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1、 Para 6. Warm and loving every minute in cold winter . Para 7. Topic sentence : Spring brought two floods First the river over flowed (supporting sentence) Then the growing season began +more details (supporting sentences) Para 10. Being good at managing money matters ,we can get by with my reduced

2、income . Para 11. Leading a thrifty (節(jié)儉的) and simple life : making up the difference in income by cutting back without appreciably lowering our standard of living paragraph will deal with “many problems caused by “owning a car . In other words ,a topic sentence states a topic and a con trolling idea

3、 concerning that topic . Look at the following example . also busy . The final sentence is a kind of summary -nobody can relax . Yet following the second sentence there are a few more detail sentences showing exactly how tight a schedule Sandy has . Take Paras 12-13 for another example . The topic s

4、entence therein is “I Reading Guidance : 1. Main idea of the text and its parts : Part One (Paras 1-5): Introduction : The text begins with an anecdote ,something mainly about Josiah Henson who is mentioned in Paras 1-3 . And the theme of the text is to honor the heroes who helped liberate slaves by

5、 forging the Underground Railroad in the first great civil-rights struggle in the US. Which is mentioned in Paras 4-5 . Last sentence in Para 5 - “I was intent on telling their stores decides the developing ways of this article . The article must be followed by several stories . The sentence connect

6、s this part with the following parts . The last three parts are all stories supporting Part One ,which we now know is an introduction because it defines the content of the text and how to say. oText Analysiso When we learn a foreign language ,we must also learn the culture of the speakers of that la

7、nguage . o Text A in this unit is a good case in point . Readers o need some basic knowledge of Christianity . Some o terms in this text are markedly Christian ,like “Methodist o “Bible, “Quaker. Others refer to characters or places o from Biblical stories ,such as Moses who led the Jewish o people

8、out of slavery in Egypt ,or Bethlehem ,a holy city for Christians .o The author tells three stories about the Underground o Railroad and the early Black civil rights movement . The the naked ,said nothing about color . On other occasions ,direct speech makes a story more vivid . For example ,in the

9、John Parker story ,characters spoke short sentences to stress the urgency of the situation . For another example ,Josiah Henson threw himself to the ground and shouted to astonished onlookers : “Oh ,no ! Dont you know ? Im free ! His joy affects us all .n第二課. Language Studyn1. slender: (of people) s

10、lim; not very wide but comparatively long or high ad.苗條的;細長的n Examples: Although her face was quite plain, she had long, slender expressive hands, like a concert pianist.n King crabs have long, slender legs, with a span over 1 meter (3 feet).n2. settlement: a place where people have come to settle n

11、.新拓居地n Examples: Manhattan was the site of the original Dutch settlement of New Amsterdam.n These tools were found in an early Iron Age settlement.n3confident: feeling or showing trust in oneself or ones ability (usu. followed by about/of/that/clause) a.有信心的;確信的n Examples: Michael was confident that

12、 he would be enrolled by Harvard University.n The more familiar you are with this machine, the more confident you will be about using it.n The soccer team is quite confident of being able to win this important game.n 4. give up: abandon an attempt to do sth.放棄n Examples: Hes given up smoking since h

13、is illness.n The rescue team had given up all hope of finding the two divers alive.n She was working part-time but she suddenly gave up.n5. Ironically: it seems ironic (that) ad.具有挖苦意味的是n Examples: Ironically the widespread use of antibiotics seems to be causing a lot of unexpected health problems.n

14、 Ironically it is often the poorer people who give the most.n 6. racial: relating to a persons race, or to different races of people ad.種族的n Examples: Slavery is closely associated with racial prejudice, the belief that one race is superior to another.n Mandela was elected President in South Africas

15、 first multi-racial elections, held in 1994.n7. stand up (for sb./sth.): speak, work, etc. in favour of sb./sth.; support sb./sth.支持n Examples: You have to be prepared to stand up for the things you believe in.n Dont be afraid to stand up for yourself.n8. historic: famous or important in history ad.

