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1、PeriodHistorical BackgroundLife TimeName英國(guó)文學(xué)作家作品列表CN NameWritingsCN WritingsNotesEarly&Medieval Period(449-1485) 早期中世紀(jì)時(shí)期(poetry, Romance,Popular ballad)英國(guó)中世紀(jì)文學(xué)史大致 可分為盎格魯-撒克遜(The Anglo-SaxonPeriod,449-1066)和中古英語(yǔ)(The MiddleEnglishPeriod,1066-1485)兩個(gè)時(shí)期。The making of the England: Jutes, Angles and S

2、axons invaded Albion and combined into one United Kingdom-the England.Their dialects gradually grew into a single language called Anglo-Saxon, or Old English.Feudal system was established Roman Catholic Church controlled over the country.700-750Boewulf貝奧武甫英國(guó)的民族史詩(shī) (the national epic of the En glish p

3、eop le) strick ing feature: alliterati on, meta phors and un derstateme nts.1343-1400Geoffrey Chaucer杰弗利喬叟The Canterbury Tales (Master piece)坎特伯雷故事集the Father of English poetry 英國(guó)詩(shī)歌之父, the forerunner of English renaissance 英國(guó)文 藝復(fù)興先驅(qū), metrical form (格律形式)laid the foundation of the English verse 格律形式

4、奠定了基礎(chǔ)的英語(yǔ)節(jié)律, the heroic cou plet 英雄雙韻體1478-1535Thomas More托馬斯莫爾Utopia烏托邦理想國(guó),空想主義的代名詞,開(kāi)創(chuàng)英國(guó)哲理 幻想小說(shuō)傳統(tǒng)的先河the first to introduce the Sonnet intoEnglish literature首先把十四行詩(shī)譯成英語(yǔ)文學(xué)1552-1599Edmund Spenser埃德蒙斯賓賽The Faerie Queen仙后the poets ' p詩(shī)人中的詩(shī)人歌頌女王,宣揚(yáng)人文主義思想The Sp enserian Stanza 斯賓塞詩(shī)體RenaissancePeriod(Hu

5、manism)(late 15th century early 17th century)文藝復(fù)興伊麗莎白時(shí)代(TheElizabethan Age)的英國(guó)戲劇是英國(guó)文藝復(fù)興時(shí)期所有文學(xué)形式中最輝煌的一種,代表了英國(guó)乃至整個(gè)歐洲文藝復(fù)興時(shí)期文學(xué)創(chuàng)作的最高成就。Poetry (sonnet andblank verse), drama,essayThe Wars of the Roses (1455-1485) and Tudor dynasty which was established by Henry VII in 1485.Reformation: Protestantism becam

6、e the official national religion.The Enclosure movement: comp elled p easants to become the hired laborers for the merchants.Flourishing in the Elizabethan Age: The commercial exp ansion and the rise of bourgeoisie.The war with Sp ain: in 1588, the Sp anish Armada was defeated. England had sovereign

7、ty over the seas.文藝復(fù)興具有三個(gè)主要 特征:古希臘、羅馬文化 的復(fù)興;知識(shí)的復(fù)興;1564-15931564-1616人文主義運(yùn)動(dòng)的發(fā)展1561-1626Christ op herMarlowe克里斯扥夫馬洛Dr Fauctus Tamburlaine The Jew of Malta浮士德博士的悲 劇帖木耳大帝馬耳他的猶太人The Renaissance expIo ration sp irit and extreme individualism sp irit文藝復(fù)興探索精神和極端的個(gè)人主義精神,the greatest pl aywright before Shakes

8、 peare 莎士比亞之前最偉大的劇作家,“ UniversityWit ”大學(xué)才子派,the pioneer of English dramaWilliam Shakes peare威廉莎士比亞Four comedies:1. A midsummer night' dream2. The Merchant ofVenice3. As You Like it4. Twelfth night四大喜劇:1. 仲夏夜之夢(mèng)2. 威尼斯商人3. 皆大歡喜4. 第十二夜Francis Bacon弗蘭西斯培根Four tragedies:1.Hamlet2.0thello3. King Lear4.

