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1、血尿、蛋白尿的診斷和鑒別診斷北京協(xié)和醫(yī)院腎內(nèi)科陳麗萌內(nèi) 容血尿的診斷與鑒別蛋白尿的診斷與鑒別血尿、蛋白尿腎小球疾病的診斷與鑒別血尿的診斷思路確定是否是真性血尿判斷出血部位確定病變性質(zhì)顏 色正常時(shí):無色澄清淡黃色琥珀色病理情況:近于無色:尿液稀釋、尿崩癥深黃色:膽紅素尿(濃茶樣尿)藥物、食物 醬油色:血紅蛋白尿(酸性)ARF乳白色: 乳糜尿、膿細(xì)胞尿紅 色: 血尿、血紅蛋白尿、肌紅蛋白尿 藥物 (聯(lián)苯胺試驗(yàn))試紙法檢測(cè):潛 血原理:試紙法 Hb有類過氧化物酶作用 催化分解過氧化物鄰聯(lián)甲苯胺氧化變色 假陽性假陰性 血紅蛋白尿 肌紅蛋白尿 尿中強(qiáng)氧化劑 脫水還原劑尿 pH降低試紙預(yù)先暴露 在空氣中試

2、紙法的局限性:血尿的定義尿沉渣 Addis計(jì)數(shù),12h紅細(xì)胞超過50萬 每高倍視野(HP)超過3個(gè)紅細(xì)胞尿檢陽性是血尿嗎?確定是否是真性血尿標(biāo)本的可靠性污染 月經(jīng)、子宮、陰道出血鑒別 容器、化驗(yàn)?zāi)驑?biāo)本收集的注意 晨尿 清潔中段尿 避免生殖道的污染 1小時(shí)內(nèi)送檢冰箱 血尿的診斷步驟確定是否是真性血尿判斷出血部位確定病變性質(zhì)判斷出血的部位(1)按照血尿和排尿先后的關(guān)系進(jìn)行分析(通常根據(jù)尿三杯試驗(yàn)來判斷):初血尿:尿道病變 終末血尿:膀胱頸部和三角區(qū)或后尿道病變?nèi)萄颍荷夏虻阑虬螂着袛喑鲅牟课唬?)相差顯微鏡檢查紅細(xì)胞形態(tài):均一性不均一性腎單位血尿穿過病變腎小球基底膜時(shí)受損通過腎小管時(shí)受到管腔內(nèi)

3、: 滲透壓、PH值、代謝物質(zhì)(脂肪酸/溶血卵磷脂及膽酸))大小、形狀改變+同時(shí)合并紅細(xì)胞管型=腎單位來源例外:腎創(chuàng)傷、活檢、梗塞、腎皮質(zhì)壞死、 劇烈運(yùn)動(dòng)也可有紅細(xì)胞管型判斷出血的部位(3)微粒容積自動(dòng)分析儀10501001502001050100150200105010015020010501001502001050100150200血紅細(xì)胞容積分布曲線非腎小球源性血尿腎小球源性血尿腎小球源性血尿混合性血尿血尿的診斷步驟確定是否是真性血尿判斷出血部位確定病變性質(zhì)確定病變性質(zhì)(1)血尿的病因泌尿生殖系統(tǒng)疾病全身性疾病尿路鄰近器官疾病其他原因2%98%1.腎單位來源(內(nèi)科性): 原發(fā)、繼發(fā)、家族性

4、2.非腎單位來源(外科性): 腫瘤、外傷、結(jié)石、畸形、血管等泌尿生殖系統(tǒng)疾病內(nèi)科性血尿查什麼?內(nèi)科性血尿蛋白定量管型腎功能腎活檢細(xì)菌學(xué)檢查外科性血尿查什麼?外科性血尿1. 尿脫落細(xì)胞2. 影像學(xué): 腹部平片 超聲波檢查 CT/MRI 3. 介入檢查: 膀胱鏡檢查 靜脈腎盂造影(排泄性尿路造影) 逆行尿路造影 腎動(dòng)脈及腎靜脈造影4.鈣負(fù)荷實(shí)驗(yàn): 尿鈣4mg/kg.24h,尿鈣/肌酐0.21胡桃夾子現(xiàn)象腸系膜上動(dòng)脈壓迫左腎靜脈致左腎回流障礙,淤血;從而引起血尿多發(fā)生于兒童,成年后腸系膜上動(dòng)脈壓迫解除癥狀消失腸系膜上動(dòng)脈左腎靜脈內(nèi) 容血尿的診斷與鑒別蛋白尿的診斷與鑒別血尿、蛋白尿腎小球疾病的診斷與鑒

