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1、-. z.本科畢業(yè)論文設(shè)計題目: 手機病毒形態(tài)模擬及防*研究 姓 名: 唐 勇 *: 19207311 院系: 計算機學(xué)院 專業(yè): 信 息 安 全 指導(dǎo)教師: 任 偉 職稱: 副教授 評 閱 人: 職稱: 2011 年 6 月本科生畢業(yè)論文設(shè)計原創(chuàng)性聲明本人以信譽聲明:所呈交的畢業(yè)論文設(shè)計是在導(dǎo)師指導(dǎo)下進(jìn)展的研究工作及取得的研究成果,論文中引用他人的文獻(xiàn)、數(shù)據(jù)、圖件、資料均已明確標(biāo)注出,論文中的結(jié)論和結(jié)果為本人獨立完成,不包含他人成果及為獲得中國地質(zhì)大學(xué)或其他教育機構(gòu)的學(xué)位或證書而使用過的材料。與我一同工作的同志對本研究所做的任何奉獻(xiàn)均已在論文中作了明確的說明并表示了謝意。畢業(yè)論文作者簽字:簽

2、字日期:年月日學(xué)校代碼:10491 本科生*:中國地質(zhì)大學(xué)學(xué)士學(xué)位論文 手機病毒形態(tài)模擬及防*研究本 科 生:唐勇學(xué)科專業(yè):信息平安指導(dǎo)教師:任 偉二一一年六月A Dissertation Submitted to China Universityof Geosciences for the Degree of Bachelor of Engineering Epidemic Model and Prevention and analysis of Mobile Phone Virus Candidate: Tang YongMajor: Information SecurityAdvisor

3、: Ren WeiChina University of GeosciencesWuhan 430074 P. R. China作者簡介唐勇,男,漢族,1987年生于*省簡陽市。就讀于中國地質(zhì)大學(xué)信息平安系。大學(xué)期間曾擔(dān)任過計算機學(xué)院學(xué)生會體育部干事,192073班組織委員等職位。曾獲人民獎學(xué)金假設(shè)干次,科技論文報告會三等獎。主要學(xué)習(xí)經(jīng)歷:2004.92007.6 *省*市高新實驗中學(xué)2007.92011.6 中國地質(zhì)大學(xué)本人大學(xué)四年以來曾參與過多項科研活動和競賽,熟悉基于C,C+的軟件開發(fā),對信息平安技術(shù)有著濃厚興趣。聯(lián)系方式:地 址:中國地質(zhì)大學(xué)192073班 430074電 話:電子:t




7、限度的保護(hù)手機平安。以及針對3G時代通過計算機網(wǎng)絡(luò)傳播手機病毒對手機危害,提出了責(zé)任別離制度方案來防*此類病毒;在針對網(wǎng)關(guān)端的危害本文提出了借助計算機防病毒方面的啟發(fā)式行為監(jiān)測來防止病毒攻擊的解決方案。這些平安對策對傳統(tǒng)的手機病毒具有一定得平安作用,雖不能完全保障手機平安但是為以后設(shè)置更加合理的平安策略打下根底。本文以模型為根底探究手機病毒的傳播特征,并對手機病毒的防治提出解決方案,希望能為手機的防病毒工作做出自己的一點奉獻(xiàn)。關(guān)鍵字:手機病毒;手機病毒特征;病毒狀態(tài);手機病毒平安策略;AbstractThis article first briefly describes the origin

8、 of the phone, from the year 1902, the American Forest Stubblefield Murray, Kentuckys country residence made the first wireless phone device, this may be the wireless mobile phone is the human phone technology of the earliest e*ploration and research. In 1938, the United States Bell Labs for the U.S

9、. military made the worlds first mobile phone. April 1973, the U.S. engineering technicians Motorola famous Martin Cooper invention into the civilian worlds first mobile phone to January 7, 2009 Ministry of Information Industry and China Mobile, China Tele and China Uni issued three 3G licenses, mar

10、king the formal entry into the 3G era in China, which e*perienced a 100 years or phone 1G, 2G, 3Gthe three most important stage. With the rapid development of mobile phone business with mobile terminal business continues to increase, more and more like a small cell phone to the puter, you can instal

11、l and run many programs. Therefore, as a new means of destruction, the spread of puter viruses or malicious programs inevitably penetrate into the cell phone munications, mobile services have received a great threat to security. Then this environment in the mobile phone virus outbreak, the type of m

12、obile phone virus, mode of transmission, starting against the object and so the threat of mobile viruses face a detailed description; then to e*plore the harmful levels of mobile phone for further study the propagation characteristics of mobile phone virus , how mobile phone virus anti-virus measure

13、s to recognize the results of previous studies in this paper based on the SIR model of the e*isting shortage of suggestions for improvement first, while the e*isting modeled based on the original SIR model deduced SIRC model, A-SIRC model The proposed improved method, based on the work in the conte*

