1、名詞專有名詞(Proper Nouns)普通名詞(Common Nouns)個體名詞(Individual Nouns)集體名詞(Collective Nouns)物質(zhì)名詞(Material Nouns)抽象名詞(Abstract Nouns)不可數(shù)名詞(Uncountable Nouns)可數(shù)名詞(Countable Nouns)Proper Nouns:專有名詞指人名、地名及某些人和事物專有的名稱Diana; Beijing; Americans;English; May; New Years Day注意:專有名詞的第一個字母要大寫Common Nouns:專有名詞以外的名詞都是普通名詞集
2、體名詞army; audience; crew; family; team; police; government; public1. His family_ large.2. His family _ all music lovers.他的家不是個大家庭。 他的家人都是音樂愛好者。isntare在不少情況下,集體名詞后單復數(shù)動詞都可以用,沒什么差別。The audience _ excited by the show.was/ were集體名詞有時作單數(shù)看待,有時作復數(shù)看。一般來說,視為整體時作單數(shù)看,突出它的成員時作復數(shù)看。Material Nouns (物質(zhì)名詞) : 指無法分為個體的東
3、西。beer; cloth; cotton; fur; ice; paint; paper; soil一般來說,物質(zhì)名詞是不可數(shù)的,因而沒有復數(shù)形式。但有一些特殊情況:1)表示“一份”、“一杯”、“一種”時, 物質(zhì)名詞可用作可數(shù)名詞。Two strong black coffees, please. Three beers, please. It was a special tea. 2)個別物質(zhì)名詞的復數(shù)形式表示特別的意義。rains snows waters( 兩份)(三杯)(一種)(雨季)(積雪)(海域)Abstract Nouns(抽象名詞): 表示一些抽象的概念。education;
4、 love; policy; trust; nature; fashion; relief; silence; truth,etc.多數(shù)情況下,這種名詞常用于單數(shù)形式,不加任何冠詞。1. Hes learning French for fun.2. I wish you good luck.當這類詞具體化時,可以加冠詞。1. He works hard for the welfare (福利) of the poor. 2. After a brief peace, war broke out again. 有些名詞可以兼作可數(shù)名詞和不可數(shù)名詞。glass ( 玻璃 )copper ( 銅 )
5、tin ( 錫 )paper ( 紙 )iron (鐵 )wood ( 木頭 )gold (金子 )youth (青春 )power ( 力量 )beauty ( 美 )pleasure( 愉快 )relation(關(guān)系)a glass ( 玻璃杯 )a copper ( 銅板 )a tin ( 罐頭)a paper ( 報紙,證件,論文 )an iron (熨斗 )a wood ( 樹林 )a gold (金牌 )a youth (年青人 )a power ( 大國 )a beauty ( 美人,美的東西 )a pleasure( 使人感到愉快的事 )a relation(親戚)英語中有許多
6、對詞, 一個可數(shù), 一個不可數(shù)。a poem(一首詩 )a machine(一臺機器 )a job(一件工作 )a laugh(一個笑聲 )a permit(許可證 )a garment (一件衣裳 )a bag(case) (一件行李 )a loaf (一只面包 )a hair(一根頭發(fā) )poetry(詩歌總稱 )machinery(機器總稱 )work(工作 )laughter(笑聲 )permission(允許 )clothing(衣裳總稱 )luggage, baggage(行李 )bread(面包 )hair( 頭發(fā))1. 一般情況加 -s1)清輔音后讀/s/ maps books
7、 2)濁輔音和元音后讀 /z/ bags cars名詞復數(shù)的規(guī)則變化及讀音重點名詞復數(shù)2. 以s, sh, ch, x 等結(jié)尾的詞加 es,讀 /iz/ buses dishes watches boxes 特例:以 ch 結(jié)尾的名詞發(fā)音為 k時,只加 s,讀 /s/。stomachs 3. 以ce, se, ze, (d)ge 等結(jié)尾的詞加 s, es 讀 /iz/ cases bridges exercises changes 名詞復數(shù)的規(guī)則變化及讀音5. 以y 結(jié)尾的專有名詞,或元音字母+y 結(jié)尾的名詞變復數(shù)時,直接加-s變復數(shù):讀 /z/ two Marysthe Henrys mon
8、keys holidays4. 以輔音字母+y結(jié)尾的詞變y 為i 再加es, ies 讀 /iz/ party-parties baby-babies名詞復數(shù)的規(guī)則變化及讀音6. 以f 或 fe 結(jié)尾的名詞變復數(shù)時: a. 加-s 讀 /s/ roofs gulfs chiefs safes cliffs beliefsb. 去f, fe 加-ves,讀 /vz/half-halvesknife-knives self-selvesleaf-leaves wolf-wolves shelf-shelveslife-lives thief-thieves wife-wives c. 均可 han
