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1、第13頁 共13頁PEP人教版六年級上英語Unit 1 How can I get there第五課時優(yōu)質(zhì)課教案The fifth period第五課時Part B Read and write 教學內(nèi)容與目的 課時教學內(nèi)容 課時教學目的 Read and write 可以正確聽、說、認讀單詞:BDS, gave, feature, follow, far, tell 可以討論車輛中哪種工具能幫助人們找到自己想去的地方,并能以此激活已有的背景知識和儲藏詞匯 可以通過閱讀問題在語篇中捕捉不同類型的信息,訓練根據(jù)上下文猜新詞的才能 可以通過推理獲得教材提供的閱讀理解題,根據(jù)閱讀所獲取的信息寫出文章

2、梗概 知道英語句子有升降調(diào),并能在老師的幫助下找到一般規(guī)律,正確朗讀句子 教學重點 可以理解和掌握本課重點單詞和句型。教學難點 可以通過閱讀問題在語篇中捕捉不同類型的信息,訓練根據(jù)上下文猜新詞的才能。教學準備 1.預習本課時的相關內(nèi)容。2.PPT課件課文錄音視頻等。Teaching purpose 樹立課前評價機制,引導并鼓勵學生在課上大膽表達自己的想法,積極發(fā)言,保持思維開放。采取小組合作方式,得分最多的小組為優(yōu)勝組。教學過程 Step 1: Pre-reading 1.Greetings. Greet students.Divide them into several groups and

3、 tell them, “If you can act bravely, actively and be open-minded in class, your group can get more points.The group which gets the most points will be the winner.” Teaching purpose 以現(xiàn)代人和古代人尋找道路時所能使用的工具導入本課核心生詞BDS,讓學生理解pass,即指南針/羅盤。2.Free talk. T:What will you do if you dont know the way? 課件出示:現(xiàn)代人迷路的

4、圖片S1: I will ask the police/other people for help.S2: I will use the BDS on my mobile phone.S3: I will use a map. 課件出示:地圖的圖片,尋求警察或別人幫助的圖片及BDS的圖片Present the new word “BDS” according to the students answer.課件出示:BDS的相關內(nèi)容Students learn the word through the picture.T:What about the people in ancient time

5、s? They dont have mobile phones or puters.How can they find the way? 課件出示:古代人迷路的圖片S1: They can use a pass.S2: They can look at the stars. T:Wow, youve known a lot! Thats great! 課件出示:星星的圖片及指南針的圖片Teaching purpose 老師呈現(xiàn)圖片,讓學生識圖、讀詞,根據(jù)問題選擇正確的答案,培養(yǎng)學生的自主學習才能。創(chuàng)設情境導入本課生詞,為下面即將學習的文本掃清閱讀障礙。Present the new word

6、“pass” according to the students answer.課件出示:pass的相關內(nèi)容Students learn the word through the picture and read the word. Students learn to find a place through different ways.3.Read and choose. (1)Present the four pictures of “map, pass, BDS, stars”.課件出示:教材P8 Read and write板塊的四幅圖片T:Do you know these thi

7、ngs? Ss:Yes.They are “map, pass, BDS and stars”.T:What are they for? Ss:They can help us find the way.T:E_cellent! Now lets read the words.(2)Lead students to read the words and understand the meaning of them through the pictures.T:You are in a car.Which of these can help you find a place? Ss:BDS.T:

8、Good job! (3)Present a short video of using BDS in a car.課件出示:車內(nèi)使用BDS的視頻Teaching purpose 觀察圖片,預測文本內(nèi)容。快速閱讀對話,整體感知文本,初步理解情節(jié)的開展過程,梳理吳一凡和邁克在去意大利餐廳途中經(jīng)過的地方。T:If we want to go to a place far away, but dont know the way, we can follow the BDS.The voice prompts of the BDS will tell us the way.With the help o

9、f the video, the teacher uses gestures and body language to help students understand the meaning of “far, follow, tell” in conte_t.If we want to go to a place far away, but dont know the way.We can follow the BDS.The voice prompts of the BDS will tell us the way.Step 2: While-reading 1.Fast reading.

10、 Show the four pictures of the passage.課件出示:教材P8 對話局部四幅圖Lead students to predict the content through the pictures.T:Where are they? Ss:They are in front of the cinema.T:They look like going somewhere.Where are they going? Ss:They are going to the restaurant.T:Wu Yifan and his friend Mike want to go

11、to the Italian restaurant.How did they go there? What places did they pass by? Play the recording of the whole te_t.課件出示:教材P8 Read and write板塊的音頻題目要求提取【關鍵詞】:p 】:的才能。Present the pictures of the places they passed by one by one.課件出示:逐一呈現(xiàn)教材P8閱讀材料中的位置圖片2.Careful reading. (1)Students read the passage car

12、efully this time, and answer the first and the third questions. (2)Q1: What is Robins new feature? Present the first paragraph of the passage.課件出示:教材P8 Read and write板塊的第一段Robin has a new feature.Highlight and teach the new word “feature” in the paragraph.Let students learn to read the word and get

13、to know its meaning.課件出示:feature的相關內(nèi)容T:Whats the new feature that Robin has?課件出示:教材P9第1題問題及答案Ss:He has BDS now.T:Yes, Wu Yifans grandpa gave Robin the new feature.Highlight and teach the new word “gave” in the paragraph.pare it with the form of “give”.Get students to know the difference between thes

