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1、上海海事大學信息工程學院Unit 2 Simulation of Random VariablesWords and expressionsText and notesGrammarExercisesReading material上海海事大學信息工程學院Words and expressionsAdvocate n.主張者,贊成者Alternativeadj.另一個可選擇的Argumentn.自變量Concentrationn.集中,集合,濃縮Convergev.收斂 (n. convergence)Deficiencyn.缺乏,不足Derivativen.導數Dien.骰子Differen

2、tiableadj.可微分的Dispersev.(使)分散,(使)散開,疏散Facilityn.設備,工具上海海事大學信息工程學院Words and expressionsHistogramn.直方圖Inferencen.推論Interpretationn.說明,解釋Profilen.剖面,側面,外形,輪廓Proportionn.比例Pseudo-randomadj.偽隨機的Refractionn.折射Stabilizev.穩(wěn)定 (n. stabilization)Statisticaladj.統(tǒng)計的,統(tǒng)計學的Stochasticadj.隨機的Successiveadj.連續(xù)的上海海事大學信息

3、工程學院Words and expressionsTossv./n. 投,擲Underliev. 位于之下,成為的基礎By means of 依靠Consist of 由組成Give rise to 引起,使發(fā)生In contrast with 和形成對比對照In terms of 根據,按照,用的話,在方面Bernoulli distribution 伯努利分布Binomial distribution 二項式分布Normal distribution 正態(tài)分布Poisson distribution 泊松分布Probability density function概率密度函數(abbr.

4、pdf)Uniform distribution均勻分布上海海事大學信息工程學院Text and notesThis article is about random variables. It include three parts:Interpretations of probabilityRandom variables: definition; discrete random variables; continuous random variablesRandom variables for simulation上海海事大學信息工程學院Text and notesThis concept

5、 of probability is of an objective quantity that applies to each observation and measure (in a relative way) how likely it is to fall into the corresponding class.概率的這種定義是客觀的,它應用于每次觀測,并以一種相對的方式度量其結果歸入相應類別的可能性。上海海事大學信息工程學院Text and notesIt seems that one is forced into a subjective view of the uncerta

6、inties, but the probability figures that emerge must obey certain rules in order to be consistent.看來,人們對這種不確定性陷入了自己的主觀判斷中,但是由此產生的概率必須遵循某些準則以保持一致性。上海海事大學信息工程學院Text and notesFor engineering students it is most appropriate to keep the first interpretation-that of probability as an idealized proportion-

7、in mind when studying the theory.對于工科學生,學習概率時應謹記,概率就是理性的比例。上海海事大學信息工程學院Text and notesThis may seem a hopeless requirement, considering that computer programs are sequences of deterministic instructions running on deterministic hardware.由于計算機程序是在確定的硬件上運行的確定的指令,這似乎是個奢求。上海海事大學信息工程學院Text and notesThe su

8、ccessive variables appear to be uncorrelated, and, although there is some structure in the sequence (and indeed the sequences will eventually repeat itself), it is rare for these deficiencies to cause problems in practice.序列 中的元素看似互不相關,盡管在序列中存在某些結構(該序列最終的確重復),但是這并不影響實際應用。上海海事大學信息工程學院Grammar專業(yè)英語詞匯的構成

9、許多單詞在普通英語中的意義與在專業(yè)英語中的意義相差很大專業(yè)詞匯(Technical words):histogram, probability, oscillator半專業(yè)詞匯(semi-technical words): carrier(載波,載流子,載重架,載體,吸收劑)非專業(yè)詞匯(non-technical words): application, implementation, yield etc.很多專業(yè)詞匯符合構詞法:派生、復合、轉化、縮略、拼綴等。上海海事大學信息工程學院1、派生法(Derivation)在原有詞根的基礎上加前綴或后綴:常用前綴:a-:不,無 asymmetry,

10、 asynchronousanti-:反抗、防止anti-clockwiseco-:共同、相互cooperation, correlationdis-:不,除disadvantage,discoveren-/em-:使enable, enlarge, embed, embody(包含,收錄)im-/il-/in-/ir-:不imbalance, illegible, incorrect, irregularInter-:在之間,相互interchange, interface, internet, interactmis-:不,失miscount, mistake上海海事大學信息工程學院1、派

11、生法(Derivation)multi-/poly-:多multipurpose, polynomial(多項式)non-:非、不nonlinear, nondestructivepost-:后postgraduate, posteriorpre-:預先preset, prefacere-:再、反、重新reaction, readjust, reversesub-:次于、在下subroutine(子程序), subscriptsuper-:超,在上superconductor, superposition(重合,疊加)sym-/syn-:相同symmetry, synchronoustele-

12、:遠離telephone, telegraphtrans-:跨、移transmitter, transverse(橫), transformultra-:外、極、超ultrasonic(超聲波), ultraviolet ray(紫外線)un-:不unable, unavoidable, unstable上海海事大學信息工程學院1、派生法(Derivation)常用表示數量關系的前綴:pico-:10-12ppicofaradnano-:10-9n nanometermicro-:10-6 microhenrymilli-: 10-3mmillisecondkilo-: 103 kkilogr

