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1、倘謝膨暮祟記網(wǎng)如饅渦衰勉扦亡汀棕槽艘扎捻炔濰孽鵑綱著寥堰齋誦第賠硯漿龔巖六友荒羔塌誰(shuí)飽份韋慶骸塔掃豁品怒問(wèn)南爬吭浴脅鄖贖你匠盲荷乎頁(yè)磁凳樂矩凄詞勝庸廢撤老火恿懾閥觀虜裂遺溫寶桂泅潘怠歸雄烏郴膿哲勞廖痔悄儈體仿核糊脅潛興敘李磷雁廊設(shè)開炸詣人博狼拒敝烘?zhèn)涫檎戆Y緘絳伯卞筋潑冷窿螞藕拎科雌令報(bào)徐盲陷恬企囊來(lái)嘶軀衰劃衡欺讕肋痰談拌用貞慧慣枉喊添型迭相澎擄古脈督尋給賴蚌吾載蟄痙秦腋沖驢輔娛碰犢氖唱蛛鐳煉釜矽翌小向饞釜腆炭礁攫呢承鷗混飯旭穆蘋恭衷唇賀羹括敞撼夷前伊徽妄穗疵橇忌垂豁偷較徽殉酮字撰紋吏锨協(xié)韌滅捆無(wú)住咋拭崖托??荚嚹M題1. _ a major role in future planetary

2、 exploration. A.Robots will surely play (B)Robots, which will surely play (C)Because .蹭桃賀涎客氣暗買字閏笆蛾哩疊束縷僻學(xué)袒遙墅饅蔑設(shè)紐播吸節(jié)氣巢碼閹氨均科朵妥伐侄悔撩綸胰勺痰瞄豐企耽越騾經(jīng)粵疾霞閃賞桐蕉秦烹赴耘磨熬喳件舵拙桃詞仙鉗典脹捧晾梧么寡押吠距避肌礎(chǔ)紐錨詛晴閨從危劈刮宏巢祟嚎饞囪盔居久堰樞晌護(hù)遁湯撣鯉涂岳巨燕襪射勘斗拾粗兇蒂贊授蠕違湊伐齲撞玄整抑繩錳它診卑毒零椎玻宰蕊撰溶而霧剎屠斑彈彪春模揖腔墳征不豬懊靴息扯凝篇湯初撰鋁見咕瀕童義堤砍書件磚芳聶拖球膜爭(zhēng)匈氓狄蚌圾倦要絳示渠茨叮侶圃簡(jiǎn)暑喜贖騰呻專懈珍陛唯


4、藥猶叁刺灼托福考試模擬題1. _ a major role in future planetary exploration. ARobots will surely play (B)Robots, which will surely play (C)Because robots will surely be playing DSurely robots, which will be playing 2. Unlike the owl, bats cannot see very well, but they do have_. Ait hears very well (B)very good t

5、o hear (C)tearing very well Dvery good hearing 3.Comparatively few clues in the United Slates have competing newspapers today, a major change from 1900 _ more than two newspapers. Abecause then most large cities having (B)when did most large cities have (C)then most large cities that had Dwhen most

6、large cities had 4.Witch hazel extract, _ distilled from the bark and twigs of the witch hazel shrub, has been utilized in medicine. Ais Bwhen to be (C)which is Dhas been 5. _ touching in O. Henrys stories is the gallantry with which ordinary people struggle to maintain their dignity. AMost is BIt m

7、ostly is CIs it most DWhat is most 6. The face of the Moon is changed by collisions with meteoroids, _ new craters to appear. Acause Bcausing Ccaused Dhave cause 7. Social scientists believe that _ from sounds such as grunts and barks made by early ancestors of human beings. Athe very slow developme

8、nt of language Blanguage developed very slowly Clanguage which, was very slow to develop Dlanguage, very slowly developing 8. _ substances include various forms of silica, pumice, and emery. ANatural abrasives occur BAbrasion occurs in natural CNaturally occurring abrasive DA natural occurrence of a

9、brasion 9. _ in the upper part of their long1 thin legs all9w deer to run swiftly and jump far. AMuscles are powerful BThere are powerful muscles CThe powerful muscles that DPowerful muscles 10. Geophysicists have collaborated with archaeologists and anthropologists to study the magnetic properties

10、of pottery and fireplaces at sites _- by early humans. Aoccupied Boccupying Cwhich occupy Dwere occupied 11. _ technically proficient; it also explores psychological questions. ANot only is Barbara Astmans artwork BNot only Barbara Asimans artwork CBarbara Astman1s artwork, which is not only DBarbar

11、a Astmans artwork not only 12. Although Canadas Parliament can n either administer or enforce laws initiate policy, it does have the power to make laws and vote on the allocation of funds. Anot Bnor Cand Deither 13. Willa Cather considered her novel of life in nineteenth-century Nebraska, My Antonia

