恐怖. 句型填詞句型填詞1. 我知道它是北美的一個深受歡迎的節(jié)日我知道它是北美的一個深受歡迎的節(jié)日, 時間在十月三十一時間在十月三十一日。日。I know_ _ _ _ in North America and_ _ October 31st. 2. 我認為裝扮成卡通人物很有趣我認為裝扮成卡通人物很有趣! I think_ fun_ _ _ _ cartoon characters! 答案答案: 1. its a popular festival; its on

3、2. its; to dress up as1. When is Halloween? _2. Where is Halloween popular? _答案答案: 1. Its on October 31st. 2. In North America. dress up打扮打扮; 裝飾裝飾; 穿上盛裝穿上盛裝【語境領悟語境領悟】*Little kids and even parents dress up as ghosts or black cats. 小孩甚至父母裝扮成鬼或黑貓。小孩甚至父母裝扮成鬼或黑貓。*She likes to dress up like a boy. 她喜歡打扮得像

4、個男孩。她喜歡打扮得像個男孩。*People dress up in new clothes during Spring Festival. 在春節(jié)期間在春節(jié)期間, 人們穿著新衣服。人們穿著新衣服?!咀灾鳉w納自主歸納】dress up意為意為“打扮打扮; 裝飾裝飾; 穿上盛裝穿上盛裝”, 其常見搭配如下其常見搭配如下: 【學以致用學以致用】Toms father likes to_ (裝扮成裝扮成)Father Christmas on Christmas Day. 答案答案: dress up as. 用所給詞的適當形式填空用所給詞的適當形式填空1. Its said that many g

5、irls are afraid of_ (spider). 2. Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse are famous cartoon _ (character). 3. Some people think its fun_ (dress)up as ghosts on Halloween. 答案答案: 1. spiders2. characters3. to dress4. What does “trick or treat” mean? It means kids will play a trick on you if you_ (not give) them a

6、 treat. 5. Children go around the neighborhood_ (ask)for candy and treats on Halloween. 答案答案: 4. dont give 5. to ask. 單項選擇單項選擇1. In some countries, people try to play tricks_each other on April Fools Day. A. withB. atC. onD. to2. _fun to go to a costume party on Halloween night. A. Thats B. This isC

7、. It D. Its3. _is Halloween popular? In North America. A. Why B. When C. What D. Where4. He likes to_ as a black cat on Halloween. A. put up B. dress up C. give up D. look up5. Many people make the pumpkins_ like faces and put candles in them on Halloween. A. look B. looked C. looking D. to lookUnit

8、 2I think that mooncakes are delicious!Section B(2a2e) . 單詞填寫單詞填寫1. novel(n. )_2. business(n. ) _3. punish(v. ) _4. 警告警告; 告誡告誡(v. ) _答案答案: 1. (長篇長篇)小說小說2. 生意生意; 商業(yè)商業(yè)3. 處罰處罰; 懲罰懲罰4. warn5. 現(xiàn)在現(xiàn)在; 禮物禮物(n. ) _6. 傳播傳播; 展開展開; 蔓延蔓延(v. ) _7. warm(adj. )_ (n. )溫暖溫暖; 暖和暖和答案答案: 5. present6. spread7. warmth. 短語

9、互譯短語互譯1. care about _2. end up _3. in need _4. 使記起使記起; 使回想起使回想起 _ of 5. 醒醒; 醒來醒來 wake_答案答案: 1. 關心關心; 在乎在乎2. 最終成為最終成為; 最后處于最后處于3. 在危難中在危難中; 在窮困中的在窮困中的4. remind5. up. 句型填詞句型填詞1. 他僅僅關心他是否能掙更多的錢他僅僅關心他是否能掙更多的錢, 而且他厭惡圣誕節(jié)。而且他厭惡圣誕節(jié)。He just cares about_ _ _ make more money and he hates Christmas. 2. 他警告斯克魯奇做

10、出改變他警告斯克魯奇做出改變, 如果他不想最終像他那樣。如果他不想最終像他那樣。He warns Scrooge_ _ his ways_ he doesnt want to_ _ like him. 答案答案: 1. whether he can2. to change; if; end up3. 每個人都很快樂每個人都很快樂, 即使是貧窮的人。即使是貧窮的人。Everyone is happy, _ poor people. 4. 他決定改變他的生活并許諾做一個更好的人。他決定改變他的生活并許諾做一個更好的人。He decides to change his life and_ _ _ a

