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1、數(shù) 控 技 術(shù) 課 題 畢 業(yè) 設(shè) 計(jì) 任 務(wù) 書課題名稱數(shù)控銑削編程與加工設(shè)計(jì)所屬院系機(jī)電工程系所屬專業(yè)數(shù)控專業(yè)班 級(jí)08數(shù)控(1)班畢業(yè)設(shè)計(jì)人趙指導(dǎo)老師徐填表日期 2010.112011.04目錄一緒 論二零件圖 (一).零件結(jié)構(gòu)工藝分析,毛坯及加工定位基準(zhǔn)的確定1.零件圖分析 2.數(shù)控加工工藝性分析 3.毛坯的確定方法 4.確定裝夾方案 (二).擬定加工工藝路線,制定工序卡片 1.加工方法的選擇 2.銑刀參數(shù)的選擇 3.工件的加工工藝分析 4.填寫工序卡三.數(shù)控編程 1.工件加工路線的安排 2.走刀路線 3.加工程序編制四.設(shè)計(jì)心得五.參考資料一.緒論數(shù)控機(jī)床是按照事先編制好的數(shù)控程序自

2、動(dòng)地對(duì)工件進(jìn)行加工的高效自動(dòng)地設(shè)備,數(shù)控程序除了能保證加工出符合圖樣需求的合格零件外,還應(yīng)該充分地發(fā)揮利用數(shù)控機(jī)床的各種功能。使數(shù)控機(jī)床能更安全,可靠,高效地工作。它與普通機(jī)床相比,其優(yōu)越性是顯而易見的,不僅零件加工精度高,產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量穩(wěn)定,且自動(dòng)化程度高,可減輕工人的體力勞動(dòng)強(qiáng)度,大大提高了生產(chǎn)效率,特別值得一提的是數(shù)控機(jī)床可完成普通機(jī)床難以完成或根本不能加工的復(fù)雜曲面的零件加工,因而數(shù)控機(jī)床在機(jī)械制造業(yè)中的地位越來越顯得重要。 隨著數(shù)控技術(shù)的發(fā)展,采用數(shù)控系統(tǒng)的機(jī)床品種日益增多,有車床、銑床、鏜床、鉆床、磨床、齒輪加工機(jī)床和電火花加工機(jī)床等。此外還有能自動(dòng)換刀,一次裝卡進(jìn)行多工序加工的加工中心


4、工或中小批量多品種生產(chǎn)更為適用。 經(jīng)過幾十年的發(fā)展,目前的數(shù)控機(jī)床已實(shí)現(xiàn)了計(jì)算機(jī)控制并在工業(yè)界得到廣泛適用,在模具制造業(yè)的應(yīng)用尤為普及。針對(duì)車削,銑削,磨削,鉆削和刨削等金屬切削加工工藝及電加工,激光加工等特種加工工藝的需求,開發(fā)了各種門類的數(shù)控加工機(jī)床。數(shù)控機(jī)床種類繁多,一般將數(shù)控機(jī)床分為16大類:數(shù)控車床(含有銑削功能的車削中心)數(shù)控銑床(含銑削中心)、數(shù)控鏗床、以銑程削為主的加工中心、數(shù)控磨床(含磨削中心)、數(shù)控鉆床(含鉆削中心)數(shù)控拉床、數(shù)控刨床、數(shù)控切斷機(jī)床、數(shù)控齒輪加工機(jī)床、數(shù)控激光加工機(jī)床、數(shù)控電火花切割機(jī)床、數(shù)控電火花成型機(jī)床(含電加工中心)、數(shù)控板村成型加工機(jī)床、數(shù)控管料成型

5、加工機(jī)床和其他數(shù)控機(jī)床。二零件圖 本設(shè)計(jì)課題零件圖如圖1所示:(一).零件結(jié)構(gòu)工藝分析,毛坯及加工定位基準(zhǔn)的確定 1.零件圖分析 1). 概括了解 此零件為圓盤型,中間有一通孔,材料為45號(hào)鋼,畫圖采用1:1比例。 2).分析視圖 此圓盤零件形狀簡(jiǎn)單,采用一個(gè)主視圖表達(dá)形體各部分的長(zhǎng)和高,一個(gè)俯視圖表達(dá)形體各部分的長(zhǎng)和寬,此零件沒有其他需要單獨(dú)表達(dá)的部位。 3).尺寸分析 從圖紙上可以看出,圓盤各部分的尺寸基準(zhǔn)均為對(duì)稱中心線.高度方向的尺寸基準(zhǔn)為底面,其余尺寸都是定形尺寸.2.數(shù)控加工工藝性分析 1).數(shù)控加工工藝分析方法 被加工零件的數(shù)控加工工藝性問題涉及較廣,下面結(jié)合編程的可能性和方便性提