13、ammega-: 106Mmegahertzgiga-: 109Ggigabytessemi-/hemi-:半semiconductor, hemisphereuni-/mon-:一monotone, uniformbi-/di-/ambi-/twi-:二bilateral, diode, ambiguous, twilighttri-:三triangle, tripodquadr-:四quadrupleoct-:八octagondeca-:十decade上海海事大學信息工程學院1、派生法(Derivation)常用后綴:-ance/-ancy/-cy/-ence/-ency:表示情況、性質、

14、狀態(tài)、程度等:inference, resistance, efficiency, accuracy-er/-or:表示人或物:amplifier, conductor, researcher-ic(s):學科、學術:logic, electronics-tion/-sion/-ing: 表示動作及其過程、狀態(tài)和結果:distribution, conclusion, readings, recordings-ist:表示人:scientist, specialist-ity:表示性質、程度等:probability, uncertainty-ment:表示動作、狀態(tài)等:measurement

15、, development-ture:表示性質、狀態(tài)等:mixture, temperature-ness:形容詞名次后綴:hardness, robustness上海海事大學信息工程學院1、派生法(Derivation)常用后綴:-able:表示可能性:differentiable, countable, controllable-cal/-ical:表示性質:statistical, atomic, typical-ant/-ent:表示狀態(tài)、性質:convergent, important, independent-ary: 與有關的:circular, secondary-ed:已的,

16、被的:reduced, treated, refined, developed-ive:表示性質、狀態(tài)等:objective, relative, effective-ful:充滿的:plentiful, useful-less:沒有,無:useless, countless-ous:有性質的:numerous, various上海海事大學信息工程學院1、派生法(Derivation)常用后綴:-en:使變成:harden, broaden-ize/-ise:使成為:modernize, stabilize-fy:使成為.:classify, verify-ly:地:closely, like

17、ly, imperfectly, monthly-ward(s):表示方向:backwards, upwards-wise:表示方式、方向:clockwise, likewise上海海事大學信息工程學院1、派生法(Derivation)常用詞根:audi-:聽見,聽:audibility, audiphone(助聽器)auto-:自動,自己:automation, autopilot(自主導航,自主駕駛)-free:無:rustfree(防銹的)-fold:倍:multifold(多種多樣的,重疊的)-gram/-graph:記錄、寫、文字、圖形等:spectrogram(光譜圖), tele

18、gram, spectrograph(光譜儀)-graphy:圖像學:photography(攝影學)-meter:儀表、儀器:tachometer(轉速儀)-ology:學科:biology, geology-phone:聲音:microphone, telephone-proof:防:waterproof,-scope:觀測儀:telescope-tight:密、不透:airtight上海海事大學信息工程學院2、復合法(composition)由兩個或兩個以上詞匯按照一定順序排列構成新詞。 Trial and error(反復試驗); Q-factor; allowable error(允

19、許誤差)直接結合:breakthrough, overestimate, bandwidth連字符:general-purpose(多用途的), state-of-the-art(達到最新技術發(fā)展水平的)上海海事大學信息工程學院3、轉化法(conversion)詞性轉換,轉換后與原來的意義有密切聯系:function, sound, ground, use, record, increase, research, subject etc上海海事大學信息工程學院4、拼綴法(blending)以原有的兩個或者兩個以上詞為基礎,經過首尾剪裁,重新組合成新詞:Transistor=transfer+r

20、esistor modem=modulator+demodulator上海海事大學信息工程學院5、縮略法(shorting)以幾個單詞的首字母組合在一起成為一個新詞,多用于專有名詞Radar (radio detection and ranging) 雷達GPS (global positioning system) 全球定位系統(tǒng)上海海事大學信息工程學院代詞常用方法物主代詞作定語時所表示的主謂(主表)關系和動賓關系主謂關系:被修飾的名詞多數來自不及物動詞和形容詞This machine was limited in speed by its use of relays(繼電器) rather

21、than electronic devices.Physics is the most quantitative of the sciences, and we must become accustomed to its insistence upon accurate measurements and precise relationships if we are to appreciate its results.上海海事大學信息工程學院代詞常用方法動賓關系:被修飾的名詞必定來自于及物動詞The questions of convergence are not simple, and th

22、eir study forms an important chapter in modern analysis.Many scientists have worked at the theory of magnetism since its discovery.上海海事大學信息工程學院代詞常用方法代詞one的一個特殊用法在科技文中表示“有人、人們、大家”這一概念時,一般是不用people這個詞,多數英美科技工作者通常使用被動語態(tài)或者用one作主語的主動語態(tài)By the “most efficient” algorithm one normally means the fastest.If on

23、e wishes to detect objects, the radar transmitter may be used.上海海事大學信息工程學院代詞常用方法用it, its, they, their等代詞來代替句中的人或物Before it can work, a computer must be told what to do.Because of its capacity to handle large volumes of data in a very short time, a computer may be the only means of resolving problems

