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1、安全系統(tǒng)設(shè)計(jì)主要元件Security System Design Elements授課老師:黃俊能1主要工具THE TOOLSThe tools of design includedrawings, 設(shè)計(jì)圖specifications, 產(chǎn)品規(guī)範(fàn)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)Interdiscipline coordination, 領(lǐng)域整合協(xié)調(diào)product selection,產(chǎn)品選擇project management, 專案管理client management. 客戶管理2設(shè)計(jì)圖DrawingsDrawings are the heart of the design.設(shè)計(jì)圖是設(shè)計(jì)案件的核心Drawings s

2、hould show the following包含以下The relationship of devices to their physical environment (plans, elevations, and physical details) 所有安全設(shè)備與實(shí)體環(huán)境之關(guān)係 (平面、高度建築物實(shí)體細(xì)節(jié))The relationship of devices to the conduit system and to power (plans and risers) 所有安全設(shè)備與電路及電源之關(guān)係(平面及高度)The relationship of devices to each oth

3、er (single line diagrams) 所有安全設(shè)備與其他之關(guān)係(單線圖)The relationship of devices to the user (programming schedules) 所有安全設(shè)備與使用者之關(guān)係(時(shí)程考量)3設(shè)計(jì)圖DrawingsDrawings must serve five distinct types of users 設(shè)計(jì)圖必需服務(wù)五個(gè)主要使用者:1. The bid estimator: 標(biāo)案估價(jià)師Helpful drawing tools include device schedules (spreadsheets listing de

4、vices and their attributes) 有用的設(shè)計(jì)圖應(yīng)包含有設(shè)備的清單及設(shè)備的功能屬性 and plans showing device locations and conduit lengths, sizes, and wire fills. 設(shè)備裝置之位置、線路尺寸、長度、大小Other drawings useful to the bid estimator include single line diagrams, riser diagrams, and system interfacing diagrams. 各種線路圖4設(shè)計(jì)圖Drawings2. The insta

5、ller 安裝(工人)者:The installer needs drawings that show both the big picture and the smallest details. Therefore, it is helpful if the drawings are formatted in a hierarchical fashion.對安裝者而言,有用的設(shè)計(jì)圖應(yīng)該是有層級清楚的說明。Single lines show the big picture. Plans show device locations and their relationship to the bu

6、ilding and conduit system.單線圖展現(xiàn)全圖概念,平面圖展現(xiàn)設(shè)備位置及建築物與電源關(guān)係Physical details and interface details show the smaller details. 建物實(shí)體細(xì)節(jié)及界面展示各細(xì)部之內(nèi)容5設(shè)計(jì)圖Drawings3. The project manager專案經(jīng)理:The project manager needs to manage the progress (管理所有程序)Installation 安裝, including coordinating the ordering and arrival of

7、parts and supplies and coordinating manpower to the project at the correct time,in the correct place 正確位置, and in coordination with other trades to get all devices mounted and all connections made.He or she will primarily rely on schedules完全依賴設(shè)計(jì)圖說所提供之指示for provisioning logistics, 後勤plans to measure

8、installation progress, 安裝計(jì)畫and single line diagrams to gauge how close the system is to start-up. 確認(rèn)系統(tǒng)啟用6設(shè)計(jì)圖Drawings4. The maintenance technician 維護(hù)技師:維護(hù)工作是非常重要且煩瑣之工作will need single line diagrams to determine how the system interconnects, plans to determine where devices are located and how they co

9、nnect in the physical space, and risers and power schedules to know where to go from floor to floor and the source of power for each device.需要了解系統(tǒng)的各項(xiàng)細(xì)節(jié)、系統(tǒng)固定維護(hù)時(shí)程及所有維修資源之細(xì)項(xiàng)內(nèi)容The integrator should be required to provide maintenance manuals that have all these drawings.提供必要之維護(hù)手冊7設(shè)計(jì)圖Drawings5. The next e

10、ngineer expanding the system下次系統(tǒng)擴(kuò)充展延之需求:Many systems undergo expansion on an irregular basis.許多系統(tǒng)並無統(tǒng)一規(guī)定next engineer will need all of drawings in order to understand how to expand the system. 下一位工程師需要所有相關(guān)圖說,以方便了解如何擴(kuò)充系統(tǒng)之展延The client should receive all your drawings in AutoCADR form and specifications

