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1、選詞填空(15選10) 10題,總分值:20分Directions: Fill in the blanks in the following passage by selecting suitable words from the word bank. Each word can be used only once.There has been growing pressure, in the US and elsewhere, to demonstrate the value of university education and research in terms of its direc

2、t, 1) tangible economic benefits.It is certainly important that university research 2) contribute to economic well-being - as it surely does. And it is certainly important that a university education helps students to 3) pursue useful and satisfying work - as it does. At the same time, however, ther

3、e is much more to excellent education than can be 4) measured in dollars. The best education not only helps us to be more productive in our professions, but also enables us to 5) formulate primary core objectives in life, makes us more inquiring and insightful, and helps us become more reflective an

4、d 6) fulfills human beings. It helps scientists to appreciate the arts, and artists to appreciate the sciences. It helps us to see 7) connections across different fields of learning that we otherwise might not grasp. It helps us to 8) discern right from wrong and lead more interesting and valuable l

5、ives, as individuals, and as members of our communities.There is a strong belief that a university education should 9) stimulate our curiosity and open our minds to new ideas and experiences. It should encourage us to test our various pre-existing 10) hypotheses , and think about our values and beli

6、efs. That is one reason we study - the philosophy, customs and ways of life of other countries and cultures. In doing so, we learn more not only about other people but also about ourselves.A.periodicB.stimulateC.pursueD.formulateE.tangibleF. appealG.testimoniesH.contributeI. fulfillsJ. discernK. min

7、gledL.transcendM.measuredN.connectionsO.hypotheses參考答案:1) tangible 2) contribute 3) pursue 4) measured 5) formulate 6) fulf ills 7) connections 8) discern 9) stimulate 10) hypothesesA收起解析長(zhǎng)篇閱讀10題,總分值:40分Directions: You are going to read a passage with 10 statements attached to it. Each statement cont

8、ains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once. Each paragraph is marked with a letter.For Second Careers, A Leap of FaithAfter decades of pursuing money, titles and ever more stuff, baby boomer

9、s are coming to a big realization: Success and security just aren5t enough anymore. They want something more fulfilling out of life, something that feeds their spiritual side and connects them to a bigger purpose. For many, the answer is embracing faith - and devoting their lives to serving others.F

10、locks of people in their 50s and 60s are putting aside thoughts of a comfortable retirement and heading to theological school, where theyve become the fastest-growing age group in recent years. Theyre putting in years of study and field work to become chaplains (牧師),spiritual counselors, missionarie

11、s, and educators and social workers for nonprofits with religious ties. And they*re taking that training everywhere from disaster zones to poor villages to hospital bedsides. Boomers are turning to careers in which meaning and purpose are front and center.C) Why the change? For many older adults, mo

12、rtgages are paid (or nearly so), children are on their own and first careers are winding down; as such, theres time and freedom to “do good”. Equally important, thoughts about ones mortality begin to surface, along with some tough questions: Have I lived my life well? Have I made a difference?Not th

13、at a leap into faith is always paradise. Some people spend up to six years in training, sometimes at great expense and a distance from friends and family. Their sense of mission is constantly tested, poked and prodded (刺激,激勵(lì))”,says Jonathan Englert, author of The Collar, a book that chronicles (記錄)a

14、 year in the life of a Catholic seminary for second-career priests-in-training.After graduation, most face stiff competition for jobs that typically demand long hours, sophisticated political skills and the ability to comfort people in their darkest moments. Still, if the greatest use of a life, as

15、the philosopher William James said, is to spend it for something that will outlast it, few paths seem to offer more rewards than joining the clergy and related fields. Here are three individuals who have taken that path.It All Began With KatrinaWhen Mike Watson, a New York lawyer, traveled to New Or

16、leans in 2007 to help victims of Hurricane Katrina, his goal was simple: To teach his son, Tristan, then 11 years old, uthat there are people in the world who arent as well off as we are”. But after a weeklong stay in the citys hard-hit Ninth Ward, it was the father who absorbed a life-changing less

17、on. ul realized how enriching it was to be involved in helping other people/5 says Mr. Watson, now 61. By the time he and Tristan returned to Katonah, N.Y., he says, ul had decided thafs what I needed to be doing with the rest of my life.”Today, Mr. Watson is enrolled at General Theological Seminary

18、 (神學(xué)院)in New York City, which was established by the Episcopal Church. After he earns a masters degree in divinity next year, he plans to start a nonprofit to help churches create community-outreach programs similar to the one that took him to New Orleans in 2007. Mr. Watson, who is supporting his f

