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1、 PAGE 12附件三:FT賬戶操作指南自由貿(mào)易賬戶指南User Guide of Free Trade Account (FTA) 區(qū)內(nèi)機構(gòu):FTE(詳情參見區(qū)內(nèi)機構(gòu)賬戶開戶指南)Companies registered in Free Trade Zone: apply for FTE account(please check the Guide for account opening of the Companies registered in FTZ for details)境外機構(gòu)(銀行機構(gòu)除外):FTN(詳情參見FTN賬戶開戶指南)Overseas Companies (excep

2、t Banking institutions): apply for FTN account(please check the Guide for account opening of the Companies registered overseas(except banking institutions) for details)境外銀行機構(gòu):FTU(詳情參見FTU賬戶開戶指南)Overseas Banking institutions: apply for FTU account(please check the Guide for account opening of banking

3、institutions registered overseas for details)FT賬戶特點:Features of FTA資金匯劃:境外賬戶、NRA賬戶、離岸賬戶以及FTA賬戶之間的匯劃可以憑收付款指令進行操作。與區(qū)外傳統(tǒng)賬戶之間資金劃轉(zhuǎn)視同跨境處理。Fund Transfer: the fund transfer between FTA and overseas account, Non-residential account, offshore account shall be conducted according to remittance order. The trans

4、fer between FTA and traditional account shall be implemented as cross-border remittance.資金收益:FT賬戶資金目前可以以活期、定期和工行自貿(mào)區(qū)專屬理財產(chǎn)品形式存放,未來可以購買CD以及符合人行后續(xù)投融資規(guī)定的金融產(chǎn)品。Capital Yield: The fund in FTA could be invested in current or time deposits and ICBC Free-Trade-Zone financing product at present. And it could be

5、 invested in CD and other financing products complied with the following FTA financing and investing policies by PBCO to be released.賬戶幣種:FT賬戶是一個多幣種賬戶,以人民幣為主賬戶,下掛各外幣賬戶。根據(jù)人民銀行的相關(guān)規(guī)定,初始階段只可開立人民幣主賬戶,但有望在六個月內(nèi)出臺外幣業(yè)務(wù)相關(guān)實施政策,屆時即可下掛外幣子賬戶。Account currency: FTA is a multi-currencies account which consists of RM

6、B as its main currency account and sub-accounts in other currencies. Complied with the present regulation by PBOC, only RMB currency account could be opened at this moment. The foreign currency accounts under FTA shall be opened according to the future regulations promisingly to be released by PBOC

7、within 6 months. 貨幣兌換:經(jīng)常項下和直接投資項下可以自由匯兌。目前可通過工行自貿(mào)區(qū)分行直接辦理外幣直接結(jié)匯后入FT人民幣主賬戶或者在FT人民幣主賬戶下直接售匯后匯出。Currency exchange: Currencies could be freely exchanged under the current and direct-investment items. So far, the currency exchange shall be implemented within FT RMB account.自由貿(mào)易賬戶開戶流程Procesure of FTA openi

8、ng預(yù)約服務(wù): Reservation Service為提升客戶體驗,我行為客戶提供專屬的開戶預(yù)約服務(wù)。只需聯(lián)系我行項目聯(lián)系人(見下方聯(lián)系方式),我行將安排專人為客戶提供包括資料咨詢、日期安排、開戶接待等一系列完整的開戶服務(wù)。我們的地址:上海市浦東新區(qū)馬吉路28號,總機:58699999。For better customer experience, we provide your exellency with the reservation service for FTA opening.Once contact with our staff(see the contact informat

9、ion below), we will provide your exellency with one-on-one service pack including doumentary preparation help, schedule of account opening and reception service. Adress: No.28 Maji Road, Pudong New District, Shanghai, China.Tel: 58699999姓名部門職位手機電子郵箱郁昕市場部副經(jīng)uxin_ftz吳佳市場部客戶經(jīng)uj

10、ia_ftz汪海ameDepartmentTitleMobileE-mailYu XinMarketingDeputy heauxin_ftzWu JiaMarketingRujia_ftzWang Haiyu內(nèi)機構(gòu)賬戶開戶指南Guide for account opening of the Companies registered in FTZ FTZ is the abbrevation for Free Trade Zone.賬戶介紹 Account introduction 區(qū)內(nèi)機構(gòu)

11、開立的自由貿(mào)易賬戶為“FTE”賬戶。 Companies registered in Free Trade Zone shall open FTE account.適用客戶 Customer Applicable開戶主體為:1、上海自貿(mào)試驗區(qū)內(nèi)注冊的法人和其他組織;2、區(qū)內(nèi)注冊的金融機構(gòu)。1/Incorporations and other organizations registered in FTZ. 2/ Financial institutions registered in FTZ.開戶資料 Documents for account opening自由貿(mào)易賬戶開戶申請書及信息表(有

12、統(tǒng)一格式) Application form of FTA (ICBC version)自由貿(mào)易賬戶開戶協(xié)議(有統(tǒng)一格式) Agreement of FTA opening (ICBC version)營業(yè)執(zhí)照 Business license組織機構(gòu)代碼證 Organization code certificate稅務(wù)登記證 Tax registration certificate基本存款賬戶開戶許可證 Basic account opening permission by PBOC法人代表人(負(fù)責(zé)人)的護照或者港澳通行證 ID card or passport of legal repre

