人教版(2019)必修第二冊Unit4 History and Traditions Video Time課后檢測練(有答案)_第1頁
人教版(2019)必修第二冊Unit4 History and Traditions Video Time課后檢測練(有答案)_第2頁
人教版(2019)必修第二冊Unit4 History and Traditions Video Time課后檢測練(有答案)_第3頁
人教版(2019)必修第二冊Unit4 History and Traditions Video Time課后檢測練(有答案)_第4頁
人教版(2019)必修第二冊Unit4 History and Traditions Video Time課后檢測練(有答案)_第5頁
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1、第9頁(共9頁)Unit 4 History and TraditionsVideo Time一、用過去分詞完成下列句子1. Claire had her luggage _(check) an hour before her plane left. 2. So far, about 40 houses have fallen down under the weight of the snow, with 22 people _(injure). 3. Only you can fully realize which aspects of a college will make you tru

2、ly happy and _ (satisfy), so keep that at the front of your mind. 4. The _(surprise) expression on his face suggested that he knew nothing about the matter. 5. You d better have your body _(examine) if you are free. 二、閱讀理解Imagine stepping out your front door and standing in the middle of a national

3、park. Daniel hopes this might soon be possible for millions of London residents. Daniel is leading a campaign to make London a national park city. Although London has much more concrete than a national park usually would, it is home to more than 13, 000 kinds of wildlife. These species live in its 3

4、, 000 parks, along with 15, 000 varieties of flowering plants, and more than 300 species of birds. In fact, 47 percent of the land in London is green space. “We have 8 million trees in London; it s the world s largest urban forest, ” Daniel says. That s almost one tree for every person living in Lon

5、don! Yet, even though London has thousands of outdoor spaces, one in seven children living there hasn t visited a green space in the past year. Daniel believes that making London into a national park will protect the animal life and green spaces in London. He hopes it will also encourage people, esp

6、ecially young people, to spend more time outdoors. Daniel takes his own son out to explore in London, and he thinks that other parents should do the same. Daniel believes that people who spend a lot of time in nature live happier and healthier lives. What do you think? 1. What s the purpose of the c

7、ampaign led by Daniel? A. To create a new beautiful village. B. To attract more visitors to parks. C. To build a modern town in England. D. To make London a national park city. 2. What can we learn from Paragraph 2 and 3? A. London has 8 million trees. B. London is a small urban forest. C. There are

8、 few parks in London. D. More than 50% of London is green space. 3. In Daniel s opinion, other parents should_. A. take care of themselvesB. help their children with their schoolworkC. spend a lot of time indoorsD. take their children out to explore in London4. What can be the best title for the tex

9、t? A. A New Type of ParkB. People s Busy LifeC. A Traditional FestivalD. Children s Museum三、語法填空One day just before closing time, John rushed into 1._ TV store to buy a color TV set with the money he 2._ (save) for three months. The friendly shop assistant was waiting for the day s last and 3._ (twe

10、nty) customer to reach her sales target for her bonus, 4._she warmly greeted John and showed him the various 5._ (model) on display. She asked John to see 6._ clear and colorful the image on the screen was. At that moment, a new commercial advertisement came onto the screen, 7._ (introduce) a popula

11、r brand of camera as well as some beautiful pictures it had taken. The camera 8._ (attract) John. He 9._ (sudden) changed his mind and told the shop assistant “Thank you for the TV commercial advertisement. Now I have to hurry to the camera store 10._ (get) that camera. ”四、應用文寫作假如你是李華, 前幾天你和父母一起去北京旅

12、游了。請你給你的美國朋友馬克寫一封信介紹一下這次旅游。要點提示如下: 1. 參觀了許多景點, 如故宮、長城、鳥巢、水立方等; 2. 簡要介紹其中兩處景點。注意: 1. 詞數80個左右; 2. 可以適當增加細節(jié), 以使行文連貫。參考詞匯: 故宮: the Palace Museum 鳥巢: the Bird s Nest水立方: the Water CubeDear Mark, How is everything going?_ _Yours, Li Hua一、用過去分詞完成下列句子1.checked2.injured3.satisfied4.surprised5.examined二、閱讀理解1

13、.D。細節(jié)理解題。根據第一段最后一句可知Daniel正在領導一項活動, 使倫敦成為一個國家公園城市。故選D。2.A。細節(jié)理解題。根據第三段第一句可知, “倫敦有800萬棵樹; 這是世界上最大的城市森林, ”Daniel說。故選A。3.D。細節(jié)理解題。根據最后一段第三句可知Daniel帶著自己的兒子去探索倫敦, 他認為其他的父母也應該這樣做。由此可知, Daniel認為, 其他父母應該帶孩子去探索倫敦。故選D。4.A。標題歸納題。文章主要介紹了Daniel正在領導一項活動, 使倫敦成為一個國家公園城市。他認為, 把倫敦打造成國家公園, 可以保護倫敦的生物和綠地, 在大自然中度過大量時間的人也會生

14、活得更快樂、更健康。由此可知, A選項“一種新型的公園”最符合文章標題。故選A。三、語法填空1. a??疾楣谠~。本句泛指 “一家電視機店”, 應用不定冠詞, TV是以輔音音素開頭的詞, 應使用冠詞a。故填a。2. had saved??疾闀r態(tài)。根據句意, 約翰“攢錢”應該是發(fā)生在他“rushed into”之前, 應用過去完成時態(tài)。故填had saved。3. twentieth/20th??疾樾驍翟~。本空修飾后面名詞customer, 是單數, 再結合句意, 這里應該指“第二十個顧客”, 所以用序數詞。故填twentieth或20th。4. so/and。考查連詞。根據句意可知, 空格前后可

15、以為因果關系或者并列關系。故填so或and。5. models。考查名詞復數。model為可數名詞, 前面有various修飾, 所以model用復數形式。故填models。6. how??疾楦袊@句。分析句子結構可知, see后從句為感嘆句, 感嘆的對象是形容詞clear和colorful。故填how。7. introducing。考查非謂語動詞。分析句子結構可知, introduce與主語是邏輯主謂關系, 應用現在分詞形式, 作伴隨狀語。故填introducing。8.attracted??疾闀r態(tài)。句意: 這款照相機吸引了約翰。根據文章內容, 本事件發(fā)生在過去, 應用一般過去時。故填attr

16、acted。9. suddenly。考查副詞。此處修飾動詞changed, 應用副詞。故填suddenly。10. to get??疾榉侵^語動詞。句意: 現在我必須快點去那家照相機店買那個照相機。分析本句句子結構和句意可知, get that camera在句中作目的狀語, 應用不定式形式。故填to get。四、應用文寫作Dear Mark, How is everything going? I will tell you something about the trip to Beijing I went on with my parents recently. It was great!

17、We visited many famous tourist spots, such as the Palace Museum, the Great Wall, the Bird s Nest, the Water Cube, and so on. What attracted me most were the Palace Museum and the Great Wall. The Palace Museum is also called the Forbidden City, with many treasures in the palace that stand for great Chinese culture. As a famous wonde


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