9、dkerchief - handkerchiefs / handkerchieves hoof(蹄)-hoofs/hooves名詞復數(shù)的規(guī)則變化及讀音妻子(wife)在書架(shelf)上拿了一片葉子(leaf)當做小刀(knife)把小偷(thief)當做狼(wolf)劈成兩半(half)后自己(self)逃命(life)了。 一個首領(lǐng)(chief)帶著一個信念(belief)在海灣(gulf)的懸崖(cliff)上發(fā)現(xiàn)一個屋頂(roof)上面有個保險箱(safe)。7. 字母o結(jié)尾,有生命的加 es,無生命的加s,讀 /z/。tomatoespotatoesheroespianos pho
10、tos kilos tobaccos radios zoos bamboos名詞復數(shù)的規(guī)則變化及讀音foot- feettooth -teeth名詞復數(shù)的不規(guī)則變化(1)goose-geeseoo eechild - childrenmouse - miceox-oxen+enouse iceman - menwoman - womenmen doctorswomen teachers只要是含man的, 復數(shù)為men, 如名詞有man或woman修飾的,變成復數(shù)時兩個詞都要變成復數(shù)。單數(shù)復數(shù)basisanalysisbacteriumdatummediumphenomenonbasesanal
11、ysesbacteriadatamedia phenomena名詞復數(shù)的不規(guī)則變化(2):單復數(shù)形式相同sheep deer means(方法) series (系列) species works(著作,工廠) Chinese Japanese國家人的名詞需要記住三種情況:1、單復數(shù)同形:Chinese; Japanese; Swiss2、需要變形:English - Englishman3、加 s 或 -es:German Germans中日不變英法變,其余S加后面。1.6 不同國家的人的單復數(shù) 名稱 總稱(謂語用復數(shù))一個人 兩個人中國人the Chinese a Chinese two
12、Chinese日本人the Japanesea Japanese two Japanese瑞士人the Swiss a Swiss two Swiss英國人 the English an Englishmantwo Englishmen法國人 the French a Frenchmantwo Frenchmen美國人the Americans an Americantwo Americans德國人the Germansa Germantwo Germans加拿大人the Canadians a Canadian two Canadians澳大利亞人the Australians an Aus
13、tralian two Australians 俄國人the Russians a Russiantwo Russians印度人the Indians an Indian two Indians意大利人the Italians an Italian two Italians希臘人the Greek a Greektwo Greeks瑞典人the Swedisha Swedetwo Swedes _ will make a trip around the world during the coming Christmas. A. The Evens B. The Evens C. The Eve
14、nses D. The Evenses專有名詞的復數(shù)與定冠詞連用,常用來表示“一家人”或一家之中的兩個或幾個重要的人。Mr Smith has two _, both of whom are teachers in a school. Abrothers-in-law Bbrother-in-laws Cbrothers-in-laws Dbrothers-in law以連字符號連接的合成名詞一般將中心名詞變成復數(shù),如:managers-in-chief; fathers-in-law。如果沒有中心名詞就在該合成詞的最后加 s。如:grown-ups。以s結(jié)尾的復數(shù)名詞后只加撇號不加s。 如:
15、teachers office。2. 表示兩個或多人共有的,在最后一個名詞后加s。 如:Tom and Johns room。3. 在表示店鋪或教堂的名字或某人的家時,名詞所有格的后面常常不出現(xiàn)它所修飾的名詞, 如:the barbers 理發(fā)店。名詞的所有格 名詞的所有格有兩種形式:s式和of式。一般說來,表示有生命的名詞和表示時間、國家、距離等的名詞的所有格用s,但還須注意以下幾點:1.Miss Smith is a friend of_. A. Marys mothers B. Marys mother C. Mothers of Mary D. Mary mothers2. Where
16、s your brother? At _. A. Mr. Greens B. Mr. Green C. the Mr. Greens D. the Mr. Green3.I wonder whose bicycle it is. It might be my_ A. neighbours B. neighbour C. neighbours1. Tom is a worker. ( )2. The Childrens Palace is near Janes home. ( )3. She gave me some good advice. ( )主語,介詞賓語動詞賓語名詞在句中所做的成分主語
17、,表語4. He didnt go there because of his illness. ( )5. We made Tom our monitor. ( )6. We students should study hard. ( )介詞賓語賓語補足語同位語7. The authors name is on the cover of the book. ( )8. This book is of great use. ( )主語,介詞賓語主語,介詞賓語可數(shù)與不可數(shù)名詞的修飾語只修飾可數(shù)名詞的有each, either, neither, another, these, those, bot