9、 The tragedy of MacbethThe Temp estEssays Of Studies四大悲?。?. 哈姆雷特2. 奧賽羅3. 李爾王4. 麥克白暴風(fēng)雨論說(shuō)文集 論讀書(shū)above all writers in the p ast and in the present time, he produced 2 longnarrativepo ems, 154 sonnets and 38 pl ays兩首長(zhǎng)詩(shī)歌,154首十四行詩(shī)和38部戲劇, rep resents the climax of the Renaissance 代表了文藝復(fù)興時(shí)期的高潮,one of thefirs

10、t founders of realism 第一個(gè)現(xiàn)實(shí)主義 的創(chuàng)始人之一 ,an encyclopedia of the Elizabethan Age伊麗莎白時(shí)代的百科全書(shū),the largest command of vocabulary 他有最大的詞匯量,Aeschylus and Shakes peare as“ the two greatestdramatic geniuses the world has ever known”埃斯庫(kù)羅斯和莎士比亞是“兩個(gè)世 界歷來(lái)所知最偉大的戲劇天才”Cha mpion of modern science 現(xiàn)代科學(xué)擁護(hù)者,散文家,題材廣泛17th

11、century(p oetry,comedy,p rose)English Revolution (1649)The establishment of a Commonwealth The monarchy was restored (1660) Glorious Revolution(1688) 仃世紀(jì)前60年,是一 個(gè)動(dòng)蕩不安,風(fēng)云際會(huì) 的時(shí)代:期間爆發(fā)了震 驚世界的英國(guó)清教革 命。事實(shí)上,早在16 世紀(jì)末,伊麗莎白女王 統(tǒng)治晚期,英國(guó)社會(huì)已 危機(jī)暗伏。1588年,英 國(guó)戰(zhàn)勝了西班牙無(wú)敵艦 隊(duì),取得海上霸主的地 位。外患既去,內(nèi)憂(yōu)漸 起,一致對(duì)外時(shí)被擱置 一旁的種種矛盾逐漸暴 露了出來(lái),并

12、迅速激 化:以宗教改革為目的 的清教實(shí)力日益壯大, 矛頭直指黑暗腐敗的國(guó) 教;議會(huì)和王權(quán)間摩擦 頻繁,新興資產(chǎn)階級(jí)羽 翼漸豐,不甘雌伏于王 權(quán)之下;兼之兩任斯圖 亞特王詹姆士一世和查 理一世缺乏政治才能, 政府腐化,人民的不滿(mǎn) 情緒高漲,1642年英國(guó) 內(nèi)戰(zhàn)終于爆發(fā)。7世紀(jì)上半葉,影響英 國(guó)的不僅是清教革命, 一場(chǎng)思想革命也在悄然 展開(kāi)。現(xiàn)代天文學(xué)家哥 白尼(NicolausCop ernicus,1473 1543 )大膽提出了日心 說(shuō),推翻了地球是宇宙 中心的觀(guān)念。1572-16311608-16741628-16881631-1700John DonneThemeta physical玄

13、學(xué)派John MiltonThe P uritan清教徒John BunyanThe p uritan清教徒John Dryden The cavalier約翰鄧恩The FleaDeath Be Not Proud The Songs and Sonnets A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning跳蚤死神你別驕傲 歌謠與十四行詩(shī) 離別辭:節(jié)哀約翰彌爾頓Lycidas Areop agitica Paradise Lost Paradise Regained Samson Agonistes利西達(dá)斯為英國(guó)人民申辯 失樂(lè)園 復(fù)樂(lè)園力士參孫the founder of

14、 Meta physical p oetry(writing on love, death and religion)形而上學(xué)的詩(shī)歌的創(chuàng)始人(寫(xiě)愛(ài)情、死亡和宗 教),The Meta physical Conceit玄學(xué)奇喻cynicism 犬儒主義a great revolutionary p oet of the 17th century17世紀(jì)的偉大的 革命詩(shī)人,a great master of blank verse 無(wú)韻詩(shī)的大師,the most p erfect exa mple of the verse drama after the Greek style in Englis

15、h 英語(yǔ)詩(shī)歌戲劇 之后希臘風(fēng)格是最完美的例子約翰班楊約翰德萊頓The Pilgrim ' s ProgressAll for Love天路歷程一切為了愛(ài)情A P uritan prose writer一個(gè)清教徒散文作家,allegory夢(mèng)幻宗教寓言,In the 17th century British social realistic picture 17 世紀(jì)英國(guó)社會(huì)現(xiàn)實(shí)主 義圖景Age of Dryden the greatest p oet between Milton and Pope p oet laureate 桂冠詩(shī)人The greatest Restoration w

