Inspector Gadget《神探加杰特(2015)》第一季第二集完整中英文對(duì)照劇本_第1頁(yè)
Inspector Gadget《神探加杰特(2015)》第一季第二集完整中英文對(duì)照劇本_第2頁(yè)
Inspector Gadget《神探加杰特(2015)》第一季第二集完整中英文對(duì)照劇本_第3頁(yè)
Inspector Gadget《神探加杰特(2015)》第一季第二集完整中英文對(duì)照劇本_第4頁(yè)
Inspector Gadget《神探加杰特(2015)》第一季第二集完整中英文對(duì)照劇本_第5頁(yè)
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1、The mega-antenna atop Towering Towers.這座高塔上的超級(jí)天線With this I will take over every satellite in orbit,有了它我就可以接管軌道上所有的衛(wèi)星了and MAD will control global communications.然后MAD就可以控制全球的通信了MAD Cat! Nooooo!MAD貓 不.I spent all afternoon working on that model!我花了一下午才弄好這個(gè)模型Why would you even build a scale model?你為什么

2、還要建幾何模型呢You have powerful computers!你不是有超級(jí)計(jì)算機(jī)嗎You can make a 3D image in, like, seconds!你可以制作三維圖像 呃 幾秒鐘就能搞定Because, nephew, model building is an art!因?yàn)?侄子 模型建立是一種藝術(shù)Have you infiltrated the building?你潛入大樓了嗎Piece of cake. If a cake had red hot rivets!小菜一碟 如果這碟小菜有燒紅了的鉚釘?shù)脑扵hat doesnt even make sense.這個(gè)笑

3、話很蹩腳You are really just taking all the enjoyment out of this plan.你讓這個(gè)計(jì)劃變得很無趣Dont you have some evil training or something to do?你難道沒有什么邪惡訓(xùn)練或者其他的事情要忙嗎Fine! I need my own lair.好吧 我需要自己的基地Ah, the perfect towering sandwich.哦 完美的超級(jí)三明治Moon Base High School Dance 2, starring Jake Alien!月球歌舞高中第二部的主演是外星人杰克O

4、MG! Its so romantic!哦 我的天啊 太浪漫了I cant believe weve waited one whole month for the sequel!簡(jiǎn)直不敢相信我們等第二部已經(jīng)等了一整個(gè)月了Oh. You remember the time I chased an alien, Penny?哦 你還記得我追捕過一個(gè)外星人嗎 潘妮I chased him during a case那是一件舊案了and you kept calling him Stopits Brain.我還記得你一直喊他“男神”Um, Uncle Gadget,呃 加杰特叔叔I think you

5、re supposed to use those napkins.我認(rèn)為你應(yīng)該用那些餐巾Chief Quimby!昆比警長(zhǎng)Inspector Gadget, Penny, I have a new mission.神探加杰特 潘妮 我有一個(gè)新任務(wù)Towering Towers is the worlds tallest skyscraper,高塔是世界最高的摩天大樓currently under construction.現(xiàn)在正在建造中We have information that MAD will try to break in我們得到情報(bào) MAD準(zhǔn)備在下個(gè)月的開幕式上before its

6、 grand opening next month.闖入大樓搞破壞I need you to go check it out.我需要你去阻止他們This message will self-destruct.這條消息會(huì)在十秒內(nèi)自動(dòng)刪除Youve got it, Chief!好的 警長(zhǎng)The fastest way to get there is by using the G-Portal!到那兒的最快方法就是用加杰特任意門Are you sure, Uncle Gadget?你確定嗎 加杰特叔叔I mean, it still has a few glitches to work out, d

7、oesnt it?我是說 它還有一些小毛病 不是嗎Nonsense, Penny. Its perfectly fine.胡說 潘妮 已經(jīng)可以完美使用了But, Penny. what about the movie?但是 潘妮 電影怎么辦Ill be back in time, Kayla!我會(huì)及時(shí)回來的 凱拉I wouldnt miss it. Woaaaaah!我一定不會(huì)錯(cuò)過的 哇哦If my calculations are correct, and they always are.如果我計(jì)算正確的話 然而我并沒有錯(cuò)過the tower should be right over. th

