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1、讀說寫復習資料Unit1A.1. Identity. The company has planned to strengthen its corporate for_.2. Mobile The results of this survey demonstrate clearly the fact that younger people are the most _.3. Update More than 100 development groups throughout the world are working on the technology, many of them attempt

2、ing to _ old designs to work with modern engines.4. Ethnic But to ignore the evidence of differences in performance between gender or _ groups can lead to unjust treatment of individuals5. Disruptive I am pleased with the progress to date and I believe that you are not finding the process too _.6. R

3、ealignment The markets are smart enough to guests when a _ is coming.7. Assume You simply cannot _ that because the report has been well received that it will automatically produce action or a decision. 8. Academic _ qualifications cannot be the only criteria in judging a person.9. Isolated If diffi

4、culties do arise during your time abroad, you may feel _ and vulnerable to pressure both from local management and head office.10. Specialists Many museums employ _ to offer teachers sample worksheets.B.11. 1-5 ABDCB 6-10 ABCDA1The country is heavily dependent on its oil exports.A. reliant on 2 An a

5、lternative approach is to define words according to the sentence contexts in which they occur.B. explain3 3.A second hospital has been accused of mixing up a babys name tag, making the mother fear she had the wrong child. D. label4 4. The director will have to shift his roles and expectations when h

6、es asked by the rest of the board to answer criticism of company performance. C. alter 5.Japanese computer makers are turning to scientists overseas to help them develop software and applications for massively parallel supercomputers.B. immensely 6 6.There is also evidence that younger people expect

7、 to transfer the source of their main emotional support to their spouse when they marry.A. move . to 7 Psychometric tests which attempt to measure students ability to use the library have been developed and made use of primarily in the USA.B. assess8.Consequently, the neighborhood they live in, the

8、interests they have, the lifestyle of their friends and colleagues, will necessarily determine what reality is for the child.C. residential district 9.The aim is to help participants identify their own learning needs in this area and then to suggest ways in which they can increase their knowledge. D

9、. recognize10.As we shall see later, they have been one of the factors that have helped to tip the economic balance firmly against the nuclear option.A. tilt ClozeI remember viewing half a dozen men in a chair factory whose job was to bend several pieces of steel and attach them so that a folding ch

10、air would result. The men knew they 1)_ Were _ good. When I talked with them, each expressed enormous 2) _ 1.Pride_ in being a part of the fastest, best team. And this sense of belonging 3) _ 1.To_ an accomplished work group is one of the distinctive satisfactions of the world of 4) 1.Work Unlike ma

11、ny other aspects of life, relationships among people at work 5)_ 1.Tend_ to be simpler, less complicated, somewhat less emotional. This is 6)_ 2.Not_ to say there arent arguments and jealousies, but, on the 7)_ 2.Whole_, behavioral research discloses that 8)_ 2.Human_ relations at work are just easi

12、er, perhaps because they are more regular and predictable and 9)_ 1.Thus_ simpler to adjust to than the sporadic, the more intense and 10)_ 1Less_ regular relationships in the community. And the work group also gently pressures its members to learn how to 11)_adjust_ to one another so that the “roug

13、h edges” are worked 12)_off_ because people know they must do certain things 13)_with_ and through one another each day.14)_Beyond_ the team and the work group, there is the organization, whether it be company or hospital or university. The 15)_same_ pride in being part of a well-coordinated, succes

14、sful unit is 16)_derived_ from being part of a larger collectivity. Working for a company that is 17)_thought_ of as being part of the best in the community can provide employees 18)_with_ both status and self-confidence. They assume, usually with good reasons, that others regard them more 19)_highl

15、y_ , even envy them, and that they are more 20)_competent_ than the average because of this association with a “winner,” a prestigious institution.TranslationA1. The restaurant industry has one thing in common with the film industry: the high failure rate among its small businesses. 餐飲行業(yè)與電影行業(yè)的共同之處在于

16、其小型企業(yè)的失敗率很高.2. His greatness lies in his outstanding ability to connect the qualities of a scientist with those of an industrialist. 他的偉大在于他具有非凡的能力把科學家和實業(yè)家的品質(zhì)結(jié)合起來了.3. We have replaced ethnic identity with professional identity, the way we replaced neighborhoods with the workplace, which is quite obv