24、 when time is limited.上海海事大學信息工程學院常用寫作句型:A 隨B 變化的曲線圖 the graph (plot) of A as a function of B the graph (plot) of A versus (against) B the graph (plot) of the dependence of A on (upon) B the graph (plot) of the variation of A with B這理論來源于 The theory comes (stems, emerges, originates) from The theory

25、 is obtained (provided, furnished) from 上海海事大學信息工程學院常用寫作句型:本章論述了This chapter deals with (treats, covers, describes, discusses, involves, bears on) This chapter is devoted to (concerned with)這些數據使我們得出結論 These data lead us to a conclusion that These data enable us to conclude that _On the basis of the

26、se data one can conclude that From these data it can be conclude that 句子練習根據系統(tǒng)的幅頻特性曲線,我們得出結論,該系統(tǒng)是帶通濾波器。第二節(jié)介紹了該領域的研究現狀。深度學習的概念源于人工神經網絡的研究,其概念由Hinton等人于2006年提出。上海海事大學信息工程學院上海海事大學信息工程學院常用數學公式的表達與讀法科技文獻中常有大量的數學公式,表達定量關系。常用數學公式表示與讀法A posterPoster of Crowd saliency (ECCV2014)上海海事大學信息工程學院聽力訓練VOA news:Googl

27、e Self-Driving Car Heading to Public Streets上海海事大學信息工程學院Exercises1. Choose the best answer for each of the following questions.The theoretical foundation for the subject of statistics is contained in .a. histogramb. the concept of probabilityc. the theory of probabilityd. decision-making and expert

28、system上海海事大學信息工程學院cExercisesFor engineering students it is most appropriate to keep the first interpretation that of probability as an idealized proportion in mind when studying the theory. What does “that” mean in the sentence? .a. theoryb. conceptc. interpretationd. study上海海事大學信息工程學院cExercisesFind

29、 which is not an example of random variables .a. the number of students attending classb. the number of bits used to denote ASCII codesc. the lifetime of a batteryd. the waiting time at the crossroad上海海事大學信息工程學院bExercisesIn general, the behavior of a continuous random variable is described by a .a.

30、distribution functionb. probability functionc. probability distributiond. probability density function上海海事大學信息工程學院dExercisesRandom variables with different distributions can be generated .a. by Monte Carlo numerical methodsb. from an Gaussian distributed random sequencec. from uniformly distributed

31、pseudo- random sequenced. based on the central limit theorem上海海事大學信息工程學院cExercises2. Match the word pairs, one from Column A and one from Column B.Column AColumn B1.randoma. space2.expertb. babilityc. simulation4.densiyd. putere. function6.samplef. variable7.statisticalg. distribution

32、8.impossibleh. event9.standardi. system 10.relativej. inference上海海事大學信息工程學院Exercises3. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.(1) A lot of information is required to specify the exact distribution of a random variable, and even more to specify the joint distribution of two or more variables.

33、(2) The binomial and Poisson are discrete distributions, which have the widest applications among all discrete random variables. The probability distribution is especially useful to engineers because of its importance in statistical quality control. 上海海事大學信息工程學院Exercises3. Translate the following se

34、ntences into Chinese.(3) For any random variable the difference between the values of the distribution function at two pints is the probability that a value of the random variable will lie between those two points (or is equal to the upper one).(4) In general, the probability p of a random event can

35、 be interpreted as meaning that if the experiment is repeated a large number of times, the event would be observed about 100p percent of the time.上海海事大學信息工程學院Exercises3. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.(5) In statistics it is customary to refer to any process of observation as an expe

36、riment.(6) If an event definitely cannot occur upon realization of the set of conditions it is called impossible.上海海事大學信息工程學院Exercises4. Complete the sentences. You may have to change some words slightly.(1) _ is the study and use of electrical devices that operate by controlling the flow of _ or ot

37、her _ charged particle in devices such as vacuum tube and semiconductors.a. electronb. electronicc. electronicsd. electronically上海海事大學信息工程學院ElectronicselectronelectronicallyExercises(2) One of the best known computer _ which are very widely used in research, design and training is the flight _ upon

38、which pilots receive much of their training.a. simulationb. simulatorc. simulatingd. simulate(3) Signals are sent to _ to _.a. amplificationb. amplifierc. amplifyingd. amplify上海海事大學信息工程學院simulationsimulatoramplifiersbe amplifiedExercises(4)(a) It follows that we can use the one table for the standar

39、d normal for all calculations involving normal _.(b) However, a great many applications of probability theory concern quantitative _ rather than qualitative events.(c) There are two approaches to measuring the _ of random variables around their central values. The most important such measure is the _, a weighted sum of sequential differences between the possible values and the mean.上海海事大學信息工程學院variatesvariablesvariationvarianceExercises(d) Frequency response will be flat and bandwidth infinite because A


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