11、 better person. 5. 他現(xiàn)在用友善和溫暖對待每一個人他現(xiàn)在用友善和溫暖對待每一個人, 走到哪兒就將愛和快樂走到哪兒就將愛和快樂傳播到哪兒。傳播到哪兒。He now_ everyone_ _ and warmth, _ love and joy everywhere he goes. 答案答案: 3. even 4. promises to be5. treats; with kindness; spreadingWhat is the true spirit of Christmas? _答案答案: The importance of sharing and giving lo

12、ve and joy to people around us. 1. remind v. 提醒提醒; 使想起使想起; 使記起使記起【語境領悟語境領悟】*First, the Ghost of Christmas Past takes him back to his childhood and reminds Scrooge of his happier days as a child. 首先首先, “圣誕過去精靈圣誕過去精靈”帶斯克魯奇回到他的童年時代并使他帶斯克魯奇回到他的童年時代并使他回想起孩提時的快樂日子?;叵肫鸷⑻釙r的快樂日子。*The toy bear reminds me of m

13、y childhood memory. 那個玩具熊喚起了我對童年的回憶。那個玩具熊喚起了我對童年的回憶。*Please remind him to attend the meeting on time. 請?zhí)嵝阉磿r參加會議。請?zhí)嵝阉磿r參加會議。*He reminded me that I would answer the letter as early as possible. 他提醒我盡早回信。他提醒我盡早回信?!咀灾鳉w納自主歸納】remind動詞動詞, 意為意為“提醒提醒; 使想起使想起; 使記起使記起”, 其常見搭配如下其常見搭配如下: 【學以致用學以致用】昨晚的電視節(jié)目使我的姐姐想

14、起兩年前她在山村支教的經歷。昨晚的電視節(jié)目使我的姐姐想起兩年前她在山村支教的經歷。The TV program last night_ my sister_ her experience as a volunteer teacher in the mountain village two years ago. Please remind me_him back. A. callB. callingC. calledD. to call答案答案: reminded; of2. He now treats everyone with kindness and warmth, spreading l

15、ove and joy everywhere he goes. 他現(xiàn)在用友善和溫他現(xiàn)在用友善和溫暖對待每一個人暖對待每一個人, 走到哪兒就將愛和快樂傳播到哪兒。走到哪兒就將愛和快樂傳播到哪兒?!揪湫推饰鼍湫推饰觥烤渲芯渲衧preading love and joy everywhere he goes是現(xiàn)在分是現(xiàn)在分詞短語詞短語, 在句中作狀語在句中作狀語, 表示伴隨。表示伴隨?!練w納拓展歸納拓展】 現(xiàn)在分詞現(xiàn)在分詞(短語短語)作狀語的用法作狀語的用法(1)現(xiàn)在分詞現(xiàn)在分詞(短語短語)作狀語時作狀語時, 它的邏輯主語與句子的主語一致。它的邏輯主語與句子的主語一致。Walking in the

16、street, I found a little kid crying at the corner. (=While I was walking in the street, I found a little kid crying at the corner. )在街上走的時候在街上走的時候, 我發(fā)現(xiàn)一個小孩在街角哭泣。我發(fā)現(xiàn)一個小孩在街角哭泣。(2)現(xiàn)在分詞現(xiàn)在分詞(短語短語)作狀語作狀語, 可以表示時間、目的、條件、原因、可以表示時間、目的、條件、原因、結果、讓步、伴隨等。通常相當于一個狀語從句或并列分句。結果、讓步、伴隨等。通常相當于一個狀語從句或并列分句。Being ill, he h

17、ad to stay at home. 因為生病了因為生病了, 他不得不待在家中。他不得不待在家中。(分詞短語作原因狀語分詞短語作原因狀語)【學以致用學以致用】_the path that leads out of the town, you will come to a beautiful lake. A. TookB. TakingC. TakeD. Taken. 用所給詞的適當形式填空用所給詞的適當形式填空1. The Old Man and the Sea is a very famous novel_ (write) by Hemingway. 2. Look! That is th

