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1、新港小學(xué) 張敏敏Unit 4 My family 第1課時(shí) 總第 課時(shí)教學(xué)內(nèi)容:Learn “This is ” & Letter time教學(xué)目標(biāo):1.能聽懂、會(huì)讀、會(huì)說日常交際用語(yǔ):This is .2.能聽懂、會(huì)讀、會(huì)說單詞family,father,mother,me。3.能聽懂、會(huì)讀、會(huì)說字母Ll ,Mm, Nn,掌握它們?cè)谧帜副碇械捻樞颉=虒W(xué)重難點(diǎn):1. 學(xué)會(huì)用“This is ”介紹家人。2. 能聽懂、會(huì)讀、會(huì)說單詞family,father,mother,me。3. 能正確認(rèn)讀字母Ll,Mm,Nn,掌握它們?cè)谧帜副碇械捻樞?。教學(xué)準(zhǔn)備:教具準(zhǔn)備:全家福,字母卡等。學(xué)生準(zhǔn)備:全家福

2、,抄寫本。Step1 Preparation1. Greeting2. Free Talk Are you ? Yes,I am. / No, Im not. Introduce yourself.Introduce your friends. (Hes /Shes . Hes /Shes my friend.)Step 2 Presentation 1. Introduce.a. Let me introduce my friends to you. This is Yang Ling/ Liu Tao / Su Hai. (人物頭像) b. Teach: This is c. When d

3、o we use “This is ”? Introduce your desk mates by using “This is ”.2. Teach: father, mother, me, family.a. Today I bring you my family photo. Look: This is my father. b. Teach: fatherThis is my mother.c. Teach: mother This is me.d. Teach: me This is my family.e. Teach: family3. Introduce your family

4、 to Miss Zhang.Step3Practice andproduction1. Letter time (1) Review the letters: “Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd, Ee, Ff, Gg, Hh, Ii, Jj, Kk”a. Look and say the letters.b. Listen and say the next letter.c. Listen and say the letter before. (2) Learn the sound of the letters: Ll, Mm, Nn. a. 范讀,生觀察口型。 b. 領(lǐng)讀,指導(dǎo)學(xué)生發(fā)音。 c

5、.個(gè)別檢查,糾正學(xué)生發(fā)音。 (3) Write the letters from Aa to Kk from memory.家庭作業(yè):向家人用英語(yǔ)介紹全家福。用字母卡玩字母游戲。預(yù)習(xí)P24、25。要求聽錄音,試著跟讀,試著了解故事大意。板書設(shè)計(jì):Unit 4 My familyThis is . father圖 mother圖 Ll Mm Nn me圖 family圖 Unit 4 My family 第2課時(shí) 總第 課時(shí)教學(xué)內(nèi)容:Fun time & Story time教學(xué)目標(biāo):1.能聽懂、會(huì)讀、會(huì)說日常交際用語(yǔ):Good evening. 2.能用This is my來介紹人物和家庭成員

6、。3.能聽懂、會(huì)讀、會(huì)說單詞grandpa, grandma。4.能四會(huì)單詞sister,初步了解I的賓格形式是me。教學(xué)重難點(diǎn):1.能聽懂、會(huì)讀、會(huì)說日常交際用語(yǔ):Good evening. 2.能用This is my來介紹人物和家庭成員。3. 對(duì)家庭成員間稱呼語(yǔ)能熟練運(yùn)用。4.能四會(huì)單詞sister,初步了解I的賓格形式是me。教學(xué)準(zhǔn)備:教具準(zhǔn)備:全家福,字母卡,掛圖等。學(xué)生準(zhǔn)備:全家福,練習(xí)本。教學(xué)過程Step1 Preparation1. Greeting2. Free TalkAre you ? Yes,I am. / No, Im not.Introduce yourself.I

7、ntroduce your friends.(This is .Hes /Shes . Hes /Shes my friend. )3.ReviewThis is 是介紹他人時(shí)的常用語(yǔ),比Hes /Shes 更正式些。Step 2 Presentation Story time1. Show the pictures of story time, discuss the pictures in groups.(1) Who are they? (Yang Ling, Liu Tao, Su Hai & Mike) Mike is showing them his family photo. W

8、hat is he saying?(2) This is my family / father / mother / me.(3) (出示Tim 圖) If were Mike, whos this boy? Teach: Tim, brother(4) (出示Helen 圖) If were Mike, whos this girl? Teach: Helen, sister2. Listen and enjoy the whole story.3. Read the story.4. grandpa, grandmaCan you name some other family member

9、s? Teach: grandpa, grandmaStep3Practice andproductionLetter time(1) Review the sound of the letters.(2) Write the letters Oo, Pp and Qq. a. 小組討論字母書寫。 b. 學(xué)生匯報(bào)字母書寫。 c. 教師示范書寫。 d. 帶領(lǐng)學(xué)生書上寫。 e. 指導(dǎo)學(xué)生上本子書寫。 d. 學(xué)生寫,教師巡查、糾錯(cuò)。Write the letters from Aa to Kk from memory.Step4 Progress1. 利用學(xué)生帶的家庭照片,來介紹家庭成員,來操練句型