16、歷史上有名或重要意義的n Examples: In his book, Churchill recalls that historic first meeting with Roosevelt.n More money is needed for the preservation of historic buildings and monuments.n Cf.: historicaln Examples: Historical people, situations, or things existed in the past and are considered to be a part o

17、f history.n Many historical documents were destroyed when the library was bombed.n9. site: place where a building, town, etc. was, is, or will be situated n.地方,位置;遺址n Examples: The local government hasnt yet chosen the site for the new skyscraper.n There are many archaeological sites in southern Eng

18、land.n This monument marks the site of the battle.n10. mission: particular task or duty undertaken by an individual or a group n.特殊使命,任務n Examples: Some delegates were immediately sent to Israel. Their mission was to negotiate a cease fire.n The five young people have been on a mission to help the C

19、ambodians.n11. forget (fig) create by means of much hard work vt.(靠艱苦工作)建立n Examples: The two countries agreed to forge closer economic ties.n She forged a new career for herself as a singer.n12. underground: in or into secrecy or hiding ad.秘密的;地下的n Examples: His mother took him to Hang Kong where s

20、he worked in the underground communist movement.nFor about thirty years the African National Congress (ANC) operated as an underground organization.n13. web: network of fine threads spun by a spider or some other spinning creature; complex series or network n.網(wǎng)狀物;網(wǎng)狀組織n Examples: The little boy was f

21、rightened by the spiders web in the window,n Many commercial and public organizations now have their own Web site and publish a home page, giving information about the organization.n Every day thousands of web surfers flock to this popular site, posting messages.n14. liberate: set free vt. 解放n Examp

22、les: The new Afghan government is trying to liberate its people from poverty with inter- national help.n The troops aim is to liberate the country by the end of the year.n15. authorize: give approval or permission for (sth.); give authority to vt.批準,委托n Examples: The central government authorized $2

23、00 billion to construct new dams to generate cheap hydro-electric power.n The President requested that Congress authorize the presence of US troops in the eastern region.n He was obliged by the arguments of the Minister of Labour to authorize a 23 per cent general wage increase.n16. exploit: brave o

24、r adventurous deed or action n.功績,業(yè)績n Examples: The generals wartime exploits were later made into a film and a television series.n My grandfather entertained us with stories of wartime exploits.n17. be intent on doing sth.: be eager and determined to do sth熱衷于,堅決要做.n Examples: Working day and night

25、, Janet seems intent on breaking the record in the Guinness Book of Records.n18 peer: look closely or carefully, esp. as if unable to see well (followed by at/through/into, etc.)凝視;盯著看n Examples: Stephen had been peering at a computer printout that made no sense at all.n Hawking was a typical grind,

26、 underweight and awkward and peering through eyeglasses.n19. decade: period of ten years n.十年(期)n Examples: Many countries were the 20th century.n Education budgets have been increased over the last decade in China.n20. on the side: as an additional job or source of income; secretly作為兼職;秘密地n Example

27、s: Some teachers have to find ways of making some money on the side.n In order to earn enough money to send his children to school, he makes a little money on the side by cleaning windows in his spare time.n21. capture: capturing or being captured n. v.抓捕,捕獲n Examples: Rebel forces captured the city

28、 after a week-long battle.n Some of the terrorists who were involved in the 9.11 event were captured by the FBI. At one time Peter took part in the capture of three thieves.n22. close in (on/around): come near to, esp. in order to attack from several directions; surround v.接近;包圍n Examples: Hitler co

29、mmitted suicide as Soviet forces were closing in on Berlin.n Right after the suicide explosion, Israeli troops began to close in on the Palestinian city.n23. painful: causing pain; hurting ad.令人痛苦的;疼痛的n Examples: Symptoms of pneumonia include painful cough, fever, difficulty in breathing, rapid brea

30、thing and chest pain.n The old photograph brought back painful memories of his childhood.n24. religious: of religion ad.宗教的, 宗教上的n Examples: Daoism (Taoism) is one of the three main Chinese religious and philosophical traditions, the others being Confucianism and Buddhism.n The local government want

31、s to increase the amount of religious education in schoolsn25. conviction: firm opinion or belief n.堅決的看法或信仰n Examples: The old woman had a firm conviction that there would be a better life after death.n A non-believer, Tom doesnt have any religious convictions.n26. terminal: (building at the) end o

32、f a railway line, bus route, etc.; a piece of equipment, usu. consisting of a keyboard and a screen, that connects the user with a computer system n.(鐵路,公共汽車等的)終點;(計算機系統(tǒng)的)終端機n Examples: Most large airports have shops, restaurants, and banks in the terminal building, plus special lounges for departin

33、g passengers.n All staff have terminals attached to the companys main computer.n27. impose: 1) place a (penalty, tax, etc.) officially on sb./sth. vt.把強加于n Examples: The government has made a decision to impose a further tax on wines and spirits.n The local government tried to impose fines on the fa

