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1、??芃oraceae形態(tài)特征多為木本,常有乳汁,葉多互生,頭狀花序,柔荑花序或隱頭花序,單被花,常為4片,許多瘦果組成的聚花果或隱頭果。約70屬,1800種。主產(chǎn)熱帶,亞熱帶,少產(chǎn)溫帶。中國產(chǎn)17屬160余種,主要分布長江以南各省區(qū)。??芃oraceaeMoraceae is a family of flowering plants commonly known as the mulberry or fig family. It comprises about 40 genera and over 1000 speciesof plants widespread in tropical and

2、 subtropical regions,less common in temperate climates. The Moraceae are monoecious or dioecious trees shrubs, lianas, or rarely herbs , nearly all with milky sap. The leaves are simple and alternate or rarely opposite. The stipules are small and lateral or sometimes they form a cap over the bud and

3、 leave a cylindrical scar. The flowers are unisexual and minute, and are usually densely aggregated. These aggregations frequently take the form of pendulous aments or catkins. Fruit types include drupes and achenes that are often coalesced(接合) or otherwise aggregated into a multiple accessory fruit

4、(聚花果). 桑屬M(fèi)orusMulberry (Morus) species are deciduous trees native to warm, temperate, and subtropical regions . The leaves are alternately arranged, simple, often lobed, more often lobed on juvenile shoots than on mature trees, and serrated on the margin. The fruit is a multiple fruit. Mulberries be

5、gin as white to pale yellow with pink edges. They are red when ripening. A fully ripened mulberry is dark purple to black, edible, and sweet with a good flavor in several species.桑屬M(fèi)orus落葉喬灌木,植物具乳汁,樹皮灰褐色,小枝黃色,韌皮纖維多,花為柔荑花序,雌雄同株, 罕異株,花被4,雄蕊4,聚花果。12種,北溫帶,中國 產(chǎn)9種,各地均有分布。桑屬M(fèi)orus桑M. alba 落葉喬木,葉緣鋸齒尖或鈍,葉表近光滑

6、,有光澤,背面脈腋有毛,柱頭極短,柱頭2裂,垂枝桑和龍游桑,庭院觀賞雞桑M.australis 落葉喬灌木,葉緣鋸齒尖或鈍,葉表粗糙,背密被柔毛,花柱長。蒙桑M.Mongolia 葉裂片很多,鋸齒頂端刺毛狀,觀葉類。龍爪桑構(gòu)樹屬Broussonetia落葉喬灌木,植物體有乳汁,葉基三出脈雄蕊柔荑花序,雌蕊頭狀花序,花柱線狀,聚花果球形,橙紅色。4種,中國3種,莖皮為纖維原料 The bark was converted into the finest bark cloth (tapa or kapa) for skirts, capes, loin腰 cloths, sandals, bed

7、clothes, etc.莖皮為纖維原料 構(gòu)樹Broussonetia papyrifera 葉兩面密被生柔毛,葉不裂或不規(guī)則裂,聚花果球形22.5cm,熟橙紅色。 分布很廣,適應(yīng)性強(qiáng),耐干冷濕熱的氣候,耐干旱瘠薄,生于水邊,喜鈣質(zhì)土,構(gòu)樹外貌粗野,但抗污染性強(qiáng),抗熱60。適應(yīng)性強(qiáng)?;纳狡碌鼐G化的好材料構(gòu)樹柘樹 Cudrania tricuspidata is a tree native to East Asia, occasionally grown for its fruit .A decidious tree growing to 6m at a slow rate. It is in

8、flower in July. The flowers are dioecious (individual flowers are either male or female). The plant not is self-fertile. The firm fruit is relatively tasteless, when soft-ripe it is sub-acid to sweet and some forms can be quite delicious . It contains lots of large seeds 柘屬Cudrania柘屬Cudrania 植物體具乳汁,

9、枝條具枝刺,單葉互生,全緣或三裂,雌雄異株,均為腋生的頭狀花序,聚花果球形肉質(zhì)。 10種,中國8種。 柘樹 Cudrania tricuspidaca 花期5月,果期910月成熟,紅色,肉質(zhì)球形,可食,喜鈣植物,耐干旱瘠薄,觀果,刺籬,水邊綠化。Fig 榕樹屬FicusFicus is a genus of about 800 species of woody trees, shrubs, vines, epiphytes(附生植物), and hemi-epiphytes in the family Moraceae. Collectively known as figs, they are

