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1、The Romantic Period (浪漫主義時期 本章概述: 一. 浪漫主義產(chǎn)生的歷史文化背景: 二. 浪漫主義時期文學創(chuàng)作的基本特征/基本主張; 三. 對同時代與后世英國文學及文化的影響. 四. 主要作家與作品. 文學史分析 一. The time Period English Romanticism is generally said to have begun in 1798 with the publiction of Wordsworth and Coleridge's Lyrical Ballads and to have ended in 1832 with Sir

2、 Walter Scott's 沃爾特.斯各特death and the passage of the first Reform Bill 改革題案in the Parliament . 二. The cultural background and sources : 1.The ideas of Rousseau:. 盧梭 A.Rousseau published two books that electrified Europe -Du Contrat Social 社會契約論and Emile埃米爾, in which he explored new ideas of Rouss

3、eau's provided necessary guiding principles for the French Revolution 法國大革命. B.The news of the Revolution aroused great sympathy and enthusiasm in English liberals and radicals . Patriotic clubs societies multiplied in England , all claiming Liberty , Equality and Fraternity .友愛 fr?'t?:niti

4、2. The literary Sources : A. The Romantic Movement expressed a more or less negative attitude toward the existing social and political conditions that came with industrialization and the growing importance of the bourgeoisie . B. Under the influence of the leading romantic thinkers like Kant 康德(德國哲學

5、家and Post Kantians ,they demonstrated a strong reaction against the dominant modes of thinking of the 18th-century writers and philosophers . 3. The differences between neoclassism and Romanticism . A. Where their predecessors saw man as a social animal , the Romantics saw him essentially as an indi

6、vidual in the solitary state . B. Where the Augustans emphasized those features that men have in common the Romantics emphasized the special qualities of each individual 's mind . 三. The literary forms : 1. the poetry : A. The poetic revolution : a. The Romantic period is and age of poetry . b.

7、Blake 布萊克, Wordsworth ,Coleridge ,Byron ,Shelley and Keats are the major Romantic poets . c. They started a rebellion against the neoclassical literature ,which was later regarded as the poetic revolution . B. The theories of poetry : They explored new theories and innovated new techniques in poetry

8、 writing . They saw poetry as a healing energy . they believed that poetry could purify both individual souls and the society . a. Wordsworth's theory of poetry is calling for simple themes drawn from humble life . He defines the poet as a "man speaking to men ." and poetry as "th

9、e spontaneous自發(fā)的 overflow 溢出of powerful feelings . " b. Imagination , defined by Coleridge , is the vial faculty that creates new wholes out of disparate elements . The Romantics not only extol 贊頌the faculty of imagination . But also elevate the concepts of spontaneity自發(fā)性 and inspiration , rega

10、rding them as something crucial for ture poetr y . c. The natural world comes to the forefront of the poetic imagination .Nature is not only the major source of poetic imagery , but also Provides the dominant subject matter . d. To escape from a world . Wordsworth , Coleridge and Southey chose to li

11、ve by the lakeside so as to escape from the "madding crowd ", which Byron and Shelley rejected the entire english society by their self-imposed exile . e. Romantics also tend to be nationalistic . C. The rules of poetry : a. To the Romantics , poetry should be free from all rules . b. They

12、 would turn to the humble people and the common everyday life for subjects . c. They have also made bold-experiments in poetic language , versification and design ,and style . d. Examples of such can be found in Blake's visionary prophetic預言 poems in Coleridge's mystic ballad , The Ancient M

13、ariner , in Wordsworth 's spiritual autobiography , The prelude前奏, and in Shelley's symbolic drama Prometheus Unbound . 2. The prose : The Romantic period is also a great age of Prose . Coleridge , Hazlitt,黑茲利特 Lamb , and De Quincey德昆西 were the leading figures . A. William Hazlitt is a great

14、 critic on Shakespeare , Elizabethan drama , and English poetry .He has developed an eloquent courageous and arbitrary prose style . His last book is a four-volume life of Napoleon . B.Charles Lamb is a lovable essayist . The essantial characteristic of this essays is a strong clear intelligence ,co

15、mmanding in its centrality . its courage . and its vital irony Lamb 's Essays of Elia is a good work that leads to a delightful interpretation of the life of London . C. De Quincey is one of the keenest intellects of the age . The great literary merit of his confessions of an English Opium Easte

16、r lies in his subtle revelation of the potentiality of human dreams . 3. The novels : A. About Jane Austen : Austen is of the 18th-century in her moral outlook, Her view of life is a totally realistic one . The major theme of her novels is love and marriage . B. About waiter Scott 沃爾特.斯科特 After esta

17、blishing himself as a writer of romantic historical narrative poetry , Scott Switched to novel writing . He is the first major historical novelist . C. About Gothic novel 哥特式小說 a. Nature : Gothic novel , a type of romantic fiction that predominated in the late eighteenth century ,was one phase of th

18、e Romantic movement . b.Subject matters : Its principal elements are violence , horror,and the supernatural . c.works : Works like the Mysteries of Vdolpho by Ann Radcliffe拉德克利夫 and Frankenstein弗蘭肯斯坦by Mary Shelley 瑪麗雪萊( are typical Gothic romance . 4.Poetic dramas : A.Besides poetry and prose , the