19、amily and paying for seminary with savings, also spearheads (領(lǐng)導(dǎo),帶頭)community-service work for Grace Church in Manhattan, under whose sponsorship he made his trip to New Orleans. With Hurricane Katrina relief work now over, he recruits carpenters, plumbers and parishioners (教區(qū)居民)to rebuild flood-dama

20、ged homes in a coal-mining region of Appalachia.Doubts about his chosen path remain. His peers are established veterans in their jobs, while he is very much the new hand. Whafs more, starting over means a lot of uncertainty* Among his concerns: I have no idea where I will be living two years from no

21、w. Still, Mr. Watson says he has no regrets. Spiritually, it is very enriching for people like me, who go through our day and think life can be difficult, to make connections with people who really need to see the love of God.”After Wall Street, a Search for ConnectionsDavid Daniel Klipper worked fo

22、r almost 25 years on Wall Street. But in the wake of 9/11, he began to feel a spiritual hunger that took him in an unexpected direction - to life as a chaplain and rabbinic (猶太教的)pastor. al love the life I get to lead,n says Mr. Klipper, 60, who supervises a training program for chaplains at Stamfor

23、d Hospital in Connecticut and works with patients himself. ulf you tell someone at a party you are a chaplain, they tell you that you are wonderful and run away. Chaplains are not good at small talk. We are good at intimacy. I crave that intimacy and that feeling of connection. Thafs what makes life

24、 worthwhile for me. And thus he teaches students to ustay present, even when there is great pain, in order to focus on the spiritual needs of their patients.He remembers fondly a patient he calls Susan. Diagnosed with brain cancer at a relatively young age, she saw Mr. Klipper when she came to the h

25、ospital for chemotherapy (化學(xué)療法)and other treatments, including a particularly painful procedure in which doctors administered radiation after fixing her head in a vise (臺(tái) 鉗).The two had frequent conversations and found themselves trying to answer unsettling questions, including: What purpose is this

26、 illness serving? uEvery once in a while, Mr. Klipper says, he and Susan would experience a moment of viewing the world from a slightly different place, where we could see not only the good things that we liked but the things we wished hadnt happened. And we could hold on to them all -like threads t

27、hat form a tapestry (掛毯,織錦).It was a kind of acceptance. A moment of grace.These chaplaincy-training programs are “where academic theologies come to die”, he says. ult is one thing to read about theology in seminary. It is an entirely different thing to sit with a 45-year-old mother who is dying and

28、 asking how God could be doing this to her. Its a job, he adds, that carries uan awesome responsibility”.Riches of a Different KindKathy Dain had it all: a six-figure salary, a Mercedes - even her own Piper Archer airplane. Today, she enjoys “a different kind of wealth“ as the temporary, associate p

29、astor at First Presbyterian Church with an active community-outreach program in Sarasota, Fla.Although active in a Presbyterian church as a teenager, the Rev. Dain, 56, who is single, says that for most of her adult life, she attended church just twice a year. Being part of a church wasnt something

30、I felt drawn to.” she says. But one day in 2004, while showing houses - she was then a real-estate broker - to a couple, the conversation took an unexpected turn. uAs we were driving around, they asked me about my faith,n Ms. Dain recalls. Mlt was right around the time of the tsunami in Indonesia, w

31、hen thousands of people were just wiped away. It started me thinking about how I missed the faith I had grown up with.”Since graduating from Pittsburgh Theological Seminary in 2011, Ms. Dain has worked for two churches. The first was in Ludington, Mich. I had this dear, aging congregation (集會(huì)).My de

32、sire to be out on missions just wasnt going to happen.MShe recently finished a training program that will allow her to serve as a chaplain for disaster-relief organizations. As a trainee, she logged 300 hours this spring in the intensive-care unit at Morton Plant Hospital in Clearwater, Fla., where

33、she has offered comfort to the sick and dying. uAs a chaplain, I try to find a way to connect with them. I dont have an agenda/5 she says. uNor am I a prayer pusher. I am simply there for the person. Just as a doctor takes care of the body, it is my job to provide spiritual care.”Mr. Watson is going

34、 to be granted a masters degree in divinity next year. GMs. Dain went to church twice a year during much of her adulthood. MDespite uncertainty and doubts about his present work, Mr. Watson thinks it enriching for him to help people in need. HJoining the clergy is most rewarding in making full use o

