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1、新視野大學(xué)英語Unit 3 A Good Heart to Lean on 第三單元: 可依靠的一顆善心 Unit 3 A Good Heart to Lean on 第三單元: 可依靠的一顆善心 Lecturer: Wang Wenjun27th, October, 2010Happy Halloween! My classmates !Jack-o-lantern Halloweens origin:萬圣夜英文稱之“Halloween”,為“All Hallow Eve”的縮寫,是指萬圣節(jié)(All Hallows Day)的前夜,類似于圣誕夜被稱為“Christmas Eve”?!癏all

2、ow”來源于中古英語halwen,與holy詞源很接近,意思是在紀(jì)念所有的圣人(Hallow)那一天,要舉行的彌撒儀式(Mass)。 兩千多年前,歐洲的天主教會(huì)把11月1日定為“天下圣徒之日” (ALL HALLOWS DAY) ?!癏ALLOW” 即圣徒之意。傳說自公元前五百年,居住在愛爾蘭等地的凱爾特人(CELTS) 把這節(jié)日往前移了一天,即10月31日。 他們認(rèn)為10月31日是夏天正式結(jié)束的日子,也就是新年伊始,嚴(yán)酷的冬季開始的一天。那時(shí)人們相信,故人的亡魂會(huì)在這一天回到故居地在活人身上找尋生靈,借此再生,而且這是人在死后能獲得再生的唯一希望。而活著的人則懼怕死魂來奪生,于是人們就在這一

3、天熄掉爐火、燭光,讓死魂無法找尋活人,又把自己打扮成妖魔鬼怪把死人之魂靈嚇走。 萬圣夜的主要活動(dòng):Trick-or-treating (“不給糖就搗亂” ) “Trick or Treat”游戲起源于愛爾蘭。小孩裝扮成各種恐怖樣子,逐門逐戶按響鄰居的門鈴,大叫:“Trick or Treat!”(意即不請(qǐng)客就搗亂),在蘇格蘭,小孩要糖果時(shí)會(huì)說:“The sky is blue, the grass is green, may we have our Halloween.”(天是藍(lán)色,草是綠色,齊來慶祝萬圣節(jié)前夜),然后以唱歌跳舞等表演來博得糖果。主人家(可能同樣穿著恐怖服裝)便會(huì)拿出一些糖果、

4、巧克力或是小禮物。部分家庭甚至使用聲音特效和制煙機(jī)器營造恐怖氣氛。小孩一晚取得的糖果往往以袋計(jì)算,整袋整袋的搬回家。萬圣節(jié)的食物 由于萬圣夜臨近蘋果的豐收期,太妃糖蘋果(toffee apples)成為應(yīng)節(jié)食品。制法是把蘋果插上竹簽,然后手持竹簽把蘋果放在糖漿中轉(zhuǎn)動(dòng),有時(shí)會(huì)再粘上果仁。 其他特色食品還有:粟米糖 candy corn 熱蘋果酒烘南瓜子Halloween-Aqua Hello?Rememberme?Whosthere?IvegotyournumberOhno,noImbacktohauntyouNo,stayawayHahahahahaItsFridaynightSocreepy

5、outsideItsisthunderingandlightningTheresnobodyhomeCauseImallaloneItsscaryanditsfrighteningThesoundofshoesAshadowthatmovesSomethingoddistictactickingSomeonesinhereImsofulloffear ThetelephoneisringingNowIcanseeyouOhno,pleasenoNowIcantouchyouOhgod,pleasegoIamrightherenowOhplease,tellmewhereHahahahaImin

6、anightmareYoubetterrunImbacktohauntyoudownHalloween,inthedeathofthenight, hearmescreamImcoming,ImcomingHalloween,isthefearthatIfight, inmydreamKeeprunning,keeprunningJustkeeprunning-oh,keepon runningPre-reading ActivitiesBackground Information1. Manhattan is a suburb of New York.2. Brooklyn is a sub

7、urb of New York.3. Ebbets Field is the stadium built by and named after Charlie Ebbets, the owner of the Brooklyn Dodgers baseball team. The first game played in this former home of the Brooklyn Dodgers took place in 1938. 4. Dodgers: The Dodgers, the name of a baseball team; the team originally pla