14、e two forms.課件出示:gave的相關內(nèi)容Write down “givegave” on the blackboard.Q3: Which word under the fourth picture means “奏效,起作用”?課件出示:教材P9第3題問題及答案(3) Students circle the prepositions or prepositional phrases of locations in the passage.Get a quick review of these words.Prepositions for locations: in front o

15、f, at, behind.(4)Students draw a map to the Italian restaurant.Let students share their maps and choose the best one. (5)Students fill in the blanks.課件出示:教材P9第二局部習題及答案Students fill in the blanks.Check the answers together with the teacher.Teaching purpose 培養(yǎng)學生的語音語調(diào),讓學生學會按正確的意群朗讀,并注意句子的升調(diào)和降調(diào)。Then ret

16、ell the story according to their maps.3.Read the story. Students listen to the recording and read the passage.Pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation, especially those sentences underlined in “Tips for pronunciation”.Try to read correctly, fluently and emotionally.課件出示:教材P8 Read and wr

17、ite板塊的音頻Step 3: Post-reading 1.Read the sentences in “Tips for pronunciation” in the te_t.課件出示:教材P9 Tips for pronunciation的句子2.Make a summary.Lead students to try to find some regulations of their tones.Get them to know that English sentences have the rising or falling intonation.Students practice r

18、eading the sentences, and the teacher summarizes the regulations.(課件出示:語調(diào)的發(fā)音規(guī)律) Teaching purpose 利用朗讀練習,培養(yǎng)學生的英語語音語調(diào),引導學生發(fā)現(xiàn)英語句子有升降調(diào),并理解句子常見升調(diào)和降調(diào)的特點。3.Learn the rising and falling tones. Lead students to read these sentences in correct tones. 板書設計 Unit 1 How can I get there? BDS Tips for pronunciation

19、 givegave Robin has BDS.降調(diào)feature Follow me, please! 升調(diào)follow Is it far? 升調(diào)far Where is the restaurant? 降調(diào)tell 作業(yè)設計 1.Practice the dialogue.2.Do the e_ercises. 教學反思 1.創(chuàng)設情境,利用圖片和小視頻等形象直觀的方式呈現(xiàn)并教學局部新單詞,結合手勢或肢體語言輔助和解釋說明,為后面的閱讀掃清局部障礙。2.通過多元化的教學活動設計,啟發(fā)學生考慮,培養(yǎng)學生自主學習才能,引導學生觀察和總結,注重對思維才能的培養(yǎng)。3.通過不同層次的閱讀活動設計,引

20、導學生從快速閱讀到仔細閱讀,從初步感知文本到深化理解。4.注重對學生語音意識的培養(yǎng),關注朗讀時的語音語調(diào),理解句子常見的升調(diào)和降調(diào)規(guī)律。5.手繪地圖環(huán)節(jié)的設計既強化了學生對文本的理解,又在動手的過程中鍛煉了學生的空間想象才能,也為學生復述故事提供了輔助,進步了學生的語言綜合表達才能。Teaching Contents Teaching Aims Read and write Be able to listen, speak, read and write the words “BDS, gave, feature, follow, far, tell” correctly.Be able to

21、 discuss which tools in your vehicle will help you find the place you want to go.Be able to capture different types of information in the te_t by reading questions and train the ability to guess the meaning of the new words according to the conte_t.Be able to obtain the reading prehension questions

22、through reasoning, and write an outline of the passage based on the information obtained from the reading.Get to know that English sentences have the rising and falling tones.Find the regulations with the teachers help and learn to read the sentences correctly.Teaching Priorities Be able to understa

23、nd and master the key words and sentence structures of this lesson.Teaching Difficulties Be able to able to capture different types of information in the te_t by reading questions and train the ability to guess the meaning of the new words according to the conte_t.Teaching Procedures Teaching Stages

24、 Teacher s Activities Students Activities Teaching Purposes Pre-reading 1.Greetings.Greet students and divide them into several groups.2.Free talk.Talk with students and teach the new word “BDS”.1.Greet the teacher.2.Talk with the teacher and learn the new word “BDS”.Use the tools that modern and an

25、cient people can use to lead in the new word “BDS”.Get students to know the word “pass”. 3.Read and choose.(1)Present the four pictures of “map, pass, BDS, stars”.(2)Lead students to read the words and understand the meaning.(3)Present a short video of using BDS in a car.(1)Learn the words “map, pas

26、s, BDS, stars”.(2)Read the words and understand the meaning of them through the pictures. (3)Get to know how to use BDS in a car.Cultivate students self-learning ability.Create a situation to introduce the new words in this lesson and remove the obstacles for the studying of the following te_t.While

27、-reading 1.Fast reading.Ask students to read the passage quickly.Predict the content through the pictures and underline the places Wu Yifan and Mike passed by.Let students read the content quickly.Lead them to perceive the te_t preliminarily and sort out the places that Wu Yifan and Mike passed by o

28、n their way to the Italian restaurant.2.Careful reading.(1)Ask students to read the passage carefully.(2)Robins new feature.(3)Ask students to circle the prepositions or prepositional phrases of locations in the passage.(4)Ask students to draw a map to the Italian restaurant.(5)Ask students to fill

29、in the blanks.(1)Read the passage and answer the questions.(2)Get Robins new feature.(3)Circle the locative prepositions in the passage.(4)Draw a map to the Italian restaurant.(5)Fill in the blanks, check the answers and retell the story.Help students obtain more information and get in-depth understanding of the te


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