14、t of e*isting research results to deduce more in line with the characteristics of mobile phone viruses spread of the virus form of A-SIRCF model. Then to e*plore the model with the e*isting model in simulation of mobile phone viruses on the difference between form and verify the probability of new e

15、ntrants to the misuse of mobile phone virus spread to the A-SIRC this model and the A-SIRCF puter program simulation model was pared Analysis of the results obtained A-SIRCF model more in line with the actual phone you to simulate the spread of the virus is more suitable to the characteristics of mo

16、bile phone virus, in addition to the program analysis of the results by two models also revealed the cell phone viruses Some features: powerful mobile phone virus, mobile phone virus, vitality, cell phone virus protection current weak conclusion. In response to these conclusions, this paper for the

17、mobile terminal against the virus transmission routes of the different coping strategies, munication entities is proposed based on the certification for SMS, MMS, EMS mobile phone virus, security strategic plan, to borrow puter virus made some successful e*periences a number of security policy, user

18、 requirements are met, while greatly limits the protection of mobile phone safety. And the time for the 3G mobile phone virus spread through puter networks, mobile phones harm, separation of duty proposed system of programs to prevent such viruses; the gateway terminal for the harm in this paper, th

19、e use of puter anti-virus heuristic behavioral surveillance to prevent virus attacks solution. These security measures on the traditional mobile phone virus has a security role too, although not pletely protect the safety of mobile phones to set more reasonable, but for the future lay the foundation

20、 for security policy. This article model-based features to e*plore the spread of mobile phone virus ,mobileviruspreventionandpropose a solution, I hope to work for the phone to make its own anti-virus that contribution.朗讀顯示對應(yīng)的拉丁字符的拼音字典Keywords:Mobile phone virus;Characteristics ofmobile phonevirus;V

21、irusStatus ;Mobile phone virussecurity policy; TOC o 1-3 h z u HYPERLINK l _Toc294210631第一章、引言 PAGEREF _Toc294210631 h 1HYPERLINK l _Toc294210632第二章、手機病毒現(xiàn)狀分析 PAGEREF _Toc294210632 h 3HYPERLINK l _Toc2942106332.1認(rèn)識手機病毒 PAGEREF _Toc294210633 h 3HYPERLINK l _Toc2942106342.2手機病毒種類 PAGEREF _Toc294210634

22、h 3HYPERLINK l _Toc2942106352.3手機病毒轉(zhuǎn)播方式 PAGEREF _Toc294210635 h 5HYPERLINK l _Toc2942106362.3.1 藍(lán)牙技術(shù)傳播手機病毒 PAGEREF _Toc294210636 h 5HYPERLINK l _Toc294210637移動介質(zhì)傳播手機病毒 PAGEREF _Toc294210637 h 5HYPERLINK l _Toc2942106382.3.3 SMS(短信)或MMS(彩信)傳播手機病毒 PAGEREF _Toc294210638 h 5HYPERLINK l _Toc2942106392.3.

23、4 利用GPRS效勞傳播手機病毒 PAGEREF _Toc294210639 h 6HYPERLINK l _Toc2942106402.3.5 計算機傳播手機病毒 PAGEREF _Toc294210640 h 6HYPERLINK l _Toc2942106412.3.6 EMS傳播手機病毒 PAGEREF _Toc294210641 h 6HYPERLINK l _Toc2942106422.3.7 手機漏洞傳播手機病毒 PAGEREF _Toc294210642 h 7HYPERLINK l _Toc2942106432.4手機病毒危害 PAGEREF _Toc294210643 h

24、7HYPERLINK l _Toc294210644移動終端側(cè)危害 PAGEREF _Toc294210644 h 7HYPERLINK l _Toc2942106452.4.2 移動網(wǎng)絡(luò)側(cè)危害 PAGEREF _Toc294210645 h 8HYPERLINK l _Toc294210646第三章、手機病毒形態(tài) PAGEREF _Toc294210646 h 9HYPERLINK l _Toc2942106473.1改良的SIR模型 PAGEREF _Toc294210647 h 9HYPERLINK l _Toc2942106483.2改良的SIRC模型 PAGEREF _Toc2942

25、10648 h 11HYPERLINK l _Toc2942106493.3改良的A_SIRC模型 PAGEREF _Toc294210649 h 12HYPERLINK l _Toc2942106503.4 A_SIRCF模型 PAGEREF _Toc294210650 h 13HYPERLINK l _Toc294210651第四章、A-SIRCF與A-SIRC模型程序模擬 PAGEREF _Toc294210651 h 15HYPERLINK l _Toc2942106524.1程序籌劃文檔: PAGEREF _Toc294210652 h 15HYPERLINK l _Toc2942106534.2對話框窗口內(nèi)繪坐標(biāo)圖: PAGEREF _Toc294210653 h 17HYPERLINK l _Toc2942106544.3初始化參數(shù): PAGEREF _Toc294210654 h 20HYPERLINK


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