16、orks are the worldly, witty comedies(Comedy of manners 風(fēng)俗喜劇).Neoclassical Period 1660-仃98 (Enlightenment) 啟蒙文學(xué)時(shí)期(Neoclassicism)新古典主義時(shí)期(poetry, drama, fiction)A p eriod of comp aratively p eaceful devel op ment Industrial Revolution Enlightenment (啟蒙運(yùn) 動(dòng))The struggle of the bourgeoisie against feudali

17、sm.18世紀(jì)的英國(guó)政局相 對(duì)穩(wěn)定,資本主義經(jīng)濟(jì) 得以持續(xù)發(fā)展,國(guó)力強(qiáng) 盛,不斷發(fā)動(dòng)對(duì)外戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng), 在世界各地建立了許多 殖民地和半殖民地。工 業(yè)革命方興為艾、圈地 運(yùn)動(dòng)仍在繼續(xù)。資產(chǎn)階 級(jí)與勞動(dòng)人民的矛盾日 益突出,各地爆發(fā)了無(wú) 數(shù)次起義。愛(ài)爾蘭人民 也掀起了民族解放運(yùn) 動(dòng)。1672-17191672-1729Joseph Addison Richard Steele約瑟夫艾迪 生理查德斯第 爾The Tatler The Sp ectator閑談?wù)?旁觀(guān)者P rovide a new code of social morality for the rising bourgeoisie.In t

18、heir hands, the English essay comp letely established itself as a literary genre.Using it as a form of character sketching and story-telling, they ushered in the dawn of the modern novel.開(kāi)創(chuàng)了現(xiàn)代小說(shuō)的黎明1688-1744Alexander Pope亞歷山大蒲 伯An Essay on Criticism The Rape of the Lock The DunciadEssay on Man論批評(píng) 奪發(fā)記

19、 群愚史詩(shī) 人論英國(guó)詩(shī)史上藝術(shù)造詣最高的詩(shī)人之一,佃世紀(jì)新古典主義的代表人物,the heroic coup let 英雄雙韻體1660-1731Daniel Defoe丹尼爾笛福Robinson Crusoe Cap tain Singleton Moll Flanders魯濱遜漂流記 辛格頓船長(zhǎng) 摩爾弗蘭德斯Founding of realist novel 現(xiàn)實(shí)主義小說(shuō)的創(chuàng)始之作 the father of English novels 英國(guó)小說(shuō)之父1667-1745Jonathan Swift喬納森斯威 夫特Gulliver ' s Travels A modest Propo

20、 sal Tale of a TubThe Battle of the Books格列佛游記 一個(gè)溫和的建議 木桶的故事 書(shū)的戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)The most powerful satirist of the age 時(shí)代最 強(qiáng)大的諷刺作家,Attacked the social darkness and evil抨擊了社會(huì)黑暗和罪惡1689-1761Samuel Richardson塞繆爾里查 遜Pamela帕美勒his emp hasis on detail, his p sychological insights into women, and his dramatic technique have

21、 earned him a p rominent place among English novelists.注重纟細(xì)節(jié),關(guān) 于女性的心理洞察,和他的戲劇技能為他贏(yíng) 得了在英語(yǔ)小說(shuō)家著名之處1707-1754Henry Fielding亨利菲爾丁The History of Tom Jones,a Foundling湯姆瓊斯He was the first to give the modern novel its structure and styleComic epic in prose散文體 喜劇 史詩(shī)第一個(gè)創(chuàng)造現(xiàn)代小說(shuō)結(jié)構(gòu)和風(fēng)格的人Father of English novel(the

22、third-person narration)英國(guó)小說(shuō)之父1721-1771Tobias George Smollett托拜厄斯喬 治斯摩萊特Roderick Random Humphry Clinker藍(lán)登傳亨弗利克林克小說(shuō)敘事幽默、描寫(xiě)細(xì)膩,對(duì) 19世紀(jì)的著名 小說(shuō)家狄更斯的影響很大。1713-1768Laurence Sterne勞倫斯斯特 恩The Life and Op inions of TristramShandy,Gentleman Sentimental JourneyThrough France and Italy商第傳感傷旅行P recursor to modern st

