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1、 德國留學常用申請書英文 德國留學常用申請書英文范文 Dear _, Wandering through the vibrant, bustling streets of Birminghams city centre I cannot help but look around and see what an incredible impact the ever-advancing adventure of businesses and technology has on the world. I am particularly intrigued by the relationship of

2、 various aspects to form complex and successful organisations which can influence decisions on a worldwide scale, and the thought that businesses have an impact on nearly everything within todays world. Throughout my academic career, I have always been resolute and studious. Every academic year, I h

3、ave taken on more responsibility for my own work by using various sources. My contribution, in class discussions has constantly improved and this due to the fact that I am more committed to develop my knowledge. This has bred confidence within me to speak out in front of the whole class. I have cont

4、ributed to school life, by setting the tone for the new recruits in year seven, and acting as a model for other students to follow, in terms of punctuality, attendance & wearing appropriate uniform during the school day. I have helped out the school, by supervising during break-times and lunchtimes

5、on many occasions. I attended a two day Challenge of Management conference, which I thoroughly enjoyed which confirmed my interest in having an influence on the running of a business, in the future. After, I have completed by degree programme I will have the specialist knowledge underpinned by a bro

6、ader understanding of how businesses and managers operate. I intend and will strive for a management accountant position with a never quit attitude. Global competition, changing technology and the size and complexity of modern businesses make the management role especially more demanding, and presen

7、ting rewarding challenges that would test my ability in the business world, and the inspiration would come from the fact that I have the ability in my own hands to have a colossal impact in the world. I also believe that the position of an accountant would fit the bill perfectly equally as a managem

8、ent one. I would surely make the most of this role for the reason that I am studying Accounting & Finance in my A Level Business Studies course and I am thoroughly enjoying it. I am reading accounting material that is out of my exams specification. I firmly believe that I would enjoy and shine as an

9、 accountant because I would bring my unique analytical approach which is crucial for any thriving accountant to approach to the assessment of the financial implications of business plans. Revolutionary developments also in computing affect every area of modern life, which fuels me with stimulation t

10、o have an impact on this world. I believe that I am equipped after I finish my degree programme to focus my mind on how to provide computing solutions with resolve to meet the requirements of business organisations. Computing for Business also would have the added bonus with the addition of learning

11、 accounting. I have a great passion for football, a passion that cant be matched and i may not be good enough to crack the business on the pitch yet off it i know i have the ability to run a club. I remember the disappointment I felt when I saw my AS results and I am determined to not experience tha

12、t feeling again for the rest of my life. My previous form tutor sent me a card after I left my secondary school, it said A successful future beckons and I am motivated to keep it that way. I am fuelled with determination, almost anger. I dont want to be a failure in the mist. My earliest childhood m

13、emories of going to school was scary, because of the thought of the teachers embarrassing me in front of the class for not knowing the answers to their questions, and the colour of the light represented the fear of learning. Now, however, I realise now that yellow epitomises the bright and glowing f

14、uture that is ahead me if I tackle everything I do with perseverance and tenacity. The invaluable knowledge i have acquired thus far has served as a stepping stone towards a flourishing and prospectus career in business. I feel that the skills i have acquired through my academic subjects have enable

15、d me to harness the skill that will aid me in adding and printing an impact on the corporate world. Yours sincerely, 德國留學就業(yè)前景介紹 一、留在德國 德國目前處于人口老齡話比較嚴重的階段,國內(nèi)人口供給社會的需求是比較吃力的,所以對海外的優(yōu)秀人才尤其的重視,在德國順利完成學業(yè)的畢業(yè)生更是吃香,大家留在這里是很有優(yōu)勢的。 可以從事的崗位遍布各行各業(yè),一般企業(yè)的認可度都是比較高的,如果大家在學習期間就進入相關(guān)企業(yè)實過習,那么完成學業(yè)以后遞交正式入職的申請,會更高一些。 一般的學生,

16、就業(yè)的起薪年薪都在5萬歐之上,畢業(yè)以后可以無條件的申請一年半的求職簽證,工作滿了兩年就可以遞交長期居留申請,滿了五年可以遞交永久居留申請。 二、回到國內(nèi) 首先政府為大家提供了很不錯的政策福利,會專門開展針對歸國學生和企業(yè)之間的招聘會,搭建起一個不錯的橋梁,方便雙方進行溝通,也便于雙向的選擇,提升人才篩選的效率。 接著就是企業(yè)對留學生的學歷、技能和創(chuàng)新會更認可,因為不同的培養(yǎng)方式,可以幫助大家獲取和國內(nèi)不一樣的經(jīng)驗,這樣在求職的時候,留學生的優(yōu)勢其實會更加明顯一些。 如果大家有自己創(chuàng)業(yè)的打算的話,千萬不要忽視了政府為大家提供的優(yōu)勢,可以提交免稅的申請,還可以進駐到工業(yè)園,享受更好的硬件設(shè)施和器材

17、,前提是你的企劃案可以受到認可。 三、其他國家 作為歐洲的大國,德國的各所高校,發(fā)放的學歷的認可度,還是比較高,不論大家想要去往哪一個國家就業(yè),只要學歷進行了認證,那么起點就不會打折扣,甚至會更有優(yōu)勢。 建議大家先從合資型的企業(yè)開始,因為這樣你的語言優(yōu)勢才會比較明顯,當然在陌生的國家求職的難度會更噶一些,需要大家做好吃苦的準備。 德國留學生住宿指南 一、宿舍申請 一般學校的宿舍申請,是隨著專業(yè)的申請一起開放的,并且一直會持續(xù)到學校開學之前,不過提供的數(shù)量不多,需要早申請才有機會成功,入住后一個月的租金簡略在1000元左右。 直接在學校的官方網(wǎng)站上找到申請的入口,完善個人的身份以后,直接提交入住的申請,如果名額還有的話,會很快獲取成功的通知,這時候直接確認然后繳納費用即可。 二、租房申請 1.訂房 租房一般需要通過中介進行,大家需要找到靠譜的中介,簽下合同以后會有專門的人員對接你的申請,大家將自己對房子的要求告訴給中介,就可以直接獲取大致符合要求的房源。 在進行硬件和軟件的對比,確認下自己比較滿意的房子,這時候先不要直接簽租房的合同,預付定金定下房子即可,后續(xù)還需要進行現(xiàn)場的考察,沒有其它問題以后才能夠簽合同。 2.看房 大家到了德國以后,要盡快的聯(lián)系中介看房子,


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