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1、幼兒日常英語用語3(小折射常用語)1. The LVL crew adopts the Refraction Recording Instrument, TYPE R-24.LVL組使用折射記錄儀,型號(hào)為:R-24。2. Let me tell you something about refraction standards.請讓我來告訴你們一些有關(guān)的折射標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。3. First of all, line, stake and shot number must be clear.首先必須搞清楚測線,樁號(hào)和炮點(diǎn)樁號(hào)。4. Could you tell me where the first line

2、 is?請告訴我第一條測線在哪里?5. Can we finish this line today?我們今天能干完這條測線嗎?6. Certainly, tomorrow well move to the next line.當(dāng)然能干完,明天我們將上新測線。7. How long is the next line?新測線有多長?8. Lets stop our work. Get on the car and go home. But its getting dark. Take care while driving. We must know “safety first” by heart.

3、收工,上車回家。天變黑了,開車時(shí)一這要小心,記住安全第一。9. One kilogram charge size and one caps for each hole.每口井一公斤藥一發(fā)雷管。10. When we go to field operation. Dont forget “safety first”.當(dāng)我們在野外施工時(shí),千萬記住“安全第一”。11. How long does it take to finish one point?完成一個(gè)點(diǎn)需要多長時(shí)間?12. Todays first shot number is 1001.今天我們的第一個(gè)炮點(diǎn)樁號(hào)是1001。13. Keep

4、 guard please. OK ready to fire.警戒了。準(zhǔn)備放炮。14. Guard over!消除警戒。15. Sorry, I cant hear you, say it again please.對(duì)不起,我沒聽清,請?jiān)僬f一遍。16. Why was it misfired?為什么啞炮了?17. Because the wire is short. It needs reloading.炮線短路了,需要重新下藥。18. The uphole time was wrong. Your uphole geophone might be short.井口時(shí)間不對(duì),你的井口檢波器可

5、能短路了。19. Only two shots left. Hurry up.就剩兩炮了,快點(diǎn)!20. Dont let your geophones lie on the ground, because they must be firmly spiked.不要將檢波器平放地上,必須插緊。21. Make sure the geophones are steady and upright.要確保檢波器插穩(wěn)插直。22. Let me show you how to plant geophones.讓我教你怎樣埋植檢波器。23. Its easy. First remember the geop

6、hone pattern in your mind. then use the spade to make some shallow pits. Finally plant them one by one.很簡單,首先記住檢波器的圖形,然后用鏟子挖一個(gè)坑,最后一個(gè)一個(gè)地埋植。24. Dont lay out your strings in that way. Let me show you the ropes.不要那樣放置檢波器,讓我來教你怎么干。25. Take the cables by your left arm. Use your right hand to lay them out

7、one by one .用你的左臂拿起線,用你的右手進(jìn)行逐一放置。26.Any questions so far?有什么問題嗎?27. How can I plant them well? Let me show you how to do it.我們怎樣將他們埋置好,主我教你怎樣做。28. Try it again. Its just the job.再試一次,干得不錯(cuò)。29. OK, its just the job.行,干得不錯(cuò)。30. If the soil is to loose, you must bury the geophone into the shallow pits.如果

8、土質(zhì)松軟,你們必須將檢波器埋置在淺坑里。31. The geophone must be vertically planted in the earth.檢波器必須垂直地埋置。32. The wind is so strong. Shall we stop shooting?風(fēng)太大了,我們需要停工嗎?33. No, plant the geophones into the soil and go on please.將檢波器埋置在土里,繼續(xù)干。34. Have we finished this line today?我們今天要完成這條測線嗎?35. Yes, tomorrow will mov

9、e to the next line.當(dāng)然要完成,明天我們要上新測線。36. Its raining hard. Collect cables in hurry.雨下大了,趕緊收線。37. Lets get everything ready, well set out at one oclock this afternoon.作好一切準(zhǔn)備好,我們下午一點(diǎn)中將出工。38. How can I pack the explosives?怎樣包藥。39. First, tie two caps in one end of the charge, then joint the two packs tog

10、ether end to end. Thats all.首先,將兩發(fā)雷管接在一包炸藥的端上,然后將兩包炸藥接在一起。40. The blasting caps must be placed in the center of a pack.雷管必須放在炸藥的中心。41. Thank you for your help.謝謝你的幫助。42. The fire line is short. Please check where the problem is.炮線短路了,檢查一下在哪兒。43. The fire line is wrong. Please change a new one .炮線壞了,

11、換一根新的.44. Lay out the cables and plant the geophones vertically.放開電纜,插好檢波器.45. Collect the cables. Dont pull the cables hard. Take the geophones out with your hand.收線!不要使勁拽大線,用手將檢波器拔出.46. Lay out the fire line.放開炮線.47. Here is the dynamite and cap.給你炸藥和雷管.48. Hold the dynamite in one hand and the ca