23、ream-of-consciousness novels商第傳目的是為了教育人更好的真愛(ài)世 界和同胞。商第傳和感傷旅行都以描寫(xiě)人物心 理感受見(jiàn)長(zhǎng)。是18世紀(jì)中后期英國(guó)感傷主義 小說(shuō)的重要代表作品。1709-17841730-17741716-17711751-1816SamuelJohnsonOliverGoldsmithThomas GrayGraveyardPoet墓園派Richard Brinsley Sheridan賽繆爾約翰遜奧利佛哥爾德斯密斯扥馬斯格雷查理布林斯萊-謝里丹A Dictionary of the English Language To the Right Honora

24、ble The Earl of Chesterfield Lives of the PoetsThe Citizen of the World The Deserted Village The Vicar of WakefieldElegy Written in a Country ChurchyardThe RivalsThe School for Scandal英語(yǔ)大詞典致切斯特菲爾德 勛爵的信 詩(shī)人傳世界公民荒村威克菲爾德牧師傳墓園挽歌情敵 造謠學(xué)校18世紀(jì)英國(guó)人文主義文學(xué)批評(píng)的巨擘,散文 家,詞典編纂家,英語(yǔ)史上第一部標(biāo)準(zhǔn)辭書(shū)世界公民在中西文化關(guān)系史上占有重要 地位。Graveyard

25、 Poet 墓園派詩(shī)人,dislike of age chaos state and desire to "natural simple peaceful"對(duì)時(shí)代紛亂狀態(tài)的厭惡和對(duì)“自 然簡(jiǎn)樸安詳”的向往He is considered to be the only important English dramatist of the 18th century 他 被認(rèn)為是唯一重要的18世紀(jì)英國(guó)劇作家(最 有成就的喜劇家),Morality is the constant theme道德是不變的主題Romantic Period 仃98-佃32 (Romanticism)

26、浪漫主義文學(xué)英國(guó)乃至世界的浪漫主 義運(yùn)動(dòng)發(fā)生在18世紀(jì) 19世紀(jì)之交并非偶然。 它是與當(dāng)時(shí)世界性的革 命運(yùn)動(dòng)思潮息息相關(guān) 的,美洲的民族獨(dú)立解 放運(yùn)動(dòng)(美麗堅(jiān)合眾國(guó) 的成立)、法國(guó)大革命的 迅猛發(fā)展、以及歐洲各 國(guó)特別是英國(guó)的工業(yè)革 命都對(duì)浪漫主義運(yùn)動(dòng)的 興起產(chǎn)生了巨大的推動(dòng) 力。特別是法國(guó)大革命, 它對(duì)浪漫主義運(yùn)動(dòng)首先 發(fā)生在歐洲負(fù)有直接責(zé) 任,對(duì)英國(guó)浪漫主義運(yùn) 動(dòng)的蓬勃開(kāi)展更是產(chǎn)生 了重大影響。追根溯源, 浪漫主義作家在思想上 深受德國(guó)唯心主義古典 哲學(xué)的影響,開(kāi)始重視 人的自由、自在和自為 性,并開(kāi)始重新去認(rèn)識(shí) 自我、審視自我,從而 進(jìn)一步追求自我價(jià)值的 實(shí)現(xiàn)。追求強(qiáng)烈情感的自然流 露,

27、張揚(yáng)個(gè)性解放,以 銳不可擋之勢(shì)沖垮了理 性統(tǒng)制長(zhǎng)達(dá)100多年的 文學(xué)大堤。1757-1827William Blake威廉布萊克Songs of Innocence Songs of Exp erience Marriage of Heaven and Hell天真之歌經(jīng)驗(yàn)之歌天堂與地獄聯(lián)姻Blake is called a P re-Romantic or forerunner of the Romantic p oetry of the 19th century布雷克被稱(chēng)為前浪漫主義或19世紀(jì)浪漫主義詩(shī)歌的先驅(qū),The distinctivefeature of his poetry is