35、f a life. ESome boomers spend a great deal of time and money in training for a leap into faith. DMs. Dain took care of the sick and dying at Morton Plant Hospital. OIn addition to success and security, many baby boomers want to own their faith. AAccording to Mr. Klipper, chaplaincy-training programs

36、 are totally different from academic theologies. KBy offering help in hurricane-stricken New Orleans, Mr. Watson originally aimed to teach his son what a tough life some people are living. F20)After the 9 /11 disaster, Mr. Klipper began to work as a chaplain. I參考答案:G 12) M 13) H 14) E 15) D 16)017)

37、A 18) K 19) FIA收起解析閱讀理解10題,總分值:40分Directions: Read the following passages carefully. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished sentences. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the best answer to each question.One of the key ways to improve the managemen

38、t function in an organization is to improve the decision-making process. IT is commonly used to support and streamline (提高 的效率)decision making in an organization. It can be used to address decisions about how to structure job tasks, organize production operations, manage inventory flow, and so on.De

39、cisions that are simple and / or highly structured are good candidates for automation. A structured decision is one in which the inputs, decision criteria, method to process those inputs, and specific outputs are well-defined. For example, it is a relatively straightforward task to develop a compute

40、r program that will generate late payment notices for those customers who have not paid their monthly telephone bill on time. The program requires certain input data about billing information, decision rules about what constitutes a missed payment, and output instructions to generate a form letter o

41、r billing notice to be sent to the customer.The automation of structured decisions is also used to improve communication and decision making between organizations. Not long ago, it was necessary for retailers to call credit card companies every time a customer wished to charge a purchase using a cre

42、dit card. A representative working for the credit card company would examine the customers record to determine whether or not to approve each purchase. Today, this process has been automated so that information and decisions related to purchases using a credit card are transmitted electronically.Now

43、 consider the many benefits of automating this simple process. First, automating this process has reduced the cost of operations for credit card companies. Card issuers have streamlined and downsized (縮4、規(guī)模;減員)their staff since fewer customer representatives are needed to handle purchase approvals /

44、 disapprovals. Second, the automated process has sped up the approval process so that retailers can deliver prompt and reliable service to their customers (improving customer satisfaction) and process more financial transactions within a given time period. Thirdly, the communication between retailer

45、s and card issuers has been improved.More purchases can be approved with greater accuracy using the IT-enabled system.What is the passage mainly about?A. Types of decisions that can be easily automated. B. Methods of automating decision-making process. C. Benefits of automating decision-making proce

46、ss. D. Improved decisions brought by IT-based system.Why is it easier to develop a program for generating late payment notices for customers who failed to pay their bills on time?A. The decision is simple and well-defined. B. The problem is common and widespread.C. There are clear input and output i

47、nstructions.D. Customers, billing information is easily available.What did retailers have to do in the past to charge a purchase with a credit card?A. They had to examine the customers payment history.B. They had to send a representative to the card company.C. They had to call the credit card compan

48、y to get approval.D. They had to wait for the card company to handle the charge.What can we learn about todays credit card companies?A. They would like to handle more purchase approvals.B. They have reduced the number of their workers.C. They can contact retailers directly about a purchase. D. They

49、are determined to provide better customer service.From the passage, we can conclude that automation can most greatly change A. work efficiencyB. work accuracyC. communication systemD. communication process參考答案:21) C 22) A 23) C 24) B 25) AA收起解析Popular stereotype would have us believe that young wome

50、n are often concerned about every up and down in their relationships - but one study says “romance drama” actually has a bigger effect on men.Any reader of Cosmo could be forgiven for thinking that women spend all their time analyzing their boyfriends body language, text messages, and even sleep sty

51、le for evidence of a likely breakup or marriage proposal. But according to Science Daily, researchers from Wake Forest University and Florida State University surveyed a thousand men and women between the ages of 18 and 23, and found that men were actually more likely to suffer emotionally from rela

52、tionship difficulties. Study co-author Robin Simon explains that “for young men, their romantic partners are often their primary source of intimacy - in contrast to young women who are more likely to have close relationships with family and friends.”Young men themselves - as well as pop culture in g

53、eneral - often proclaim the idea that women spend all their time talking about their boyfriends, while men never mention their girlfriends to their fellow beings. This may be partially true - but ifs not because men dont care about their girlfriends or because other topics are simply more important to men than relationships. In fact, it might be better for men to discuss their relationships more openly, getting reassurance about small problems and advice for solving larger ones.But young men shouldnt necessarily act like young women in every way. Simon also says that while young me


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