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1、(優(yōu)選)趣味英語競賽高中版課件STEP1必答題 由每組選出一名隊員選擇屏幕上任意分值的繞口令,以最標準的發(fā)音最快的語速讀完,由評委根據(jù)隊員的表現(xiàn)給出不高于本題分值的分數(shù)。RoundTongue Twister Easy30 分123Medium40 分Challenging50 分456789進入下一環(huán)節(jié)30 pointsSwan swam over the sea, swim, swan swim! Swan swam back again well swum, swan! 天鵝游到海的另一邊。游吧!天鵝游吧!天鵝游回來了!游得真好啊!天鵝! 返回30 points While we wer

2、e walking, we were watching window washers wash Washingtons windows with warm washing water. 當我們走路時,我們看著清潔窗戶的人用暖水清洗華盛頓的窗戶。 返回30 pointsWho washed Washingtons white woollen underwear when Washingtons washer woman went west? 華盛頓的清潔女工逝世后,誰人替他清洗白色的純毛內(nèi)褲? 返回40 pointsHow much wood would a woodchuck chuck if

3、 a woodchuck could chuck wood? He would chuck, he would, as much as he could, and chuck as much wood as a woodchuck would if a woodchuck could chuck wood. 假如一只美洲旱獺能夠扔掉木頭,它可扔掉多少木頭呢?它會扔掉,它會,盡全力把木頭扔掉。假如一只美洲旱獺能夠扔掉木頭,它會盡全力扔掉一只美洲旱獺能扔的木頭。返回40 pointsSilly Sally swiftly shooed seven silly sheep. The seven si

4、lly sheep Silly Sally shooed shilly-shallied south. These sheep shouldnt sleep in a shack; sheep should sleep in a shed. 愚蠢的莎莉迅速地趕走七只笨小羊。莎莉趕走的七只笨小羊躊躇地走向南方,這些羊不應(yīng)住在簡棚,羊兒應(yīng)住在羊棚。 返回40 pointsA pleasant peasant keeps a pleasant pheasant and both the peasant and the pheasant are having a pleasant time toget

5、her. 一位和氣的農(nóng)民養(yǎng)了一只伶俐的野雞,而且這位和氣的農(nóng)民和這只伶俐的野雞在一起度過了一段很美好的時光。返回50 pointsShe sells seashells by the sea shore. The shells she sells are surely seashells. So if she sells shells on the seashore, Im sure she sells seashore shells. 她在海岸賣貝殼,她賣的貝殼是真正的貝殼。因此,若她在海岸上賣貝殼,我肯定她賣的是海岸貝殼。 返回50 points All I want is a prope

6、r cup of coffee made in a proper copper coffee pot, you can believe it or not, but I just want a cup of coffee in a proper coffee pot. Tin coffee pots or iron coffee pots are of no use to me. If I cant have a proper cup of coffee in a proper copper coffee pot, Ill have a cup of tea! 我只想要一杯用真正銅制的咖啡壺煮

7、的正統(tǒng)咖啡。信不信由你,我只想要一杯用真正銅制的咖啡壺煮的正統(tǒng)咖啡。錫制的咖啡壺和鐵制的咖啡壺對我而言也是沒用的。假如我不能要一杯用真正銅制的咖啡壺煮的正統(tǒng)咖啡,那我就要一杯茶吧! 返回50 pointsBetty Botter had some butter, But, she said, this butters bitter. If I bake this bitter butter, it would make my batter bitter. But a bit of better butter - that would make my batter better. So she

8、bought a bit of butter, better than her bitter butter, and she baked it in her batter, and the batter was not bitter. So it was better Betty Botter bought a bit of better butter. 貝蒂博他有些牛油,她說:“可是,牛油有點苦味。若我烘這些牛油,我的面糊便會有苦味。如果有些較優(yōu)質(zhì)的牛油,我的面糊便會更好味?!币虼?,她買了一些較優(yōu)質(zhì)的牛油,放進她的面糊里攪拌,面糊不苦了。這是貝蒂博他最好買些較優(yōu)質(zhì)的牛油的原因。 返回2 搶答

9、題 在大屏幕給出6-10個單詞,10-15秒時間記憶。 搶答到的隊員上黑板寫出記住的單詞(本組其他隊員可以協(xié)助),寫對一個加10分。Round記憶大比拼109876543210還剩:permission custom eggplant mutton hostess curiosity 1514131211109876543210nearbymixture traditiondistancespaceship limitexistpuzzle1514131211109876543210admiredawn eaglelemonadventurebalance benefit crashconsu