28、 the symbolism in wide range.他的詩(shī)歌的獨(dú)特的特點(diǎn)是有廣泛 的象征意義,Print artist and poet, strange imagination, extremely rich individual character and unique system of mythology版畫(huà)家兼詩(shī)人,想象奇特,極富個(gè) 性,獨(dú)特的神話(huà)體系1759-1796Robert Burns羅伯特彭斯Poems, Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect My Heart ' s in the HighlandsA Red, Red Rose A

29、uld Lang Syne蘇格蘭方言詩(shī)集我的心在高原 一朵紅紅的玫瑰昔日時(shí)光Robert Burns is one of the greatestsongwriters in the world. He is thenationalpoet of Scotland 羅伯特伯恩斯是世界上 最偉大的歌曲作家之一,Scottish peasant p oet, with democratic p rogress thought, p oetry pure natural extremely rich agrestic breath蘇格蘭著名農(nóng)民詩(shī)人,具有 民主進(jìn)步思想,詩(shī)作純樸自然極富鄉(xiāng)土氣息 pe

30、ople ' s poem 人民的詩(shī)人1770-1850William WordsworthLake p oet湖畔派威廉華茲華 斯Lyrical Ballads Tintern Abbey I wandered lonely as a cloudOde: Intimations of ImmortalityThe Solitary Rea per Lucy Poems Prelude my heart leads up when I beholdI wandered lonely as A cloud抒情歌謠集 丁登寺旁 詠水仙 不朽頌 孤獨(dú)的割麥女 露西組詩(shī) 序曲 我心蕩漾Lyri

31、cal Ballads的問(wèn)世標(biāo)志著英國(guó)浪漫主義 文學(xué)的真正崛起。Lake poet“湖畔派”詩(shī)人,Poet laureate (桂冠詩(shī)人),Coleridge & Robert Southey ,The three poets came to be known as Lake Poets.柯勒律治和騷塞,這三個(gè)詩(shī)人被稱(chēng)為湖畔詩(shī)人,celebratedthe glories of nature and the human spirit 著 名的自然和人類(lèi)精神的光輝1772-1834Samuel Taylor Coleridge Lake p oet 湖畔派塞繆爾泰 勒科勒律治The Ri

32、me of The Ancient MarinerKubla Khan Christalbel Biogra phia Literaria古舟子詠忽必烈汗 克麗斯塔貝爾 文學(xué)傳記One of the three p oets "Lake Poet" Work has a tendency to natural mysticism“湖畔派”三詩(shī)人之一 作品有自然的神秘主義傾向1788-1824George Gordon Byron喬治戈登拜倫Childe Harold ' s PilgrimageDon Juan (masterpiec?恰爾德哈羅德 游記唐璜P er

33、sonality cult個(gè)人崇拜, Byronic Hero拜倫式英雄(富有挑戰(zhàn)性的、憂(yōu)郁的年輕人, 沉思于神秘)1792-1822Percy Bysshe Shelley波西比希雪萊(溺水身亡)Queen MabOde to the West Wind To a Skylark Prometheus Unbound A Defence of Poetry麥布女王 西風(fēng)頌(freedom)云雀頌解放了的普羅米 修斯詩(shī)辯Influenced by Plato's p hilos op hy, look forward to the ideal of beauty and philoso

34、 phy深受柏拉圖哲學(xué)影響,憧憬美麗 的理想和理念, one of the greatest English lyrical p oets and dramatists of English Romanticism抒情詩(shī)人和浪漫主義戲劇家1795-1821John Keats約翰濟(jì)慈(與雪萊是好 朋友,死于肺結(jié) 核)Ode to a Nightingale Ode to a Grecian UrnOde to Autumn夜鶯頌 希臘古甕頌 秋頌Life pu rsuit of beauty, to create art beauty genius p oet生追求美,是創(chuàng)造藝術(shù)美的天才詩(shī)人,

35、one of the p rinc ipalp oets of the English Romantic movement 英國(guó)浪漫主義運(yùn)動(dòng)的主要的詩(shī)人之一1775-1817Jane Austen簡(jiǎn)奧斯汀Sense and Sensibility Pride and Prejudice Mansfield Park EmmaNorthanger Abbey Persuasion理智與情感 傲慢與偏見(jiàn) 曼斯菲爾德莊園愛(ài)瑪諾桑覺(jué)寺勸導(dǎo)one of the greatest women writers of the 19th century19世紀(jì)最偉大的女性作家之一,By women writer