10、 native throughout the tropics with a few species extending into the warm temperate zone. 菩提樹無花果Although identifying many of the species can be difficult, figs as a group are relatively easy to recognize. Often the presence of aerial roots. Their fruit are also distinct. The fig fruit is in fact an

11、enclosed inflorescence, sometimes referred to as a syconium(隱頭花序), an urn(甕,缸的)-like structure lined on the inside with the figs tiny flowers. Finally, there are three vegetative traits that together are unique to figs. All figs possess a white to yellowish sap (latex)乳汁, some in copious(很多的) quanti

12、ties; the twig has paired stipules or a circular stipule scar if the stipules have fallen off; and the lateral veins at the base of the leaf . 榕樹屬Ficus 喬、灌、藤,多為常綠,有乳汁,常具氣根,托葉合生,脫落后具環(huán)狀托葉痕,隱頭花序(花序著生在中空的肉質(zhì)花托內(nèi))隱頭果,分布熱帶,亞熱帶。 1000種,中國120種, 主產(chǎn)長江以南。http:/FACULTY/CARR/mor.htm琴葉榕無花果Ficus carica 落葉小喬木,葉有鋸齒,裂片,

13、葉表面粗糙,隱頭果大35cm,可食,不耐寒,華北多盆栽(小氣候保護(hù))溫室過冬。榕樹F.microcarpa常綠喬木,有氣生根,有時(shí)獨(dú)木成林,葉全緣,葉面光滑,葉小48cm,側(cè)脈56對(duì),隱頭果小8mm。榕城福州,蓉城成都??勺鲂械罉?,庭蔭樹,盆景材料。印度橡皮樹F.elastica 常綠喬木,有氣生根,葉緣,光滑,葉較大1030cm,中脈顯著,羽狀側(cè)脈多而細(xì),且平行,托葉大,淡紅色。乳汁可制硬性橡膠,北方溫室盆栽觀賞。薜荔菩提樹木蘭科Magnoliaceae 木蘭科在分類學(xué)中有重要意義.在哈欽松系統(tǒng)中,認(rèn)為木本植物是由木蘭科衍生來的,這科中有許多著名觀賞植物。木蘭科Magnoliaceae Un

14、like most angiosperms, whose flower parts are in rings, the Magnoliaceae have their stamens and pistils in spirals on a conical receptacle(花托). This arrangement is found in old fossil plants and is believed to be primitive for angiosperms. Their flowers are also not so clearly differentiated into ha

15、ving sepals萼片 and petals花瓣 like most other flowering plants; the “dual-purpose” parts that occupy both positions are known as tepals花被. 花萼3,稀4,常花瓣?duì)?,花?或更多,雄蕊多數(shù)螺旋狀排列,心皮離生,多數(shù),螺旋狀排列。 本科共12屬215種,產(chǎn)熱帶,亞熱帶,溫帶少;我國10屬80種,長江流域以南(近年來許多學(xué)者把本科分為木蘭科,五味子科,八角科,水青樹科)。木蘭屬 Magnolia Magnolia is an ancient genus. Having

16、evolved before bees appeared, the flowers developed to encourage pollination by beetles. As a result, the carpels of Magnolia flowers are tough, to avoid damage by eating and crawling beetles. /wiki/Category:Magnolia木蘭屬 Magnolia (1)小枝具環(huán)狀托葉痕(???Ficus 有); (2)單葉互生,托葉大,托葉和葉柄連生,托葉在脫落后在葉柄上留有痕跡; (3)花大型,兩性。

17、花單生于小枝頂端,花萼3,常瓣化,花萼花瓣一樣稱花被,輪生3基數(shù)。雄蕊多數(shù)螺旋狀排列,雌蕊多數(shù)分離基部無柄,螺旋狀排列。(4)果實(shí)為聚合蓇葖果,大型。外種皮為紅色,肉質(zhì)。白玉蘭 M .denudata落葉喬木,葉倒卵狀,突尖,花被片912片,白色.花期早,木蘭710天 習(xí)性與栽培: 原產(chǎn)我國中部,喜光,稍耐蔭,耐寒、肉質(zhì)根,怕積水,植物體傷口愈合能力差,不耐移植,不耐修剪.扦插不易成活,移植時(shí)帶土拓,繁殖用嫁接或壓條。園林應(yīng)用: 玉蘭花是珍貴的庭院樹種,常種植在建筑前,對(duì)植,列植。頤和園樂壽堂種的玉蘭、海棠、牡丹。有些地方象杭州植物園,還有種植的木蘭園,山茶園。這樣,冬天3月有花觀賞,也可以瓶

