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1、SAT語法強化講義 宏觀原則1. After having read numerous diet books, Charles decided that the simplest plan would be the best: eat fewer calories and A B Cexercise more. No error D E2. Not having traveled abroad before, John was both apprehensive and excited about his upcoming trip to the Galapago A B C DIsland.

2、 No error E 3. The woman whom the board picked to design the new building is a renowned architect and has received many awards. A B C DNo error E4. After the somber butler strode to the door and asked, “Who is it ? ” the mysterious vagrant replied, “It is me.” No error A B C D E主謂一致(倒裝) 5. There is

3、many benefits to biking; it is both a rigorous form of extensive and an environmentally sustainable, conscious A B C Dmode of transportation. No error E6. Despite the decline in media attention, there still are, above the western Pacific Ocean, a growing ozone hole. No error A B C D E7. Often citied

4、 by the media is the right to freedom of speech and the claim that the public wants to know what celebrities do A B C in their off-time. No error D E8. Deleted from the play during the editing process was a scene which the author felt could offend many people and a A B Cpotentially controversial ref

5、erence to the recent civil strife in his history. No error D E主謂一致(A prep B) 9. Some words in the English language has several meanings which are unrelated except through their origins: testudinate, for A B example, can mean either curved and vault-shaped, or extremely slow moving, since the word de

6、rives from the Latin word C Dfor turtle. No error E10. The field of consumer electronics have never been fixed: DVD replaces VHS tapes today, just as CDs replaced cassette A B Ctapes in the past. No error D E11. Either of the two plans are acceptable as both will work equally well. No error A B C D

7、E12. The book Living with Flowers have fabulous picture of how to decorate ones home with flowers as well as examples of A B Chow flowers, and nurturing them, can contribute to ones well being and serenity. No error D E13. The existence of consistent rules are important if a teacher wants to run a c

8、lassroom efficiently. No error A B C D E 14. When evaluating the impact of a painting, one of the most intriguing aspects are how the viewer perceives it: can the viewer A B C be induced to consider a perspective distinct her own? No error D E15. By order of the Board of Education, the wearing of ta

9、nk tops by students in all the city schools A B C have been completely banned. No error D E16. Some scholars argue that Shakespeares collection of sonnets were actually written for his patron. No error A B C D E17. There is so much contradictory evidence that the police are reviewing all of the alib

10、is, verifying that each of the suspects A B have a reliable witness or credible story to account for his whereabouts on the night of the crime. No error C D E18. Neither of the players on the course today have any hope of reaching the final round. No error A B C D E19. When he confronted the teacher

11、, as he did after almost every year, the student was adamant that neither the question nor the A B Canswers was fair. No error D E20. Neither the rebel group nor the government are poised to strike a decisive blow in the civil war which has been ranging for A B C Dover a year. No error E主謂一致 (陷阱題) 2

12、1. Many singers in fields such as rhythm and blues, soul, and even rock who achieves success actually began their careers by A Bsinging in a church choir, developing their voices and vocal techniques on some of the worlds most beloved music. C DNo error E22. The success of the womens rights movement

13、 can, ironically, be measured by the steady rise in the number of women who A B suffers from historically male diseases, such as heart attacks and strokes. No error C D E23. “Somebody have done somebody wrong somehow” has to be one of the most insightful and universal lyrics ever written; A B Cthe p

14、opularity of this country song lends credence to that conclusions. No error D E24. Politicians habitually promise to implement many profound changes if they are elected; unfortunately or fortunately, A Bdepending on ones perspective only some of these promises is ever actually kept. No error C D E25

15、. Dentists agree that brushing your teeth three times a day promote good dental health and a more attractive smile. No error A B C D E26. If the chef at the restaurant we visit most frequently overcook my fathers burger one more time, my father will speak to the A B C Dmanager. No error E27. The eas

16、e and speed with which a computer connected to the Internet can transmit a lengthy document is so much A B C Dconvenient than a fax machine. No error E28. Scientists exploring Australias Great Barrier Reef has discovered a type of coral with the same characteristics as human A Bbone; its qualities r

17、ender it ideal for hip replacements and other orthopedic endeavors. No error C D E29. John Wayne, long considered a hero by his fans from across the country, were very patriotic. No error A B C D E30. The frog, as a species, are among the best harbingers of environmental pollution, as it is extremel

18、y sensitive to change A B Cin both water and soil. No error D E31. Rosie the Riveter, who was characterized in the World War II posters as an attractive, dark-haired, muscular woman and A clearly different from the beautiful blonds languishing by the home fires, are finding new popularity with today

19、s womens B C Dadvocates. No error E32. Legal cases today cover increasingly sophisticated technological and medical issues, while the number of parties, especially A B Cin class action suits, are ballooning. No error D E 33. The continual improvements in athletic training methods has made performanc

20、es that would have been considered A B Cimpossible a generation ago everyday occurrences. No error D E34. The news that no weapons of mass destruction have been found are fueling the opposition to the war and eroding the A B Cpresidents credibility. No error D E35. Dieting and exercise is not the an

