1、PAGE 2011屆高一英語作業(yè) 翻譯句子?。?01106.1315)ModuleIII Unit21.英語就是由這些人帶來的語法和詞匯構成的。2. 公元5世紀中葉以前,不列顛所有的人都說一種叫凱爾特語的語言。3.古英語是他們的語言混合而成的。4.除了像倫敦這樣的地名外,極少數的凱爾特單詞成了古英語的一部分。5.現在當我們講英語時,我們有時會對用哪些單詞或短語而感到困惑。6.最大的貢獻來自于講語法的諾曼人,他們與1066年擊敗英格蘭并控制了這個國家。7.然而,諾曼征服對英語的影響并不及約600年前盎格魯人和撒克孫人的勝利對英語的影響,那場勝利導致古英語替代了凱爾特語。8.盡管諾曼人在統(tǒng)治英格蘭
2、的整整250年間一直講法語,但是法語并沒有取代英語成為第一語言。9. 這產生了更多意思相近的單詞,比如answer(來自于古英語)和reply(來自于古法語)。10.諾曼人征服英格蘭之后,許多英國人以仆人的身份從事飼養(yǎng)動物的工作。11.可以肯定的是,這一變化過程將會繼續(xù)。12.漢語與西方語言不同,區(qū)別在于它不使用字母,而是用漢字表達思想、物體和行為。13.這變成了一座山峰和三條線,隨著時間的推移,最終演變成了現在使用的字形。14. 并非所有的漢字都從物體的圖畫演變而來。15.雖然這幾種類型的漢字能夠表意,但是它們的缺點之一是其字形不具有表音的功能。16.他的方法是使用帶小凸點的紙張,這些小凸點
3、可以用手指感覺出來。17.雖然學生們都覺得士兵的想法非常有趣,但這一方法太過復雜,并不實用。18.有人抱樂觀態(tài)度,認為這個過程是好的,而其他人則擔心它會導致語言污染。19.你能在方便時幫我查一下這個單詞嗎?20.據說,每天喝八杯水對皮膚有好處。ModuleIII Unit31.他們中的一些已經消失了,然而其他的在今天仍然存在。2.能夠贏得這次旅行的一個名額,我感到很幸運。3.公元前89年,羅馬人占領了龐貝。4.在城市附近有一座火山。5.很多人被活埋了,整個城市也被掩埋。真是太不幸了!6.今天我看到了羅馬古城龐貝,它跟2000年前一模一樣。7.這座城市多年來一直被人們遺忘,直到18世紀時一個農民
4、發(fā)現了一塊刻有文字的石頭。8.當我在城中漫步時,我看到保持原樣的街道,沿路都有墊腳石,這樣下雨天你就不用在泥濘中行走了!9.原來,火山灰覆蓋了沒能逃離城市的人,他們的身體幾乎全部燒化消失了,只留下火山 灰里的人行空當。10.很難想象如此平靜的火山如何摧毀了整座城市!11.據信,從公元200年到公元400年,它已被沙塵暴逐漸吞沒。12.斯文發(fā)現了埋藏于沙下的建筑遺跡以及許多寶藏,包括錢幣、帶有圖畫的壺、像絲綢這樣的布料、文獻以及壁畫。13. 我發(fā)現樓蘭廢墟非常有趣。14.當被問及來自遙遠希臘的塑像怎么會出現在中國時,研究人員解釋說,這無疑是亞歷山大大帝的影響所致。 15.公元前334年,他率領當
5、時已達4萬2千人的軍隊進入中東,接著是埃及,兵鋒所至,所向披靡。16.然后,他又將目光轉向東方,長驅直入印度,所到之處,攻無不克,戰(zhàn)無不勝。17.哲學可被認為是觀察我們周圍世界的一種方式,或是解答人生重大問題的一種方式,如“我們?yōu)槭裁磿谶@里?”以及“什么是真理?”18.最后,一些人對他忍無可忍,于是便把他送上了法庭,罪名是質疑希臘眾神的存在和腐蝕雅典的年輕人。19.盡管對薪水不滿意,他還是繼續(xù)為這家公司工作。20.這尊金屬雕像是為了紀念一位著名學者而建的。ModuleIV Unit11. 當今,廣告無處不在。2. 對廣告我們太習以為常了,我們甚至常常意識不到一天當中能看到多少廣告。3.商業(yè)廣
6、告是人們?yōu)榱送其N某種產品或服務而花錢做的廣告。4.然后,公司可以選擇對路子的產品生產,期待產品能受到消費者的歡迎,即購買及使用產品的人們的歡迎。5. 公益廣告往往是免費投放的,旨在就健康、安全或其他影響公共福利的問題教育公眾。6.但是,我們仍必須要知道使用在廣告里的試圖讓我們購物的巧妙方法。7.即使一則廣告沒有撒謊,也并不意味著這則廣告就是完全“清白”的。8.廣告詞盡力誘導你以為這種牙膏可以治療口臭,但是它卻沒有明說。9.我們切莫掉進這類陷阱中!10.并非所有的廣告都跟我們玩花招。11.談及廣告,我們都必須運用自己的智慧,不要做廣告的奴隸。12.重要的是,你得確切弄清楚想要告訴受眾什么,想讓他
7、們做什么。13.在確定受眾以后,你就該決定你想讓他們知道什么或者思考什么了。14.為了讓受眾作出預期的反應,努力去吸引他們是很重要的。15.在策劃一場公共福利宣傳活動時,你可能需要問自己以下問題。16.當組織一場廣告宣傳活動時,有許多不同的方式可用來傳遞訊息。17.我們希望警醒人們,讓他們認識到許多吸煙者過早地死于與吸煙有關的疾病。18.我昨天給姚明寫了封信。你知道他是如何處理球迷來信的嗎?19.他頭痛好長時間了,因此醫(yī)生建議他休假。20.你找出你汽車的毛病了嗎?Module IV Unit21.作為國際奧委會的一名成員,我非常高興應邀前來貴校,跟大家談談奧運會的歷史和重要性。 2.他們每四年
10、備,否則將無法與其他大公司競爭。ModuleIV Unit31.電影僅僅讓觀眾被動地看和聽屏幕上發(fā)生的事,而RealCine與電影不同,它讓你參與到劇情活動中,以一種主動的方式與你的視覺、聽覺、嗅覺和觸覺聯系起來。2.使用者不僅能感受到攀登珠穆朗瑪峰的每一步的艱辛,還能體驗到周圍環(huán)境的寒冷、氣味、景觀和聲音;到達頂峰時,他們將會享受到一種愉悅感和成就感。3.給RealCine虛擬世界錦上添花的是,耳機上甚至還有一些小孔,可以釋放出與環(huán)境相匹配的氣味。4.科學研究已經證明VR技術可以用于治療有社交障礙的人。5.有人提出不同意見,認為一些用戶可能會對RealCine失望,因為虛擬現實畢竟不是真的。
12、處轉悠時,發(fā)現遠處有一個人背靠樹坐著 那人至少四米高。14.他們做了個炸彈,把巖石炸掉。15.此刻他們發(fā)現自己置身于意大利的一座火山中他們的探險結束了,但一次新的探險又即將開始。16.白天、黑夜飛速交替,一切都在眼前變換。17.他們住在地下,在那里,他們讓機器不停地運轉,以便埃羅依族人能開開心心,吃得飽飽的。 18.然而,后來我終于明白了,我的印象是錯的:摩洛克斯族人才是真正的主人。19.至于空氣污染,我想汽車尾氣是主要原因之一。20.這項計劃旨在挽救珍稀動物,具有非常重要的意義。ModuleV Unit 11.因為我們成績好,喜愛學習,其他同學有時會說我倆沒趣,但我們喜歡那樣。2.考試之后,
13、我一定是聽上去洋洋得意,說考題實在太簡單了,我肯定能取得好成績。3.后來,我假裝很開心,但漢娜還是覺察到哪兒有點不對勁。4.我難過得想哭。5.我非常生氣,徑直走到漢娜跟前,告訴她我們不再是朋友了,因為她不能信守諾言。PAGE PAGE 76.她說一定是有人在洗手間偷聽我們的談話,但我不相信她的解釋。7.他也被惹火了,說他的球技不如我不是他的錯,還說我不該那樣和他講話。8.為了傷害我,他指責我做了一些非常不好的事情。9.我感到很內疚,因為我也說了一些殘酷無情的話,但我不喜歡看到我們隊輸球。 10.足球對我很重要,但我們的友誼也同樣很重要。11.他說的那些話也傷害了我, 但他并未向我道歉。12.昨
15、看重的朋友身上的品質似乎是一樣的。19.所要記住的重要一點是:他們二者均是友誼。20.我不能想象沒有它。21.最終我回到火車站,在候車室里度過了當天余下的時光。22.然而,如果當初我終止了我們的友誼,那我們倆都會一無所得。Module V Unit 21.之后我們將展開自由討論。2.今天我首先要談的是化學廢物如何破壞著世界上的大片區(qū)域。3.這些捕撈船捕撈大量的魚,而不留時間給他們產卵。4.這將導致我們食用的魚的數目越來越小。5.與1800年的人口相比,世界人口數量已經增長了六倍。6.我們有責任努力削減生產,減少制造和購買的東西的數量。7.顯然,你非常擔心我們的環(huán)境的現狀。8.作為企業(yè)發(fā)展咨詢顧