18、插. 民間傳統(tǒng)的宅院配置中講究 “玉、棠、春、富、貴”,其意吉祥如意,富有和權(quán)貴。所謂玉就是玉蘭,棠即海棠,春指迎春,富為牡丹,貴為桂花。 木蘭(紫玉蘭、辛夷、木筆)M .liliflora Desr (lily magnolia) 落葉大灌木,花大,花瓣6,外面紫色,內(nèi)面近白色.萼片3,黃綠色,長約為花瓣的1/3,花34月,葉前開放.肉質(zhì)根,積水不行.能略耐濕,萌孽性強(qiáng),喜光.庭院珍貴的早花樹種,窗前,背景常白墻,藍(lán)天.花蕾形大如筆頭,故有 “木筆”之稱,現(xiàn)在為上海市花。紫玉蘭 習(xí)性: 肉質(zhì)根,積水不行.能略耐濕,萌孽性強(qiáng),喜 光園林應(yīng)用:庭院珍貴的早花樹種,窗前,背景常白墻,藍(lán)天.花蕾形大

19、如筆頭,故有 “木筆”稱,現(xiàn)在為上海市市花. 望春玉蘭Magnolia biondii 紅玉蘭:新品種內(nèi)外均為紅色二喬玉蘭(朱砂蘭)M.Xsoulangeana (Saucer magnolia)玉蘭與木蘭的雜交種,花萼似花瓣,但長僅達(dá)其一半,葉前開花,花內(nèi)白色,花外紫色,適應(yīng)性強(qiáng)。厚樸 M .officinalis (officinal magnolia)Magnolia bark is a traditional Chinese medicine used to treat menstrual cramps(月經(jīng)疼),abdominal pain(腹疼), abdominal bloati

20、ng(腹脹) and gas, anxiety, asthma(哮喘), coughs, colds, diarrhoea(腹瀉), indigestion, intestinal(腸) problems, nausea. 厚樸 M .officinalis (officinal magnolia)落葉喬木,葉大長3045cm,花頂生,白色.有芳香.徑1420cm ,萼片與花瓣共912枚或更多,花期5月.分布長江流域和陜西,甘肅,南部,可做庭蔭樹,園路樹 厚樸凹葉厚樸玉蘭 (荷花玉蘭) M .grandiflora (southen magnolia)常綠喬木,葉大革質(zhì),葉表面綠色有光澤,葉背

21、面有銹色短絨毛.葉緣僅卷.花大白色,花期5月底-8月,果10月成熟.習(xí)性與應(yīng)用: 原產(chǎn)北美,很適合我國生長,樹皮薄怕曬,配植時(shí)需注意。喜酸性土壤,對(duì)有毒氣體抗性強(qiáng),根系深廣,不耐移植,小枝條脆,不抗風(fēng)。背風(fēng)向陽處種植。樹體高大,樹型端正,常綠樹開白花,故紀(jì)念性公園可以種植,工礦區(qū)也適合。含笑屬(白蘭花屬)Michelia L (white chelia)1 Michelia species are evergreen trees and shrubs.2 The flowers of Michelia generally form clusters among the leaves, rath

22、er than singly at the branch ends like Magnolia. 3 They are also used to produce an essential oil for perfume. 含笑屬(白蘭花屬)Michelia (white michelia)常綠,枝有托葉痕,葉全緣.花腋生.花小,芳香. 白蘭花 M .alba高大喬木,花白色,很香。花期49月,葉柄上之托葉痕僅達(dá)葉柄長的1/31/4,葉緣平展或呈微波狀。習(xí) 性:原產(chǎn)印尼。喜溫暖,喜光,怕積水。喜酸性土,上層用白蘭,中層米蘭,下層茉莉,生態(tài)很合適,都很香。芳香植物園。黃蘭 M .champace