11、 in Adobe PDF form. 交付客戶時(shí),應(yīng)該有所有以AutoCAD 軟體為基礎(chǔ)之圖,及PDA為基礎(chǔ)之之文件說明。8產(chǎn)品規(guī)範(fàn)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)SpecificationsIf drawings are the heart of the design, specifications are the head. 產(chǎn)品規(guī)範(fàn)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)與設(shè)計(jì)圖亦是同樣重要的地位Specifications generally take precedent in legal disputes. 是重要的法律糾紛前例Specifications should includea description of what the proj

12、ect entails;descriptions of the whole integrated system and each subsystem;a description of the services the contractor will provide;and a list of acceptable products and acceptable installation, testing, acceptance, training, and warranty practices.9產(chǎn)品選擇Product SelectionSpecifying the correct produ

13、cts for the job can result in a wonderful system that can easily exceed the owners expectations. 正確產(chǎn)品選擇可達(dá)到業(yè)主的滿意期待The wrong products can leave the owner upset with the installer, the manufacturer, and the designer. 錯(cuò)誤產(chǎn)品選擇造成工作專隊(duì)的困擾If the owner suffers, everyone suffers. The operator suffers, the maint

14、enance tech suffers, the integrator who has to listen to an unhappy client suffers, the manufacturer suffers, and the industry suffers.系統(tǒng)整合者必需非常小心查驗(yàn)產(chǎn)品所帶給所有人的感受,如果客戶使用上覺得痛苦不好用、所有團(tuán)隊(duì)成員都會覺得痛苦。連帶產(chǎn)業(yè)都會有所影響。Respect the clients interests in product selections. Have a pure heart on this. 重視客戶的興趣與選擇,是產(chǎn)品選擇的重要關(guān)鍵

15、。10領(lǐng)域整合協(xié)調(diào)Interdiscipline CoordinationThis is where enterprise and integrated security systems make it or break it. 成敗之關(guān)鍵Some designers are especially adroit at coordinating the interfaces of related systems. Their interfaces work beyond all expectations and their clients are extremely satisfied. 系統(tǒng)設(shè)

16、計(jì)師之經(jīng)驗(yàn)直接影響業(yè)主的滿意度a challenge to design an alarm/CCTV/voice communications system to protect an unmanned offshore oil platform where there was only a 60-kb satellite up/downlink throughput and only 24 watts of power available to power the security system equipment. 作者曾經(jīng)有過的經(jīng)驗(yàn):整合警示/CCTV/語音在無人的海岸石油平臺,該系統(tǒng)只

17、有60-kb衛(wèi)星傳輸及24 watts電力之安全設(shè)備11領(lǐng)域整合協(xié)調(diào)Interdiscipline Coordination原設(shè)計(jì):A normal system design would have required the client to spend an additional $6,000 per month on satellite throughput and a new capital investment of $100,000 in additional solar panels to power it. (將花掉業(yè)主大量的費(fèi)用,額外安裝衛(wèi)星傳輸及太陽能發(fā)電設(shè)備)作者的創(chuàng)作設(shè)

18、計(jì):Our design incorporated the existing satellite throughput and required no additional power investment. (整合現(xiàn)有衛(wèi)星傳輸及無增加任何的用電投資)This was done with off-the-shelf equipment simply by using an existing SCADA system and programmable logic controller to do alarm processing instead of adding a separate alar

19、m system and by manipulating the video data packet size and system operation so that only one camera was ever on the satellite at one time to limit video throughput. (增加了控制系統(tǒng)及邏輯運(yùn)算器而把警示器程序整合,最後只使用一個(gè)攝影機(jī)設(shè)備即解決了衛(wèi)星傳輸?shù)膯栴})12領(lǐng)域整合協(xié)調(diào)Interdiscipline Coordination原設(shè)計(jì):A normal system design would have required the

20、 client to spend an additional $6,000 per month on satellite throughput and a new capital investment of $100,000 in additional solar panels to power it. (將花掉業(yè)主大量的費(fèi)用,額外安裝衛(wèi)星傳輸及太陽能發(fā)電設(shè)備)作者的創(chuàng)作設(shè)計(jì):Our design incorporated the existing satellite throughput and required no additional power investment. (整合現(xiàn)有衛(wèi)星

21、傳輸及無增加任何的用電投資)This was done with off-the-shelf equipment simply by using an existing SCADA system and programmable logic controller to do alarm processing instead of adding a separate alarm system and by manipulating the video data packet size and system operation so that only one camera was ever on