16、問,我常常被視為是發(fā)對環(huán)保的。9. 一想到工廠,人們就會想到滾滾的濃煙或者向河流傾瀉化學廢物的管道。10.人們常常認為經濟發(fā)展對環(huán)境有害,但這未必是正確的。11.這些工廠的經營者非常關心環(huán)境。12.林女士建議為了保護環(huán)境我們應該削減我們所生產的東西的數量。13.然而,我非常贊同我們應該利用回收材料制造更多的東西,減少原材料的使用,因為原材料的供應正變得越來越緊張。14.我問過周圍的人,發(fā)現許多人都愿意支付稍高一些的價錢來購買環(huán)保產品。15.如果他們用光了怎么辦?16.我喜歡你講那樣的笑話。17.作為世界上長度第三的河流,長江的環(huán)境問題已經引起了國內外的關注。18.這對依賴長江用水的人來說是個不
17、好的消息,對生活在江中或岸邊的大量魚類和野生生物來說也是個不好的消息。19.該組織還監(jiān)視長江,阻止非法捕撈。非法捕撈已經威脅到野生動物的數量。20.要解決有關長江的所有問題,我們還有很長的一段路要走。21.許多人將這一變化歸咎于二氧化碳等氣體。22.盡管我們呼吸時產生碳,但我們排出的碳要比小汽車產生的碳少很多。23.種植一棵小樹很便宜也很簡單,但二十年之后,當你看到它長成大樹時,你會有一種滿足感,因為你知道自己為幫助解決氣候變化問題盡了一份力。24.毫無疑問, 最近幾年世界氣候一直在發(fā)生著變化。25.我們消耗的汽油和電能越多,我們釋放出的碳就越多。PAGE 2011屆高一英語作業(yè) 翻譯句子!答
18、 案ModuleIII Unit 2:1.The English language is made up of the grammar and vocabulary these people brought to Britain. 2.Before the middle of the 5th century, people in Britain all spoke a language called Celtic.3.Old English consisted of a mixture of their languages.4.Aside from place names such as Lo
19、ndon, very few Celtic words became part of Old.5.When we speak English today, we sometimes feel puzzled about which words or phrases to use. 6.The most important contribution was from the Normans, a French-speaking people who defeated England and took control of the country in 1066. 7.However, the N
20、orman Conquest did not affect English as much as the Angles and the Saxons victory about 600 years earlier, which led to Old English replacing Celtic.8.Even though the Normans spoke French for the entire 250 years they ruled England, French did not replace English as the first language.9.This result
21、ed in even more words with similar meanings, such as answer10.After the Norman Conquest, many English people worked as servants who raised animals. 11.It is certain that this process will continue.12.The Chinese language differs from Western languages in that, instead of an alphabet, it uses charact
22、ers which stand for ideas, objects or deeds.13.This became one mountaintop and three lines, and over time turned into the character used nowadays.14.Not all characters were developed from drawings of objects.15.Though these kinds of characters indicate meanings, one of their shortcomings is that the
23、y do not show how they should be pronounced.16.His system used paper with small, raised dots that could be felt with the fingers.17. While the students found the soldiers idea interesting, the system was too difficult to be of practical use.18.Some people are optimistic and believe that this process
24、 is good , while others worry that it may result in language pollution.19.Can you help me look up the word in the dictionary when it is convenient for you?20.It is said that drinking eight glasses of water a day is good for your skin.ModuleIII Unit 3:Some of them have disappeared, while others remai
25、n today.2.I feel lucky to have won a place on this trip.3.In 89 BC, the Romans took over Pompeii. 4.Near the city was a volcano. 5.Many people were buried alive, and so was the city. How unfortunate!6.Today I saw the ancient Roman city of Pompeii as it was 2,000 years ago. 7.The city was forgotten f
26、or many years until the 18th century when a farmer discovered a stone with writing on it.8.When I walked around the city, I saw streets just as they had been, with stepping stones along the road so you did not have to step in the mud on rainy days!9.It turns out that after the ash covered the people