6、出一些必須分析和審查的主要內(nèi)容。 a.尺寸標(biāo)注應(yīng)符合數(shù)控加工的特點(diǎn) 在數(shù)控編程中,所有點(diǎn)、線、面的尺寸和位置都是以編程原點(diǎn)為基礎(chǔ)的,因此零件圖樣上最好直接給出尺寸或盡量以同一基準(zhǔn)引注尺寸。 b.幾何要素的條件應(yīng)完整,準(zhǔn)確 在程序編制中,編程人員必須充分掌握構(gòu)成零件輪廓的幾何要素,參數(shù)及幾何要素間的關(guān)系,因?yàn)樵谧詣?dòng)編程時(shí)要對(duì)零件輪廓的所有幾何元素進(jìn)行定義,手工編程時(shí)要計(jì)算出每個(gè)節(jié)點(diǎn)的坐標(biāo),無論哪一點(diǎn)不明確或不確定,編程都無法進(jìn)行。 c.統(tǒng)一幾何類型及尺寸 零件的外形,內(nèi)腔最好采用統(tǒng)一的幾何類型及尺寸,這樣可以減少換刀次數(shù),還可能應(yīng)用控制程序以縮短程序長(zhǎng)度,零件的形狀盡可能對(duì)稱,便于利用數(shù)控機(jī)床的

7、鏡像加工功能來編程以節(jié)省編程時(shí)間。 2).零件的數(shù)控加工工藝分析 此工件輪廓由直線和圓弧構(gòu)成,各圓均為同心圓,直線與圓弧均相切連接。橫向和縱向以對(duì)稱中心為基準(zhǔn)相統(tǒng)一,標(biāo)注符合數(shù)控加工特點(diǎn),槽輪廓最小圓弧半徑R5mm,槽深3mm,刀具選擇直徑應(yīng)小于10mm,長(zhǎng)度大于6mm。由于槽深不大,對(duì)銑刀的剛性影響較小。 3.毛坯的確定方法 工件材料為45 鋼,沒有力學(xué)性能要求,有槽,零件毛坯選擇型材,毛坯大小為110mm×10mm 4.確定裝夾方案 此工件選擇夾具為常用夾具平口鉗,工件高出平口鉗的高度大于5mm,定位基準(zhǔn)為平口鉗不動(dòng)的鉗口面,平口鉗在數(shù)控銑床上主要用來安裝小型較規(guī)則的零件、如板塊

8、類零件、盤套類零件、軸類零件和小型支架等。 (二).擬定加工工藝路線,制定工序卡片1.加工方法的選擇 銑削加工是機(jī)械加工中最常用的加工方法之一,它主要包括平面銑削和輪廓銑削,也可以對(duì)零件進(jìn)行鉆、絞、鏜、惚加工及螺紋加工等,數(shù)控銑削可采用不同的加工方法加工零件。 選用機(jī)用平口鉗裝夾工件,校正平口鉗,固定鉗口的平行度以及工件上表面的平行度后夾緊工件,利用偏心式導(dǎo)邊器找正工件X,Y軸零點(diǎn),設(shè)定Z軸零點(diǎn)與機(jī)床坐標(biāo)系原點(diǎn)重合。 此工件需要加工部分為上下表面,都屬于第一類平面類零件的加工,因此加工刀具選擇圓柱立銑刀沿輪廓運(yùn)動(dòng)的加工,公差等級(jí)為IT 8級(jí),表面粗糙度為1.6mm,因此采用粗銑精銑加工方法。

9、2.銑刀參數(shù)的選擇 零件材料為45 ,切削性能好,選用8高速鋼立銑刀,主軸轉(zhuǎn)速取150235r/min,進(jìn)給速度取3060mm/min,槽深3mm。銑削余量分兩次完成,第一次被吃刀量2mm,第二次被吃刀量1mm隨同輪廓的精銑一起完成,槽兩側(cè)面各留0.50.7mm精銑余量。 3.工件的加工工藝分析此工件加工毛坯的大小為110mm×10mm,在數(shù)控加工之前增加一個(gè)正火熱處理工序,然后數(shù)控加工,工序按工序集中原則劃分,減少工件裝夾次數(shù),數(shù)控加工工步劃分如表11所示:表11 刀具及切削參數(shù)表工步號(hào) 工步內(nèi)容 刀具號(hào) 刀具類型 切削用量 備注主軸轉(zhuǎn)速 進(jìn)給速度 被吃刀量 1 粗銑定位基面 T0