8、yed for Brooklyn but now it no longer plays for Brooklyn . Ebbets Field Baseball 棒球Manhattan曼哈頓島曼哈頓大橋曼哈頓廣場(chǎng) 重慶和武漢長江大橋 Brooklyn community布魯克林社區(qū)Americans family and home the kitchen布魯克林商場(chǎng) I hate eating chicken! I love candy most! Do you like this doll in my hand?Lead-in ActivitiesIn this unit, we read

9、three stories that touch us deeply. They show how even with personal problems, all of us, if we use our courage, our imagining, and our giving nature, can choose to make others lives better. Its a noble life-goal that: living our daily lives in a way that makes life better for others. Why not do kin

10、d things for others every day of your life? Do them without any thought of gain for yourself, and see what happens. You may be surprised and pleased with the result.While-reading ActivitiesNew WordsLean li:n -leaned / leant (過去時(shí)及完成時(shí)形態(tài)) vi. 傾斜;倚靠,依賴 adj. 瘦的 貧乏的, vi.= 不及物動(dòng)詞,后面要加介詞或其他詞 There is a ladde

11、r leaning against the wall.lean forward 向前傾 A good heart to lean on.(依賴,依靠)The teacher was leaned out by his long illness. n. 瘦肉;傾斜;傾斜度balance1. even; equal 平衡;均衡Riders need a good sense of balance. 騎馬的人需要有良好的平衡感。Its difficult to keep ones balance on an icy street.在結(jié)冰的街道上保持平衡是不容易的。2. condition that

12、exists when two opposites are equal or in even lots or percents 均勢(shì), 平衡Try to achieve a better balance between work and play.要努力使工作和娛樂更好地平衡。Severe sivi adj. 嚴(yán)厲的;苛刻的;劇烈的;嚴(yán)峻的 1. very bad, intense, difficult, etc a severe headache 劇烈的頭疼The dry spell is becoming more and more severe.旱災(zāi)日益嚴(yán)重。 a severe puni

13、shment 嚴(yán)厲的懲罰Was the judge too severe on the thief? 法官對(duì)小偷太嚴(yán)厲了嗎? Coordinate ku:dineit adj. 同等的;并列的 vt. 調(diào)整;整合 vi. 協(xié)調(diào) n. 坐標(biāo);同等的人或物 cause (different parts, body parts, etc) to work together very well The plan was not very well coordinated.那項(xiàng)計(jì)劃各部分協(xié)調(diào)得不好。We must coordinate our efforts to help people influen

14、ced by the flood.我們必須齊心協(xié)力去幫助遭受水災(zāi)的災(zāi)民。 Halt h:lt v. stop;interrupt 暫停;中斷;中止Work was halted when the machine broke down. 機(jī)器出故障時(shí),工作停了下來。n. A stop or pause暫停;中斷;中止The car came to a halt in time to prevent an accident. 汽車及時(shí)剎住, 避免了一場(chǎng)事故。Production was brought to a halt by a strike. 由于罷工, 生產(chǎn)停頓了。Adjust dst V.

15、 1. (to) become or make suited (to new conditions); to change 使適應(yīng)(新環(huán)境);適應(yīng)The former soldiers had difficulty in adjusting to ordinary life. 退役軍人難以適應(yīng)平民的生活。The body quickly adjusts itself to changes in temperature.人體很快自行調(diào)節(jié)以適應(yīng)氣溫變化。2. (to) change (sth.) by a small bit so that it will fit or be right for

16、use; make regular 調(diào)整;校準(zhǔn);調(diào)準(zhǔn)adjust the focus of a camera調(diào)整照相機(jī)的焦距My eye glasses need adjusting. 我的眼鏡需要校準(zhǔn)。 Subway sbwei 1. C a railway under the ground in a city(城市中的)地下鐵道 subway station地鐵車站2. C a tunnel for walking under the ground, esp. one under a road or railway(尤指馬路或鐵路下方的)地下通道;人行隧道subway to cross t

17、he road Amaze meiz vt 吃驚,驚訝 fill (sb.) with great surprise or wonderHe amazed everyone by passing his driving test. 他通過了駕駛員考試而令大家非常驚訝。We were amazed at the change in how he looked. 我們對(duì)他外表的改變感到驚訝。 Cling to : hold 抓緊,抱住,堅(jiān)持,忠于They clung to each other for support. 他們互相抓緊對(duì)方以互相支持。She still clung to the id