12、p in the other. 一手拿炸藥,一手拿雷管。49. Pack the dynamite after driving the rig away.鉆機(jī)開走以后再包藥。50. The cap must be shorted while packing the dynamite.包藥時(shí)雷管必須短路。51. Go ahead, the geophones of channel 3 were not planted vertically, go and plant it again. 往前走,第3道的檢波器未插好,去重插一下。52. Please go and have a look at t

13、he stake number inside the pile whether it is 2001. 去看一下土堆里的樁號(hào)是不是2001。53. Back the rig, back ,back ,left. OK, here it is .Begin to drill.把車倒過來,倒,倒,向左一點(diǎn),好,就這里,打井吧。54. Dont run over the cables and geophones while driving.行車時(shí)不要壓大線和檢波器。55. Does everybody come back?所有人都回來了嗎?56. Please go and have a look.

14、 It seems like that someone is moving near the shotpoint.過去看一下,炮點(diǎn)附近好象有人。57. Oh, there are some cows and sheep. Drive them away.噢,是一些牛和羊,把它們趕走。58. OK. Its ready to fire .No moving.好,要放炮了,都別動(dòng)。59. Pull the fire line to the other side and connect it.把炮線拽到另一邊去,接好炮線。60. We have finished 15 points today. I

15、ts time for lunch.OK. Lets continue our work.今天已經(jīng)干了15個(gè)點(diǎn)了,吃午飯吧.好了,繼續(xù)干活吧。61. Oh, its too bad. The tyre was pricked. Remove the spare one. Hurry! Here is the jack, box spanner ,crowbar.Have you fixed it ? OK, Load the broken one on the truck and send it back to the mechanical repair group. Then ,take a

16、 new spare tyre.呀,糟糕,車胎扎了,快!把備胎卸下來,給你千斤頂,套筒扳手,撬胎棒。換好了?好,把壞的裝到車上,回去以后交給機(jī)修組補(bǔ)一下,然后帶一個(gè)好備胎。62. Its too late . We did very well today. Lets stop our work! The rig should follow my truck to go along the road ahead. Dont drive too fast ,Ill wait for you.天太晚了,咱們今天干得不錯(cuò),收工吧!鉆機(jī)車要跟我一樣,跑前面這條路,別太快,我會(huì)等著你的。63. Here

17、we are. Drive the rig to the parking lot! (To the driller) Add the water and oil tonight. You two go to return the dynamite and caps with me.到家了,鉆機(jī)先開回停車場去吧!(司鉆)晚上把水和油加好,你們兩個(gè)跟我去還炸藥和雷管。64. Count and see how many kilograms dynamite have left.OK. 21 kilograms. Take them away to the storeroom.數(shù)一數(shù),剩了多少公斤炸

18、藥。好,21公斤,搬到庫房里去。65. Go to work on time tomorrow morning. Dont be late. Take the meal and water yourself.明天早上按時(shí)出工,不要晚了,自己帶飯和水。66. We wont go out to work .Ill arrange some other jobs tomorrow morning .明天沒任務(wù),早上8點(diǎn)聽我安排其它工作。67. Take a bundle of fire line with us, then we take out some dynamites and caps .

19、Carry two boxes of dynamites and Ill go to take caps.Lets go. Get on the car.帶上一捆炮線,然后我們?nèi)ヮI(lǐng)取炸藥和雷管,搬兩箱炸藥,我去拿雷管。我們走吧,上車。68. Today ,well shoot Line No.183 .OK, here is our destination. Get off the car. 今天我們干183線。.好,我們到了,下車。69. John, take care while drilling. Dont forget to wear gloves, safety helmet, sh

20、oes and clothes of PPE&T.約翰,打井時(shí)注意安全,要把手套、安全帽、勞保鞋、工服穿戴好。70. David, you are a charge loader. You must wear anti-electrostatic clothes while working.大衛(wèi),你是下藥工,注意必須將防靜電服穿上。71. John, please move your rig forward 300 or 400 meters to ensure it is safe ,and wait for us at there.John, 打完井后,你的車向前開三四百米,以保證

21、安全,在那里等我們。72. The cable is broken and it needs to repair. Please wait a moment.大線壞了,需修理一下,你們先等一會(huì)兒。73. This battery is dead, take it to the charging room and put a good one on my car.這塊電瓶沒電了,把它搬到充電房,然后搬塊好的放在我的車上。74. -John ,why do you drill so slowly?-Its red soil area here. It is a waste of bit to dr

22、ill with auger bit. I have changed one.-Oh, I see. Next time ,after you drill the hole, you should change the bit while you are waiting for us. That can save time.-約翰,怎么井打得這么慢?-這地方全是紅土,麻花鉆打井太費(fèi)鉆頭,我已經(jīng)換了一個(gè)了。-噢,知道了,以后在你打完井等我們時(shí)換鉆頭,這樣節(jié)省時(shí)間。75. -Whats the matter? Is the rig broken? -Yes. -Can you fix it her