8、ere.那么 高塔應(yīng)該在 那兒This doesnt look like a giant skyscraper!你在逗我嗎 我讀書少 別騙我Someone must have moved it! Uncle Gadget! The tablecloth!肯定是有人把高塔搬走了 加杰特叔叔 桌布Oh, silly me. I completely forgot about it.哦 我真笨 居然忘了這回事了And its full of crumbs!這上面全是面包屑I wonder where the MAD agents are.我很好奇 MAD的特工們會(huì)在哪兒Just look at th

9、is mess! This isnt safe at all!你瞧這多亂 一點(diǎn)也不安全I(xiàn)ll have to find someone to clean this up.我必須找人把這清理一下Go Go Gadget copter!去吧 加杰特直升機(jī)Brain, you keep an eye on him.布萊恩 把加杰特叔叔看好Ill see if the work crews have seen anything suspicious.我去問問工作人員有沒有什么可疑的地方Gadget!加杰特That menace, Gadget, is at the building! Eliminat

10、e him!那個(gè)壞事精 加杰特 他在大樓里 快去消滅他No problem, I have a special little surprise ready for him.沒問題 我為他準(zhǔn)備了一個(gè)驚喜Get this, its. La la la la. no spoilers!你聽著 這 啦啦啦啦 不要?jiǎng)⊥窲ust. Just do it! Ill watch to see how it turns out.快行動(dòng)吧 我會(huì)看著的I need to speed this search up!我得加快調(diào)查的速度了Go Go Gadget jet engines!去吧 加杰特飛機(jī)引擎Huh. I

11、thought theyd have more kick!呵 我還以為有多厲害呢Those cleaners better be careful,這些清潔工應(yīng)該小心一點(diǎn)theres broken glass everywhere!這里到處都是碎玻璃Wow! How tall is this building, anyway?!哇 這樓到底有多高呀Just got the tickets!我拿到票了So when are you going to be done your mission and how那么 你啥時(shí)候可以完成任務(wù)啊is your mission going and. oh, wh

12、at is your mission?還有 任務(wù)進(jìn)展如何啊 你的任務(wù)是什么Great! Soon. Okay so far.棒棒的 就快了 到目前為止都還好And I cant tell you til you get a higher security clearance.我不能告訴你任務(wù)內(nèi)容 除非你獲得更高的安全等級(jí)Fine. But I just hope you wrap it up soon.好吧 但我只希望你能快點(diǎn)搞定I dont want to see this movie without you.我不想一個(gè)人看這部電影This should cut Gadget down to

13、 size.這玩意可以讓加杰特嘗嘗苦頭De-Construction Droid. Destroy Inspector Gadget!解體機(jī)器人 快去摧毀加杰特Directive accepted.遵命Just look at this mess!你瞧這多亂One of those new robot vacuum cleaners.這應(yīng)該是最新款吸塵機(jī)器人Hmmm. There must be something wrong with it.呃 一定是出故障了Good thing Im an expert at robot repair.剛好我是個(gè)機(jī)器人修理專家Go Go Gadget to

14、olkit!去吧 加杰特工具包Friendly little thing.友好點(diǎn) 小東西That must be an agent of MAD! You! Stop where you are!那一定是MAD的特工 你 站住別動(dòng)Now. to see if I can find any evidence of MAD.那么 讓我看看能不能找到MAD活動(dòng)的跡象吧Excuse me. have there打擾一下 你有在附近been any suspicious people sneaking around?看到什么可疑的人嗎I know you. Youre Gadgets little gi

15、rl Sidekick.我認(rèn)得你 你是和加杰特一伙的小女孩 加杰特的“手下”First, I am not a little girl, and second, Im not a sidekick!首先 我不是小女孩 其次 我也不是他的手下This is a side kick.這才是側(cè)踢Talon! HHey, Penny. Hows it going?鷹爪 嘿 潘妮 你最近好嗎Oh, you know. fine. um.哦 你知道的 還不錯(cuò) 呃Hey! Enough with the charm, you!嘿 別再對(duì)我放電了 你So, MADthew.那么 MAD肌肉男g(shù)ood thin