23、(champaca michelia)常綠喬木,花酪黃色.極香.葉像呈波形.托葉痕達(dá)葉柄中部以上.習(xí)性與白蘭花相似,但生長勢不如白蘭強(qiáng).管理要求比白蘭精細(xì),亦為著名的芳香花木.含笑 M .figo (banana-shrub)灌木,花小,很香.象香蕉味,托葉痕長達(dá)葉柄頂端,花開不張口,含笑不露.原產(chǎn)華南, 喜濕潤, 耐陽性強(qiáng), 不喜干燥, 樹型渾圓, 碧綠. 深山含笑 鵝掌楸屬 LiriodendronThe tulip tree is sometimes called tulip poplar or yellow poplar although unrelated to the genus

24、Populus. The tree is also called canoewood, saddle鞍 leaf tree and white wood. Liriodendron are easily recognized by their leaves, which are distinct, having four lobes.Leaves are slightly larger in L. chinense . Leaves on young trees tend to be more deeply lobed and larger size than those on mature

25、trees. 鵝掌楸屬 Liriodendron In autumn the leaves turn yellow, or yellow and brown. Flowers have nine tepals, three short outer sepals, and six inner petals, yellow-green with an orange flare at the base. They are superficially similar to a tulip in shape, hence the trees name. The fruit is a cone-like

26、aggregate of Samaras(翅果) . 五大行道樹種之一,落葉喬木,葉馬褂形,葉頂端平截或微凹,兩側(cè)各具12裂,托葉痕不延伸至葉柄,花單生枝頂。鵝掌楸與美國鵝掌楸鵝掌楸(馬褂木)L. chinense (chinese tulip tree)葉馬褂形,長1215cm ,葉兩側(cè)通常1裂,向中腰部宿入,花黃綠色,花絲長約0.5cm.美國鵝掌楸L. tulipifera (tulip tree )葉兩側(cè)各有12(3)裂,不向中部凹入,花絲長11.2cm,耐寒性較強(qiáng),美國鵝掌楸 鵝掌楸 鵝掌楸 臘梅科臘梅屬The genus includes three to six species d

27、epending on taxonomic interpretation .They are deciduous or evergreen shrubs. The leaves are opposite, entire. The flowers are 23 cm wide, with numerous spirally-arranged yellow or white tepals; they are strongly scented, and produced in late winter or early spring before the new leaves. The fruit i

28、s an elliptic dry capsule 34 cm long.臘梅科臘梅 Chimonanthus paecox臘梅、黃梅、香梅、黃臘梅.落葉叢生喬木,暖地葉常半綠,高達(dá)4m.小枝近方形,單葉對(duì)生.葉卵狀披針形或卵形橢圓形.長715cm,先端漸尖,基部圓形或廣楔形,表面粗糙,背面光滑無毛半革質(zhì).花單生,莖約2cm,花被處輪蠟質(zhì)黃色.中輪帶紫色條紋,具濃香.遠(yuǎn)在葉前開放,(自初冬到早春)開放,萼片多數(shù)超過5,雄蕊56,短小.瘦果種子狀,為坑狀果托所包.8月成熟.常見種:馨口臘梅(Var .grandiflora )葉大可達(dá)20cm,花亦大,徑33.5cm,外輪花被片淡黃色,內(nèi)輪花被片

29、濃紅紫色,邊緣有條紋。素心臘梅 (Var. concolor)花被片純黃,內(nèi)部不染紫色條紋。小花臘梅 (Var. parviflorus)花特小,徑約0.9mm,外輪花被片黃白色,內(nèi)輪有濃紫色條紋。臘梅品種也比較豐富,它們?cè)诨ㄉㄆ?,大小及香味,生長習(xí)性等方面各有特點(diǎn),但至今尚缺系統(tǒng)整理分類。分布:原產(chǎn)我國中部,鄂,陜西等省,在北京以南各地庭院 中廣泛栽培,河南鄂陵為臘梅苗木之傳統(tǒng)生產(chǎn)中心。習(xí)性:喜光。但也略耐蔭,較耐寒??购敌院軓?qiáng)。故有“旱不死的臘梅” 著稱,對(duì)土壤要求不嚴(yán)但以排水良好的沙質(zhì)壤土為好,粘質(zhì)土則生長不良。耐修剪,發(fā)枝力強(qiáng)。壽命可達(dá)到百年以上。近年來發(fā)現(xiàn)臘梅能抗多種有害氣體,已