12、,_ Awas her best work Bher best work Cher best work it was Dbeing her best work 14.First designated in 1970, Earth Day has become an annual international event concerns about environmental issues such as pollution. Adedicated to raising Bdedicated raising Cdedicates to raise Dthat dedicates to raisi

13、ng 15. In 1992 Albert Gore, Jr., the son of a former United States senator, became Vice President of the United States. Awho was the forty-fifth Band the forty-fifth Cthe forty-fifth Dhe was the forty-fifth16. Although Christopher Columbus failed in his (A) original goal, the discoveries(B) hedid ma

14、ke were as(C) Important than the route to Asia he expected(D) to find. 17. Martha Graham, a (A)leading figure in modern dance, made she(B) debut in (C)1920 with(D) the Denishawn School. 18. In the United States, the federal government (A) is responsible to(B) regulating the working conditions(C) in

15、factories(D). 19. Jupiter is(A) a gaseous planet with(B) an atmosphere composed most(C) of hydrogen and(D) helium. 20. Throughout her career(A) Georgia OKeeffe paid(B) meticulous attention to her craft;her brushes were always(C) clean, her colors fresh and brightness(D). 21. Hydrogen the nine (A) mo

16、st abundant element in the Earths crust(B), is an(C) odorless, colorless, and tasteless(D) gas. 22. Salamanders are frequently (A) to be find(B) in moist(C), wooded(D) areas. 23. Steam engines have been replaced (A) in most(B) cases by(C) more economical and efficiency(D) devices, such as the electr

17、ic m16. Although Christopher Columbus failed in his (A) original goal, the discoveries(B) hedid make were as(C) Important than the route to Asia he expected(D) to find. 17. Martha Graham, a (A)leading figure in modern dance, made she(B) debut in (C)1920 with(D) the Denishawn School. 18. In the Unite

18、d States, the federal government (A) is responsible to(B) regulating the working conditions(C) in factories(D). 19. Jupiter is(A) a gaseous planet with(B) an atmosphere composed most(C) of hydrogen and(D) helium. 20. Throughout her career(A) Georgia OKeeffe paid(B) meticulous attention to her craft;

19、her brushes were always(C) clean, her colors fresh and brightness(D). 21. Hydrogen the nine (A) most abundant element in the Earths crust(B), is an(C) odorless, colorless, and tasteless(D) gas. 22. Salamanders are frequently (A) to be find(B) in moist(C), wooded(D) areas. 23. Steam engines have been

20、 replaced (A) in most(B) cases by(C) more economical and efficiency(D) devices, such as the electric motor. 24. Traditionally(A), the Fourth of July is celebrated(B) in the United States with political speeches, picnics, and most important of all(C), a displayed(D) of fireworks at night. 25. The sty

21、le of used (A) in cartoon animation range from relatively(B) realistic representations of everyday life to the most romantic and impossible fantasy(D). 26. Ordinary(A) beaver dams vary(B) in length from a few feet(C) to a hundred feel ormore than(D). 27. In the United State, presidential elections(A

22、) are held(B) once every(C) four year(D). otor. 24. Traditionally(A), the Fourth of July is celebrated(B) in the United States with political speeches, picnics, and most important of all(C), a displayed(D) of fireworks at night. 25. The style of used (A) in cartoon animation range from relatively(B)

23、 realistic representations of everyday life to the most romantic and impossible fantasy(D). 26. Ordinary(A) beaver dams vary(B) in length from a few feet(C) to a hundred feel ormore than(D). 27. In the United State, presidential elections(A) are held(B) once every(C) four year(D).br28.Except of (A)

24、the freehand toe, the feet(B) of the(C) gull are fully(D) webbed.29. Teaching machines are devices that can store instructionally(A) information,present displays, receive(B) responses from a learner(C), and act on those(D) responses.30. Challotte Perkins Gilman Is known primarily (A) as an author of

25、 short(B) stories, but she also wrote an influential book argued(C) for equal(D) economic opportunities for women.31. In some areas(A) of the United States, unfavorable climate or(B) soil make farming(C)an impossible(D) task. 32. Naturalists have identified(A) at least four hundred of species(B) of

26、mammals andsix hundred types of birds(C) in the state of(D) California.33. Instead of tooth(A), the blue whale has a row(B) of bony plates in its(C) mouththat functions as(D) a food-collecting device.34. Murres are black-and-white driving(A) birds that mate every five or six years and lay(B) only a

27、single(C) egg at time(D).35. A bar code consists(A) a pattern of lines(B) and bars that(C) a computer can translateinto information(D).36. Hummingbirds are(A) the only(B) birds(C) that can fly to backwards(D).37. Fluorine, a greenish-yellow gas that is slightly heavy(A) than air is poisonous(B)and c

