



1、PAGE 10第 PAGE 5頁,共 NUMPAGES 5頁Module 7 Unit 2 Project1. Eventually, metal needles began to appear and took their place. (Line 6)考點(diǎn)take sb.s / sth.s place = take the place of sb. / sth. 代替e.g. She couldnt attend the meeting so her assistant took her place.她不能參加會(huì)議,所以她的助手代她出席。拓展1in place of sb. / sth.

2、= in sb.s / sth.s place 代替e.g. He was unable to come to the ceremony, but he sent his son to accept the award in his place.他不能來參加儀式,但派了他兒子前來代他領(lǐng)獎(jiǎng)。拓展2in place 在正確位置;準(zhǔn)備妥當(dāng)out of place 位置不當(dāng);不得體;不適當(dāng)if I was / were in your place 我若在你的位置put yourself in sb. elses place 設(shè)身處地替別人著想2. used for letting liquid out

3、 of body parts which had swollen up. (Line 11) 用于讓血液從腫脹的身體部位流出??键c(diǎn)let sth. out 發(fā)出(叫聲等);(把襯衣、外套等)放大,放長,加寬;放出;泄/透漏let sb. out 使某人解脫請翻譯出下列句子中l(wèi)et out的意思:He let the air out of the tyres. 放出At the sight of the frightening snake, he let out a scream of terror. 發(fā)出(叫聲)It was Mr. Smith who let out the secret.

4、泄漏He was let out of prison last week. 釋放He was getting so fat that his trousers have to be let out. 放大Tom accidentally let out that her mother had telephoned. (無意中)說出拓展let alone 更不用說let / leave sb. alone 不打擾,不驚動(dòng)let / leave sth. alone 不碰,不變動(dòng),不移動(dòng)let alone 不管,不干涉let sb. down 不能幫助,不能支持(某人),使失望let sb. /

5、sth. down (使)略遜一籌,美中不足let sb. / sth. go = let go (of sb. / sth.) 放開,松手;放棄,摒棄(想法、態(tài)度或控制)let in 讓進(jìn)來,放進(jìn)e.g. Depend / Rely on it that this machine wont let you down. 你盡管放心,這臺(tái)機(jī)器不會(huì)出毛病。She speaks French very fluently, but her pronunciation lets her down. 她法語講得很流利,但美中不足的是發(fā)音不大好。Dont let go of the rope. = Dont

6、 let the rope go. 別松開繩子。Its time to let go of the past. = Its time to let the past go. 該忘掉過去了。For most people, its almost impossible to operate a computer without a mouse, let alone surf the Internet. 對(duì)多數(shù)人來說,沒有鼠標(biāo)幾乎沒法操作計(jì)算機(jī),更不用說上因特網(wǎng)了。Shes asked to be left alone but the press photographers follow her e

7、verywhere.她要求別打擾她,但攝影記者到處都跟著她。Ive told you beforeleave my things alone! 我告訴過你別碰我的東西。即學(xué)即用:單項(xiàng)選擇He accidentally _ that he had quarreled with his wife and that he hadnt been home for acouple of weeks.A. let out B. took careC. made sure D. made out3. The main needle now used for acupuncture is fine and s

8、harp. (Line 14)現(xiàn)在用于針灸療法的主針細(xì)而鋒利??键c(diǎn)sharp adj. 鋒利的,尖的;急劇的,驟然的(變化);清晰的,鮮明的;敏銳的,靈敏的;急轉(zhuǎn)的;尖銳的,嚴(yán)厲的;(常指受傷似的)劇烈的,猛烈的;辛辣的,刺鼻的 (聲音)突然而響亮的e.g. a sharp bend in the road 公路上的急轉(zhuǎn)彎a sharp knife / sharp teeth 鋒利的刀/牙齒a sharp rise in crime 犯罪率的急劇上升a sharp increase in unemployment 失業(yè)人數(shù)的劇增to have sharp eyes 有敏銳的眼睛a sharp

9、sense of humor 很強(qiáng)的幽默感a girl of sharp intelligence 聰穎的女孩The cheese has a distinctively sharp taste. 這奶酪味道很沖。Emma has a sharp tongue. 愛瑪說話尖刻。I felt a sharp pain in my back. 我感覺背上一陣劇痛。A sharp drop in prices got the company into trouble. 價(jià)格急速下跌讓公司陷入困境。The teacher was very sharp with me when I was late.