10、This is my(1) 先請(qǐng)學(xué)生兩人一組來互相介紹自己的家人.(熱身)(2) 邀請(qǐng)學(xué)生上臺(tái)來介紹家人.(3) 評(píng)價(jià)學(xué)生,幷及時(shí)總結(jié).2. 復(fù)述對(duì)話,及時(shí)抽背家庭作業(yè):1. 跟讀故事,注意模仿語(yǔ)音語(yǔ)調(diào)。2. 用字母卡玩字母游戲。3. 預(yù)習(xí)P27。要求聽錄音,試著跟讀,試著了解故事大意。板書設(shè)計(jì): Unit 4 My familyThis is . Tim圖brother Helen圖sister Ll Mm grandpa圖 grandma圖 Unit 4 My family 第2課時(shí) 總第 課時(shí)教學(xué)內(nèi)容:Song time & Cartoon time教學(xué)目標(biāo):1. 能聽懂、會(huì)讀、會(huì)說日常

11、交際用語(yǔ)“Good evening”。2. 在正確理解幽默故事的同時(shí),能用正確的語(yǔ)音語(yǔ)調(diào)朗讀故事。3. 能初步會(huì)唱歌曲 Family song。4. 能熟練掌握字母Ll ,Mm, Nn的讀音,在老師的指導(dǎo)下學(xué)寫字母Nn。教學(xué)重難點(diǎn):1. 嘗試用Good evening互致問候。2. 理解幽默故事內(nèi)容并用正確的語(yǔ)音語(yǔ)調(diào)朗讀故事。3. 學(xué)會(huì)在圖片的幫助下自主閱讀,通過上下文猜測(cè)詞義、句意。教學(xué)準(zhǔn)備:教具準(zhǔn)備:全家福,字母卡,掛圖等。學(xué)生準(zhǔn)備:全家福,導(dǎo)學(xué)案。教學(xué)過程:Step1 Preparation1. Greeting2. Free TalkAre you ? Yes,I am. / No,

12、Im not.Introduce yourself.Introduce your friends.(This is .Hes /Shes . Hes /Shes my friend. )3. Song time(1) Listen to the song.(2) Teach: and, They all live together. They all love one another.(3) Learn the song.4. Review the story on P.24、25.Step 2 Presentation Cartoon time1. Read the story by the

13、mselves.2. Say something about Picture 3 and 4. (What do you know from the pictures?)3. When does the story happen? How do you know that? Teach: Good evening. When do we use “Good evening.”?4.復(fù)習(xí)家庭成員的稱呼,幷進(jìn)行配對(duì)和練習(xí)Step3Practice andproduction一、Letter time1. Review the sound of the letters.2. Write the le

14、tters Oo, Pp and Qq.3. Write the letters from Aa to Qq from memory.二、Work in pairs創(chuàng)設(shè)情境,學(xué)生以小組形式編創(chuàng)對(duì)話場(chǎng)景1:你和媽媽在公園里遇到你的好朋友和他的爸爸場(chǎng)景2:你的同學(xué)到你家做客時(shí)看到你家的相冊(cè),你來介紹家人給同學(xué)Step4 Progress1. 利用學(xué)生帶的家庭照片,來介紹家庭成員,來操練句型This is my(1) 先請(qǐng)學(xué)生兩人一組來互相介紹自己的家人.(熱身)(2) 邀請(qǐng)學(xué)生上臺(tái)來介紹家人.(3) 評(píng)價(jià)學(xué)生,幷及時(shí)總結(jié).2. 復(fù)述對(duì)話,及時(shí)抽背家庭作業(yè):1. 跟讀故事,注意模仿語(yǔ)音語(yǔ)調(diào)。2. 用

15、字母卡玩字母游戲。3. 練習(xí)P28歌曲。板書設(shè)計(jì): Unit 4 My family Bobby圖 Good evening.Sam圖 Ll Mm Nn Unit 4 My family 第4課時(shí) 總第 課時(shí)教學(xué)內(nèi)容:Fun time ,Checkout time & Ticking time教學(xué)目標(biāo):1. 能靈活運(yùn)用本單元的句型和詞匯來完成“介紹家人”的任務(wù)。2. 通過Checkout time板塊的活動(dòng),指導(dǎo)學(xué)生學(xué)會(huì)正確自我評(píng)價(jià),同時(shí)針對(duì)自己存在的問題進(jìn)一步加強(qiáng)復(fù)習(xí)、鞏固和提升。3. 能熟練掌握字母Ll ,Mm, Nn的讀音和在字母表中的順序,能正確默寫字母Ll,Mm,Nn。教學(xué)重難點(diǎn):1

16、. 能根據(jù)情景靈活運(yùn)用所學(xué)句型和單詞介紹家人。2. 使學(xué)生懂得自我評(píng)價(jià)的重要性及其意義。教學(xué)準(zhǔn)備:教具準(zhǔn)備:字母卡,掛圖等。學(xué)生準(zhǔn)備:導(dǎo)學(xué)案,聽讀訓(xùn)練。教學(xué)過程:Step1 Preparation1. Greeting2. Free TalkAre you ? Yes,I am. / No, Im not.Introduce yourself.Introduce your friends.(This is .Hes /Shes . Hes /Shes my friend. )3. Sing a songFamily songStep 2 Presentation Revision1. Revi

17、ew the story.(1) Read the story.(2) Recite the story.(3) Act the story.2. Review the cartoon.Step3Practice andproductionFun time1. Read P.26, introduce the game.2. Play the game. (1)S1示范游戲 (2) Prepare in groups. (3) Show time.Checkout time and ticking time1. Listen and respond.2. Listen and number.3. Tick the star.Step4 ProgressReview the letters. (1) Whats missing?(2) Fi


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