23、e? -Yes, please wait a moment. -No ,I cant. -OK, lay down the mast and drive it back .Ask the mechanical repair group to fix it. -But the mast cant be laid down. -Well ,put everything in order .Ill drive back to ask somebody to come and repair it.-怎么了?鉆機(jī)壞了?-是的。-在這里可以修嗎?-可以,稍等一會(huì)兒就好。-不行,修不好。-那好,放倒架子開回

24、去,讓機(jī)修組來修理一下。-但是架子放不下來。-唉,把車上的東西收拾一下,等我的車回去找人來修。76. John, you should repair and maintain your rig frequently. Such as :add grease, blow the air filter, clean the diesel oil filter, check the _and so on, check the electrolyte, keep the rig in good condition. Or, you”ll work less, then you”ll earn less

25、.約翰,你的鉆機(jī)要勤檢修、保養(yǎng)、打黃油、吹濾芯、洗柴油濾芯,檢查壓油包等,檢查電解液,保持車輛良好,否則,工作量少,你們錢掙得也少。77. Mike, you did it very well.邁克,干得不錯(cuò)。78. Hey, dont be lazy. You should know the rules of our crew. If you keep on doing like that ,youll be fired.喂,不要偷懶,你要知道隊(duì)上的規(guī)矩定,再這樣你將會(huì)被開除的。 (微測井組常用語)1. Today ,we cut the fire lines. First ,pull ou

26、t the ruler. David, please go to take a bundle of fire line. And take the white (black) rubberized fabric ,pencil, bevel pincer out of the tool kit in my cab ,and take a broken bit as a iron hammer.今天咱們編炮線,先把尺子放開。 你去拿炮線,大衛(wèi),去,我車?yán)锏墓ぞ呦淅锇寻?黑)膠布、筆、斜口鉗拿出來,再拿一個(gè)廢鉆頭當(dāng)重錘。2. Peter, let this end of the fire line

27、 aim at the “0” point of the ruler, and hold it firmly.Peter,你拿著炮線這頭對(duì)準(zhǔn)尺子的零刻度,拿結(jié)實(shí)。3. Jack, lay out the fire line and go along the ruler. OK, its here 54m.Pull both the fire line and the ruler straight. OK. Cut it off.杰克,你來放開這炮線,順著尺子走,好,這里,54米,把炮線和尺子拉直,好了切斷。 4. Come back, Jack. Give your fire line end

28、 to Peter, then lay out another one which is 49 metres long.杰克,你回來,Peter那兒,把炮線頭給它,再放一根到這兒,49米這兒。5. OK. We have got the lines suitable for different depth. Now, we wind the fire line with black rubberized fabric from the end holded by Peter. Pull these ten-odd fire lines straight every 2 meters, then

29、 wind them tightly.好,每個(gè)深度的線都做好了,現(xiàn)在,我們用黑膠布纏一下。從Peter那頭開始,每隔2米把這十幾根炮線拉直,對(duì)齊用黑膠布纏緊。6.把重錘拿過來,在編的這個(gè)炮線尾部捆好,使它和炮線一致,不要歪著。7. Lets pack the dynamite. Bring the dynamites and caps kit, and the bevel pincer, black rubberized fabric.我們包藥吧!把只要和雷管箱拿過來,噢,還有斜口鉗和黑膠布。8. You fellows dig two pits with spades and picks a

30、t where I drew circles. I will blast two big pits with dynamite.你們幾個(gè),用鐵鍬和鎬在這里我畫過圈的地方挖兩個(gè)坑,我要用炸藥炸坑。9. David, lay out the fire line. You should leave the pit more than 100 meters while blasting and youd better hide behind a big tree.大衛(wèi),你放開炮線,炸坑時(shí),離坑要超過100米,最好在一棵大樹后。10. Peter cut the dynamite in two with

31、 a knife.Peter用刀把這管炸藥切成兩半。11. Pack the dynamite . Put 1.5kg into the bigger pit and 0.5kg into the smaller pit. Wire and bury them .包上藥,一公斤.半放到這個(gè)大的坑里,半公斤的放在小坑里,接好線埋上。12. Drive your car away and keep away from the shotpoint.你們把車開走人都離遠(yuǎn)點(diǎn)。13. Peter, please have a look, is there anybody there?No, there i

32、snt.Peter,幫我望一下,那邊有人嗎? 沒有。14. OK. The dynamites have blasted. Lets go there.好了,炸藥響了, 走,過去。15. Dig these two pits again -把這兩個(gè)坑再挖一挖,邊上挖成斜坡。16. OK. We nearly finish drilling the holes .Lay out the fire line. Bring the iron hammer and get ready to load charge. You must be quick, because this hole is lea