30、成為工礦區(qū)綠化的樹種。繁殖及栽培:以嫁接為主,分株為次,播種、扦插、壓條較少用。嫁接的砧木為 “狗蠅梅”。 栽培時(shí)為了促進(jìn)分支并獲得良好的樹型,在嫁接成活后應(yīng)注意及時(shí)摘頂.花謝后亦應(yīng)及時(shí)進(jìn)行修剪,并將已謝花朵摘除,以免結(jié)實(shí)消耗養(yǎng)分,移栽臘梅多在冬季進(jìn)行。園林用途:臘梅花開于寒月早春,花黃如臘,清香四溢,為冬季觀賞佳品,配植于窗前,墻隅均適宜,作為盆花樁景和瓶花亦具 特色,我國傳統(tǒng)上喜 歡配植南天竹,可謂 色、香、形三者相 得益彰?;⒍菘?SaxifragaceaeThe flowers are actinomorphic(輻射對(duì)稱). They have 4 or 5 petals and

31、5 or ten stamens(雄蕊). 共80屬約1500種,中國產(chǎn)27屬約400種(近年來多數(shù)學(xué)者再分為虎耳草科、八仙花科,有人又進(jìn)一步把八仙花科分出一個(gè)山梅花科.)山梅花屬 Philadelphus 落葉灌木,枝具白色髓。莖皮通常剝落。單葉對(duì)生,花白色,常成總狀化學(xué),萼片,花瓣各4,蒴果4裂。山梅花屬 PhiladelphusPhiladelphus( Mockorange, Mock Orange, Syringa) species are deciduous Shrubs. The leaves are opposite, simple, with serrated margins

32、. The flowers are white, with four petals and sepals, and commonly (but not in all species) sweetly scented. The fruit is a small capsule, containing numerous small seeds. The bark is thin and flaky, finely shredding in longitudinal strips.太平花 P . pekinensis萼片外面無毛,葉兩面無毛。59朵花,葉柄常帶紫色,花淡黃白色。變種:毛太平花,又稱

33、“寶仙” 。小枝于葉兩面均有硬毛,葉柄綠色,花序通常具5朵花,短而密集,產(chǎn)陜西華山,花期6月。山梅花 P .incanus 萼片外面有毛,葉背密生灰色柔毛,脈上特多,花期57月,陜西、甘肅、四川等地均有分布。西洋山梅花 P. coronaris溲疏屬 DeutziaThe Deutzia species are shrubs ranging from 1-4 m in height. Most are deciduous, but a few subtropical species are evergreen. The leaves are opposite, simple, with a s

34、errated margin. The flowers are produced in panicles(圓錐花序) or corymbs(傘狀花序); they are white in most species, sometimes pink or reddish. The fruit is a dry capsule containing numerous small seeds. Identification of the species is very difficult, requiring often microscopic detail of the leaf hairs an

35、d seed capsule structure.溲疏屬 Deutzia落葉灌木,小枝中空,單葉對(duì)生,萼片花瓣各為5,雄蕊10,蒴果。約100種,分布于北溫帶,中國約50種,以西部最多。大花溲疏與小花溲疏 大花溲疏 D. grandiflora花期4月中旬或下旬,陜西有分布,花瓣在芽內(nèi)鑷合狀排列,花13多聚傘狀。小花溲疏 D. parviflora 花在花芽內(nèi)覆瓦狀,傘房花序,花期56月,分布華北,東北。大花溲疏小花溲疏溲疏(重瓣)Deutzia wilsoniDeutzia gracilis八仙花屬(繡球花屬) Hydrangea形態(tài): 落葉灌木,小枝通常具白色或黃棕色髓心,單葉對(duì)生,花兩性,成頂生聚傘或圓錐花序,花序邊緣具大型不育花;不育花具3-5花瓣?duì)钶嗥?;可育花萼片、花瓣各?5,雄蕊820,通常10.蒴果。約85種,中國45種。八仙花屬(繡球花屬) HydrangeaHydrangea is a genus of about 70-75 species of flowering plants native to southern and eastern Asia.By far the greatest species diversity is in eastern Asia, notably China a


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