18、ea that she would succeed. 她仍抱著一個(gè)信念:她會(huì)成功的。Stress stres n. 壓力;強(qiáng)調(diào);重音;重要性;vt. 強(qiáng)調(diào);使緊張;加壓力于;用重音讀 He stressed the need of careful planning. 他強(qiáng)調(diào)要精心計(jì)劃。He was being stressed before he gave his lecture. 演講前的那一陣子他感到十分緊張。The word “machine” is stressed on its second syllable. “machine”這個(gè)詞第二個(gè)音節(jié)讀重音。 He suffered fr

19、om great stress.他受到很大壓力。Complaint kmpleint n.抱怨;訴苦The road-works caused much complaint among local neighbours. 修路工程使當(dāng)?shù)鼐用窠锌噙B天。 make a complaint about/ of提出了投訴。 receive complaints about/of 收到/接到投訴 Engage ineid vi 從事,雇用,全神貫注1. engage in = take part in sth. / doing sth(使)從事;(使)忙于I have no time to engage

20、 in telling stories.我沒有時(shí)間閑聊。be engaged in business經(jīng)商2. employ sb.; hire sb.雇用;聘用She was engaged as a teacher. 她被聘作教師。3.全神貫注,吸引注意力Nothing engages his attention for long.什么也不能長時(shí)間地吸引住他的注意力。 sb. is subjected to sth.= sb. suffer from sth. 誰遭受,承受 He was subjected to the worst punishment. 他受到了最嚴(yán)厲的懲罰。See to

21、 it /see+that 從句 :一定注意See to it that youre ready on time. 到時(shí)候你千萬要準(zhǔn)備好。 See that you are not late again! 務(wù)必注意不要再遲到!Punch pnt 猛擊,打孔1. strike (sb./sth.) hard with the fist 用拳猛擊punch a man in the face 用拳猛擊某人的臉He has a face Id like to punch. 他有一張我很想飽以老拳的臉。2. use a punch to cut (a hole) in (sth.)用打孔機(jī)打孔The

22、ticket-collector punched my ticket.售票員在我的票上打了個(gè)孔。 Urge :d sb. to do sth.1. try hard or repeatedly to persuade (sb.) 力勸He urged us to go.他力勸我們?nèi)?。“Dont give in now,” the teacher urged.“不要現(xiàn)在就讓步,”她竭力勸道。2. encourage or excite sb. to do sth.鼓勵(lì);催促;鞭策The manager urged his staff on to greater efforts.經(jīng)理督促全體職員更

23、加努力。強(qiáng)烈愿望, 迫切需求I had a sudden urge to tell the boss the whole truth. Make it a strong wish or need 強(qiáng)烈愿望, 迫切需求I had a sudden urge to tell the boss the whole truth. 我突然產(chǎn)生一種強(qiáng)烈愿望, 想把全部真相告訴老板。 reluctant rilktnt to doadj. 勉強(qiáng)的;不情愿的 a reluctant student She was very reluctant to admit the truth. Complain kmpl

24、ein (about, of) 抱怨;訴苦Jim is always complaining!吉姆沒完沒了地老是抱怨。She complained to me about his bad manners. 她向我訴說他的粗暴無禮。Language PointsA Good Heart to Lean On (title) Meaning: A good heart to depend on for support and encouragement. Notice that in this sense, lean is used with the preposition on. They al

25、ways lean on us when they are in trouble. 他們有困難時(shí)總尋求我們的支持。The minister leaned on his advisers for support. 這位部長依靠他的顧問支持。 When I was growing up, . (Para. 1) Meaning: When I was developing from a child to a man; before I had become adult .his hand on my arm for balance. (Para. 1) Meaning:. his hand was

26、 on my arm for balance or with his hand on my arm for balancefor balance: so as to spread his weight evenly You set the pace. I will try to adjust to you. (Para. 2) Meaning: You decide the speed of walking and I will try to change my speed and keep up to yours.set the pace: fix the speedThe fast run

