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1、Unit Three Fame and SuccessText A FameLead-in1Pre-reading Activities2 Text Study3Summary4ContentsWriting5Lead-inInteractive Mode IInteractive Mode IIInteractive Mode III123 Lead-in Interactive Mode I Q1 : What do people seek fame for? Interactive Mode IIQ2: What side effects does fame seeking exert

2、on one? Interactive Mode IIIQ3: What on earth is there behind the celebrity?Pre-readingBackground InformationSpielberg斯皮爾伯格斯皮爾伯格 (美國電影導(dǎo)演美國電影導(dǎo)演)Oscar Wilde奧斯卡奧斯卡王爾德王爾德 (愛爾蘭作家愛爾蘭作家)Thomas Wolfe托馬斯托馬斯烏爾夫?yàn)鯛柗?(美國小說家美國小說家)Beethoven貝多芬貝多芬 (德國作曲家德國作曲家)Pestalozzi裴斯泰洛齊裴斯泰洛齊 (瑞士教育改革家瑞士教育改革家)SpielbergBeethovenB

3、ill Gates H e i s C h a i r m a n o f t h e Microsoft Corporation and its chief software architect. Bill Gates discovered his interest in software when he was at elementary school and began programming computers at the age of 13. 1. What qualities do you think successful people possess? 2. Some peop

4、le say, “Fame is like a double- edged sword.” Whats your opinion? 3. If you could choose, would you prefer to be a famous or ordinary?The qualities successful people should possess Firstly, they are compassionate and concerned about the well-being of mankind. Secondly, they commit themselves to the

5、cause they are pursuing and refuse to give up in the face of difficulties and even failures as they know that their goals can be reached no matter how obstacles may lie in the way. Thirdly, they are modest about what they achieved as they know that each success only buys an admission ticket to a mor

6、e difficult task or project. Lastly, they all have team spirit and are all good team players.Fame is but a vapor, and the only thing that endures is ones character or virtue Fame can assure one of a high social status, high regard, great admiration, etc. Fame can also bring one wealth as a celebrity

7、 has more chances to earn big money. Besides, the applauses and flowers from the fans may boost ones self-confidence and increase ones sense of fulfillment. However, the other side of the coin is that fame can be a destructive force. It can be a burden that hinders you from progressing further. It m

8、ay deprive you of your freedom, privacy and even your own identity. It may even drive you insane and bring you lots of pain, as can be seen from the life stories of some world famous pop singers and movie stars. As a public figure, he is often chased by fans and journalists, and his private life nev

9、er escapes the medias attention or public curiosity. Fame also places one under great pressure. He has to work in line with public expectations and thus becomes the slave of his own success.lWhen faced with fame, some people chase them at any cost , use any kind of means to get it and lose themselve

10、s in the end. Hype(炒作) was familiar to everyone in recent years. Almost everyone is hyping, whether common people or stars. Film stars, singers, writers all kinds of stars are hyping to attract more attention and get higher fame. Fame brings them self-confidence and happiness,but also can pushes the

11、m into trouble .Are all the things they get from hype really good for them ? How long will this kind of fame keep? Internet hype (互聯(lián)網(wǎng)炒作) springs up and becomes a popular way for common people to get their so-called fame. Its ridiculous to chase fame in this way.People are crazyThis is a paragraph sa

12、id by one of the heroine of the film Fame in the finalText StudyNew WordsNew Words chase vt.追逐;追趕追逐;追趕 cruelty n.C,U殘酷;殘忍殘酷;殘忍 pessimistica.悲觀的悲觀的 conquestn.U 1. 征服征服; 控制控制 2. 征服征服;攻占攻占 bankrupt a.破產(chǎn)的破產(chǎn)的 motiven.C動機(jī)動機(jī) worship vt.崇拜;敬重;仰慕崇拜;敬重;仰慕 spur vt.鼓勵;刺激鼓勵;刺激 luren.C誘惑誘惑 drown v.1. 沉浸于沉浸于 2. (使

13、使)淹死淹死 New Words imperial a.1. 壯麗的;宏大的壯麗的;宏大的 2. 帝國的帝國的 agent n.C1. 經(jīng)紀(jì)人經(jīng)紀(jì)人 2. 代理人,代理商代理人,代理商 hastenvt.加快;加速加快;加速 elevatorn.U電梯電梯 blurn.C模糊的記憶模糊的記憶; 模糊不清的事物模糊不清的事物 idlea.不工作的;閑著的不工作的;閑著的 bore vt.使厭煩使厭煩 bored a.厭煩的厭煩的 continuityn.U連貫連貫(性性);連續(xù);連續(xù)(性性) sustain vt.維持;使維持;使持續(xù)持續(xù) New Words minute a.極小的極小的 di

14、scount vt./n.1. 忽視忽視; 低估低估 2. 打折打折/C折扣折扣 plotn.C 1. (小說的小說的)情節(jié)情節(jié) 2. 陰謀陰謀 moviemakern.C電影制作人電影制作人 distinct a.1. 獨(dú)特的獨(dú)特的 2. 清晰的;明顯的清晰的;明顯的 spotlightn.C聚光燈聚光燈 junglen.C,U(熱帶熱帶)叢林叢林 fraud n.C,U 欺詐;詐騙欺詐;詐騙 contaminatevt.污染;弄臟污染;弄臟 underlinevt.1. 在在下劃線下劃線 2. 強(qiáng)調(diào)強(qiáng)調(diào); 使突出使突出New Words uncompromising a.不妥協(xié)的;不讓步的