5、別正常尿蛋白150mg/24h組成: 60%濾過血漿蛋白 40%白蛋白, 15%免疫蛋白 5%其他血漿蛋白 40% Tamm-Horsfall蛋白失去大小選擇性屏障理論上GBM濾過孔孔徑加大,長度縮短單位面積GBM上孔密度增加以上兩項(xiàng)均有失去電荷選擇性屏障GBM失去帶陰電荷的分子(糖蛋白分解增加/合成減少) 帶陽電荷的分子中陰電荷以上兩項(xiàng)均有蛋白尿的機(jī)理腎小球?yàn)V過屏障腎小球?yàn)V過膜:內(nèi)皮細(xì)胞基底膜上皮細(xì)胞系膜組織多種生理功能:參與免疫及腎小球炎癥反應(yīng)病理情況下致腎小球硬化蛋白尿的分類和特點(diǎn)腎小球性蛋白尿 腎小球?yàn)V過屏障損害 2.0 g/24 h 大、中、小分子腎小管性蛋白尿 腎小管對(duì)正常濾過蛋白

6、的重吸收障礙 2.0g/24 h,小分子溢出性蛋白尿 血漿中某種蛋白質(zhì)濃度過高,經(jīng)正?;虍惓DI小球?yàn)V出分泌性蛋白尿 遠(yuǎn)端小管分泌:Tamm-Horsfall蛋白蛋白尿診斷方法及診斷思路是否蛋白尿?尿常規(guī)持續(xù)性?一過性: 多見于少量蛋白尿(trace to 2+ protein)定量: 24小時(shí)尿蛋白定量 2g定性: SDS定位 ?內(nèi) 容血尿的診斷與鑒別蛋白尿的診斷與鑒別血尿、蛋白尿的診斷與鑒別診斷診斷層次1.血尿、蛋白尿臨床診斷2.腎功能3.病因:繼發(fā)腎病?原發(fā)腎病4.病理5.并發(fā)癥診斷方法及程序病史體格檢查實(shí)驗(yàn)室檢查特殊檢查隨訪排除假性血尿血凝塊 血尿中混血凝塊常提示非腎小球疾患出血血尿與全

7、身疾病及呼吸道感染的時(shí)間關(guān)系PSGN:感染后1014天出現(xiàn)血尿IgAN: 幾乎同時(shí)發(fā)生,一般不超過3天。家族史:耳聾、血尿、腎衰血尿伴隨癥狀腎絞痛尿路刺激癥水腫、高血壓及全身其他癥狀等病史血尿Onset when began with conditions identified around the initial presentation, i.e., drug ingestion record of previous urinalyses precipitation/palliation identification of triggering agents infectious, dru

8、gs, foods, chemicals, vaccinations helps to identify acquired forms of tubulointerstitial proteinuria 蛋白尿問診quality associated with hematuria severity : pathologic if associated with hematuria or Nephrotic Syndrome likely to be a primary GN unlikely to be benign etiology or secondary GN timing acute

9、vs acute-on-chronic intermittent vs persistent duration of proteinuria associated symptoms past medical history functional inquiry Specific Entities helps to differentiate acute GN from chronic GN identify overload proteinuria causes 1. History of Presenting Illnessat the end of the history, one sho

10、uld be able to discern: 1. benign vs pathologic proteinuria (if pathologic then) 2. glomerular vs tubulointerstitial proteinuria (if glomerular then) 3. hereditary vs non-hereditary (if non-hereditary then) 4. acute GN vs chronic GN (if chronic then) 5. primary GN vs secondary GN 6. nephrotic vs non

11、-nephrotic proteinuria 7. proteinuria with or without hematuriauria 病史功能性病理性 腎小球性 腎小管、間質(zhì)性 溢出性 分泌性隱匿性腎炎綜合征急性腎炎綜合征慢性腎炎綜合征急進(jìn)性腎炎綜合征腎病綜合征2. Family Historyhelps to differentiate hereditary from non-hereditary : 1. Proteinuria family members must have had previous urinalysis to ascertain this 2. Renal Dise

12、ase Polycystic Kidney Disease Nephrotic Syndrome, Fanconi Disease renal dialysis kidney transplantation 3. Others:hearing/ocular impairment (Alport Syndrome) PE? Lab? More information3 Physical Examination1. Vitals hypertension, fever 2. O/E edema, skin paleness or jaundice, rashes external genitali