10、ltforgive3一心二用必答題 每組派出一名隊員依次上場,隊員需在2分鐘內(nèi)頭頂氣球回答問題,每道問題只需回答是或不是,答對一道題得10分,答錯不得分,氣球落地一次扣5分。Round進入下一環(huán)節(jié)Module 1Module 2Module 3Module 4GrammarModule 5Module 11. Anne lived in the Netherlands during world war .返回Module 12. Ann called her dairy Kitty.返回Module 13. American people say elevator, English peopl

11、e say lift.返回Module 14. English is one of the official languages used in India.返回Module 15. Mekong River begins in Tibetan.返回Module 16. Wang Kun and Wang Wei have dreamed about taking a great bus trip. 返回Module 17. Before the earthquake, mice would run out of the fields looking for places to hide.返回

12、Module 18. Tang Shan earthquake happened in the day time.返回Module 19. Nelson Mandela was the president of North Africa.返回Module 110. Nelson Mandela tried his best to make black people and white people equal.返回Module 21. The amber room belongs to France.返回Module 22. The amber room was a treasure deco

13、rated with gold and jewels.返回Module 23. The German Nazis stole the amber room.返回Module 24. Women were allowed to take part in the Olympic games in ancient Greece.返回Module 25. Atlanta was a Greek princess, and she was very beautiful and could run faster than any man in Greece. 返回Module 26. WWF means

14、World Wildlife Fund.返回Module 27. Daisy saw an elephant in Tibet.返回Module 28. the Monkees is a band.返回Module 29. Everyone in the Monkees could sing very well.返回Module 210. the Monkees produced their own records 返回Module 31. Obon is a festival in America.返回Module 32. Easter celebrates the return of Je

15、sus from the dead.返回Module 33. The Cherry Blossom Festival happens in winter.返回Module 34. “The million pound bank note” is based on a short story by Mark Twain.返回Module 35. The phrases “mark twain” means the water is 100 fathoms deep.返回Module 36. In our solar system eight planets circle around the s

16、un.返回Module 37. Calgary is the capital of Canada.返回Module 38. Canadians speak English and German.返回Module 39. The Canadian leader is called Prime Minister.返回Module 310. There are 7 Great Lakes in Canada.返回Module 41. Jane Goodall has spent many years studying monkeys in the zoo.返回Module 42. Jane Good

17、all agrees that animals should be used for entertainment or advertisement.返回Module 43. Yuan Longping is one of Chinas most famous scientists .返回Module 44. Yuan Longping cultivated a type of rice species that produced more rice.返回Module 45. Charlie Chaplin was born in a very rich family.返回Module 46.

18、The Gold Rush was one of Charlie Chaplins most famous films.返回Module 47. When two people meet, Japanese people like bowing to each other.返回Module 48. People from different countries use the same body language.返回Module 49. Disneyland is one of the most famous theme park in the world.返回Module 410. The

19、 theme park Dollywood is in China.返回Module 51. Charles Darwin wrote a book about how animals and plants developed.返回Module 52. Stephen Hawking put forward a theory about black holes. 返回Module 53. John Snow was a famous nurse.返回Module 54. John Snow defeated King Cholera.返回Module 55. The UK consists o

20、f three countries.返回Module 56. The provinces are called counties in England.返回Module 57. The Queen rules the Uk.返回Module 58. The River Thames is the longest river in England.返回Module 59. If you get burned , cool burns with cool oil.返回Module 510. If burns are on arm or legs, keep them higher than the

21、 heart.返回Grammar冠詞the表泛指,a 或an表特指返回Grammaradvice, homework, fun, suggestion這幾個詞都是不可數(shù)名詞返回Grammar當幾個動詞不定式作為并列成分出現(xiàn)在句中時,所有的to都可以省略。返回Grammar不定代詞some一般用于疑問句,否定句和條件狀語從句。返回GrammarAsas結(jié)構(gòu)中間要用形容詞原級。返回Grammar一般現(xiàn)在時常用的時間狀語有always, usually, sometimes 和since.返回GrammarShould have done 表示過去本來應(yīng)當做而實際上沒有做。返回Grammar當if