34、ctories which poured untreated waste into the fiver.n 2) try to make sb. accept (an opinion or a belief)n Examples: 1 wouldnt want to impose my religious convictions on anyone.n It may not be wise for parents to impose their own tastes on their children.n28. as for: with regard to至于n Examples: As fo

35、r your request for a free sample, we will send it to you in about ten days.n Some people have complained, but as for me Im perfectly satisfied with the working conditions here.n29. transport: take sth./sb, from one place to another in a vehicle vt.運輸,運送n Examples: Reducing the costs of transporting

36、natural resources to production sites is one of the key factors in economic competition.n Pipelines are used mainly to transport liquids or gases over long distances.n30. disguise: give sb./sth, a false appearance (used in the pattern disguise sb./sth, as) vt.假扮,偽裝n Examples: She disguised herself a

37、s a man so she could fight on the battlefield.n Jack escaped across the border disguised as a Catholic priest.n31. abolish: end the existence of (a law, custom, system, etc.) vt.廢除(法律,習俗等)n Examples: Slavery was not finally abolished in the British Empire until 1833.n Their mission is to abolish the

38、 global fur industry permanently by utilizing appropriate legal and non-violent methods.n32. make the best of: accept an unsatisfactory situation cheerfully and try to manage as well as you can盡量利用,充分利用n Examples: I know its cold and mining but were here now, so lets just make the best of it.n The l

39、iving conditions in the village were very poor, but we had to make the best of it.n 33 pel: make(sb.)do sth.; force vt.強迫;強求n Examples: In the past children were frequently compelled to work from an early age.nA large debt burden compelled many developing countries to undertake stabilization and adj

40、ustment policies.n 34. at risk: threatened by the possibility of loss, failure, etc.; in danger有危險; 冒風險n Examples: It is reported that some areas in the west are at high risk of desertification.n The buildings in the slum tend to be overcrowded, inadequately served by water and at risk from fire.n35

41、. starve: (cause a person or an animal to) suffer severely or die from hunger v.(使)挨餓,(使)餓死n Examples: Some people starved to death during the long drought.n Children in the developed countries are living a happy life, while many African children are starving.n36. in the eyes of: in the opinion of在(

42、某人)看來n Examples: In the eyes of his students, Richard is a sensible and reliable teacher.n In the eyes of my parent, 1 am still a young person although I am already in my thirties.n37. pass for: appear like; be accepted or looked upon as (same as pass as)被看作;被當作n Examples: He speaks American English

43、 well enough to pass for an American.n My younger sister really wants to go and see the film, but I dont think shed pass For 18n第二單元n 民權英雄n課文An 2004年,一個紀念“地下鐵路的中心將在辛辛那提州成立。這條鐵路不同尋常,n 它不出售車票,也無火車行駛。然而,它將成千上萬的乘客送往他們夢想中的目的地。n 給人以自由者n 弗格斯M博得威奇n 我步出這幢兩層小屋,加拿大平原上輕風微拂。我身邊是一位苗條的黑衣女子,把我?guī) 回到過去的向導。那時,安大概省得雷斯頓

44、這一帶住著美國歷史上的一位英雄。我們前往一座普普通通的灰色教堂,芭芭拉卡特自豪地談論著其高祖喬賽亞.亨森。“他堅信上帝要所有人生來平等。他從來沒有停止過爭取這一自由權利的奮斗。n 卡特對其先輩的忠誠不僅僅關乎一己之驕傲,而關乎家族榮譽。因為喬賽亞.亨森至今n仍為人所知是由于他所激發(fā)的創(chuàng)作靈感使得一個美國小說人物問世:湯姆叔叔,哈麗特比n徹斯托的小說?湯姆叔叔的小屋?中那個逆來順受的黑奴。具有挖苦意味的是,這一人物n所象征的一切在亨森身上一點都找不到。一個不愿奮起力爭、背叛種族的黑人?卡特對此頗n為憤慨?!皢藤悂喓嗌莻€有原那么的人,她肯定地說。n 我遠道前來亨森最后的居所如今已成為卡特曾管理過