18、h, (a) few, several, many, a great /good many, a large number of, scores of, dozens of等。2. 只修飾不可數(shù)的有(a) little, much, a bit of, a great deal of, a large amount of等。3. 修飾可數(shù)和不可數(shù)名詞的有some, any, half, most, all, a lot of, lots of, plenty of, a large quantity of, quantities of等。名詞在高考中的運用 Divorced men must
19、pay money for their children and sometimes pay alimony to their wives .money B. dresses C. attention D. visits2. Please answer the questions in the questionnaire and write down the advice if youve got any. book B. picture C. exam D. a written list of questions_名詞在閱讀中的猜詞上下文詞根_ 名詞在完型填空中的運用: 1. Weve mi
20、ssed the last bus. Im afraid we have no _ but to take a taxi. way B. choice C. possibility D. selection 2. I am sure David will be able to find the library he has a pretty good _ of direction. Aidea Bfeeling Cexperience Dsense3. When the bell rang and the teacher closed his book , it was a _for ever
21、yone to stand up. chance B. mark C. way D. signal4. Carelessness is the usual _of fire.A. reason B. cause C. excuse D. origin意思? 搭配? 內(nèi)涵區(qū)別?1. (16.全國I) But for tourists like me, pandas are its _ (attract).2. (16.全國I) The nursery team switches him every few _ (day) with his sister so that while one is
22、being bottle-fed.3. (16.全國II) Then, handle the most important tasks first so youll feel a real sense of _ (achieve).attraction days achievement 名詞在語法填空中的運用:4. (16.全國II) Recent _ (study) show that we are far more productive at work if we take short break regularly.5. (16.四川) Any smell might attract n
23、atural _ (enemy) that would try to eat the little panda.6. (16.浙江) It is important to pay your electricity bill on time, as late _ (pay) may affect your credit.studies enemies payments 7. (16.浙江) We can achieve a lot when we learn to let our _ (different) unite, rather than divide us. 8. (15.全國I) Id
24、 skipped nearby Guilin, a dream place for. the Li River that are pictured by artists in so many Chinese _ (painting) in which you laugh at her.differencespaintings 可數(shù),不可數(shù)?單數(shù),復數(shù) ?所有格?看句中的相關(guān)冠詞和謂語的單復數(shù)和句意來判斷。1.(16.全國I) My uncle tells me that the key to his success is honest. 2.(16.全國II) If we go on a tr
25、ip abroad, we can broaden our view and gain knowledges we cannot get from books.3.(16.四川) Mom has a full-time job, but she has to do most of the houseworks.名詞在改錯中的運用honestyknowledgehousework4.(15.全國I) The airs we breathe in is getting dirtier and dirtier.5.(15.全國II) One day, little Tony went to a sh