16、g I showed up when I did, right?我來的正是時(shí)候 對(duì)吧Now the vent needs repairing!現(xiàn)在通風(fēng)口也需要修理一下了Why are we hanging onto this one, Talon?為什么我們要留著她呢 鷹爪I mean. why dont we just toss her over the side.我是說 我們不如把她扔下去算了No! Uh, I mean. why get rid of her,不 呃 我是說 為什么要除掉她呢when we can make her watch as we take control我們可以

17、讓她親眼看著我們接管of the antenna and all of Earths satellites.天線并控制所有的衛(wèi)星Much better than just tossing her off the side.這比把她扔下去 要好得多Aaah! Come back!啊 回來This place is even more dangerous than I thought!這里比我想的還要危險(xiǎn)Get back here!快點(diǎn)回來Dont think so. But as soon as I get free of this!別傻了 一旦我弄掉這玩意Whatever youre doin

18、g here Talon, its not gonna work.不管你有什么陰謀 鷹爪 都是白日做夢(mèng)Hacking the global satellite communications array?我們正在奪取全球衛(wèi)星通訊的控制權(quán)Its totally going to work.就快要成功了Youre already too late to stop it. Power up!想阻止已經(jīng)太晚了 通電Penny, I think the towers cleaning robot潘妮 我認(rèn)為這臺(tái)清潔機(jī)器人may have malfunctioned.可能出故障了But not to wor

19、ry. I can fix it!但是別擔(dān)心 我能修好它Argh! De-construction droid!啊 解體機(jī)器人Initiate self-destruct sequence gamma!啟動(dòng)自毀程序Initiating self-destruct mode!啟動(dòng)自毀程序Uncle Gadget. youve got to get away from it!加杰特叔叔 快點(diǎn)離開那兒Not to worry, Penny. I can fix it, no problem.別擔(dān)心 潘妮 我可以修好它 小事一樁Noooo!不Uncle Gadget, are you OK? Of c

20、ourse, Penny.加杰特叔叔 你還好嗎 當(dāng)然了 潘妮But it looks like we need another cleaning但是看上去我們需要另一臺(tái)清潔機(jī)器人robot to clean up this cleaning robot.來清理這臺(tái)清潔機(jī)器人了Great work, Gadget.干得不錯(cuò) 加杰特Oh no, Kayla! And the movie!哦不 凱拉 還有那部電影You. Are. Not. Going. To. Believe. This!你 不 會(huì) 相信 這件事的Jake Alien is here! We can totally get his

21、 autograph.外星人杰克就在這兒 我們完全可以要到他的簽名No way! Oh man, Ill never make it there before it ends.天了嚕 哦 天 我肯定來不及趕回去了Not to worry, Penny, Ill get you there on time.別擔(dān)心 潘妮 我能讓你準(zhǔn)時(shí)到達(dá)的Thanks Uncle Gadget.謝謝加杰特叔叔Go Go Gadget G-Portal!去吧 加杰特任意門Talon! No missions for a month.鷹爪 罰你一個(gè)月沒有任務(wù)做Oh, and also. Next time Gadge

22、t, next time!哦 還有 我會(huì)回來的 加杰特 后會(huì)有期Have a look at this fascinating documentary all about aliens.看看這吊炸天的外星人紀(jì)錄片Its very informative! Aliens? Pfft, yeah right.真是讓我大開眼界 外星人 嗯 好吧Chief Quimby!昆比警長(zhǎng)Youve got a new mission, Inspector Gadget.你有一個(gè)新任務(wù) 神探加杰特The Multinational Space國(guó)際空間站Station is reporting several s