36、s unique shar p and delicate depi ction of the English countryside middle class life and thought, delicatewit humor 以女性作家特有的敏銳和細(xì)膩刻畫(huà)英國(guó)鄉(xiāng)村中產(chǎn)階級(jí)的生 活和思想,精巧機(jī)智幽默,one of the realistic novelists是現(xiàn)實(shí)的小說(shuō)家之一1771-1832Walter Scott沃爾特司各 特IvanhoeWaverley (first historical novel) Rob Roy (the bes of the group)艾凡赫t威弗利羅

37、布羅伊creator and great master of the historical novel浪漫主義歷史小說(shuō),“西歐歷史小說(shuō)之父” , Scott ' s historicalnovels pavecthe way for the devel op ment of the realistic novels of the 19th century and marks the transitionfrom romanticism torealism in English literatureof the 19thcentury.司各特的歷史小說(shuō)的發(fā)展鋪平了道 路的現(xiàn)實(shí)小說(shuō)19世紀(jì)

38、標(biāo)志著從浪漫主義轉(zhuǎn)向 現(xiàn)實(shí)主義在19世紀(jì)的英國(guó)文學(xué)。TheOrigins ofSp ecies物種起源1859Das Kap ital資本論1867現(xiàn)實(shí)主義文學(xué)時(shí)期Victorian Period 1837-1901 (Critical Realism) 維多利亞時(shí)期小說(shuō)的黃金時(shí)代維多利亞時(shí)代是英國(guó)發(fā) 展史上迅猛上升的時(shí) 期。大英帝國(guó)的經(jīng)濟(jì)實(shí) 力空前強(qiáng)大,勢(shì)力范圍 迅速擴(kuò)張。從殖民地掠 奪的財(cái)富源源不斷的流 入英國(guó),這似乎是現(xiàn)實(shí) 世界理所當(dāng)然的一部 分,也許是許多維多利 亞文學(xué)作品的背景。但 經(jīng)濟(jì)上的繁榮并不能阻 止階級(jí)矛盾的產(chǎn)生。就 在新興資產(chǎn)階級(jí)奇跡般 地暴富起來(lái)時(shí),勞動(dòng)者 卻不得不在殘酷

39、的壓迫 下過(guò)著窮困的生活。這 一時(shí)期反抗壓迫、爭(zhēng)取 民主選舉權(quán)的運(yùn)動(dòng)蓬勃 發(fā)展。1812-1870Charles Dickens查爾斯狄更 斯Oliver TwistThe Old Curiosity Shop Dombey and Son David Copp erfield Bleak HouseHard TimesA Tale of Two Cities Great Exp ectations霧都孤兒 老古玩店 董貝父子 大衛(wèi)科波菲爾 荒涼山莊 艱難時(shí)世 雙城記遠(yuǎn)大前程greatest Victoriancriticalnovelists ,great humorist19世紀(jì)英國(guó)最偉大

40、的小說(shuō)家,其作品的深度 和廣度超過(guò)了同時(shí)代的任何作家,是維多利 亞時(shí)代英國(guó)社會(huì)生活的畫(huà)卷。1811-1863William Makepeace Thackery威廉梅克皮 斯-薩克雷Vanity Fair The book of Snobs名利場(chǎng) 勢(shì)利者集critical realism批判現(xiàn)實(shí)主義satirist,moralist諷刺作家道德主義家,書(shū)名取自天路歷程The Pilgrim ' s Progress1816-1855Charlotte Bronte夏洛蒂勃朗 特Jane Eyre Shirley VilletteThe Professor簡(jiǎn)愛(ài) 雪莉 維萊特 教師簡(jiǎn)愛(ài)是一

41、部成長(zhǎng)小說(shuō),展示了女主人 公從一名孤兒成長(zhǎng)為獨(dú)立女性的過(guò)程。小說(shuō) 表達(dá)的作者的思想:女性應(yīng)該通過(guò)自己的努 力,追求經(jīng)濟(jì)上、婚姻上、人格上和社會(huì)地位上的平等。First governess novel女教師 小說(shuō)1818-1848Emily Bronte艾米麗勃朗 特Wuthering Heights呼嘯山莊想象奇特,野性與文明、浪漫與現(xiàn)實(shí)反差強(qiáng) 烈,具有神秘恐怖色彩。1820-1849Anne Bronte安妮勃朗特Agnes Grey阿格尼斯格雷1809-1892Alfred Tennyson阿爾弗雷德 丁尼生In Memeriam Break Break Break Idylls of t