15、不妥協(xié)的;不讓步的 objectvi.反對;不贊成反對;不贊成 accusevt.指控;控告指控;控告 banquetn.C宴會宴會 sue vt.起訴;控告起訴;控告 attorneyn.C律師律師 second vt.支持;附議支持;附議 finevt.罰罰的款的款 expelvt.開除;驅(qū)逐開除;驅(qū)逐 justifyvt.證明證明有道理;為有道理;為辯護(hù)辯護(hù) Interactive Analysis of TextNow lets make a detailed analysis of the text through dynamic interaction: Interactive A

16、nalysis of TextGeneral StatementSpecific ArgumentationConclusionInteractive Analysis of TextPart I General Statement (Para. ?)A: It is like a dog chasing his own tail who, when he captures it, does not know what else to do but to continue chasing it.(Para. 1)Q2: What is the writers statement about f

17、ame? A: The cruelty of success is that it often leads those who seek such success to participate in their own destruction. Q1: What is it like to seek fame?Interactive Analysis of TextQ: The Main Idea of Part I?A: Just as a dog chases its own tail, seeking fame often leads to self-destruction.Q: Wha

18、t device of writing is employed herein? A: Simile. To make his statement more convincing, the writer adopts the rhetorical device “simile”, as shown in the first sentence “An artist who seeks fame is like a dog chasing his own tail who, when he captures it, does not know what else to do but to conti

19、nue chasing it”. Interactive Analysis of TextPart II Specific Argumentation (Paras. ?)A: The conquest of fame is difficult at best, and many end up emotionally if not financially bankrupt. (Paras. 2-8)Q2: What will happen to artists if theyre bored?A: Their work begins to show a lack of continuity i

20、n its appeal and it becomes difficult to sustain the attention of the public. Q1: What does the writer think of conquest of fame?Q3: How do celebrities pay for their distinct style?A: They pay for it by giving up the freedom to express themselves with other styles or forms. Interactive Analysis of T

21、extQ: The Main Idea of Part II ?A: As the writer argues, the conquest of fame is difficult at best, for many end up emotionally if not financially bankrupt. Even those who gain fame are hard-pressed to sustain their fans favor, because making minute changes to their popular style leaves them with a

22、significant risk of losing favor with their fans. To sustain their fame, they have to give up the freedom to express themselves with any style other than their famous one. Oddly, the greatest winners are those who remain true to their quest for success after repeated failures. For most people, howev

23、er, failure is the end of their struggle, not the beginning. Interactive Analysis of TextPart III Conclusion (Paras. ?)A: People may find that once they have conquered fame, it is not really what they ever wanted. So you should be happy with what you are and do what you are proud of. Maybe you wont

24、be famous in your own lifetime, but you may create better art. (Paras. 9)Q1: What is the authors advice on fame seeking? Interactive Analysis of TextQ: The Main Idea of Part III?A: Rather than try so hard to seek fame, you should be happy with what you are and do what you are strong in. Maybe you wo

25、nt be famous in your own lifetime, but you may create better art.Q: What device of writing is employed herein? A: Induction, as shown below:SummaryEnglish Equivalents of Chinese1. publicity2. adverse3. ironic4. momentary5.fortune6.inability7. motivate8. launch9. demonstrate10. celebrity 1.public not

26、ice or attention 2.having a negative or harmful effect on something 3.using or expressing irony; full of irony 4.lasting for a very short time 5.a large amount of money, goods, property, etc. 6.lack of ability to do something 7. make someone want to do something well 8.begin sth. such as a plan or i

27、ntroduce sth. new such as a product 9.show; make clear 10. someone who is famous After reading: group competition Directions: Guess which word it is from text A according to the definitions on the right.1. 有一技之長有一技之長possess a single talent or skill2. 獲得聲譽(yù)獲得聲譽(yù)gain some popularity3. 年復(fù)一年年復(fù)一年year after

28、 year4. 千篇一律的風(fēng)景或畫像千篇一律的風(fēng)景或畫像similar scenes or portraits5. 自己功名的奴隸自己功名的奴隸the slave of ones success6. 把短暫的聲譽(yù)賜予他人把短暫的聲譽(yù)賜予他人give the momentary fame to another7. 贏得忠實(shí)的追捧者的高度關(guān)注贏得忠實(shí)的追捧者的高度關(guān)注 bring high regard from loyal fans8. 從他人處獲得憐憫從他人處獲得憐憫bring sympathy from others9. 降低期望降低期望lower ones expectations10.

29、假裝不關(guān)心失敗假裝不關(guān)心失敗pretend not to notice the failure Useful Expressions11. 激發(fā)某人更加努力激發(fā)某人更加努力motivate sb. to strive even harder12. 開始某人的職業(yè)生涯開始某人的職業(yè)生涯launch ones career13. 被趕出學(xué)校被趕出學(xué)校be thrown out of school14. 以失敗為動力,奮發(fā)有為以失敗為動力,奮發(fā)有為use the failure to motivate sb. to achieve15. 成為某人的抨擊目標(biāo)成為某人的抨擊目標(biāo)be the target of sb.16. 將某人置于眾人的關(guān)注下將某人置于眾人的關(guān)注下turn all the lights on sb.17. 把你變得不像你把你變得不像你it takes the you out of you 18. 在某些方面展示才華在某些方面展示才華 demonstrate excellence in some field19. 拼命追求聲譽(yù)和財富拼命追求聲譽(yù)和財富desperatel


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