10、我遲到了,給老師狠狠地訓(xùn)了一通。When the driver made a sharp turn to the left, the car turned over. 當(dāng)駕駛員向左急轉(zhuǎn)彎時(shí),車翻了。拓展sharpen v.(使)變得鋒利;變得清晰e.g. The knife needs sharpening / to be sharpened.即學(xué)即用:單項(xiàng)選擇Nowadays, there is a _ increase in childrens creativity, for theyre greatly encouraged to develop their talents. (2011

11、福建高考卷)A. sharpB. slightC. naturalD. modest4. Some people have also used acupuncture to treat smokers, alcoholics and people who are addicted to drugs. (Line 37) 有些人也用針刺療法來治療吸煙者、酗酒者以及吸毒者??键c(diǎn)be addicted to (doing) sth. 對(duì)上癮 / 入迷;沉溺于e.g. Addicted to computer games, he had to drop out of school.由于迷上了電腦游戲,

12、他不得不輟學(xué)。拓展addiction n. (to sth.) 癮;入迷;嗜好additive adj. 使人上癮的;使人入迷的addict n. 吸毒成癮的人;對(duì).入迷的人e.g. He is now fighting his addition to alcohol. 他現(xiàn)在正努力戒酒。Her addition to alcohol ruined her life. 她的酒癮毀了她的一生。The drug is additive physically and psychologically. 這種毒品會(huì)使人在心理上和心理上上癮。_ made him _ to drugs?A. What do

13、 you think; addictingB. Do you think what; addictedC. What do you think; addictedD. Do you think what; addicting5. One theory explaining this phenomenon suggests that acupuncture blocks pain signals from reaching the brain. (Line 39) 一種解釋這一現(xiàn)象的理論認(rèn)為,針刺療法使疼痛信號(hào)無法傳達(dá)到大腦。考點(diǎn)block vt. 堵塞,阻礙;堵?。橙说穆返龋?;擋?。橙说囊?/p>

14、線等);妨礙,阻礙block sb from (doing) sth. e.g. After todays heavy snow, many roads are still blocked. 今天下過大雪,很多道路仍然堵塞著。An ugly building blocks the view from the window. 一座難看的大樓把窗外的景物擋住了。拓展block the / sb.s way 擋住某人的去路block the / ones view (of sth.) 擋住某人(看)的視線e.g. The huge building across the street blocked

15、 our view of the sea. 馬路對(duì)面那幢大樓擋住了我們看海的視線。6. Another theory relates acupuncture to the production of chemicals in the body which reduce pain. A lot of people now subscribe to these theories. (Line 41)另外一種理論則將針刺療法和人體內(nèi)減痛化學(xué)物質(zhì)的產(chǎn)生聯(lián)系起來。現(xiàn)在很多人認(rèn)同這些理論??键c(diǎn)1relate v. relate A to B 聯(lián)系,把.聯(lián)系起來relate sth. (to sb.) 敘述

16、,講述,講(故事)relate to sth. / sb. 涉及,與.相關(guān);談到 (=be related to sth., be connected with, be associated with, have a link with) 能夠理解并同情,了解,體恤e.g. I dont understand how the two ideas relate. 我不明白這兩個(gè)觀點(diǎn)有什么聯(lián)系。The report seeks to relate the rise in crime to an increase in unemployment.這篇報(bào)告試圖證明犯罪的增加與失業(yè)人數(shù)增加有關(guān)。She

17、relates her childhood experiences to the readers in the first chapter.她在書中第一章就向讀者講述了她童年時(shí)代的經(jīng)歷。Being exposed to strong sunlight relates to / is related to skin cancer. 遭太陽暴曬與皮膚癌緊密相關(guān)。Some teenagers relate better to their friends than to their family.有些青少年與家人反而不如與他們的朋友合得來。拓展related adj. (to sb. / sth.)