27、 who failed to flee the city, their bodies nearly completely broke down and disappeared, leaving empty spaces in the ash.10.Its hard to imagine how this peaceful volcano destroyed the whole city!11.It is believed to have been gradually covered over by sandstorms from AD 200 to AD 400.12.Sven found t
28、he remains of buildings buried beneath the sand, together with a lot of treasures, including coins, painted pots, material such as silk, documents and wall paintings.13.We found the ruins most interesting. 14.When asked how a statue from distant Greece could have appeared in China, researchers expla
29、ined that no doubt this was a result of Alexander the Greats influence. 15.In 334 BC, he took his army, now with 42,000 men, into the Middle East and then Egypt, defeating every army that stood in his path.16.Then he turned his eyes east, and marched all the way to India, finding victory wherever he
30、 went.17.Philosophy can be thought of as a way of looking at the world around us, or of answering the great question of life, such as Where are we here? and What is truth? 18.Finally, some people had enough of him, so they took him to court for questioning the existence of the Greek gods and for cor
31、rupting the young people of Athens. 19.He continued to work for the company even though he was not happy with the pay.20.This metal statue was built in memory of a famous scholar.ModuleIV Unit 1:1.Nowadays, we can find advertisements almost wherever we go.2.We are so used to them that we often do no
32、t even realize how many we see and hear in a day. 3.A commercial advertisement is one which someone has paid for to advertise a product or service. 4.The company can then choose the right product to produce, the one that is expected to be most popular with consumers people who buy and use the produc
33、t. 5.PSAs are often run for free, and are meant to educate people about health, safety, or any other problem that affects public welfare.6.However, we still must be aware of the skilful methods used in ads to try and sell us things.7.Even if an ad does not lie, it does not mean it is altogether inno
34、cent.8.This statement tries to fool you into assuming that the toothpaste cures bad breath, yet it does not say that! 9.We must not fall for this kind of trick!10.Not all ads play tricks on us though.11.When it comes to advertisements, we must all use our intelligence and not be a slave to them! 12.
35、It is important to figure out exactly what you want to tell the audience and what you are trying to get them to do.13.After you have decided who your audience is, it is time to decide what you want the audience to know or think about.14.It is important to always try to appeal to the audience in orde
36、r to get them to react in a certain way.15.When planning a public welfare campaign, you may want to ask yourself.: 16.There are lots of different ways to get your message across when you are putting together an ad campaign.17.We want to shock people into realizing that many smokers die all too soon
37、from illnesses and diseases related to smoking.18.I wrote a letter to Yao Ming yesterday. Do you know how he deals with letters from his fans?19.He had suffered from headaches for a long time, so the doctor recommended him to take a vacation.20.Have you figured out whats wrong with your car?Module I