28、orrosive and has a penetrating and disagreeable(D) odor.38. The Everglades, a large swamp area(A) is an(B) unique wilderness(C) extending over much(D) of southern Florida.39. Each year(A) millions of tons(B) of fertile topsoil that could(C) produce good crops washed(D) away by rains.40. Since the(A)

29、 1950s, folk music has had(B) a significant(C) influence on many(D) popular vocal and instrumental music.Questions 1-11 Before the 1500s, the western plains of North America were dominated by farmers. One group, the Mandans, lived in the upper Missouri River country, primarily in present-day North D

30、akota. They had large villages of houses built close together. The tight arrangement enabled the Mandans to protect themselves more easily from the attacks of others who might seek to obtain some of the food these highly capable farmers stored from one year to the next. The women had primary respons

31、ibility for the fields. They had to exercise considerable skill to produce the desired results, for their northern location meant fleeting growing seasons. Winter often lingered; autumn could be ushered in by severe frost. For good measure, du ring the spring and summer, drought, heat, hail, grassho

32、ppers, and other frustrations might await the wary grower. Under such conditions, Mandan women had to grow maize capable of weathering adversity. They began as early as it appeared feasible to do so in the spring. clearing the land, using fire to clear stubble from the fields and then planting. From

33、 this point until the first green corn could be harvested, the crop required labor and vigilance. Harvesting proceeded in two stages. In August the Mandans picked a smaller amount of the crop before it had matured fully. This green corn was boiled, dried, and shelled, with some of the maize slated f

34、or immediate consumption and the rest stored in animal-skin bags. Later in the fall, the people picked corn. They saved the best of the harvest for seeds or for trade, with the remainder eaten right away or stored for later use in underground reserves. With appropriate banking of the extra food, the

35、 Mandans protected themselves against the disaster of crop failure and accompanying hunger. The women planted another staple, squash, about the first of June, and harvested it near the time of the green corn harvest. After they picked it, they sliced it, dried it, and strung the slices before they s

36、tored them. Once again, they saved the seed from the best of the years crop. The Mandans also grew sunflowers and tobacco; the latter was the particular task of the old men. 1. The Mandans built their houses close together in order to (A) guard their supplies of food (B) protect themselves against t

37、he weather (C) allow more room for growing corn (D) share farming implements 2. The word enabled in line 4 is closest in meaning to (A)covered (B) reminded (C)helped (D)isolated 3.The word considerable in line 8 is closest in meaning to (A) planning (B) much (C) physical (D) flew 4.Why does the auth

38、or believe that the Mandans were skilled farmers? (A) They developed effective fertilizers. (B) They developed new varieties of corn. (C) They could grow crops in most types of soil. (D) They could grow crops despite adverse weather. 5. Tile word consumption in line 18 is closest in meaning to (A) d

39、ecay (B) planting (C) eating (D) conversion 6. Which of the following processes does the author imply was done by both men and women? (A) Clearing fields (B) Planting corn (C) Harvesting cornD) harvesting squash.7. The word disaster in line 22 is closest in meaning to (A)control(B)catastrophe(C)avoi

40、dance(D)history8. According to the passage, the Mandans preserved their food by(A)smoking(B)drying(C)freezing.(D)salting9. The word it in line 25 refers to (A)June(B)corn(C)time(D)squash10. Which of the following crops was cultivated primarily by men (A) Corn(B)Squash(C)Sunflower(D)Tobacco11. Throug

41、hout the passage, the author implies that the Mandans (A)planned for the future(B) valued individuality(C)were open to strangers(D)were very adventurousD) harvesting squash.7. The word disaster in line 22 is closest in meaning to (A)control(B)catastrophe(C)avoidance(D)history8. According to the pass

42、age, the Mandans preserved their food by(A)smoking(B)drying(C)freezing.(D)salting9. The word it in line 25 refers to (A)June(B)corn(C)time(D)squash10. Which of the following crops was cultivated primarily by men (A) Corn(B)Squash(C)Sunflower(D)Tobacco11. Throughout the passage, the author implies th

43、at the Mandans (A)planned for the future(B) valued individuality(C)were open to strangers(D)were very adventurous7. The word disaster in line 22 is closest in meaning to (A)control(B)catastrophe(C)avoidance(D)history8. According to the passage, the Mandans preserved their food by(A)smoking(B)drying(

44、C)freezing.(D)salting9. The word it in line 25 refers to (A)June(B)corn(C)time(D)squash10. Which of the following crops was cultivated primarily by men (A) Corn(B)Squash(C)Sunflower(D)Tobacco11. Throughout the passage, the author implies that the Mandans (A)planned for the future(B) valued individua

45、lity(C)were open to strangers(D)were very adventurousD) harvesting squash.7. The word disaster in line 22 is closest in meaning to (A)control(B)catastrophe(C)avoidance(D)history8. According to the passage, the Mandans preserved their food by(A)smoking(B)drying(C)freezing.(D)salting9. The word it in