17、ious among the mobile professions. 像工作單位取代居住地一樣,我們的種族身份已被職業(yè)身份所取代.這一現(xiàn)象在流動作業(yè)的行業(yè)中表現(xiàn)得尤為明顯.4. Plainly, in any large enterprise the boss cannot be directly involved in everything, and some means have to be found to transfer his belief to others. 顯然,任何一家大公司的老板都不可能事事親力親為,需要找到一些方法把他們的理念傳達給他人.5. No one was wi

18、lling to experience the feeling of being out of control and dependent on someone elses approval, at someone elses mercy. 沒有任何人愿意再過那種自己無法控制、要別人認可、任人擺布的日子了.6. The human being longs for a sense of being accomplished, of being able to do things, with his hand, with his mind and with his will. 人們渴望一種成就感,

19、渴望有能力憑自己的手、自己的腦、自己的意志辦成事情.7. The government hopes that sale of a chunk of its assets will help make up for its loss. 政府希望通過大量出售資產(chǎn)來彌補損失.8. In modern society, people are more likely to be identified by their professions, rather than by their communities. 現(xiàn)代社會里人們的身份更多地由他們所從事的職業(yè),而不是他們所生活的社區(qū)來界定.9. Career

20、s jobs and work do much more than most of us realize to provide happiness and contentment. 職業(yè)和工作在使人得到幸福與滿足方面所起的作用比我們大多數(shù)人意識到的要多得多.10. We did have an investigation with regard to the issue, but we should not comment on it. 我們的確對這個事件進行了調(diào)查,但不會對正在進行的調(diào)查作任何評論.B Not all the neighborhoods are empty, nor is e

21、very workplace a friendly playground. Most of us have had mixed experiences in these environments. Yet as one woman told me recently, she knows more about the people she passes on the way to her desk than on her way around the block. Our new sense of community hasns just moved from house to office b

22、uilding. The labels that we wear connect us with members from distant companies, cities, and states. We assume that have something “in common” with other teachers, nurses, city planners. (Para.11)不是所有的住宅區(qū)都是空的,也不是所有的工作單位都是友好的.多數(shù)人在這里都曾有過復雜的經(jīng)歷.然而,最近一位女性朋友告訴我她對工作單位里的人的了解程度要勝于對同一街區(qū)人的了解程度.我們不僅把社區(qū)的概念從住宅區(qū)遷移

23、到辦公樓,上班時身上佩戴的標志也把我們和異國他鄉(xiāng)的人們和公司員工聯(lián)系在一起.我們假設自己和其他的教師、護士、城市規(guī)劃者有某些共同點。,Its not unlike the experience of our immigrant grandparents. Many who came to this country still identified themselves as members of the Italian community, the Irish community, the Polish community. They sought out and assumed connec

24、tions with people from the old country. Many of us have updated that experience. We have replaced ethnic identity with professional identity, the way we replaced neighborhoods with the workplace. This whole realignment of community is surely most obvious among the mobile. In an age of specialists, t

25、hey may have to search harder to find people who speak the same language. (Para.12)這有點像最初移民來到美國我們的祖輩們的經(jīng)歷,許多人來到這里以后把自己原來的國籍還當成一個社區(qū),所以有意大利人社區(qū)、愛爾蘭人社區(qū)、波蘭人社區(qū)等。他們不斷尋找并設想自己與來自同一個國家的人們有著親密的聯(lián)系。我們把這種體驗提升了一步。像工作單位取代居住地一樣,我們的職業(yè)身份取代了種族身份。這種社區(qū)的完全重組在流動作業(yè)的行業(yè)中表現(xiàn)得最為明顯,那些在不同城市變換工作的人似乎把自己的身份根植與他們的行業(yè)中。在這個充滿專業(yè)人士的時代,他們不得不

26、費勁周折去尋找有共同語言的人。Unit 2A.1. Roaring . In the summer, I prefer _ on the field with my friends and enjoying the sunshine to staying at home alone2. Was hounded 2. We felt sorry for his trouble. He _ by many creditors, losing all his property and being discarded by his family.3. Preposterous Men love the

27、ir ideas more than their lives. And the more _ the idea, the more eager they are to die for it.4. Vulgar I was so shocked when I found that the _ imitation of the president and other officials did please the well-educated audience and an understanding laugh broke out in the hall.5. Defects Although