38、V Unit 2:1.As a member of the International Olympic Committee, I am delighted to have been invited to your school to talk to you about the history and significance of the Olympic Games. 2.They were held at Olympia in Greece every four years, for almost 12 countries ,until AD 394.3.At the ancient Oly
39、mpics, by tradition the athletes were all men and they had to compete wearing no clothes. 4.Single women were allowed to take part in their own competition, at a separate festival in honour of Hera, the wife of the Greek god Zeus. 5.Today, both male and female athletes from around the world can take
40、 part, no matter what nation they come from. 6.It was a Frenchman, Pierre de Coubertin, who brought the Olympics back to life. 7. He dreamt that the Olympics would make it possible for people of all countries to live side by side in peace. 8.Among them are many well-known athletes.9.I am sure the wh
41、ole of China must have felt proud when Xu Haifeng won the first gold medal for his country.10.Deng Yaping, who won four Olympic gold medals in 1992 and 1996, is perhaps the greatest female table tennis player the world has ever seen.11.Yet, she hung on to win the gold medal in the final match.12.The
42、se are some of the Olympic athletes who have brought joy to people across the world with their attempts to push the boundaries of human achievement.13. In order for a new sport to be added, another sport must be dropped.14.In 2016, rugby and golf, which were earlier played at the Olympics and then d
43、ropped, will be included again, as they are now very popular and are played all around the world.15.Of course, the goal should not have counted.16.However, with the referees now keeping a close watch on the Eagles, they struggled and lost their next match.17.The Eagles went home angry and bitter bec
44、ause they did not win the tournament. Meanwhile, the Kangaroos went home and trained harder than before.18.The match was tied with minutes to go.19.This corporation has always led the way, because it reacts very quickly to market changes.20.We have to update our equipment. Otherwise, we wont be able
45、 to compete with other corporations.ModuleIV Unit 3:1.Unlike a film, where a passive audience watches and hears what is happening on a screen, RealCine puts you into the action and connects with your senses of sight, hearing, smell and touch in an active way.2.Not only will he or she feel every step
46、 of climbing Mount Qomolangma, but the user will also experience the cold, smells, sights and sounds of the surrounding environment; he or she will enjoy a feeling of happiness and a sense of achievement upon reaching the top.3.To add to the virtual world of RealCine, the headsets even have small op
47、enings that give out smells to match the environmen.4.In scientific studies it has been shown that VR can be a good treatment for people who have social problems.5.An argument has been put forward that some users will be disppointed by RealCine because VR is not real.6.In reality, he is disabled and
48、 can no longer walk, but he was able to see and touch a lion while still in the convenience of the VR studio.7.For example, firefighters could use RealCine to train safely, without the risk of getting injured in a burning building.8.Teachers could bring history alive by placing students in an ancien
49、t town, or they could teach biology by allowing students to experience the world as a whale or a squirrel.9.This kind of urban planning is in the long term cheaper and more practical, compared with the way most urban planning is done today.10.In my opinion, it is about time we had new computers.11.A
