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1、主講教師:英語自然拼讀教程 ei ai發(fā)音技巧與訓練(7)語音回顧:Bar 酒吧間Car 汽車Far 遠Hard 努力Large 大Mark 標記Park 公園Tar 柏油 :Board 木板Corn 谷物Fork 叉子Horse 馬Lord 上帝More 更多Pork 豬肉Torch 火炬 雙元音【 ei】的自然拼讀規(guī)則 發(fā)【 ei】的字母與字母組合有:ei a-e ai ay eighcake fate shake snake lake make name paid main day may eight weigh weight 音標拼讀訓練聽音標應跟讀:ei keik leit meik

2、neim feis leiksneik beik teikpeifreid geit keiv單詞精讀練習maybe hay pay May day way bay say play game plate shame shape complain waste face shake Save safe plain 短語速讀練習1.hate to be late2.save her face3.ate a piece of cake4.became famous5.in the same way 短語速讀練習并找出ei 的字母組合音6.wait until a later date7.skate

3、at the gate8.leave a space9.make a mistake10.the shape of the lake句子一口氣快讀練習1.He became famous in the late 1950s. 2.He did it only for the sake of saving face. 3.He hates trade. 4.She always calls a spade a spade.她5.He is making a play for fame.句子一口氣快讀練習6.Its a great day today. 7.They sailed away to

4、Spain. 8.Dont delay mailing your payment. 9.On the same day another plane crash happened.10.You should play it safe and not make haste.繞口令口口腔肌肉練習The rain in Spain is mainly on the plain.西班牙的雨一般都落在平原上雙元音【ei】的拼讀訓練1).根據(jù)發(fā)音,在發(fā)ei音的字母下劃橫線。vein Aprilaid neighborpage apeframe tapefail baby經(jīng)典名句誦讀A penny saved

5、 is a penny gained 雙元音【 ai】的自然拼讀規(guī)則 發(fā)【 ai】的字母與字母組合有:i-e /ie 一bike,nice,pie y一style,typeigh一sight,Iight 音標拼讀訓練聽音標應跟讀:ai bai said haidnais hai maittaild laik raitmaik naik pai 單詞精讀練習fine white price time write side fly lie try dry why high bide bite guide might night shy alike短語速讀練習1.bright sunshinea q

6、uiet nighta shy wifewhite clouds and blue skieslie to Mr. Whitea white kiteride a bikemy lifearrive at ninedie in a fight句子一口氣快讀練習1.The color of the bicycle is white and black.2.She died last night. 3.Prices are sky-high these days 。4.I like this idea. 5.She liedto the guide. 6.This child doesnt lik

7、e his life. 7.She is fighting shyof seeing his eyes 。8.My wife likes the lifein the countryside. 9.The plane is flying high in the blue sky.10.He is trying to swim with the tides.繞口令口口腔肌肉練習There is pie in my eye. Will I cry? Will I die? Though l am shy. I will not fie. It might cause a sty, but I de

8、ny that Iwill die or cry from the pie in my eye.我眼里掉進了一點餅。我會哭呢?還是會死?盡管我害羞,我也不會說謊。它也許會導致麥粒腫,但我不會死也不會哭,只不過我眼里掉進了一點餅。雙元音【 ai】的的發(fā)音訓練1).根據(jù)發(fā)音。在發(fā)ai音的字母下劃橫線。bride climb tie tight fry nightmy ideachild wild2).根據(jù)發(fā)音,將帶ai音的單詞找出來cite dear milk pride right dirtrelief blindwise quiet經(jīng)典名句誦讀Time and tide wait for no man.Exercise IICommonly Used Expressions:Alright, Mike. 好吧, 麥克Time flies. 光陰似箭Thats very kind of you. 你真好!Follow your mind, not your heart. 做事要理智,不要感情用事。ei


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