19、re are quite a number of writers who have tried their hand at poetic dramas in this period . B.Shelley's Prometheus Unbound 解放了的普羅米修斯and The Cenci,欽契一家 Byron's Manfred 曼弗雷德and Coleridge's Remorse are generally regarded as the best verse plays during this period . 主要作家與作品 威廉*布萊克 一. The th

20、oughts : 1. Black never tried to fit into the world . He was politically of the permanent left and mixed a good deal with the radicals . 2.Like Shelley , Blake strongly criticized the capitalist 's cruel exploitation . 3. Literarily Blake was the first important Romantic poet, showing contempt f

21、or the rule of reason . 二. The works : 1. The earlier period : A. The first printed work : Poetical sketches詩草 is his first printed work , which is a collection of youthful verse . B.The songs of Innocence天真之歌 It is a lovely volumn of poems ,presenting a happy and innocent world . C.The song of Expe

22、rience 經(jīng)驗之歌 It paints a different world ,a world of misery , poverty , disease , war and repression with a melancholy tone . childhood is central to Blake's concern in the Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience ,and this concern gives the two books a strong social and historical reference .

23、D.Marriage of Heaven and Hell :天堂與地獄的結合 Blake's Marriage of Heaven and Hell marks his entry into maturity . In this poem , Blake explores the relationship of the contraries . 2. The later period : A.In this later period ,Blake wrote quite a few prophetic books , and showed the poet himself as th

24、e spokesman of revolt . B. The major ones are : The Books of Urizen 尤萊森之書, The Book of Los 洛斯之書, The Four Zoas and Milton 彌爾頓. 三. The Artistic features : 1. The strong visual mind : From Childhood , Blake had a strongly visual mind ; Whatever he imagined , he also saw . 2. The language : Blake write

25、s his poems in plain and direct language . His poems often carry the lyric beauty with immense compression of meaning . 3. The symbolism in wide range is also a distinctive feature of his poetry . 威廉*華茲華斯 一. The works : 1. Wordsworth had a long poetic career . His first volumes are Descriptive sketc

26、hes , an Evening Walk . 黃昏漫步曲 2. The Lyrical Ballads抒情歌謠集 differs in marked ways from his early poetry , notably the uncompromising simplicity of much of the language ,the lyrical Ballads are among the best of his achievement . 3. The prelude序曲 is regarded as Wordsworth's great work . 4. In 1807

27、 Poems in Two Volumes was published . The work contains much of Wordsworth's finest. 5.I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud我如行云獨自游 二. The subject : According to the subjects , Wordsworth's short poems can be classified into two groups : poems about nature and poems about human life . 1. The worshipp

28、er of nature : Wordsworth is regarded as a "Worshipper of nature ".大自然的崇拜者 He can penetrate to the heart of things and give the reader the very life of nature . To worthsworth , nature acts as a substitute for imaginative and intellectual engagement . It's nature that give him "st

29、rongth and knowledge full of peace ." 2. The theme of hi s works : Wordsworth thinks that common life is the only subject of literary interest . The joys and sorrows of the common people are his themes . 三. The Artistic features : 1. The memory of the past : Wordsworth is a poet in memory of th

30、e past . To him , life is a cyclical journey . His philosophy of life is presented in his masterpiece The Prelude . 2. The deliberate simplicity : Wordsworth's deliberate simplicity and refusal to decorate the truth of experience produced a kind of pure and profound poetry which no other poet ha

31、s ever equaled . He maintained that the scenes and events fo everyday life and the speech of ordinary people were the raw material of which poetry could and should be made . 四.The contributions : 1. William Wordsworth is the leading figure of the English romantic poetry , Inspires his audience to se

32、e the worldfreshly , sypathetically and naturally . 2. The most important contribution he has made is that he has not only stared the modern poetry , but also changed the course of English peotry . 塞*特*科勒律治 一.The thoughts : 1. In philosophy Coleridge opposed the limitedly rationalist 理性主義者trends of

33、the 18th-century thought . He courageously stemmed the tide of制止 the prevailing doctrines drived from Hume and Hartley , advaocating a more spiritual and religious interpretation of life . 2. In literature : He belived that art is the only permanent revelation of the nature of reality . 3. In politi

34、cs : Politically , coleridge was first an enthusiastic supporter of the French Revolution . But in his later period , he was a fiery foe敵人 of the rights of man , of Jacobinism .雅各賓主義 二.the works Coleridge's actual achievement as poet can be divided into two remarkably diverse groups : the demoni

35、c and the coversational . 1. The demonic group : The demonic group includes his three masterpieces :"The Rime of the Ancient Mariner ,"古舟之詠 "Christable "and "Kubla Khan忽必烈汗 ." Mysticism and demonism with strong imagination are the distinctive features of this group . A.