10、1 10鍵槽銑刀 260 40 2 2 精銑槽輪廓面 T01 10鍵槽銑刀 260 25 1 3 鉆20mm通孔 T02 18.5mm鉆頭 300 60 4.工件安裝和工序卡 工件安裝卡如表12所列: 表12 工件安裝和原點(diǎn)設(shè)定卡片零件圖號(hào) 數(shù)控加工工件安裝和原點(diǎn)設(shè)定卡片 工序號(hào) 1零件名稱 圓盤 裝夾次數(shù) 1 Z Z1.平口鉗2.工件編制/日期 審核/日期 批準(zhǔn)/日期 序號(hào) 夾具名稱 夾具編號(hào) 1 平口鉗工件加工工序卡如表13所列:表13 數(shù)控加工工序卡片產(chǎn)品名稱或代號(hào) 零件名稱 零件圖號(hào)(單位) 數(shù)控加工工序卡片 車間 使用設(shè)備 工序簡(jiǎn)圖 工藝序號(hào) 程序編號(hào) 1 001 夾具名稱 夾具編號(hào)

11、 平口鉗 工步號(hào) 工步內(nèi)容 加工面 刀具號(hào) 刀補(bǔ)量 主軸轉(zhuǎn)速 進(jìn)給速度 被吃刀量 備注/(r/min) /(mm/r) 粗銑定位基面 T01 0 260 40 2 精銑槽輪廓面 T02 0 260 25 1 鉆20mm通孔 T03 0 300 60 三數(shù)控編程 1.工件加工路線的安排此工件加工采用順銑,從俯視角度看刀具應(yīng)為逆時(shí)針走刀,此時(shí)還應(yīng)考慮加工時(shí)的刀具半徑補(bǔ)償。根據(jù)走刀路徑可以確定,刀具在切削過程中應(yīng)為左刀補(bǔ),即G41。建立刀補(bǔ)和撤銷刀補(bǔ)應(yīng)在切入零件輪廓后和切出前零件輪廓進(jìn)行。坐標(biāo)點(diǎn)計(jì)算在手工編程時(shí),坐標(biāo)值計(jì)算要根據(jù)圖樣尺寸和設(shè)定的編程原點(diǎn),按確定的加工路線,對(duì)刀尖從加工開始到結(jié)束過程中

12、每條運(yùn)動(dòng)軌跡的起點(diǎn)或終點(diǎn)坐標(biāo)值進(jìn)行一個(gè)一個(gè)點(diǎn)仔細(xì)計(jì)算。由于銑床具有刀具半徑補(bǔ)償功能,按照工件輪廓線計(jì)算刀具軌跡線,根據(jù)工件坐標(biāo)系的設(shè)置,利用數(shù)學(xué)公式進(jìn)行計(jì)算。 2.走刀路線 順時(shí)針方向依次挖槽 3.加工程序編制N10 T01 選第一把刀N20 G90 G54 G40 G49 G17N30 G00 X-15 Y70 Z50 快速定位到A點(diǎn)N40 Z5 下刀N50 M03 S800 主軸以800r/min正轉(zhuǎn)N60 M08 打開切削液N70 G01 Z-2 以進(jìn)給速度下刀刀2mm的高度N80 G41 X-15 Y53 D01 建立左刀補(bǔ)到a點(diǎn)N90 Y26 直線插補(bǔ)到b點(diǎn)N100 G03 X-8

13、Y21 R5 圓弧插補(bǔ)到c點(diǎn)N110 G02 X8 Y21 R22.5 圓弧插補(bǔ)到d點(diǎn)N120 G03 X15 Y26 R5 圓弧插補(bǔ)到e點(diǎn)N130 G01 X15 Y53 直線插補(bǔ)到f點(diǎn)N140 Y70 退刀到B點(diǎn)N150 X-15N160 Y53 Z-3 繼續(xù)切深1mmN170 Y26N180 G03 X-8 Y21 R5N190 G02 X8 Y21 R22.5N200 G03 X15 Y26 R5N210 G01 X15 Y53N220 G40 X15 Y70 取消刀具補(bǔ)償?shù)紹點(diǎn)N230 Z50 抬刀N240 G00 X0 Y0N250 G11 N030.230 關(guān)于Y軸鏡像加工下圓面