26、opping center with his parent. he turned around and found that his parents were missing.6.(14.全國I).since then- for all these year-we have been allowing tomatoes to self seed where they please.airparentsyears1. Here I will give you some advices on how to build up friendship.2. Teacher and parent expr
27、ess their congratulations and expectation. 3. I hope all the person have good table manners .名詞在寫作中的運用peopleadvice1.可數(shù) 不可數(shù)? 2.單數(shù) 復數(shù)? 3. 復數(shù)形式?ss看一輪,二輪復習練習一、完成句子根據(jù)漢語提示, 完成下列句子。1. Two _ (月) ago,three _ (英雄) caught four _ (小偷).They made them plant some _ (土豆) and _(竹子) in two _ (動物園). They also made the
28、ir _(妻子們) return the four big _(箱子)with some precious _ (照片)and _ (刷子)in them.monthsheroesthieves potatoesbambooszooswivesboxes photosrevisionbrushes2. Two _(主編),three _ (男教師) and five _ (女醫(yī)生), together with their _(孩子們), went to the market. They decided to buy two _(綿羊), three _(鹿), four _(公牛), fiv
29、e _(鵝)and six white _(老鼠)with three _ (腳) and six _(牙齒).teetheditors-in-chiefmen teacherswomen doctors children sheepdeer oxengeesemice feet1. All the teacher and student attended the grown-up ceremony.2. A Student made a speaking for us. 3. Good listen can show respect and promote understanding .改一
30、改 slisteningspeechs名詞所有格的一些俚語:Ill take the risk for friendships sake.She was at her wits end.Now they could sing at their hearts content.We should get the children out of harms way.We had best keep them at arms length.For goodness sake,stop arguing.Jane got the moneys worth out of the coat. (為了友誼)(黔
31、驢技窮)(盡情地)(不受損害)(保持距離)(看在上帝的份上)(很合算)主謂一致。語法形式上的一致(主單謂單;主復謂復)。意義上的一致(主語形單意復,謂語用復數(shù)。Eg:people;police) (主語形復意單,謂語用單數(shù)。Eg: news;economics) 3.就近原則:eitheror; neithernor; not onlybut also4. 單復數(shù)視情況而定。)集體名詞作主語:強調(diào)整體,用單數(shù);強調(diào)個體,用復數(shù))單復數(shù)同形名詞作主語,按意義一致原則。Eg:means,species)中心詞是all, most, half, rest時,按意義一致原則。即主語單數(shù)意義,謂語用單數(shù)
32、;主語復數(shù)意義,謂語用復數(shù)。)主語是and連接兩個名詞時,指一樣東西,謂語單數(shù);指兩樣東西,謂語復數(shù)。Eg: A knife and fork is on the table. 5)代詞作主語,取決于它代替的是單數(shù)還是復數(shù)。意義一致原則。Eg: ours, yours; such, the same; who, that, which; any, either, neither,(單獨作主語,謂語單數(shù)) none, all, some, more, )分數(shù),量詞,half of, part of作主語,于中心詞保持一致。)what 引導的主語從句。通常用單數(shù);所指的具體內(nèi)容為復數(shù)時,謂語用復數(shù)
33、。)主謂倒裝,謂語與其后主語一致。謂語用單數(shù)的情況。)名詞所有格之后的名詞被省略。(指商店,工場,住宅等)作主語。Eg: The doctors, my uncles, the bakers2) 中心詞是時間、距離、金額、度量、書名等復數(shù)名詞。Eg: three years; The selected poems of Li Bai; 3) each, every, no 所修飾名詞,即使以and 或逗號連接。Eg: each boy and each girl ; every man and woman4) 主語有more than one; many a 5) a kind of; a pair of; a series of6) This kind of7) The number of8) A great deal of; a large amo
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