28、many of us want to be perfect in all aspects, we need to admit that everyone has his/her _ and no one is impeccable.6. Vengeance To take _ on Germany, at the end of World War II, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics bombed Berlin severely.7. Exquisite To be a successful artist, you need not only

29、to have a(n) _ sense of color but also to keep practicing as much as you can.8. Gaudy When we visited the famous hall, we found that the _ decorations revealed the vulgar taste of the house owner, who was a tycoon of housing industry.9. Maxim We all believe in the _ that actions speak louder than wo

30、rds.10. Status quo As a member from the conservative group, this nominee was chosen since it had been widely known that he would fight tooth and nail to maintain the _ and make no change to the current policies.B.1-5 ACBBD6-10ACDBD1.Dont interrupt him. He is now working seriously on his dissertation

31、 that is due at the end of this semester.A. buckling down to 2.He has a bad temper and always falls into a fury for the slightest reason, which makes him extremely unwelcome among all the friends.C. an extreme anger .3Through reading the novel, the students realized that the hunchbacks hideous appea

32、rance could not conceal his noble characters.B. ugly and unpleasant. 4 When the World War II broke out and the area was bombed severely, many city dwellers had to move to the sticks and led a totally different life.B. country areas 5.In the general conference, his coarse speaking tone irritated the

33、delegate from the neighboring country and then everyone was involved in a fierce debate. D. rude6.The police had to keep track of all the actions of the suspects in order to identify the real criminal.A. be informed about 7.Confronted with all these evidences and the witnesses, the drunk driver conc

34、eded that it was he who caused the fatality of the 3 victims in the traffic accident. C. admit 8. When famine and drought became more severe, the president said he could not size up the whole situation and take any action unless he had received a complete report. D. make a judgment about.9 Gaping at

35、 the TV screen and watching the fire and smoke, the whole world was startled and could not believe the World Trade Center turned into ruins.B. Staring 10 When thousands of bodies, including those of women and children, were discovered in the forest, everyone and all the media took the same side, cri

36、ticizing the monstrous mass murder with full bullets. D. evilCloze1. launched 2. with 3. however 4. on 5. hiding 6. exercise 7. varied 8. within 9. scores 10. average 11. quickest 12. received 13. problems 14. along 15. essential 16. through 17. perform 18. avoid 19. series 20. DropAround 1970, psyc

37、hologist Walter Mischel 1)_ a classic experiment. He left a succession of 4-year-olds in a room 2)_ a bell and a marshmallow (藥葵蜜餞). If they rang the bell, he would come back and they could eat the marshmallow. If, 3)_, they didnt ring the bell and waited for him to come back 4)_ his own, they could

38、 then have two marshmallows.In videos of the experiment, you can see the children kicking and 5)_ their eyes desperately trying to 6)_ self-control so they can wait and get two marshmallows. Their performance 7)_ widely. Some broke down and rang the bell 8)_ a minute. Others lasted 15 minutes. The c

39、hildren who waited longer went on to get higher SAT 9)_. They got into better colleges and had, on 10)_, better adult outcomes. The children who rang the bell 11)_ were more likely to become bullies. They 12)_ worse teacher and parental evaluations 10 years later and were more likely to have drug 13

40、)_ at age 32 The Mischel experiments, 14)_ with everyday experience, tell us that self-control is 15)_. Young people who can delay gratification can sit 16)_ sometimes boringclasses to get a degree. They can 17)_ rote tasks in order to, say, master a language. They can 18)_ drugs and alcohol. For pe

41、ople without self-control skills, however, school is a 19)_ of failed ordeals. No wonder they 20)_ out. Life is a parade of foolish decisions: teenage pregnancy, drug use, gambling, truancy and crime.A 1.盡管已歷經(jīng)無數(shù)失敗,凱瑟琳仍然相信她能把兒子培養(yǎng)成為世界冠軍。Although she has gone through numerous failures, Katherine still

42、believes that she could make a world champion of her son.2. 這個培訓項目其實不算糟糕,但如果它的課程再實用一點就更好了。This training program is not really a bad experience. But I would have liked it better if the courses had been a bit more practical.3.你應該沒這么笨,竟然會打開一個可疑的附件。You should have known better than to open a suspicious