21、swer to all weight problems, but they should do the trick for most waistlines. No error A B C D E動詞(平行對稱) 36. Despite having had no formal training, Jackie was nonetheless able to master the piano by listening to recordings, reading A B Cinstructional books, and she practiced on her own. No error D

22、E37. Two current television trends, the home improvement show that craze and the “hot rod” automobile fad, seem to show a Adissatisfaction with our domestic spaces and indicating a desire for something riskier and more exciting. No error B C D E38. In the authors latest novel, the hero traveled to M

23、ontana where she finds a mysteriously deserted house and, through A Ba series of misunderstandings, becomes embroiled in an international smuggling ring. No error C D E39. After Wayne Gretzky began playing hockey, he stayed focused on the sport and holds 61 records when he retired. No error A B C D

24、E40. By 2076, the United States will have been a nation for three years, while, by the same year, China has been a nation A B Cfor almost four thousand years. No error D E41. The goals of the scientists, whose training had afforded them extensive experience with cutting-edge methodologies, were A Bt

25、o change the genetic components of the virus and setting up a new set of criteria for analyzing the results. No error C D E42. Recently completed, the new maglev train links Shanghai to the Pudong Airport and eliminating a major source of A B C congestion between the two destinations. No error D E43

26、. The little girl was not only content to allow her mother to do all the dishes, but also believes that her mother actually A B Cenjoyed doing housework. No error D E44. Upon his return, Bob noticed that the milk had spoiled and had went bad while he was away. No error A B C D E45. At first, Funny C

27、ide, a horse co-owned by three racing amateurs, was thought to have a chance at the Triple Crown, but a A Bwet, sloppy track at Belmont made a difficult third race and thus ends his chances. No error C D E46. Students in the literature course will explore ways in which medieval authors represented t

28、hemes of their time, and A Bwill be reading Augustines Confessions, Boccaccios Decameron, and Heloise and Abelards Letters. No error C D E47. Several fundamental principles lay behind the development of the Constitution: first, the idea that citizens have unassailable A B rights, second, citizens ha

29、ving the right to disagree with the government. No error C D E48. Revered as one of the worlds most versatile geniuses, Leonardo da Vinci excelled in every endeavor he attempted and A Bserving as a prototype for the Renaissance man. No error C D E49. When Ms. Ruiz arrived at the holiday sale, she re

30、alized that she had left her wallet at home and must go back to get it. A B C D No error E50. My art history professors prefer Michelangelos painting to viewing his sculpture, although Michelangelo himself was more A B Cproud of the latter. No error D E動詞的時態(tài) 51. Before handing in her assignment, Mic

31、helle checked all her sources twice: her greater fear being receiving any grade lower A B C Da B. No error E52. Returning to school in September, Linnea told us in minute detail how she had rode her bike from our town in coastal New A B C Jersey to Eugene, Oregon, entirely on her own. No error D E53

32、. During the presidential campaign of 1917, the womens party, which was steadily gaining acceptance, accused President AWilson of hypocrisy; he had entered the war in Europe to help guarantee democratic principles overseas, yet he was voting B C Dagainst suffrage for women. No error E54. Jasons olde

33、r sister, known for her diligence, smugly reminded him that if he would have planned ahead instead of A Bprocrastinating, he would not have had to write his entire research paper in one weekend. No error C D E55. Many biographers had stated that Samuel Langhorne Clemens changed his name to Mark twai

34、n to echo the riverboat A B Ccaptains call ascertaining the safe navigation depth of the Mississippi river. No error D ESuperbowl commercials perfectly target their demographics because the advertisers regularly spent exorbitant amounts of A B Ctime and money designing the ads. No error D EUpon revi

35、ewing a map of his property, John realized that he could not build the barn where he had intended because A Bit belonged to a neighboring farmer. No error C D ECelestial navigation, the ancient practice of using heavenly bodies to guide a ships course, has becoming a dying art since A B Cthe advent

36、of modern global positioning system. No error D E59. Only infrequently did James laugh at the jokes that the comedian has been telling; James simply did not find the comedians A Bpunch line, none of which seemed original or very funny. No error C D EEver since the promotion of our new manager last y

37、ear, John is the hardest-working employee of this small and A B C highly industrious company. No error D E61. The press aggressively interrogated the Senator when he claimed to support the new proposition because his voting record A B Cindicated that he has always opposed the intended legislation. N

38、o error D ESince the early 1970s, the number of people claiming to have seen the movie grew from just under one hundred to well A B C Dover thirty million. No error E63. Once the angry bull was subdued by the end rodeo clowns, it will be rounded up and led from the ring. No error A B C D E64. During

39、 the excavation of Pompeii, many people worried that artifacts are being destroyed by careless techniques, A Bbut the dig continued in spite of their concerns. No error C D E65. Only after he had wrote the note did Jason begin to feel remorse. No error A B C D E 66. The police officer was unable to

40、have elicited information from the witness regarding the fire, no matter how hard he tried. A B C D No error E67. The Shakespearean drama opens with a moral dilemma how to choose between individual freedom and social needs Athen introduced the possibility that one does not always have the power to c