14、N260 M05 N270 G91 G28 X0 Y0 Z0 返回參考點(diǎn)N280 G01 X70 Y15 快速定位到C點(diǎn)N290 G41 X44 Y15 Z-2 D02 以進(jìn)給速度下刀2mm高度N300 X26 Y15 直線插補(bǔ)到i點(diǎn)N310 G03 X21 Y8 R5 圓弧插補(bǔ)到j(luò)點(diǎn)N320 G02 X21 Y-8 R22.5 圓弧插補(bǔ)到k點(diǎn)N330 G03 X26 Y-15 R5 圓弧插補(bǔ)到l點(diǎn)N340 G01 X44 Y-15 直線插補(bǔ)到m點(diǎn)N350 G03 X49 Y-11 R5 圓弧插補(bǔ)到n點(diǎn)N360 X49 Y11 R50 圓弧插補(bǔ)到g點(diǎn)N370 X44 Y15 R5 圓弧插補(bǔ)返回

15、h點(diǎn)N380 Z-3 繼續(xù)切深1mmN390 G01 X26 Y15N400 G03 X21 Y8 R5N410 G02 X21 Y-8 R22.5N420 G03 X26 Y-15 R5N430 G01 X44 Y-15N440 G03 X49 Y-11 R5N450 X49 Y11 R50N460 X44 Y15 R5N470 G40 Z20 取消刀補(bǔ),退刀N480 G01 X70 Y15 回到進(jìn)刀點(diǎn)CN490 G12 N280.480 關(guān)于X軸鏡像加工左圓面N500 G00 X0 Y0 Z0N510 M05N520 M09N530 G28 Z100N540 T02N550 G90 G54

16、 G40 G49 G17N560 G00 X0 Y0 Z50N570 M03 S1000N580 M08N590 Z5N600 Z-10.5N610 G00 Z50N620 M05N630 M09N640 G28 Z100N650M30 四設(shè)計(jì)心得通過本次課程設(shè)計(jì),我進(jìn)一步鞏固和加深對(duì)數(shù)控技術(shù)基礎(chǔ)理論知識(shí)、數(shù)控加工基本技能的掌握,提高了解決數(shù)控加工范圍內(nèi)的一般工程技術(shù)問題的能力,擴(kuò)大、深化所學(xué)的數(shù)控方面專業(yè)知識(shí)和技能,進(jìn)一步提高了自己的實(shí)際動(dòng)手能力。 1.經(jīng)過對(duì)本次課題的設(shè)計(jì)讓我開闊了視野鞏固了以前所學(xué)知識(shí)。讓我對(duì)數(shù)控銑削加工以及CAD的應(yīng)用進(jìn)一步加強(qiáng),讓我更加清楚的對(duì)工件的加工的尺寸,加工精

17、度的要求的重要性。 2.在繪制零件圖時(shí),認(rèn)認(rèn)真真的核對(duì)該零件的尺寸,精度。同時(shí)也對(duì)工件定位的基本原理、定位方式與定位元件及對(duì)數(shù)控銑床工具系統(tǒng)的特點(diǎn)和數(shù)控機(jī)床刀具材料和使范圍有了深層次的認(rèn)識(shí)。更明白數(shù)控銑削加工特點(diǎn):(1)適應(yīng)能力強(qiáng),適用于多品種、小批量零件的加工。(2)加工精度具有較高的生產(chǎn)率和較低的加工成本高,加工質(zhì)量穩(wěn)定。(3)減輕勞動(dòng)強(qiáng)度,改善勞動(dòng)條件。(4)具有較高的生產(chǎn)率和較低的加工成本。從中學(xué)習(xí)更多的實(shí)踐中了解和分析數(shù)控銑削的用途。3.我們?cè)O(shè)計(jì)的數(shù)控加工程序不僅應(yīng)保證加工出符合圖樣的合格工件,同時(shí)應(yīng)能使數(shù)控機(jī)床的功能得到合理的應(yīng)用和充分的發(fā)揮。數(shù)控機(jī)床是一種高效率的自動(dòng)化設(shè)備,它的

18、效率高于普通機(jī)床的23倍,要充分發(fā)揮數(shù)控機(jī)床的這一特點(diǎn),必須在編程之前對(duì)工件進(jìn)行工藝分析,根據(jù)具體條件,選擇經(jīng)濟(jì)、合理的工藝方案。數(shù)控加工工藝考慮不周是影響數(shù)控機(jī)床加工質(zhì)量、生產(chǎn)效率及加工成本.4.拓展了個(gè)人的專業(yè)知識(shí)面、解決了以前在學(xué)習(xí)過程中留下的邊邊角角。經(jīng)過課程設(shè)計(jì)后為專業(yè)發(fā)展提供了有益的指導(dǎo)。 5.通過本次課程設(shè)計(jì),真切的體會(huì)到要注意基礎(chǔ)學(xué)科的學(xué)習(xí),注重理論與實(shí)踐的結(jié)合,多了解目前加工專業(yè)專業(yè)發(fā)展的方向用有限的學(xué)習(xí)時(shí)間學(xué)習(xí)最有效的技術(shù)。 最后感謝老師對(duì)我們這次的設(shè)計(jì)進(jìn)行指導(dǎo)!五參考資料 Passage Three Milling Milling introductionMilling