18、相關(guān) / 有聯(lián)系的 (反)unrelatedrelation n. (between A and B) / (with .)(人、團(tuán)體、國家之間的)關(guān)系,聯(lián)系,交往; (between A and B) / (to .) (事物間的)關(guān)/聯(lián)系;親戚,親屬e.g. Britain threatened to break off diplomatic relations with the state. 英國威脅要和該國斷絕外交關(guān)系??键c(diǎn)subscribe v. (to sth.) 同意,贊成;定期訂購(或訂閱等);定期繳納(會(huì)員費(fèi));定期(向慈善機(jī)構(gòu))捐款,定期捐款Which journals d

19、oes the library subscribe to? 圖書館訂有哪些報(bào)刊?He subscribes regularly to the Red Cross. 他定期向紅十字會(huì)捐款。The authorities no longer subscribe to the view that disabled people are unsuitable as teachers.當(dāng)局不再支持殘疾人不適合做教師的觀點(diǎn)。拓展subscription n. to/ for sth. (報(bào)刊等的)訂閱,訂購 定期捐款subscriber n.(報(bào)刊的)訂閱人,訂購者;定期/捐款捐助者7. The Worl

20、d Health Organization recommends acupuncture as a good treatment for over forty medical problems. (Line 48) 世界衛(wèi)生組織推薦針刺療法為處理四十余種醫(yī)療難題的好方法??键c(diǎn)recommend vt. 推薦,舉薦,介紹;勸告;建議recommend sb. / sth. to sb. (as / for sth.) 向某人推薦擔(dān)任recommend (doing) sth. 建議做某事recommend sb. to do sth. 建議某人做某事recommend that sb. (sho

21、uld) do sth. 建議某人做某事e.g. I recommend the book to all my students. 我向我所有的學(xué)生都推薦這本書。She was recommended for the post by a colleague. 她獲得同事推薦到這個(gè)崗位。The report recommended a 10% pay increase / rise. 報(bào)告提議工資增加10%。We recommend you to book your flight early. 我們建議你早點(diǎn)預(yù)定航班。It is strongly recommended that the mac

22、hines should be checked every year.強(qiáng)烈建議每年必須把機(jī)器檢修一遍。Teachers recommend parents _ their children under 12 to ride bicycles to school for safety. A. not allowB. do not allowC. mustnt allowD. couldnt allow拓展recommendation n. to sb. for/ on /about sth. 正式建議,提議; 推薦;推薦信e.g. I had the operation on the recom

23、mendation of my doctor. 我根據(jù)醫(yī)生的建議做了手術(shù)。We chose the hotel on their recommendation. 我們根據(jù)他們的推薦選了這家酒店。即學(xué)即用:單項(xiàng)選擇1. Its pretty _ of Peter to know what happened at once. _, he is only five years old.A. sharp; After allB. enthusiastic; In allC. eager; After allD. aware; Above all2. The way teachers treat the

24、 students will _ affect their growing up in the future.A. especially B. exactly C. peacefully D. vitally3. Most parents take strong views against computer games which children are _ to and appeal to the closing of all net bars for such games. A. addicted B. accustomed C. available D. sensitive4. It

25、is important to have your eyes examined regularly to check for any sign of eye disease that may not have any _. (2012湖北高考卷) A. symptom B. similarity C. sample D. shadow5. There is no _ that students will listen attentively in class, if they are _ the London Olympics at night.A. probability; accustom

26、ed to B. possibility; addicted to C. need; drunk with D. chance; familiar with6. Youd better cut your hair short. Our school doesnt _ long hair. A. approve of students wearing B. approve students to wearC. approve students wearing D. approve of students to wear7. A lot of teams wanted me to _ for other positions and I told them no. A. try out B. figure out C. Let out D. break out8. Most of todays youngsters prefer to _ to their favourite journals online because they think it is both trendy and handy.A. contribute B. restor


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