45、的一處歷史遺跡是為了更 多地了解此人,他在許多方面堪稱黑人摩西。亨森自己擺脫了黑奴身份獲得自由之后,便暗中幫助其他許多黑奴逃奔北方去加拿人逃奔自由之地。許多人和他一起在得雷斯頓這一帶定居了下來。n 但此地只是我所承擔的繁重使命的一處停留地。喬賽亞亨森只是一長串無所畏懼的男n 女名單中的一個名字,這些人共同創(chuàng)立了這條“地下鐵路,一個由逃亡線路和可靠的人家組成的用以解放美國南方黑奴的秘密網(wǎng)絡。在1820年至1860年期間,多達十萬名黑奴經(jīng)由此路走向自由。n 2000年10月,克林頓總統(tǒng)批準撥款1600萬美元建造全國“地下鐵路自由中心,以此紀念美國歷史上第一次偉大的民權斗爭。中心方案于2004年在辛

46、辛那提州建成。真是該建立這樣一個中心的時候了。因為地下鐵路的英雄們依然默默無聞,他們的業(yè)績依然少人頌揚。我要講述他們的故事。n 聽到輕輕的敲門聲,約翰帕克神情緊張起來。他開門窺望,夜色中認出是一位可靠的n 鄰居。“有一群逃亡奴隸躲在肯塔基州的樹林里,就在離河二十英里的地方,那人用急迫的口氣低語道。帕克沒一點兒遲疑?!拔揖腿ィf著,把兩支手槍揣進口袋。n 二十年前,即19世紀20年代,生來即為黑奴的帕克才八歲就被從母親身邊帶走,被迫n 拖著鐐銬從弗吉尼亞走到亞拉巴馬,存那里的黑奴市場被買走。他打定主意有朝一目要過自由的生活,便設法學會了鑄鐵這門手藝。后來他終于靠這門手藝攢夠錢贖回了自由。現(xiàn)在,

47、帕 克白天在俄亥俄州里普利港的一家鑄鐵廠干活。到了晚上,他就成了地下鐵路的一位“乘務員,幫助人們避開追捕逃亡黑奴的人。在他正前往的肯塔基卅,當局懸賞一千美元抓他,活人死人都要。n n在那個陰冷的夜晚,帕克渡過俄亥俄河,找到了十個喪魂落魄的逃亡者。“拿好包裹跟我走,他一邊吩咐他們。一邊帶著這八男二女朝河邊走去。就要到岸時,一個巡夜人發(fā)現(xiàn)了他們,急忙跑開去報告。n 帕克看見一條小船,便大喝一聲,把那些逃亡黑奴推上了船。大家都上了船,但有兩個n人容不下。小船徐徐駛向對岸,帕克眼睜睜地看著追捕者把他被迫留下的兩個男人團團圍住。n 其他的人都上了岸,帕克急忙安排了一輛車把他們帶到地下鐵路的下一“站他們n

48、走向平安的加拿大之旅的第一程。約翰帕克在有生之年一共帶著四百多名黑奴走向平安之n地。n 黑人去當乘務員常常是由于本人痛苦的經(jīng)歷,而那些白人那么往往是受了宗教信仰的感召。在北卡羅來納州長大的貴格會教徒利瓦伊科芬解釋說:“?圣經(jīng)?上只是要我們給饑者以食物,無衣者以衣衫,但沒提到過膚色的事。n在19世紀20年代,科芬向西遷移前往印第安納卅的新港(即今天的噴泉市),在那里開了家小店。人們傳說,逃亡黑奴在科芬家總是能得到庇護。有時他一次庇護的逃亡者就多n達十七人,他還備有一組人員和車輛把他們送往下一段行程。到后來有三條主要路線在科芬n家集合,科芬家成了地下鐵路的中央車站。n 科芬經(jīng)常由于他做的工作受到被

49、殺的威脅,收到焚毀他店鋪和住宅的警告。幾乎每一個n乘務員都面臨類似的危險或者更為嚴重。在北方,治安官會對幫助逃亡的人課以罰金,或判以短期監(jiān)禁。在南方各州,白人那么被判處幾個月甚至幾年的監(jiān)禁。一位勇敢的循道宗牧師卡爾文.費爾班克在肯塔基州被關押了十七年多,他記錄了自己遭受毒打的情況:總共被鞭笞了35,105下。n至于那些黑奴,逃亡意味著數(shù)百英里的長途跋涉,意昧著穿越自己極易被人識別的陌生n地域。沒有路標,也幾乎沒有線路圖,他們趕路全憑著口口相告的路線以及秘密記號比n如樹上釘著的釘子是乘務員用來標示北上路線的記號。n 許多黑奴在夜色掩護下趕路,有時臉上涂著厚厚的白粉。貴格會教徒經(jīng)常讓他們的“乘n客