18、e young man_ (name)Jack. 3. What we expect_ (learn)from the novel is the true meaning of life. 4. I think that people should treat each other with kindness and_ (warm). 5. If one breaks the law, he or she will_ (punish). 答案答案: 1. written2. named3. to learn4. warmth5. be punished. 單項選擇單項選擇1. Its real

19、ly important_and give love and joy to people around us. A. sharing B. share C. to share D. shares2. If you dont work hard, you might_failing the exam. A. end up B. get upC. look up D. put up3. The old man lives happily, _he is poor. A. because B. until C. if D. even4. I dont like people_only care ab

20、out themselves. A. what B. which C. who D. whether5. What does this piece of music remind you_? My hometown and my childhood. A. at B. of C. to D. withUnit 2I think that mooncakes are delicious! Section B(3aSelf Check) Not only do people spread them around in different hiding places for an egg hunt,

21、 but they also give out these treats as gifts. 人們不僅把它們分散放到不同的藏匿的地方來玩尋找復活節(jié)彩人們不僅把它們分散放到不同的藏匿的地方來玩尋找復活節(jié)彩蛋的游戲蛋的游戲, 而且他們也把這些食品當作禮物來分發(fā)。而且他們也把這些食品當作禮物來分發(fā)。【句型剖析句型剖析】本句是一個由并列連詞本句是一個由并列連詞not only. . . but(also)連接的并列句。連接的并列句。not only. . . but(also)連接兩個并列分句時連接兩個并列分句時, not only置于句首置于句首, 表示強調表示強調, 其引導的句子要用部分倒裝結構其

22、引導的句子要用部分倒裝結構“Not only +助動詞助動詞/情態(tài)動詞情態(tài)動詞/系動詞系動詞+主語主語+其他其他”, 而而but(also)引導的句子用正常引導的句子用正常語序。語序?!練w納拓展歸納拓展】not only. . . but also運用運用“兩原則兩原則”(1)并列原則并列原則: not only. . . but also“不但不但而且而且”是并列是并列連詞連詞, 連接兩個并列成分連接兩個并列成分, 其中其中also可省略??墒÷?。(2)就近原則就近原則: not only. . . but also連接兩個并列主語時連接兩個并列主語時, 謂語動謂語動詞在人稱和數上要與詞在人

23、稱和數上要與but also后的主語保持一致。例如后的主語保持一致。例如: Not only Tom but also David has been to the Great Wall. 不僅湯姆去過長城不僅湯姆去過長城, 戴維也去過。戴維也去過?!緦W以致用學以致用】Not only_I feel good about helping other people, but I get to spend time doing what I love to do. A. amB. willC. didD. do【創(chuàng)新寫作創(chuàng)新寫作】3b. Write a letter to your pen pal

24、and tell him/her about your favorite Chinese festival. Use your notes in 3a. What is the name of the festival? Mid-Autumn FestivalWhen is it? The 15th day of the 8th month of the Chinese calendarWhat do people eat? MooncakesWhat do people do? Admire the moon, share mooncakes, tell folk stories about

25、 Mid-Autumn FestivalWhy do you like itso much? Families get together onMid-Autumn DayUse the following expressions to help you: My favorite Chinese festival is. . . It is celebrated in/on. . . During this festival, people. . . Its my favorite festival because. . . It makes me feel. . . 【思路點撥思路點撥】(1)

26、體裁體裁: 應用文。應用文。(2)人稱人稱: 第三人稱。第三人稱。(3)時態(tài)時態(tài): 一般現(xiàn)在時。一般現(xiàn)在時?!緦懽髂0鍖懽髂0濉俊久罟P成篇妙筆成篇】Dear Tony, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Yours, Li Ming【參考范文參考范文】Dear Tony, Do you know Mid-Autumn Festival in China? Its my favorite festival. Its celebrated on the 15th day of the 8th month of the Chinese calendar. During this festival, people usually hold Mid-Autumn Festival celebrations to celebrate it. People say “Happy Moon Festival”to each other. On Mid-Autumn night, families get together in the open air outside their houses, admire the moon and eat mooncakes. People also tell folk stories about Mid-Autumn Festival. For e


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