27、ner set the pace, and the others followed. 跑得較快的賽跑者決定步速, 其他的人則跟著跑。adjust to: 調(diào)整,使適應(yīng),My eyes havent adjusted to the dark in the room yet. 我的眼睛還未適應(yīng)房間中的黑暗。 .despite nasty weather. (Para. 3) Meaning: even with terrible weather; although the weather was very bad. I went out despite / in spite of the rain

28、. 雖然下著雨, 我還是出了門。Even if :although 即使,Even if she get A level, shes going to have problems.in spite of).and would make it to the office even if others could not. (Para. 3) Meaning: arrive in time at the office even if others could not.make it: This phrase has two meanings, 1) arrive in time 2) succee

29、d with effortsI think well just make it! 我想我們會(huì)及時(shí)到達(dá)!Its hard to make it to the top in the show business. 想在演藝圈出人頭地, 殊非易事。 . the lower steps that the warmer tunnel air kept free of ice. (Para. 4) Meaning: the lower steps that the warmer tunnel air kept without ice.Look at the following two examples:Th

30、e old lady is never free of (or: from) pain. 那位老婦人一直在遭受痛苦。 Meals are provided free of charge. 膳食免費(fèi)供應(yīng)。 . subject himself to such shame and stress. (Para. 5) Meaning: experience such shame and stresssubject (one / oneself) to: cause to experience or suffer. The officials subjected him to the worst pos

31、sible punishment. 當(dāng)局給予他最嚴(yán)厲的懲罰。 He was subjected to torture. 他受到了嚴(yán)刑拷打。The scientists subjected the product to a number of severe tests. 科學(xué)家對(duì)這種產(chǎn)品進(jìn)行了數(shù)次嚴(yán)格測(cè)試。 Now that I am older, I believe . (Para. 7) Meaning: Because I am older, I believe. . Here now that is used as a conjunction, meaning since when we

32、 are talking about the effect of an event or change. This conjunction can be shortened to now. For example:Now (that) John has arrived, we can begin. 既然約翰來了, 我們可以開始了。Now (that) shes found him, shell never let him go. 既然她找到了他, 就決不會(huì)放他走了。I like him a lot now (that) hes older. 他現(xiàn)在老了, 我倒十分喜歡他。 Introducin

33、g me, he was really saying, . (Para. 11)Meaning: When he was introducing me, he was really saying, . . In English, -ing 動(dòng)詞短語通常做狀語,表示時(shí)間,情況,原因等。 如:Hearing the sad news, the mother collapsed. (= When she heard the sad news, .)聽到這一不幸消息, 母親悲痛欲絕。And when I came home on leave, he saw to it that I visited h

34、is office. (Para. 11) Meaning: And when I came home from the Navy for a holiday, he made sure that I visited his office. The verb phrase see to means take care, make sure. When this phrase is followed by a that-clause, we can either say . see to it that-clause or simply . see that-clause. Please loo

35、k at the following examples:Father saw to it that much of my spare time was not wasted.父親極力注意不讓我的許多業(yè)余時(shí)間白白浪費(fèi)。See that you are not late again. 務(wù)請(qǐng)注意不要再遲到。 Post-reading ActivitiesExercisesComprehension of the text VocabularyIII. 1. Inwardly 2. regret 3. occasion 4. complained 5. urged6. coordinate 7. re

36、luctance 8. envy 9. adjust 10. amazedIV.1. in 2. of 3. on 4. on 5. to 6. out 7. to 8. to 9. on 10. aboutV.1. O 2.J 3.N 4.L 5.I even though雖然,盡管,即使;(讓步) E.g: He will come on timeeven thoughit rains. although, though, even though, despite在語法上有什么區(qū)別 ? despite后面一般不接句子. 1. Although的語氣較強(qiáng),是正式用語, though多用于非正

37、式文體中。 2. Although引導(dǎo)的從句多位于主句前, though引導(dǎo)的從句位于主句前后都可。 3. though可用于倒裝句,although不可。 如:Young though he is , he has worked for a few years.他雖然年輕但已經(jīng)工作好幾年了。 Sentence Structure:VI.1. He had his ears pierced even though I told him not to.2. It was exciting game even though no goals were scored.3. He was treated exactly like all the other workers even though he had just joined the company.4. Even though you disagree with her, shes worth listening to.5. There was never enough money to support his family even though he was hard-working and did two j


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