42、he King悼念拍吧,拍吧,拍吧 國(guó)王之歌Poet Laureate桂冠詩(shī)人劍橋摯友溺水而死,悼念中表達(dá)了真切 的傷感和悲痛,同時(shí)反映了對(duì)生活本質(zhì)和人 類(lèi)命運(yùn)的思索和憂(yōu)慮1812-1889Robert Browning羅伯特布朗 寧My Last Duchess Meeting at Night Parting at Morning我逝去的公爵夫人黑夜相會(huì)晨別the most original p oet, who imp rove and mature the dramatic monologue 發(fā)展和完善 戲劇獨(dú)白1822-1888Matthew Arnold馬修阿諾德Dover Be

43、ach多佛海灘反映了 19世紀(jì)西方社會(huì)中的宗教信仰在新知 識(shí)的沖擊下普遍淪喪的時(shí)代風(fēng)貌。對(duì)人類(lèi)苦 難的悲憫,對(duì)信仰危機(jī)時(shí)代的擔(dān)憂(yōu)和無(wú)奈。1819-1880George Eliot喬治艾略特The Mill on the Floss Silas Marner Middlemarch弗羅斯河上的磨房織工馬南米德?tīng)栺R契19世紀(jì)現(xiàn)實(shí)主義小說(shuō)的真正代表leading in the directionof naturalisticand psychologicalnovel自然主義和心理小說(shuō)的先驅(qū)1840-1928Thomas Hardy扥馬斯哈代Far from the Madding CrowdThe

44、 Return of the Native The Mayor ofCasterbridgeTess of The D ' UnvervI Jude the Obscure遠(yuǎn)離塵囂還鄉(xiāng)卡斯特橋市長(zhǎng) j德伯家的苔絲 1無(wú)名的裘德Naturalism,自然主義傾向。Wessex小說(shuō)。以 “幻滅”為主題,英格蘭南部農(nóng)村青年男女 走投無(wú)路、陷于絕望的悲劇故事。Poetic descriptions and fatalism (宿命論)1857-1924184-19001856-19501867-1933Joseph ConradOscar WildeGeorgeBernard ShawJohn

45、Galsworthy約瑟夫康拉德奧斯卡王爾德蕭伯納約翰高爾斯華綏Heart of Darkness Lord JimThe Picture of Dorian Gray SalomeLady Windermere's Fan A Woman of No Impo rtanceAn Ideal Husband The Impo rtance of Being EarnestPygmalionWidower s House Mrs. Warren ' s Profess Arms and the Man Man and Sup erman Major BarbaraSaint Jo

46、an The App le CartThe Forsyte Saga The Man of Property黑暗之心 吉姆老爺?shù)懒指窭椎漠?huà) 像莎樂(lè)美溫德米爾夫人的扇子一個(gè)無(wú)足輕重的女人一個(gè)理想的丈夫 認(rèn)真的重要性皮格馬利翁 鰥夫的房產(chǎn) I華倫夫人的職業(yè) 武器與人 人與超人 巴巴拉少校 圣女貞德 蘋(píng)果車(chē)福賽特世家 有產(chǎn)業(yè)的人對(duì)西方特別是比利時(shí)帝國(guó)主義的擴(kuò)張、對(duì)民 族剝削和壓迫的不滿(mǎn)。發(fā)英國(guó)現(xiàn)代主義文學(xué) 的先聲。Aestheticism唯美主義Art for art's sake為藝術(shù)而藝術(shù)反對(duì)社會(huì)普遍的功利主義和工業(yè)社會(huì)的丑陋 和庸俗。倡導(dǎo)一種有思想的“問(wèn)題劇”,語(yǔ)言銳利、 簡(jiǎn)潔、風(fēng)趣Pygmalion 改編為 Broadway Musical My Fair Lady揭示了資產(chǎn)階級(jí)的家庭、社會(huì)關(guān)系。1865-1939188


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