50、lso, we need to buy new keyboards, mouses and monitos, because many of the keyboards have letters missing and some mouses and monitos are not functioning properly.12.Immediately, he got his things packed and went to Iceland, forcing his nephew Axel to go with him.13.As they were wandering around, th
51、ey noticed a man sitting against a tree in the distancehe was at least four metres tall.14.They made a bomb to blow up the rocks.15.They now found themselves in a volcano in Italy their adventure was over, but a new one was about to begin. 16.Days and nights zipped by and everything changed before m
52、y eyes.17.They lived underground, where they kept machines running so that the Eloi would be happy and well fed.18. However, later I came to see that I had the wrong impression: the Morlocks were the real masters.19.As to air pollution, I think gases from cars are one of the chief causes.20.This pla
53、n, which is meant to save rare animals, is of great importance.ModuleV Unit 1:1.Sometimes, other children say we are no fun because we are both very academic and like to study, but we like it that way.2.I must have sounded very proud of myself after the quiz, saying how easy it was and how I was sur
54、e to get a good grade. 3.Afterwards, I pretended to be cheerful, but Hannah sensed something was wrong. PAGE PAGE 134.I was so upset that I felt like crying. 5.I was so angry that I went straight to Hannah and told her we werent going to be friends any more because she couldnt keep her word.6.She sa
55、id that someone must have been spying on us in the washroom, but I didnt believe her explanation.7.He got annoyed, saying it wasnt his fault if he couldnt play as well as me, and that I shouldnt talk to him in this manner.8.He accused me of some really bad things just to hurt me.9.I feel really guil
56、ty because I made some cruel remarks too, but I dislike seeing our team lose.10.Football is very important to me, but so is our friendship.11.The things he said hurt me too, but he has not aologized to me .12.Yesterday, I saw him talking to another boy, Peter, and I cannot help wondering if he wants
57、 Peter to be his best friend instead of me.13.I told my brother about the quarrel, but he said Matthew is just too sensitive and perhaps a little bitter because I really athletic and good at football, and that I had better find another friend.14.Friendships between girls are usually anchored in shar
58、ed feelings and support, but friendships between boys are based on shared activities or interests.15.When asked, they usually hesitate before responding, My best friend? I cant think about that. I am busy with my homework, and .16.We have to realize: boys share activities, while girls share feelings
59、.17.When deciding what is most important in life, some people choose money, while others choose things like security and comfort.18.The qualities that boys and girls consider important in a friend seem to be the same, regardless of the basis of these friendships.19.The important thing to remember is
60、 that both of them are friendships.20.I cannot imagine being without it. 21.I ended up returning to the train station and spending the rest of the day in the waiting room. 22.However, if I had ended our friendship, we would have both learnt nothing. Module V Unit 2:1.Then we will open the floor for
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