13、a(外生殖器) joints for signs of arthritis-red, warm, or swollen abdomen: masses or tenderness. CVA tenderness enlarged kidneys. length and weight and plot on growth chart.Glomerular Proteinuriapresents in 1 of 3 ways: 1. Isolated Proteinuria 2. Proteinuria + Hematuria 3. Nephrotic Syndrome edema, hypoal

14、buminemia, hyperlipidemia 進(jìn)一步檢查1.血尿、蛋白尿2.腎功能3.病因:繼發(fā)腎病?原發(fā)腎病4.病理:腎活檢5.并發(fā)癥病因診斷繼發(fā): 感染相關(guān) 免疫相關(guān) 腫瘤相關(guān)/淀粉樣變/MM 代謝性病原發(fā)性腎病病理診斷腎活檢的適應(yīng)癥和禁忌癥穿刺方法常見的病理類型常見的病理改變隨訪無癥狀血尿患者每半年一次尿液分析和細(xì)胞學(xué)檢查每兩年一次膀胱鏡和靜脈腎盂造影若血尿反復(fù)發(fā)作,隨訪期至少3年CASE 1A four year-old African American male is brought to your office after his parents noticed that h

15、is urine appeared dark brown or coke (焦碳)colored. Important questions to ask in your History 1Has there been any signs of a UTI such as dysuria and frequency? Any suprapubic pain? Has there been any recent URI symptoms or sore throat? Has there been any type of skin rashes or sores? Any abdominal pa

16、in or colicky pain? Are the stools loose or bloody? Important questions to ask in your History 25. Has there been any recent trauma? 6. Has there been any joint pains or swellings? 7. Is there any history of sickle cell disease or trait?8. Is there any family history of renal disease,transplants, or

17、 dialysis? 9.Is there a family history of hearing deficits? 10.What medications does the child take? According to the parents, the child was treated with Bacitracin(桿菌肽) 2 weeks ago for impetigo(膿皰病 )on the legs and arms? Physical Examination Findings and Associated Causes of Hematuria Physical exam

18、ination finding Cause of hematuria General (systemic) examinationSevere dehydrationPeripheral edema, Cardiovascular system Myocardial infarctionAtrial fibrillationHypertension AbdomenBruit Genitourinary systemEnlarged prostate Phimosis (包莖)Meatal stenosis(尿道狹窄)Renal vein thrombosisNephrotic syndrome

19、 vasculitisRenal artery embolus or thrombus Renal artery embolus or thrombusGlomerulosclerosis with or without proteinuria Arteriovenous fistulaUrinary tract infectionUrinary tract infection Urinary tract infectionThe patients examination was normal except for a blood pressure of 125/90 and some mil

20、d periorbital edema. 擬診:最可能? 其次?擬診:可能post streptococcal acute glomerular nephritis(PSAGN) (急性鏈球菌感染后腎炎)secondary to a nephrogenic strain of streptococcus pyogenes (causing impetigo 2 weeks ago) 進(jìn)一步檢查證實(shí)?進(jìn)一步檢查證實(shí)ASOanti-DNAse B titersBUN and Creatininecomplement levels.治療-有助于診斷The child should be monito

21、red closely paying attention : blood pressure, daily weights, urine output and po input. 預(yù)期結(jié)果The red blood urine : C3 complement :預(yù)后:預(yù)期結(jié)果The urine may continue to contain red blood cells for many months the C3 complement usually returns to normal levels in 6-8 weeks. Most of the PSAGN patients recov

22、er completelyCommon causes of hematuria in childrenUrinary tract infection. Diagnosed by symptoms of burning and frequency and a positive urine culture on a properly collected specimen Familial benign hematuria- usually asymptomatic and may have minimal proteinuria. At times the hematuria may be gro

23、ss. Hypercalcuria- usually asymptomatic and may be microscopic or gross hematuria. Do a spot urine and measure the Ca/Creatinine ratio. Age related. 19 mo.-6 years is 0.42(95%) Transient- no etiology established. HSP- hematuria may precede the rash Common Causes of Gross HematuriaLocal irritation or trauma to the perineal area Reanl trauma secondary to blunt abdominal trauma or accident UTIs 如果1If the patient is asympotmatic and the physical exam is normal, and there is no family history of renal disease,recheck the urine in a few days.dips


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