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1、麗聲經(jīng)典故事屋第二級Dick and His Cat茂名市江濱小學(xué)執(zhí)教者:陳艷萍DickLets chant,man.Dick was a man.,bag. Dick had a bag.,cat.Dick had a cat.,man.Dick was a man.,bag. Dick had a bag.,cat.Dick had a cat.Lets chant,rat. The cat had a rat. rat cat The cat had a rat. Dick and His Cat He had a dream. rich cash cashbag a bag of ca

2、shTask2Task3Task 4Task 1Who can get more cash, who will be rich !I will be rich ! Go go go !Look, listen and answerTask 1 Question:Was Dick rich at last?Task 1: Look, listen and answer.Question:Was Dick rich at last?Yes, he was rich at last. But he was very poor(貧窮的)at first.Dick got his bag.What di

3、d he have? got lotDick got his bag.Where did he go?LondonDick met a man.Who did he meet? met letDick met a man.Why did the man talk to Dick ?How did the man help Dick?The man got Dick a job.The man gave Dick money.The man got Dick a job.What is Dick doing? jobgot Lets chantjob, job, jobThe man got D

4、ick a job.How did Dick be rich?FirstDick got his bag.Dick met a man.The man got Dick a job.Show timeLets ActDick got his bag.Dick met a man.The man got Dick a job.Show timeA Rats! Dick got his bag.Dick met a man.The man got Dick a job.Show timeB Rats! Dick got a cat.What did Dick do?The cat got a ra

5、t.Dick got a bag of cash.What did Dick get? I will be rich !How did Dick be rich?ThenDick got a cat.The cat got a rat.Dick got a bag of cash.Show timeLets ActDick got a bag of cash.The cat got a rat.Dick got a cat.Show timeADick got a bag of cash.The cat got a rat.Dick got a cat.Show timeBWell done!

6、At last, Dick got lots of jobs.The cat got lots of rats.Dick got lots of cash.a cat lots of catsa rat lots of rats lots of casha bag of casha job lots of jobsLets chantLots of, lots of, lots of jobsDick got lots of jobs.Lots of, lots of, lots of ratsThe cat got lots of rats.Lots of, lots of, lots of

7、 cashDick got lots of cash.Dick was rich !I am rich ! Rich ! Rich !At last,How did Dick be rich?At lastDick got lots of jobs.The cat got lots of rats.Dick got lots of cash.Lets read the story.Congratulations!Task2Task3Task 4Task 1I will be rich ! Go go go !I can playTask 2gota bag of cashratscatlots

8、 ofrichDick and His Catjobcashcashlots of ratsmet lots of cash Congratulations!Task2Task3Task 4Task 1I will be rich ! Go go go !Dick was rich ! Dick got lots of jobs.The man got Dick a job. Dick met a man.Dick got a cat.Dick got his bag.The cat got a rat.I will be rich. Dick got a bag of cash.Task 3

9、I can read quickly.Dick got a cat. Dick got a bag of cash.Dick was rich !The man got Dick a job. Dick met a man.Dick got his bag. Dick got lots of jobs.I will be rich. The cat got a rat.1The man got Dick a job. The cat got a rat.I will be rich.Dick was rich !Dick got lots of jobs.Dick met a man.Dick

10、 got a bag of cash.Dick got his bag.Dick got a cat.2Dick got a cat. Dick got a bag of cash.Dick was rich !The man got Dick a job. Dick met a man.Dick got his bag. Dick got lots of jobs.I will be rich. The cat got a rat.3The man got Dick a job. The cat got a rat.I will be rich.Dick was rich !Dick got

11、 lots of jobs.Dick met a man.Dick got a bag of cash.Dick got his bag.Dick got a cat.4Congratulations!Task2Task3Task 4Task 1I will be rich !I can write.Task 41.Fill in the blanks.2.Think, write and draw.Dick _ his bag.Dick _ a man.The man got Dick a _._!Dick got a _.The cat got a _.Dick got a bag of

12、_.I will be rich !Dick got lots of _.The cat got lots of _.Dick got lots of _.Dick was _ !I am rich ! Rich ! Rich !Dick _ his bag.Dick _ a man .The man got Dick a _.Dick got a _.gotmetjobcatRats_ !Dick got lots of _.I will be rich !jobsDick got a bag of _ .cashThe cat got a _.ratI am rich ! Rich ! Rich !Dick was _ !Dick got lots of _.cashThe cat got lots of _.ratsrichThink, write and draw.Dick was rich ,Dick gotDick gota pair of new shoesa houseTask2Task3Task 4Task 1Who is th


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