23、trange occurrences,發(fā)生了一些奇怪的事情and now one of the chief astronauts has gone missing.一位首席宇航員失蹤了Your mission is to investigate the Space Station你的任務(wù)是去調(diào)查一下這座空間站and find the astronaut!并找到失蹤的宇航員This message will self-destruct.這條消息會(huì)在十秒內(nèi)自動(dòng)刪除A missing astronaut is clearly the work of an Alien Intruder.宇航員失蹤肯定

24、是外星入侵者干的Its a good thing I just saw that documentary!我剛好看了一部關(guān)于外星人的記錄片You mean that movie, Aliens VS. Other Aliens 3?你是說那部電影 異形大戰(zhàn)鐵血戰(zhàn)士3嗎Yes. Very informative.嗯 信息量很大哦To travel in space you need a ship.去太空 你需要一艘太空飛船But, why go in a boring old rocket, when you can fly. in style!但 老式的火箭飛船無聊透了 你可以試試這叼炸天的飛

25、船Behold!你看The This Isnt Your Fathers Rocket Ship Rocket Ship!我管它叫“這可不是你老豆那個(gè)時(shí)代的火箭飛船”No need for a spacesuit while inside!完全不需要航天服But if you do, I made suits out of this polymer.若你需要的話 我可以用這種聚合物給你做一件I call it Smells like Polymer. Very cool, Slick.我叫它“好聞的聚合物” 太酷了 斯利克Youll also need these.你也會(huì)需要這些東西All y

26、ou do is put one on, push the button and.你只要穿上它 按一下按鈕 然后Bam, instant helmet and air supply.嘭 炫酷的頭盔和空氣供給Great work, Professor!干得好 教授So long, Earth! Hello, Not Earth!再見 地球 你好 外星Wowsers Penny, the space station is a lot bigger than I saw in the documentary.天啊嚕 潘妮 太空站比我在紀(jì)錄片里看到的還要大I wonder what the alien

27、 is doing right now?我想知道外星人此刻正在做些什么You must be Inspector Gadget, and the trainee. Penny?!你一定是神探加杰特 還有你的助手 潘妮I am Commander MADhail, chief cosmonaut.我是指揮官 MAD海爾 首席宇航員I trust you are here to locate what is taking our astronauts?我想你們來這兒是要找失蹤的宇航員吧That is correct.答對(duì)了Its clear that this abduction is the w

28、ork of aliens!很明顯這次綁架是外星人干的Or probably not, but that doesnt change the fact也可能不是 但宇航員失蹤的事實(shí)that someone is missing. And were gonna find out why.是無法改變的 而我們將要一探究竟It may take you a minute or two to get你們可能得花一兩分鐘used to the gravity in here! No problem!適應(yīng)一下這里的重力 沒問題Ive been using gravity since I was a tee

29、nager!我小時(shí)候就能完虐經(jīng)典力學(xué)了Lets have a look around.我們開始調(diào)查吧Whats happening?怎么回事Ah. Just a little power outage, dont make the worry!只是停電了 別擔(dān)心Another astronaut is gone!又一個(gè)宇航員失蹤了It was alien. You saw. For sure!肯定是外星人 你也看到了 不會(huì)有假Could not have been anything else. No way!不可能是別的東西 不可能Just as I suspected! Could it a

30、ctually be?不出我的意料 真的是外星人所為嗎Absolutely. And weve got to go after it.肯定是 我們得抓住它Brain. you keep an eye on Uncle Gadget.布萊恩 你把加杰特叔叔看好Im gonna have a look around.我去四周調(diào)查一下Theres no way this is really an alien.這不可能是真的外星人所為This kitchen is the perfect alien eatatorium.我們稱之為廚房的地方Which is what they call kitche

31、ns. In alien.在外星人眼中應(yīng)該是個(gè)美食廣場(chǎng)No sign of aliens. And the food is all gone!沒有外星人的跡象 不過食物都不見了There may be more evidence在這個(gè)絕對(duì)安全的冷凍櫥柜里inside the perfectly safe freeze closet.可能會(huì)找到更多的證據(jù)Yes. Aliens love their food cold!對(duì) 外星人喜歡冷凍食物Ah, the door accidentally closed behind me.啊 我身后的門怎么關(guān)上了Foolish Inspector!愚蠢的探員H