13、sentative or company head經(jīng)辦人護照或者港澳通行證 ID card or passport of authorized person to operate the account openings關(guān)于授權(quán)經(jīng)辦人辦理開戶事宜的文件 Authorization paper for resposnsible person to operate the account openings印鑒卡 Signature and seal specimen金融許可證(區(qū)內(nèi)金融機構(gòu)需提供) Financial license( necessary for financial institu

14、tions registered in FTZ)境外非銀行機構(gòu)開戶指南Guide for account opening of the Companies registered overseas(except banking institutions)賬戶介紹 Account introduction 境外非銀行機構(gòu)開立的自由貿(mào)易賬戶為“FTN”賬戶。 Companies(except banking institutions) registered overseas shall open FTN account.適用客戶Customer Applicable開戶主體必須為境外(含港、澳、臺地

15、區(qū))注冊的法人和其他組織(不包括銀行機構(gòu))。 Customers applicable for FTN shall be incorporations and other organizations registered overseas including in HONGKONG,MACAO and TAIWAN region except Banking institutions.開戶資料 Documents for FTN opening 1、自由貿(mào)易賬戶開戶申請書及信息表(有統(tǒng)一格式) Application form of FTA (ICBC version) 2、自由貿(mào)易賬戶開戶協(xié)

16、議(有統(tǒng)一格式) Agreement of FTA opening (ICBC version)3、特殊機構(gòu)代碼賦碼通知書(如無,由工行自貿(mào)區(qū)分行代辦) Special Institution code by SAFE(ICBC FTZ branch would apply for the customer in case that customer never acquire it)在境外合法注冊成立的證明文件;(如非中文需要中文翻譯件) Certificate of registrations ( with Chinese translation) 法定代表人(負(fù)責(zé)人)的護照或者港澳通行證

17、 Passport of legal representative or company head經(jīng)辦人護照或者港澳通行證 Passport of authorized person to operate the account openings 8、關(guān)于授權(quán)經(jīng)辦人辦理開戶事宜的文件 Authorization paper for resposnsible person to operate the account openings9、印鑒卡 Signature and seal specimen 10、人民銀行頒發(fā)的基本存款賬戶開戶許可證(注:需事先開立NRA基本戶獲得許可證,如無,則需在工

18、行自貿(mào)區(qū)分行開立NRA基本戶和FTN賬戶,并由工行自貿(mào)區(qū)分行代辦許可證) Basic account opening permission by PBOC,which needs to acquire by opening RMB NRA in advance and ICBC FTZ Branch would provide the service regarding opening RMB NRA and applying the permission for those customer without this permission. 11、人行要求的其他材料 Other files

19、requested by PBOC境外銀行同業(yè)賬戶開戶指南Guide for account opening of banking institutions registered overseas 賬戶介紹 Account Introduction境外銀行開立的同業(yè)賬戶為“FTU”。 Banking institutions registered overseas shall open FTU account.適用客戶 Customer Applicable境外銀行(需以我行事先建立代理行關(guān)系)。 Overseas banking institutions(shall establish th

20、e correspondent bank relationship with ICBC in advance) 開戶資料 Documents for FTU opening1、自由貿(mào)易賬戶開戶申請書及信息表(有統(tǒng)一格式) Application form of FTA (ICBC version)2、自由貿(mào)易賬戶開戶協(xié)議(有統(tǒng)一格式) Agreement of FTA opening (ICBC version)3、特殊機構(gòu)代碼賦碼通知書(如無,由工行自貿(mào)區(qū)分行代辦) Special Institution code by SAFE(ICBC FTZ branch would apply fo

21、r the customers who never acquire it) 4、在境外合法注冊成立的證明文件;(如非中文需要中文翻譯件) Certificate of registrations ( with Chinese translation) 5、法定代表人(負(fù)責(zé)人)的護照或者港澳通行證 Passport of legal representative or company head6、工行反洗錢問卷調(diào)查表 AML Questionnaire by ICBC7、人民銀行頒發(fā)的基本存款賬戶開戶許可證(注:需事先開立NRA基本戶獲得許可證,如無,則需在工行自貿(mào)區(qū)分行開立NRA基本戶和FTU

22、賬戶,并由工行自貿(mào)區(qū)分行代辦許可證) Basic account opening permission by PBOC,which needs to acquire by opening RMB NRA in advance and ICBC FTZ Branch would provide the service regarding opening RMB NRA and applying the permission for those customer without this permission. 8、人行要求的其他材料Other files requested by PBOC附:中

23、國工商銀行上海市分行辦理自由貿(mào)易賬戶網(wǎng)點名單Name List of Shanghai ICBC Sub-branches for FTA Service序號營業(yè)網(wǎng)點辦公地址1自貿(mào)區(qū)分行營業(yè)廳*上海市馬吉路28號2營業(yè)部營業(yè)廳上海市中山東一路24號3第二營業(yè)部營業(yè)廳上海市即墨路88號4外灘支行營業(yè)廳上海市中山東二路11號5南京東路第一支行上海市南京東路99號6金鐘支行上海市淮海中路98號7延安西路支行上海市延安西路895號8靜安支行營業(yè)廳上海市康定路699號9徐家匯支行上海市廣元西路2-8號10天目東路支行上海市河南北路487號11虹口支行營業(yè)廳上海市曲陽路800號12鞍山路支行上海市控江路1698號13普陀支行營業(yè)廳大


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