50、不分男女穿上灰農服,戴上深沿帽,披著把頭部完全遮蓋住的面紗。有一次,利瓦伊科n芬運送的逃亡黑奴實在太多,他就把他們裝扮成出殯隊伍。n 加拿大是許多逃亡者的首選終點站。那兒1833年就廢除了奴隸制,加拿大當局鼓勵逃亡奴隸在其廠闊的未經(jīng)開墾的土地上定居。其中就有喬賽亞亨森。n 還是孩子的亨森在馬里蘭州目睹著全家人被賣給不同的主人,看到母親為了想把自己留n在她身邊而遭受毒打。亨森非常認命,干活勤勉,深受主人器重。n 經(jīng)濟困頓最終迫使亨森的主人將他及其妻兒送到主人在肯塔基州的一個兄弟處。在那兒n干了幾年苦工之后,亨森聽說了一個可怕的消息;新主人準備把他賣到遙遠的南方腹地去農n莊干活。這名奴隸將與自己的

51、家人永遠別離。n 只有一條路可走:逃亡?!拔視J北斗星,許多年后亨森寫道。“就像圣地伯利恒的救星一樣,它告訴我在哪里可以獲救。n 亨森和妻子冒著極大的風險帶著四個孩子上路了。兩個星期之后,饑餓疲憊的一家人來n 到了辛辛那提卅,在那兒,他們與地下鐵路的成員取得了聯(lián)系。“他們?yōu)槲覀兲峁┝耸乘?,非常關心,接著又用車送了我們三十英里。n 亨森一家繼續(xù)往北走,最后來到紐約州的布法羅。在那兒,一位友善的船長指著尼亞加n 拉河對岸?!翱匆娔切錄]有?他說,它們生長在自由的土地上。他給了亨森一美元錢, 安排了一條小船,小船載著這位黑奴及其家人過河來到加拿大。n “我撲倒在地,在沙土里打滾,手舞足蹈,最后,在場

52、的那兒個人都認定我是瘋子。他n 是個瘋子,有個沃倫上校說。n “不,不是的!知道嗎?我自由了!l 4. conduct a series of reading ,listening ,speaking and l writing activities related to the theme of the unit .l Viewed from the angle of writing ,the text adopts a l writing model : Phenomenon measure advantage evenjust two supporting details for the

53、 central argument .ll 2. Lets analyze Part One .l “ never . No ever , any more . Two negative sentences in Para 1. are used to open the article , leaving students.l Lets go for a walk to work up an appetite. (to make ourselves hungry)Teaching Plan oObjectives : 1. understand the main idea and the st

54、ructure of the text ; 2. learn to memorize words in association ; 3. grasp the key language points and grammatical structures in the text ; 4. conduct a series of reading ,listening ,speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit . Reading Guidance 1. Main idea of the text : Thanks

55、giving Day is a time to say how much we value others ,to “find the good - and praise it .; our whole world needs understanding ,not war . 2. Its structure and main contents : Simply put ,the text can be divided into four parts : - coming up with giving thanks to his dear ones (Paras 1-9) - writing t

56、hree thank-you letters to them (Paras 10-16) - getting three letters in reply and a further education (Paras 17-23) - the writers wish (Paras 24-26). - Mr. Nelson for his morning school prayers which later influenced the writer to do positive things . - his grandmother for her having taught the writ

57、er how to tell truth ,to share ,and to be forgiving and considerate of others ; her good cooking ,her sprinkling his life with stardust . Details of Part Three : Paras 17-19, Something happened during his voyage . Para 20. general statement : They thanked the writer for his reminiscence (回憶,思念的往事),f

58、or his consideration . (verbal phrases related to a ship)Put to sea ,be underway ,be at sea(various types of people on board the ship)Seaman ,shipmate ,sailor ,coastguardsman(names of different parts of a ship or a boat)hold ,cabin ,deck ,afterdeck shipOthers Text Analysis We all want to expand our

59、English vocabulary . An effective and efficient way is to memorize English words and phrases through association maps . Experiments have proved that it is much easier for human beings to memorize things in meaningful groups than isolated items . First of all ,we put a central idea or a key word in the middle of the map ,e.g. “ship. Then we draw a cobweb structure around “ship. One branch may be the names of different parts of a boat , like “hold, “cabin, “afterdeck, “deck . Another branch may be the various types of people on board the ship , like “co


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