36、 "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner "told an adventurous story of a sailor . B. "Christable "use a freer version of the ballad form to create an atmosphere of the Gothic horror at once delicate and sinister . C. "Kubla Kham "was composed in adream after coleridge took the

37、 opium . 2. The conversational group : A.Among the Coversational group , "Frost at Midnight " 夜鶯is the most important . B."Dejection : An Ode "沮喪,一段頌歌is also an intimate personal piece in which Coleridge utters his innermost thoughts and sentiments . 三. The Artistic feature : 1.

38、Coleridge is one of the first critics to give close critical attention to language , maintaining that true end of poetry is to give pleasure "through the medium of beauty ." 2. Coleridge was esteemed by some of his contemporaries and is generally recognized today as a lyrical poet and lite

39、rary critic of the first rank . 3. He was of the most influential English literary critics and philosophers of the 19th century . 喬治*戈登*拜倫 一. The works : 1. The first two cantos of Childe Harold 's Pilgrimage 恰爾德哈羅爾德游記brought Byron fame . 2. Don Juan 唐璜is Byron's masterpiece , a great comic

40、epic of the early 19th century . The unifying principle in Don Juan is the basic ironic theme of appearance and reality . 3. The narrative poem The Prisoner of Chillon 喬侖的囚犯, the verse drama Manfred 曼弗雷德, the verse dramas cain 該隱and the narrative poem The Island in the greatest political satires , T

41、he vision of Judgement .審判的幻境 二. The Byronic hero : 1. Byron's chief contribution is his creation of the "Byronic hero ," a pround , mysterious rebel figure of noble origin . 2. The Byronic hero would carry on his shoulders the burden of righting all the wrongs in a corrupt society , a

42、nd would rise single-handedly against and kind of tyrannical rules either in government , in religion , or in moral principles . 3. Such a hero appears first in Childe Harold's Pilgrimage . 4. The figure is , to some extent , modeled on the life and personality of Byron himself , and makes Byron

43、 famous both at home and abroad . 三. The Artistic features : 1. Byron's poetry was immensely popular at home , and also abroad , where it exerted great influence on the Romantic Movement . 2. Byron's diction has on the whole a freedom , copiousness and vigor . His description are simple and

44、fresh , and often bring vivid objects before the reader . 3. Byron's poetry is like the oratory . The glowing imagination rises and sinks with tones of his enthusiasm . 珀*比*雪萊 一. the works : 1. The first long serious work : In 1813 he published his first long serious work , Queen Mab 麥布女王: A phi

45、losophical Poem . 2. The lyrics : In " The cloud ."云之歌 Shelley created a platonic symbol of the spirit of man . In "To a skylark "致云雀 the bird , suspended between reality and poetic image . Adonais is an elegy for John Keats .Best of all the well-known lyric pieces is Shelley 

46、9;s "Ode to the West wind ".西風頌 3. The poetic drama : Shelley 's greatest achievement is his four-act poetic drama , Prometheus Unbound .解放了的普羅米修斯 The play is an exultant work in praise of humankind's potential , and Shelley himself recognized it as "the most perfect of my pro

47、ducts . " 二. The thoughts and literary creation : 1. The thoughts : A.He held a lifelong aversion to cruelty , injustice , authority , institutional religion . B. He believed that his age was one of the wars of the oppressed against the oppressors . He felt that the existing despotic government

48、 could be overthrown by revolution . C. He realized that the evil was also in man's mind . D. He predicated that only through gradual and suitable reforms of the existing institutions could benevolence 仁慈be universally establis hed and none of the evils would survive in this "genuine societ

49、y ". 2. The creations : A. Shelley expressed his love for freedom and his hatred toward tyranny . B. One of Shelley 's greatest political lyrics is "Men of England .致英格蘭人民 " It is not only a war cry calling upon all working people to rise up against their political oppressors , bu

50、t an address to them pointing out the intolerable injustice of economic expoitation . 約翰*濟慈 一. The works : 1. The first important poem : "on First looking into chapman's Homer "讀恰普曼譯荷馬 2. The first volume : One of the good poems in this volume was "Sleep and Poetry ".睡與詩 3. T

51、he poem based on the Greek : Endymion 安狄彌翁 4. The best of his volumes of poetry : Lamia 拉米亞, Isabella 伊麗莎白, The Eve of st. Agnes 圣阿格尼斯節(jié)前夕, and Other Poems其他詩歌 . 5. The most mature works : His four great odes :"Ode on Melancholy憂郁頌 ." "Ode on a Crecian Urn ," 希臘古甕頌"Ode to a N

52、ightingale ,夜鶯頌" "Ode to psyche"普賽克頌 二.The literary views : 1. The issues concerned : At the heart of these poems lies keats's concern with how the ideal can be joined with the real , the imagined with actual , and man with woman . 2. The subject matter : Their subject matter is t

53、he poet's abiding preoccupation with the imagination as it reaches out to union with the beautiful . 3. The theme : A. "Ode to a Nightingale " expresses the Contrast between the happy world of natural loveliness and human world of agony . B. "Ode on an Grecian Um " shows the

54、contrast between the permanence of art and the transience of human passion . 三. The Artistic features : 1. Keats' poetry is always sensuous , colorful and rich in imagery . 2. Keats delights to dwell on beautiful words and phrases . He draws diction , style and imagery from works of shakespeare , Milton and Dante . 3. Keats prod


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