32、ello?有人嗎Getting a bit windy in here. Go Go Gadget Suction Cup!這里風(fēng)好大啊 去吧 加杰特吸盤The alien!外星人Where are you going? You have nothing to fear.你要去哪兒 你不必害怕There is much we can learn from each other.有很多我們可以相互學(xué)習(xí)的地方Well. much you can learn from me!好吧 是你可以跟我學(xué)的有很多Brain, it looks like someone has messed with thes

33、e controls.布萊恩 看起來有人在這里動(dòng)了些手腳Keep Uncle Gadget safe! Ill see what more I can find out.保護(hù)好加杰特叔叔 我再調(diào)查調(diào)查The person, or thing that did this has to be around somewhere.兇手應(yīng)該就在附近Where are you?你在哪Wha?什么Unless this alien is from the Planet Plastic,看來這個(gè)外星人來自塑料星球嘛this isnt an alien at all! I knew it!這根本就不是外星人 我

34、就知道And I bet I know whos behind it, too!我相信我知道在背后搗鬼的是誰了MADcat, stop playing around. Float down this instant.MAD貓 別玩了 在空中飄著別動(dòng)Is everything going smoothly?一切順利嗎Ahh, not so much. Penny and Gadget made the trip out哦 不是很順利 潘妮和加杰特在這兒here, and theyre kinda. gunking things up for me.他們給我添了不少麻煩And look what

35、she did to my costume!看看她對(duì)我的服裝做了什么Gadget! Even in zero gravity, he weighs on my patience!加杰特 即使這里沒有重力 他還是我心中的負(fù)擔(dān)About those plans. Sure the Space Station is關(guān)于那些計(jì)劃 可以肯定的是 對(duì)于MAD放大鏡來說the perfect attachment for the MAD Magnifying Glass.太空站是完美的的連接物but are you sure all you want to do with it is但是你確定你想做的就是b

36、urn the Grand Canyon into an even grander canyon?把一個(gè)峽谷給燒成一個(gè)大峽谷嗎You have a better idea?你有更好的主意嗎Yeah, like maybe, threatening to destroy anything we want是的 比如 如果我們拿不到錢if we dont get a zillion dollars?就摧毀我們想要的So much to learn.你還太年輕What would we do with a zillion dollars? Hm?我們有了無盡的財(cái)富后做什么呢 嗯Instead, I w

37、ill make the相反 我要建造grandest canyon of all, and it will be called.最大的大峽谷 它的名字就叫The Grand Clawnyon!鋼爪大峽谷That kinda sounds like The Grand Onion.聽起來像大洋蔥And just like an onion it will make people cry!反正它和洋蔥一樣 都能讓人類哭Just prepare the Station for docking the lens只要MAD海爾指揮官搞定加杰特while Commander MADhail gets r

38、id of Gadget.對(duì)接工作就可以開始了It better be done before we arrive!最好在我們到之前完成Hang on, dont worry! Ill instruct you!等一下 別擔(dān)心 我會(huì)教你的Just call me, Instructor Gadget. And Ill call you Al.就叫我 指導(dǎo)員加杰特吧 我叫你艾爾Great!好的We are bridging the gap between our planets already, Al!我們正在縮小我們星球間的差距 艾爾It is very important in human culture學(xué)會(huì)和第一次見面的人打招呼to greet someone when you first see them.在人類文化中是很重要的It sets everything off on the right foot,這需要把一切集中在右腳or tentacle, or whatever you may have.或者你的觸角 或任何你有的東西Thats perfect! Nicely done, Al!完美 干得漂亮 艾爾The handshake doesnt work with you out there.現(xiàn)在握手是沒用的We need some human t


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  • 7. 本站不保證下載資源的準(zhǔn)確性、安全性和完整性, 同時(shí)也不承擔(dān)用戶因使用這些下載資源對(duì)自己和他人造成任何形式的傷害或損失。