43、attachment.4. 他不幸在一次意外的交通事故中喪生,留下尚未做完的實驗。Unfortunately he died from a sudden traffic accident, leaving the experiment half-done.5. 那個街角的食品市場能改建成花園,豈不是更好嗎?Wouldnt it be better if the food market on the street corner could be turned into a garden?6. 盡管我竭力想討好每一個人,但說話卻好像總是不合時宜。Much as I am eager to plea

44、se everyone, I seem never be able to speak out the right thing at the right time.7. 這個小玩意兒是送給老年人的好禮物,它能精確地跟蹤血壓。This little gadget makes a good present for the elderly, for it can keep accurate track of ones blood pressure.8. 簡總是在為下一項成就而努力,從來沒有時間坐下來欣賞自己已經(jīng)取得的成績。Jane is always working so hard to achiev

45、e the next thing and she never has time to sit back and pat herself on the back about the things that she has already done.9. 湯姆審時度勢,決定縮小企業(yè)規(guī)模,后來證明這是明智之舉。Tom sized up the situation, and decided to downsize his business, which turned out to be a wise decision.11. 我們學校僅僅維持現(xiàn)狀是不夠的,它應該加速發(fā)展,力爭成為中國最好的大學之一。I

46、t is not enough for our university to resign itself to the status quo; it should speed up its development, and make itself one of the best universities in China.B It is not enough for our university to resign itself to the status quo; it should speed up its development, and make itself one of the be

47、st universities in China. Onward and upward was the course she set. Small progress was no excuse for feeling satisfied with yourself. People who stopped to pat themselves on the back didnt last long. Even if you got to the top, youd better not take it easy. “The bigger they come, the harder they fal

48、l” was one of her favorite maxims. (Para.21) 進取、進取、再進取,這是母親給我設定的方向。小小的進步是不足以自我滿足的。那些因成功而沾沾自喜停下來欣賞自己的人是不會持久的。即使你已經(jīng)到達頂峰,你也最好不要放松?!芭赖迷礁撸さ迷酵础笔悄赣H的至理名言。It wasnt the gin that was shouting. It was my mother. The gin only gave me the courage to announce to them that yes, by God, I had always believed in suc

49、cess, had always believed that without hard work and self-discipline you could never amount to anything, and didnt deserve to. (Para.32)其實不是杜松子酒在吼,是我的母親在吼。酒只是借給了我勇氣向他們宣布那個想法。是的,上帝可以作證,我一直相信成功,一直相信如果沒有辛勤的勞動和嚴格的自律,一個人不可能有任何成就,也不配有成就。Unit 3A.1. As house prices _plummet_, the new breed of renters escape

50、 the danger of falling into debt traps and save their spare cash for the future. 2. Nothing could _daunt _ me and I talked to everyone with the same message: “Cancer was absolutely great because it put you in touch with yourself and the world”. 3. The 19-year-old model Saffron Domini needed little p

51、ersuasion to appear in a _ harrowing _ film about racism and violence.4. Carefree and full of youthful enthusiasm, his happy _ disposition _ attracted whites and Indians alike. 5.In British political life of the previous twenty years, latent anti-Jewish feeling had been apt to _surface. _ in respons

52、e to particular events. 6.With standards often being poor, unregulated, and uncontrolled, disaster seems _ imminent _.7. After walking for an hour, she wasnt sweating, but there was a pleasurable sense of exertion 8. Particularly worrisome were the fruit drinks, which projected a _ wholesome _ image

53、 while containing sugar in some form or another 9. With the rising tide and bad conditions it was possible that the _ stranded _ man might not survive until the lifeboat arrived.10. One study estimates that the headquarters and related functions of big American companies _gobble_ up almost a fifth o

54、f their annual profits.B.1-5 ACBCA 6-10 BDACB 1 With a(n) _ network of committees, sports clubs and societies, each student is encouraged to play a full part in this aspect of student life.A. thriving2 They may pick up ideas almost at random from skimming journals, ideas that may _ new trains of tho

55、ught or fruitful new cross-connections. C. spark 3.Being a good listener is not only useful because you will hear what others miss, but you will find that people will tell you things that they _ others.B. shield from 4 What right did he have to come back into her life like this, trying to _ it into

56、small pieces that couldnt be put back together for a second time? C. shatter 5.In many areas local services were provided by numerous different authorities, which often gave rise to _ co-ordination problems.A. acute 6.The awful truth that he was suffering from lung cancer _ him, though his family members tried very hard to keep the secret.B. dawned on 7.I suppose yoga enthusiasts w


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