19、is a machining processing that is carried out by means of a multiedge rotating tool known as a milling cutter. In this process, metal removal is achieved through combining the rotary tool motion of the milling cutter and linear motion of the work piece simultaneous. Milling operations are employed i

20、n producing flat, contoured and helical surfaces as well as for thread and gear cutting operations. Each of the cutting edges of a milling cutter acts as an individual single point cutter when it engages with the work piece metal. Therefore, each of those cutting edges has appropriate rake and relie

21、f angles. Since only a few of the cutting edges are engaged with the work piece at a time, heavy cuts can be taken without adversely affecting the tool life. In fact, the permissible cutting speeds and feeds for milling are three to four times higher than those for turning or drilling. Moreover, the

22、 quality of the surfaces machined by milling is generally superior to the quality of surfaces machined by turning, shaping, or drilling. A wide variety of milling cutters is available in industry. This, together with the face that a milling machine is a very versatile machine tool, makes the milling

23、 machine the backbone of a machining workshop. As far as the direction of cutter rotation and work piece fed are concerned, milling is performed by either of the following two methods. Up milling (conventional milling).In up milling the work piece is fed against the direction of cutter rotation. The

24、 depth of cut gradually increases on the successively engaged cutting edges. Therefore, the machining process involves no impact loading, thus ensuring smoother operation of the machine tool and the longer tool life. The quality of the machined surface obtained by up milling is not very high. Nevert

25、heless, up milling is commonly used in industry, especially for rough cuts. Down milling (climb milling). In down milling the cutter rotation coincides with the direction of feed at the contact point between the tool and the work piece. The maximum depth of cut is achieved directly as the cutter eng

26、ages with the work piece. This results in a kind of impact, or sudden loading. Therefore, this method cannot be used unless the milling machine is equipped with a backlash eliminator on the feed screw. The advantages of this method include higher quality of the machined surface and easier clamping o

27、f work piece, since the cutting forces act downward. Milling machine There are several types of milling machines employed in industry. They are generally classified based on their construction and design feature. They vary from the common general purpose types to duplicators and machining centers th

28、at involve a tool magazine and are capable of carrying out many machining operations with a single work piece setup. Following is a survey of the milling machine types commonly used in industry. Plain horizontal milling machine. The construction of the plain horizontal milling machine is very simila

29、r to that of the universal milling machine except that the machine table cannot be swiveled. Plain milling machines usually have column and knee type construction and also have three table motions, i.e., longitudinal, transverse, and vertical. The milling cutter is mounted on a short arbor, which is

30、, in turn, rigidly supported by the over arm of the milling machine. Universal milling machine. The construction of a universal milling machine is similar to that of the plain milling machine, except that it is more accurate and has sturdier frame, and its table can be swiveled with an angle up to 5

31、0°. Universal milling machine are usually equipped with an index or dividing hear, allows cutting of gear and cams. Vertical milling machine. As the name vertical milling machine suggests, the axis of the spindle that holds the milling cutter is vertical. Table movements are generally similar t

32、o those of plain horizontal milling machines; however, an additional rotary motion is sometimes provided for the table to enable machining helical and circular grooves. The cutter used with vertical milling machines are almost always of the end mill type. Duplicators. A duplicators is sometimes refe

33、rred to as a copy milling machine because of reproducing an exact replica of a model. The machine has a stylus that scans the model, at which the counterpoints on the part are successively machined. Duplicators were used for the production of large forming dies for the automotive industry, where mod

34、els made of wood, plaster of Paris, or wax were employed. Duplicators are not commonly used in industry nowadays because they have been superseded by the CAD/CAM systems. Machining center. Machining center are NC machines that are capable of performing a number of different machining processes at a

35、time. A machining center has a tool magazine in which many tool are held. Tool changes are automatically carried out, and so are functions such as coolant on or off. Machining centers are, therefore, highly versatile and are employed to perform a number of machining operations on work piece with a single setup. Parts having intricate shapes can easily be produced with high accuracy and excellent


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