33、kage.好,井塊打完了,把炮線放開,重錘拿過來,準(zhǔn)備下藥,這口井是漏井,又全是沙子,必須快點(diǎn)。17. -Load charge, hurry! Does it reach the bottom?-No. It cant reach the determined depth.-Then, pull it up. Use that rig to drill it again.-OK. It had reached the determined depth.塊,下藥,到底了嗎?沒有,怎么試也下不到深度。那拉上來吧!讓鉆機(jī)再打。好,下夠深度了。18. Bring the ruler. Measure

34、 one meter of the fire line. Plant the geophone vertically and bury them.拿過尺子來,量好一米的距離,把檢波器插好,埋結(jié)實(shí)。19. Cut one section of fire line.-剪一段炮線,一頭遞到儀器這里,另一頭在井里。20. Drive the rig away. OK, stop the engine.把鉆機(jī)開走,好,熄火。21. Tamp the hole with water and soil.用水和土把井填一下。22.現(xiàn)在先接最深的一炮,54米,注意一定不要錯(cuò)了。23.接好了嗎?準(zhǔn)備所有都別動(dòng)。2

35、4. OK, the data is very good.-好,資料很好,接下一個(gè)49米。25. It seems like that something is moving nearby. Go and have a look. Is it a flock of sheep or cow? Drive them away.好象有什么東西在附近活動(dòng),去看一下,是不是牛群或羊群?把它們轟走。26. OK, its finished.好了,工作完成。27. Clear up the worksite, put the rubbish into the mud pit and bury it . G

36、et ready to stop work.收拾一下現(xiàn)場,把各種垃圾放泥漿坑里,把坑埋好,準(zhǔn)備收工。(現(xiàn)場處理用語) 1. We use the Grisys as our on-site processing system.我們用Grisys作為我們的現(xiàn)場處理系統(tǒng)。2. The Grisys consists of many modules and is very powerful.Grisys包含有許多的模塊而且功能很強(qiáng)很大。3. The Grisys is developed by the Global Software Corporation.Grisys由地球軟件公司開發(fā)出來的。4.

37、 Our processing steps are demulx, decon, CMP gather, static correction, velocity analysis, NMO correction, stacking, filtering and plotting.我們的處理步驟包括多路解編,反褶積,CMP道集,靜校正,速度分析,NMO校正,疊加,濾波和繪圖。5. The sorting procedure is used to gather all of the traces located at the same CMP location from the field rec

38、ords into CMP gathers.道排序是從野外記錄中集中所有處于同一CUP位置的記錄到CMP道集中.6. The Earth acts as a filter to seismic waves.地層有過濾地震波的作用。7. The deconvolotion is used to remove the filtering action of the earth and the ghost reflections.反褶積是用來去除大地的濾波效果和虛反射.8. Normal moveout is the change in reflection arrival time because

39、 of variation in source-receiver offsets.正常時(shí)差是由于炮檢距的差異引起旅行時(shí)的變化。9. We need many tests to determine the Decon parameters.我們需要作多次的試驗(yàn)來確定去褶積參數(shù)。10. The static correction is used to eliminate the effects of variations in elevation, weathering thickness, or weathering velocity.靜校正是用來消除由于高程,低速帶厚度和低速帶速度變化而產(chǎn)生的

40、影響。11. The dynamic correction overcomes the effect of offset distance between source and receiver.動(dòng)校正是用來去掉震源與接收點(diǎn)之間的距離偏移而造成的影響。12. Stacking is a method to improve the signal-to -noise ratio.疊加是一種提高信噪比的一種方法。13. The most common type of stacking is horizontal stacking.最常見的疊加方式是水平疊加。14. A band-pass filte

41、r is commonly used at many stages of the processing sequence.帶通濾波器廣泛用于處理流程的各個(gè)階段。15. We create a velocity spectra every 2 km.我們每2公里做出一個(gè)速度譜。16. There are three basic types of seismic display.地震記錄顯示有三種基本形式。17. The most popular display of seismic data is called “wiggle variable area.”最常見的地震資料顯示叫做“波形變面積”

42、方式。18. We use an electrostatic plotter when plotting a seismic section.我們使用靜電繪圖儀來繪制地震剖面。19. Static correction are always critical on land data.靜校正對(duì)陸上地震資料有著極其重要的作用。20. There are many different types of deconvolution and predictive decon is commonly used.有許多種反褶積,預(yù)測反褶積就是其中較常用的一種。21. Here are the monitor records.這是監(jiān)視記錄。22. Here are the testing monitor records.這是試驗(yàn)監(jiān)視記錄。23. Here are the magnetic tapes.這是磁帶。24. The geological objectives is.地質(zhì)任務(wù)是25. Examine the ambient noise and signal to noise ratio.檢測環(huán)境噪音


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