22、 the satellite at one time to limit video throughput. (增加了控制系統(tǒng)及邏輯運(yùn)算器而把警示器程序整合,最後只使用一個(gè)攝影機(jī)設(shè)備即解決了衛(wèi)星傳輸?shù)膯栴})13領(lǐng)域整合協(xié)調(diào)Interdiscipline Coordination作者其他創(chuàng)見:sequenced one frame of video at a time across the satellite link in order to prevent contention between the cameras or trying to stuff too much data across

23、 a too small pipe. This sort of design expertise makes very happy clients and can be the difference between impossible and doable designs. (調(diào)整資料傳輸前後順序,解決了大量資料一次傳輸?shù)拇罅總鬏斝枨?14專案管理Project ManagementDesign project management is all about delivering a design that meets the clients needs, the integrators n

24、eeds, and the clients project managers needs. 專案經(jīng)理的重要任務(wù)是滿足業(yè)主的需求、整合者的需求、及業(yè)主專案管理的需求The designer must do all this while working on other projects; he or she must provide the project deliverables on time and complete, and keep all parties happy. 設(shè)計(jì)者需要使各專案在即定時(shí)程及各項(xiàng)要求下完成,提供所有專案成員歡愉的工作環(huán)境與流順。Project manageme

25、nt has four main phases(四階段):Initiating the project 啟始專案Planning the project 規(guī)劃專案Executing the project 執(zhí)行專案Controlling and closing the project 監(jiān)控專案進(jìn)行及專案順利結(jié)束完成15專案管理Project ManagementDesign project management is all about delivering a design that meets the clients needs, the integrators needs, and th

26、e clients project managers needs. 專案經(jīng)理的重要任務(wù)是滿足業(yè)主的需求、整合者的需求、及業(yè)主專案管理的需求The designer must do all this while working on other projects; he or she must provide the project deliverables on time and complete, and keep all parties happy. 設(shè)計(jì)者需要使各專案在即定時(shí)程及各項(xiàng)要求下完成,提供所有專案成員歡愉的工作環(huán)境與流順。Project management has four

27、main phases(四階段):Initiating the project 啟始專案Planning the project 規(guī)劃專案Executing the project 執(zhí)行專案Controlling and closing the project 監(jiān)控專案進(jìn)行及專案順利結(jié)束完成16專案管理Project ManagementThe Project Management Institute (PMI) certifies project managers with both the Project Management Professional (PMP) and PMI cert

28、ifications. The PMP process includes the following 專案管理學(xué)會認(rèn)證之專案管理師,專案管理應(yīng)有以下程序:Establishing the framework for project managementManaging the scope of the projectManaging timeManaging costManaging qualityManaging peopleManaging communicationsManaging riskManaging procurementManaging the projects integr

29、ation aspectsMaintaining a high level of professionalism throughout the project17專案管理Project ManagementThere are three main aspects to each project(有三項(xiàng)主要工作):Project scope of work 確認(rèn)工作規(guī)模與範(fàn)圍 Project schedule 掌握工程進(jìn)度Project cost 控制專案成本專案管理重要性:without the necessary structure, project management quickly d

30、escends into crisis management and then frequently damage control.Millions of dollars are lost each year by firms that entrust large projects to unqualified project managers.18專案管理Project ManagementOne of the most important aspects of project management is design management. (設(shè)計(jì)圖管理是重點(diǎn)) Here is the p

31、riority:Get project requirements.Get environmental information.Get and give coordination requirements information.Design the system.Check for accuracy.Revise design.Deliver the final design.19專案管理Project ManagementOne of the most important aspects of project management is design management. (設(shè)計(jì)圖管理是重

32、點(diǎn)) Here is the priority:Get project requirements.Get environmental information.Get and give coordination requirements information.Design the system.Check for accuracy.Revise design.Deliver the final design.20專案管理Project ManagementTips on Schedule ManagementThroughout the project, keep everyone else

33、on your schedule.Successful project management is the intersection of schedule control, scope control, and cost control. Experience helps more than a little. Project management is a science, but it is also an art.21專案管理Project ManagementI recommend two fine books to help with this (作者介紹兩本書):PMPR Exa

34、m PrepA Course in a Book (RMC Publications, ISBN 0-9711647-3-8)Project Rescue by Sanjiv Purba and Joseph J. Zucchero (McGraw-Hill/Osborne)22客戶管理Client ManagementTips on Relationship ManagementSomeday, you will find yourself sitting in a conference room full of people. They will includethe owners representative, the project manager (these two might be the same person),several architects (building shell and core, structural, interiors, and landscape),consultants (electrical, mechanical, plumb


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