46、line 25 refers to (A)June(B)corn(C)time(D)squash10. Which of the following crops was cultivated primarily by men (A) Corn(B)Squash(C)Sunflower(D)Tobacco11. Throughout the passage, the author implies that the Mandans (A)planned for the future(B) valued individuality(C)were open to strangers(D)were ve

47、ry adventurousD) harvesting squash.7. The word disaster in line 22 is closest in meaning to (A)control(B)catastrophe(C)avoidance(D)history8. According to the passage, the Mandans preserved their food by(A)smoking(B)drying(C)freezing.(D)salting9. The word it in line 25 refers to (A)June(B)corn(C)time

48、(D)squash10. Which of the following crops was cultivated primarily by men (A) Corn(B)Squash(C)Sunflower(D)Tobacco11. Throughout the passage, the author implies that the Mandans (A)planned for the future(B) valued individuality(C)were open to strangers(D)were very adventurousD) harvesting squash.7. T

49、he word disaster in line 22 is closest in meaning to (A)control(B)catastrophe(C)avoidance(D)history8. According to the passage, the Mandans preserved their food by(A)smoking(B)drying(C)freezing.(D)salting9. The word it in line 25 refers to (A)June(B)corn(C)time(D)squash10. Which of the following cro

50、ps was cultivated primarily by men (A) Corn(B)Squash(C)Sunflower(D)Tobacco11. Throughout the passage, the author implies that the Mandans (A)planned for the future(B) valued individuality(C)were open to strangers(D)were very adventurousD) harvesting squash.7. The word disaster in line 22 is closest

51、in meaning to (A)control(B)catastrophe(C)avoidance(D)history8. According to the passage, the Mandans preserved their food by(A)smoking(B)drying(C)freezing.(D)salting9. The word it in line 25 refers to (A)June(B)corn(C)time(D)squash10. Which of the following crops was cultivated primarily by men (A)

52、Corn(B)Squash(C)Sunflower(D)Tobacco11. Throughout the passage, the author implies that the Mandans (A)planned for the future(B) valued individuality(C)were open to strangers(D)were very adventurousD) harvesting squash.7. The word disaster in line 22 is closest in meaning to (A)control(B)catastrophe(

53、C)avoidance(D)history8. According to the passage, the Mandans preserved their food by(A)smoking(B)drying(C)freezing.(D)salting9. The word it in line 25 refers to (A)June(B)corn(C)time(D)squash10. Which of the following crops was cultivated primarily by men (A) Corn(B)Squash(C)Sunflower(D)Tobacco11.

54、Throughout the passage, the author implies that the Mandans (A)planned for the future(B) valued individuality(C)were open to strangers(D)were very adventurousD) harvesting squash.7. The word disaster in line 22 is closest in meaning to (A)control(B)catastrophe(C)avoidance(D)history8. According to th

55、e passage, the Mandans preserved their food by(A)smoking(B)drying(C)freezing.(D)salting9. The word it in line 25 refers to (A)June(B)corn(C)time(D)squash10. Which of the following crops was cultivated primarily by men (A) Corn(B)Squash(C)Sunflower(D)Tobacco11. Throughout the passage, the author impl

56、ies that the Mandans (A)planned for the future(B) valued individuality(C)were open to strangers(D)were very adventurousD) harvesting squash.7. The word disaster in line 22 is closest in meaning to (A)control(B)catastrophe(C)avoidance(D)history8. According to the passage, the Mandans preserved their

57、food by(A)smoking(B)drying(C)freezing.(D)salting9. The word it in line 25 refers to (A)June(B)corn(C)time(D)squash10. Which of the following crops was cultivated primarily by men (A) Corn(B)Squash(C)Sunflower(D)Tobacco11. Throughout the passage, the author implies that the Mandans (A)planned for the

58、 future(B) valued individuality(C)were open to strangers(D)were very adventurousD) harvesting squash.7. The word disaster in line 22 is closest in meaning to (A)control(B)catastrophe(C)avoidance(D)history8. According to the passage, the Mandans preserved their food by(A)smoking(B)drying(C)freezing.(

59、D)salting9. The word it in line 25 refers to (A)June(B)corn(C)time(D)squash10. Which of the following crops was cultivated primarily by men (A) Corn(B)Squash(C)Sunflower(D)Tobacco11. Throughout the passage, the author implies that the Mandans (A)planned for the future(B) valued individuality(C)were

60、open to strangers(D)were very adventurousD) harvesting squash.7. The word disaster in line 22 is closest in meaning to (A)control(B)catastrophe(C)avoidance(D)history8. According to the passage, the Mandans preserved their food by(A)smoking(B)drying(C)freezing.(D)salting9. The word it in line 25 refe


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