41、hoose ones own fate. No error B C D E68. Although I should not admit this, at work I lay down when I am tired. No error A B C D E 69. Effectively overturning the Missouri Compromise of 1820, the Dred Scott decision of 1857 ruled that blacks A Bwhether free or enslaved, were not citizens under the Co

42、nstitution, and therefore are unable to vote. No error C D E 70. In trying to capture the essence of a portrait, the artist frequently keeps his models late, insisting that they completed the job A B Cin order to be paid. No error D E71. Although Kris played the piano until he was fourteen, it took

43、only minutes of listening to Carlos Santana to realize that he A B C wanted to switch instruments; he plays the guitar ever since. No error D E72. If Sue had begun practicing sooner, she would see a big difference in her performance. No error A B C D E73. When Edith Wharton, acclaimed author of The

44、House of Mirth and Ethan Frome, decided to take a break from writing after A Bcompleting her eighth novel, she left her home in New York and is vacationing in the south of France. No error C D E74. After the theatre critic gave the experimental play an unjustifiably harsh review, he has been fired f

45、rom the newspaper for A B Cfailing to keep an open mind. No error D E75. Critics of the recording industry argue that consumers would not download music illegally if record stores would charge A B Cless for compact discs. No error D E76. Science magazine recently published a report by geologists whi

46、ch provides evidence for what they believe is a major A B C Dmeteor impact some 380 million years ago. No error E77. By the time the space shuttle Atlas 5 lifts off, NASA had fixed the communications tower which would allow them A B Cto communicate with the astronauts. No error D E78. Only if enough

47、 viewers would object to what may call “the vast wasteland of television” would the quality of programming A B Cbecome acceptable. No error D E79. She dried the dishes when, all of a sudden, the phone rang; startled, she dropped a plate to the floor, whereupon it shattered. A B C DNo error E80. If y

48、ou plan to participate in a marathon, you need to realize that many athletes, even those in top physical condition, find it A Bdifficult to finish such a long race; by the end of marathon you will run twenty-miles. No error C D E81. I apologized for scaring my siblings after they had been seeing me

49、wrangling snakes without my wearing any gloves. A B C DNo error E82. The vegetarian movement in this country, which has shown increasing growth over the last thirty years, was begun at a farm A B Cin Wheaton, Vermont, in the late 1800s. No error D E主謂一致 86. Two of Charles Dickens most famous charact

50、ers, Oliver Twist and David Copperfield, were an orphan who fell upon hard A B Cluck as children, but found happiness later in life. No error D E87. Although they have radically different career plans, Luna and Gabriel both hope to be a Michigan State graduate one day. A B C DNo error E88. The twins

51、 want to be a member of the team, but the captain had already made her selections. No error A B C D E89. The viewers will have the opportunity to make their preference clear, as the station plans to conduct an extensive voter A B C Dsurvey. No error E90. Regional delicacies are often subjects of int

52、erest and controversy: while tourists and new residents to an area may consume A the foods for which a city or state is known, their opinion on such items may anger loyalists native to the region in question. B C DNo error E91. During the early and mid-1990s, university communities such as Athens, G

53、eorgia and Austin, Texas, rose to fame, A or at least rose to fame within the nations college radio audience, because of their thriving independent music scene. B C DNo error E92. Although researchers have created machines that seem to think for themselves, none of the researchers has proven the A B

54、 Coriginality of their ideas. No error D E93. The agenda for next Mondays community council meeting features several contentious issues: therefore, the council A Bexpects to see an unusual number of community members, all there to ensure that his or her voice will be heard regarding C Dthe issues at

55、 hand. No error E94. As soon as play practice ended, the students left the building, hurried through the cold night air toward their cars, unlocked Adoors, started their engine, and turned up their heaters. No error B C D E95. The clever grandmother, concerned because her grandsons seems to resent t

56、heir new baby sitter, elected not to take a stern Aapproach but rather to win their heart by saying how much their sitter would adore them. No error B C D E比較結構 103. Michael, who is versed in many types of music, prefers the music of Bach to Mozart. No error A B C D E104. Not everyone would agree th

57、at Lawrence Olivers performance in Henry V was superior to Kenneth Branagh. No error A B C D E105. The sculptor Rodin often departed from traditional styles in his creations; unlike other sculptors, his creations A Bmade obvious the materials from which they were built. No error C D E106. Historian

58、liken the reign of Russians Tsar Ivan the Terrible, a contemporary of Englands Queen Elizabeth I who is A famous for his brutal repression, to Joseph Stalin. No error B C D E107. Quite different from the Yellowstone River, the canyons of the Colorado River are famous for their soaring, majestic wall

59、s A B C Dof burnt, red rock. No error E108. We now know that Archimedes, one of the foremost mathematicians of ancient Greece, devised a method for computing A volumes that was very similar to Newton, who developed calculus. No error B C D E109. The writings of Edward Abbey, especially Desert Solita

60、ire, which recounts a season that Abbey spent mostly alone in the A Bdeserts of Southern Utah, echo the same tradition of rugged individualism as did Henry David Thoreau. No error C D E 110. While the style of the clay figurines produced by the pre-Columbian Jalisco culture is less sophisticated Ath


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