22、引導(dǎo)的虛擬條件句中謂語動詞含有had, should, were時,可將if省略。返回Grammar當先行詞既包含人又包含物時,只能用which不能用that返回GrammarNot until 位于句首時,主句須用部分倒裝語序。返回Round4默契大考驗 每組出兩名選手,其中一人背對屏幕,另一人則用英語或動作對大屏幕上出現(xiàn)的單詞進行解釋,解釋中不能含有原詞或與該詞同根的詞,也不能出現(xiàn)漢語,否則無效,時間為2分鐘。按照答對單詞的個數(shù)計分,答對一個加10分。計時開始hamburger 漢堡包teeth牙齒Michel Jackson邁克杰克遜Japanese日本人glasses眼鏡Rocket火

23、箭Computer電腦beggar 乞丐Wind風kiss親吻Sea大海Bike自行車Policeman警察Wallet錢包Vase花瓶計時開始TV電視Doctor醫(yī)生Robert機器人Sweater毛衣flowers花Snow雪book書Elephant大象Cow奶牛Monkey猴子Shoes鞋子Ice cream冰欺凌Bathroom衛(wèi)生間Guitar吉他Grandmother奶奶,外婆計時開始Bed床Husband丈夫Bee蜜蜂Train火車Noodle面條Hot熱Camera照相機Bao Zhenping鮑振平Banana香蕉Snake蛇Teacher老師Key鑰匙Egg雞蛋No.5

24、Middle school五中earthquake地震計時開始Salary工資Friend朋友office辦公室Da Pan Ji大盤雞swimming 游泳umbrella 雨傘light 燈ring戒指wife妻子tooth brush 牙刷children兒童winter冬季boss老板gas汽油Little Shen Yang小沈陽計時開始Watermelon西瓜Canada加拿大Spring Festival春節(jié)Cat貓Moon月亮Dance跳舞Rabbit兔子QQDictionary字典Womens day婦女節(jié)Shopping購物Mobile phone手機Dog狗Toy玩具Cu

25、cumber黃瓜計時開始Mirror鏡子計時開始Boyfriend男朋友計時開始Valentines Day情人節(jié)計時開始Aunt姑姑/嬸嬸計時開始Millionaire百萬富翁計時開始Playing Ping-pong打乒乓球5諺語翻譯搶答題 翻譯正確加10分,翻譯錯誤減5分。Round 1. A cat has 9 lives. 貓有九條命。2.Actions speak lounder than words. 事實勝于雄辯。3.A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患難見真情。4.A friend is easier lost than found.得

26、朋友難,失朋友易。5.A good beginning is half done. 良好的開端是成功的一半。6.A good medicine tastes bitter.良藥苦口。7.All rivers run into sea.海納百川8.All roads lead to Rome.條條大路通羅馬。9.A man cannot spin and reel at the same time.一心不能二用。10.An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.以眼還眼,以牙還牙。 11.An hour in the morning is worth tw

27、o in the evening.一日之計在于晨。12.A snow year, a rich year.瑞雪兆豐年。13.Dont put off till tomorrow what should be done today.今日事,今日畢14. Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.早睡早起身體好。15.Every man has his faults.金無足赤,人無完人。Round6看動畫填單詞 動畫將播放兩遍,第一遍請欣賞,第二遍請補充完整10個空白,填完后交給評委核對答案。每填對一個

28、單詞加5分。1. mope2. covered 3. show off4. laugh at5. ridiculous 6.youre up 7.look plete9.dancing10.heights7超級大冒險(風險題) 風險題分為3種不同類型,依次為10分題、20分題和30分題,個小組可以從不同的分值題中任選一題。本部分題目答對加分,答錯扣除相應(yīng)的分數(shù)。此環(huán)節(jié)可以由觀眾及嘉賓幫忙作答。Round10 分12320 分30 分456789 1. 高考大綱詞匯要求應(yīng)該是多少? 答: 3500. 不得少于2000.返回2. 判斷正誤 英語教材以及英語教材資源包括有利于發(fā)展學生綜合語言運用能力

29、的所有學習材料,是保證學生學好英語的唯一可靠的學習資源, 不得隨意刪減。 答:錯誤。可以根據(jù)實際情況對教材作取舍、分割或組合。 返回3開學后你的教學一直能按計劃平穩(wěn)地進行,但也突不破“平平常常”。這意味著教學中潛存著什么問題,你應(yīng)該設(shè)法發(fā)現(xiàn),再研究解決。為此你首先要_ A對學生的作業(yè)本或課本(如果他們都在課上記、劃的話)進行考查、分析 B向幾名好學生提問,問有什么問題 C根據(jù)自己的經(jīng)驗判斷有什么問題 D學習有關(guān)理論著作 返回返回1. If the green house is on the right side of the road,and the red house is on the lef


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